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  My Day: Electronic Paper Umbrella - May 9 2006         
My Day: Electronic Paper Umbrella - May 9 2006
[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:64    更新时间:2006/10/28    文章录入:夏晶晶 ]

MY-DAY is like an umbrella, Instead of canvas, MY-DAY applied Electronic Paper on the surface. The storage and computer-chip are putted in the stem, data and electric force flow through umbrella frame. The storage is replaceable; each has six difference ambiances include active sky and audio. People freshen themselves by sunny-ambiance in raining day, or forest-ambiance in a hot afternoon. In addition, MY-DAY set lots service points in the world-wide, user could download various themes there, or asking for create personal theme for your self.

Designer: Hsiao Yong-li

  • 上一篇文章: Bleigiessen Sculpture - May 9 2006

  • 下一篇文章: Design Match Exhibition: Czech & Slovak Design - May 9 2006
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