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  Martini Glass - May 12 2006         
Martini Glass - May 12 2006
[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:63    更新时间:2006/10/27    文章录入:夏晶晶 ]

A cube, a pure geometric shape, complemented by subtle, linear ridges that add serenity, honesty, and sophistication. These are the key elements of this design. In addition, the interior is to be used to create an expression of your personality as well as precious memories. Each time you return the inverted pyramid to the base, you associate a new memory with the cube, martini, and scent. Once you finish your martini, the upper portion may be laid on its side. The intention of this action is to give the glass character. It may say I do not want to be alone, I am incomplete without you, and I want to be refilled.
Designer: Keehoon Yoo

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