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  Inflated House - May 10 2006         
Inflated House - May 10 2006
[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:62    更新时间:2006/10/28    文章录入:夏晶晶 ]

Nowadays people buy and sell houses which are so expensive and sometimes old and battered, but there is already a new generation housing, The prefabricated houses. Inflated house is an example of that generation. Made with recycled plastic sheet, steel and oilcloth, it provides a comfortable stay for living. Its characteristics are: The oilcloth part which saves space and weight, inflate whenever you want, you can also modify its size by an air pump (compressed air) making several combinations. So you can have a small or big house! Think about the advantages of this house, with less money you can grow your house according with your necessities. This house is also mobile so you can move it to other neighborhood or city by deflating and disassembling it. Talking about its structure, this house has an internal rigid steel structure which provides a strong resistance, so it is secure for living.

Designer: Alvarez Edgar Via: LivingBox

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