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[ 作者:现代快报    转贴自:http://it.sohu.com/20061013/n245777727.shtml    点击数:122    更新时间:2006/10/18    文章录入:谢川 ]











意大利都灵附近的小公司“巨杉自动控制”(Sequoia Automation)领导实施了这一项目,据估计,风筝风力发电机每兆瓦时能产生10亿瓦的电力,而每兆瓦时的成本仅有1.5欧元。而欧洲国家每兆瓦时发电的成本平均为43欧元,显然,风筝风力发电机的成本是后者的近三十分之一。








意大利政府机构ENEA研究再生能源的卢西亚诺·佩拉奇(Luciano Pirazzi)说:“鉴于风筝风力发电机的发电量及低成本,这确实是一个令人神往的项目。不过,该项目仍存在一系列不确定因素———目前,它基本上还只是停留在绘图板上的一个概念而已。其可行性有待于进一步证明。”人们心中对这种新型发电机的巨大疑问包括,发电机的安放位置以及令人头痛的空域许可证行政审批手续等问题。根据专家现在的推测,风筝风力发电机有可能会耸立在以前曾是特里诺维切累斯核电站所处区域的上空,那里早已是禁飞区。


风筝风力发电机也使都灵公用事业公司AEM相信其所具有的巨大价值,这家公司最终同意承担风筝风力发电的实验样机40%的费用,并作为技术合作伙伴在合约上签了字。这是AEM公司首次进行此类项目的投资,这家公司距意大利主要进行风车发电的沿海地区较远。AEM公司工程师安德里亚·庞塔说:“当第一眼看到这个设计时,你会忍不住发笑,因为它的样子实在有些滑稽。不过,随着对它的了解逐步深入,你会发现,这个想法安全可靠,且这项技术已经存在。” (任秋凌)

Power Kites to the Rescue!

Introduction to the Kite Wind Generator Project (PDF) at Sequoia Automation via Wired: Generating Power from Kites. I have flown a "trainer" kite for kite-surfing, and it's actually amazing how much control you have over a kite with just two strings. It's also amazing how strong a kite can be! In fact when I flew I speculated about possible power applications - not just for electricity but also for ocean ships. Now, somebody has actually done the math and some of the engineering, and it looks feasible to generate real power with kites!

As you can see in the picture, the idea is to basically control the kite for a "power cycle", similar to how a four-cycle internal combustion engine works. Start with a "power stroke", where the kite pulls the cables out and thereby delivers power. Next is a "control stroke" where you control the kite into a neutral "luffing" position - the kite is only catching enough wind to hold itself in place and is not pulling on the cables. The closing step is the "return stroke", where you reel the cables in under the luffing condition - requiring little power. Then start over.

The obvious disadvantage of this power generation system is that it's not constant - two of the three strokes actually consume power rather than generating it. A logical solution to this problem is to have multiple kites... line them up like we do with wind turbines.

However, the folks over at Sequoia have done something even more radical - they have put the kites together on a "shaft", like we do with engines, solving not the just stroke averaging problem but also the issues with constantly raising and lowering the kites. Imagine if you will a gigantic carousel, but replace the fake horses with kite controllers :-). The pulling kites are on one side, while the luffing ones are on the other. The carousel spins slowly around and generates electricity via a generator, just like a wind turbine. The kites can be much larger and the cables much longer, because now you don't need to generate power from the cable movement, freeing you up to just concentrate on the control and tension needs. You can also tandem the kites - putting 2 or more kites on each set of cables.

Now scale the carousel up, so that the kites are 30 feet across and the carousel is a kilometer (!) across. They claim that size is a 250MW installation. A two kilometer diameter is 5GW! Apparently a 3MW version (on par with big wind turbines today) is 200m across - still quite large, but in the same ball park as comparable wind turbines. Of course you have to ask about the plausibility of a 1km diameter carousel - that's big! Its probably easier than scaling a wind turbine up to a similar size though - because it's along the ground. Also because it's not solid (it's just a bunch of beams, etc) it's not as bad you think, but still I imagine the size of those beams! Also, I wonder about the possibility of kites tangling up with each other - clearly a bad disaster if it happens. Also, you sacrifice some portion of the energy that you could otherwise capture because your carousel only turns in one plane - i.e. you can no longer generate energy with the vertical component of the force on the cables, which is likely to be at least half of the force...

One thing which concerns me in their proposed carousel design is that it appears upside down. They have tension wire supports *above* the beams, which seems backwards to me since the kites are going to be pulling upward. Am I on crack or shouldn't those extra cables anchor to the base of the KiteGen structure rather than to an elevated point?

The obvious challenge in all of this is the control system - you need to make a kite controller that can keep those huge kites flying their pattern even if the wind gets nasty. This is a 21st century type of problem: embedding enough intelligence in our machines to do really amazing things automatically. I've studied enough control theory and worked with enough sensors to know that this kite control problem would be pretty hard - but certainly not impossible, especially if you had fairly steady winds. I can see the first WindGen Carousel being a tourist attraction, in the sense that watching these kites move around would be fascinating. Assuming they aren't so high as to be out of sight, of course :-)

The Sequoia people appear to have done quite a bit of work - they have a blog (in Italian, course, so use babelfish. Initial presentation of kite controllability, initial presentation of carousel concept, Project Proposal - which includes some interesting details about how they are going to create the Kite Control Unit (KCU) via a three step process. Mobile Generator (Italian PDF), their single kite, back of truck prototype system for generating power. Paper: Control of tethered airfoils for a new class of wind energy generator, which gives some of the control mathematics and simulation results. That would have been a cool project to work on!

Anyway, I'd say their biggest problem at this point is getting funding. The inventors seem to have an "Italy" mind-set - I've read in several places that they have kept the team and the funding to Italian places - no doubt this is part of their problem. The other part is that such an unconventional, innovative technology just does not fly (pun intended) with the conservative energy market. And like with the tallest wind turbines, there are airspace concerns. But I think there is serious potential, especially if they are willing to be flexible about deployment options - e.g. not bothering with the carousel for the first small installations, just using a few power kites. Maybe teaming them up with a Flow Battery to average the power. I for one would love to see kite power as a major contributor to our future energy supplies - they are suitably 21st century to really sound futuristic!

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