Cloud technologies are becoming an integral part of an engineer’s everyday lives. Cloud storage, services and CAD programs not only simplify our daily tasks, they also promote creativity. Over the past three years, the xApps applications I actively use have demonstrated just how remarkable this transformation is, offering an incredible experience on both my computer and tablet. But today, I want to focus on xDesign specifically. 云技术正在成为工程师日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。云存储、服务和 CAD 程序不仅简化了我们的日常任务,还促进了创造力。在过去的三年里,我积极使用的 xApps 应用程序证明了这种转变是多么显着,在我的计算机和平板电脑上提供了令人难以置信的体验。但今天,我想特别关注 xDesign。
Many engineers must wonder how xDesign’s cloud-based systems would perform when pushed to the limit. In this article, you will discover the performance differences between the R2024 and R2025 versions, while gaining insights into the advancements of cloud technology. 许多工程师一定想知道 xDesign 的基于云的系统在达到极限时将如何执行。在本文中,您将发现 R2024 和 R2025 版本之间的性能差异,同时深入了解云技术的进步。
I conducted xDesign performance tests on both commercial and academic tenants. Since the resources allocated to the system vary, based on the type of tenant, I wanted to observe the performance differences between them. Additionally, I ran the same tests on an Android tablet to demonstrate its performance on mobile. During the testing process, I performed all the steps according to the R2024 version, then repeated the same tests using the R2025 version and measured the performance improvements between the two. 我对商业和学术租户进行了 xDesign 性能测试。由于分配给系统的资源根据租户类型的不同而有所不同,因此我想观察它们之间的性能差异。此外,我在 Android 平板电脑上运行了相同的测试,以展示其在移动设备上的性能。在测试过程中,我按照R2024版本执行了所有步骤,然后使用R2025版本重复相同的测试,并测量了两者之间的性能改进。
Before the Test 测试前
Before starting the test, I made several important adjustments to my browser and xDesign settings. I also ran an Internet Speed Test, System Status Test and Network Performance Test to ensure my system was compatible with the platform. 在开始测试之前,我对浏览器和 xDesign 设置进行了几项重要调整。我还进行了互联网速度测试、系统状态测试和网络性能测试,以确保我的系统与该平台兼容。
Browser Settings 浏览器设置
To ensure my web browser was ready for the compatibility tests, I made a few reconfigurations. Please also note that throughout the test, I used Google Chrome. 为了确保我的网络浏览器已准备好进行兼容性测试,我进行了一些重新配置。另请注意,在整个测试过程中,我使用的是 Google Chrome。
1. Clearing cookies 1. 清除cookies
For a smoother experience, it’s beneficial to regularly clear your browser cookies. In this test, I began by clearing my browser cookies. 为了获得更流畅的体验,定期清除浏览器 cookie 很有好处。在此测试中,我首先清除浏览器 cookie。
2. Enabling GPU usage 2. 启用GPU使用
To allow your browser to use the GPU, you can follow the steps shown in the GIF. To activate the feature, make sure to select the Relaunch button as shown. The effect of GPU usage on xDesign can be observed in the System Status section. 要允许您的浏览器使用 GPU,您可以按照 GIF 中所示的步骤操作。要激活该功能,请确保选择“重新启动”按钮,如图所示。 GPU 使用对 xDesign 的影响可以在“系统状态”部分中观察到。
How to use graphic acceleration on the browser. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 如何在浏览器上使用图形加速。 (图片:冠军体验。)
Platform Compatibility 平台兼容性
1. Internet speed results 1. 网速结果
Cloud-based applications commonly require a stable and reliable internet connection. High speeds alone are not sufficient; low latency also provides a significant advantage when using these services. 基于云的应用程序通常需要稳定可靠的互联网连接。仅靠高速是不够的;在使用这些服务时,低延迟也提供了显着的优势。
My internet speed test. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 我的网速测试。 (图片:冠军体验。)
According to test results, my internet speed is at a good level. 根据测试结果,我的网速处于良好水平。
2. Network Performance 2. 网络性能
You can access the “About 3DEXPERIENCE Platform” command by clicking on the question mark icon on the platform screen. This feature allows us to verify if our internet connection falls within the range recommended by the platform. 您可以通过单击平台屏幕上的问号图标来访问“关于 3DEXPERIENCE 平台”命令。此功能允许我们验证我们的互联网连接是否在平台推荐的范围内。
How to find the “About 3DEXPERIENCE Platform” section. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 如何找到“关于 3DEXPERIENCE 平台”部分。 (图片:冠军体验。)
By selecting the Support menu in the popup window, you can view the latency and download rate of your internet connection. The results displaying in green signify that the system is performing well. 通过在弹出窗口中选择“支持”菜单,您可以查看互联网连接的延迟和下载速率。显示为绿色的结果表示系统运行良好。
My network performance is compatible. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 我的网络性能是兼容的。 (图片:冠军体验。)
However, if your internet speed is slow, you might encounter a screen like the one shown below. 但是,如果您的网速很慢,您可能会遇到如下所示的屏幕。
What a failed network performance test looks like. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 失败的网络性能测试是什么样子的。 (图片:冠军体验。)
3. System Status 3. 系统状态
The System Status feature within xDesign allows you to check if your system meets the requirements to use this application effectively. You can access the System Status command via the Standard menu in the Action Bar, as shown in the image. xDesign 中的系统状态功能允许您检查您的系统是否满足有效使用此应用程序的要求。您可以通过操作栏中的标准菜单访问系统状态命令,如图所示。
How to check your System Status on xDesign. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 如何在 xDesign 上检查系统状态。 (图片:冠军体验。)
My System Status with my GPU Active. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 我的系统状态(GPU 处于活动状态)。 (图片:冠军体验。)
Based on the results, our system status is in good condition. 根据结果,我们的系统状态良好。
If we hadn’t applied the GPU usage setting in the browser, we would have encountered a screen similar to the one shown below. 如果我们没有在浏览器中应用 GPU 使用设置,我们会遇到类似于下图所示的屏幕。
System Status when the browser can’t access the GPU. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 浏览器无法访问 GPU 时的系统状态。 (图片:冠军体验。)
xDesign Settings x设计设置
1. Creating a new dashboard 1. 创建新的仪表板
I created a new dashboard and added the xDesign widget using the platform’s drag and drop feature. I will conduct all tests from this screen. 我创建了一个新的仪表板,并使用平台的拖放功能添加了 xDesign 小部件。我将从这个屏幕进行所有测试。
How to creating a new dashboard. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 如何创建新的仪表板。 (图片:冠军体验。)
2. View Modes 2. 视图模式
I disabled the Display Materials option in the View Modes settings. You can access the View Modes command via the View menu in the Action Bar, as shown in the image. 我在“视图模式”设置中禁用了“显示材质”选项。您可以通过操作栏中的“查看”菜单访问“查看模式”命令,如图所示。
How to access View Modes settings. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 如何访问查看模式设置。 (图片:冠军体验。)
For this change to take effect, it must be applied and saved on the relevant model. Doing this prevents the system from allocating resources to display colors and textures on the materials. 要使此更改生效,必须将其应用并保存到相关模型上。这样做可以防止系统分配资源来显示材质上的颜色和纹理。
My View Modes settings. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 我的视图模式设置。 (图片:冠军体验。)
Project data characteristics 项目数据特征
My tests were run on a locomotive project I created with the help of 17 team members. 我的测试是在我在 17 名团队成员的帮助下创建的机车项目上进行的。
Total number of parts: 839 零件总数: 839
Number of unique parts: 451 独特零件数量: 451
My locomotive project in xDesign. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 我在 xDesign 中的机车项目。 (图片:冠军体验。)
Testing procedures 测试程序
The tests I conducted can be seen below: 我进行的测试如下所示:
Assembly opening performance. 大会开幕表演。
Adding a new component performance. 添加新的组件性能。
Assembly mate performance. 装配伙伴的表现。
Lineer pattern performance. 线条图案性能。
Performance delays in moving, rotating or zooming. 移动、旋转或缩放时的性能延迟。
Solve performance. 解决性能。
Save performance. 节省性能。
To ensure a clearer assessment, I measured only the waiting times and subtracted the duration of operation steps (such as mouse movements, selections and entering values) from the total time to find the net duration. I then calculated the percentage performance difference between the two versions. 为了确保评估更清晰,我只测量了等待时间,并从总时间中减去操作步骤的持续时间(例如鼠标移动、选择和输入值)以得出净持续时间。然后我计算了两个版本之间的性能差异百分比。
Testing in commercial tenant 商业租户测试
1. Assembly opening performance 1. 装配开口性能
When opening a component in xDesign, there is loading time involved. During this period, you will encounter a three-step loading process: Initializing, Connecting and Opening. The first two steps load significantly faster compared to the last step. 在 xDesign 中打开组件时,需要加载时间。在此期间,您将遇到一个三步加载过程:初始化、连接和打开。与最后一步相比,前两个步骤的加载速度明显更快。
I measured the assembly opening performance of an 839-part assembly and found that the time to open decreased by 25.93% in R2025 compared to R2024. 我测量了包含 839 个零件的装配体的装配体打开性能,发现与 R2024 相比,R2025 的打开时间减少了 25.93%。
I usually keep the Display Material feature turned off due to my usage habits. But to answer the question of how enabling or disabling this feature affects performance, I conducted a test with the feature turned on. According to the test results, keeping this feature turned off improves waiting times by 29.82%. 由于我的使用习惯,我通常会关闭“显示材质”功能。但为了回答启用或禁用此功能如何影响性能的问题,我在打开该功能的情况下进行了测试。根据测试结果,关闭此功能可将等待时间缩短 29.82%。
2. Adding a new component performance 2.添加新组件性能
The component I added is a wagon consisting of 160 parts. I added the wagon to the assembly by typing the file name of the wagon into the search field and using the platforn’s drag and drop feature. 我添加的组件是一辆由 160 个零件组成的马车。我通过在搜索字段中输入货车的文件名并使用平台的拖放功能将货车添加到组件中。
How I searched for and added the wagon. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 我如何搜索并添加货车。 (图片:冠军体验。)
The performance of adding the wagon to the assembly was fast before, and the R2025 version maintains the same level of performance as the R2024 version. 之前将货车添加到装配中的性能很快,R2025版本保持了与R2024版本相同的性能水平。
3. Assembly mate performance 3. 装配配合性能
We will define coincident and concentric assembly relationships between the wagon and the train. You can access the Mate command through the Assembly menu in the Action Bar, as shown in this visual. 我们将定义货车和火车之间的重合和同心装配关系。您可以通过操作栏中的“装配”菜单访问“配合”命令,如此视觉效果所示。
How to find the Mate command. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 如何找到 Mate 命令。 (图片:冠军体验。)
I measured that the waiting time for creating the assembly relationship improved by 35.48% in the R2025 version compared to the R2024 version. 经测算,R2025版本中创建装配关系的等待时间比R2024版本缩短了35.48%。
4. Linear component pattern performance 4. 线性元件模式性能
Linear patterning is one of the most popular methods used in testing CAD programs. We will create eight duplicates of the wagon component at intervals of 63 cm. The Linear Component Pattern command can be accessed through the Assembly menu in the Action Bar, as shown in this visual. 线性图案是测试 CAD 程序时最常用的方法之一。我们将以 63 厘米的间隔创建八个货车组件的副本。可以通过操作栏中的“装配”菜单访问“线性组件阵列”命令,如此视觉效果所示。
How to find the Linear Component Pattern command. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 如何查找线性分量阵列命令。 (图片:冠军体验。)
The wagon component consists of 160 parts. After duplication, the total number of wagon parts will be equal to 8 * 160 = 1,280 parts. The original train had 839 parts, so after duplication, the current total part count of our assembly will be 2,119. 货车部件由 160 个零件组成。复制后,货车零件总数将等于 8 * 160 = 1,280 个零件。原来的火车有 839 个零件,因此复制后,我们目前的装配零件总数将为 2,119 个。
My locomotive project has 2,119 parts. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 我的机车项目有 2,119 个零件。 (图片:冠军体验。)
I measured that the duplication process using the Linear Component Pattern command showed a 21.74% performance improvement in R2025 compared to R2024. 我测量发现,与 R2024 相比,R2025 中使用线性组件模式命令的复制过程性能提高了 21.74%。
5. Performance delays in moving, rotating or zooming 5. 移动、旋转或缩放时的性能延迟
After duplication, we check if there are any performance issues by quickly zooming in and out of the train and rotating it. We test whether there is any lag or delay during these operations. 复制完成后,我们通过快速放大和缩小火车并旋转它来检查是否存在任何性能问题。我们测试这些操作期间是否存在任何滞后或延迟。
I did not detect any hang-ups or delays in my test results. 我没有在测试结果中发现任何挂断或延迟。
6. Solve performance 6. 解决性能
We will check the assembly’s solve time by clicking on the Solve command. You can access this command through the Standard menu in the Action Bar, as shown in this visual. 我们将通过单击“求解”命令来检查装配体的求解时间。您可以通过操作栏中的标准菜单访问此命令,如此视觉效果所示。
How to locate the Solve command. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 如何找到“求解”命令。 (图片:冠军体验。)
I measured that the assembly solve time performance improved by 33.33% in R2025 compared to R2024. 我测量发现,与 R2024 相比,R2025 的装配体求解时间性能提高了 33.33%。
7. Save performance 7. 保存性能
Finally, we save the assembly. You can access the Save command through the Standard menu in the Action Bar, as shown in this visual. 最后,我们保存装配体。您可以通过操作栏中的标准菜单访问“保存”命令,如此视觉效果所示。
How to find the Save command. (Image: Champion Xperience.) 如何找到“保存”命令。 (图片:冠军体验。)
The save performance was fast before, and the R2025 version maintains the same level of performance as the R2024 version. 之前保存性能很快,R2025版本保持了与R2024版本相同水平的性能。
Performance Improvement in R2025 Compared to R2024 与 R2024 相比,R2025 的性能改进
xDesign Test x设计测试
Performance Improvement (R2025 vs R2024) 性能改进(R2025 与 R2024)
Assembly Opening 大会开幕
Adding a New Component 添加新组件
Stable performance 性能稳定
Assembly Mate 装配伙伴
Lineer Component Pattern 线性组件模式
Moving, Rotating, or Zooming delays 移动、旋转或缩放延迟
No delays 没有延误
Solve 解决
Save 节省
Stable performance 性能稳定
Performance differences between tenants and devices 租户和设备之间的性能差异
In the R2024 version, I analyzed the general performance differences between tenants and devices (Workstation and Tablet) by averaging the test results conducted on Commercial and Education tenants. According to the test results: 在R2024版本中,我通过对商业和教育租户进行的测试结果进行平均,分析了租户和设备(工作站和平板电脑)之间的总体性能差异。根据测试结果:
The Commercial tenant demonstrates a 22.36% faster performance compared to the Education tenant, highlighting the effective allocation of resources to optimize performance. It should be noted that Dassault Systèmes is continuously investing in enhancing the performance of Educational tenants to ensure they benefit from the same high standards of service and efficiency. 与教育租户相比,商业租户的性能提高了 22.36%,凸显了资源的有效分配以优化性能。值得注意的是,达索系统不断投资于提高教育租户的绩效,以确保他们受益于同样高标准的服务和效率。
The test results conducted on an Android tablet within the Education tenant showed an 11.64% difference in performance compared to tests conducted on a workstation within the same tenant. This difference can be attributed to the fact that the software solution partially relies on hardware resources, and workstations generally offer more powerful processing capabilities compared to tablets. However, the portability and ease of use of the Android tablet provide valuable advantages that complement this difference, making it an ideal choice for flexible and convenient use. 在教育租户内的 Android 平板电脑上进行的测试结果显示,与在同一租户内的工作站上进行的测试相比,性能存在 11.64% 的差异。这种差异可以归因于软件解决方案部分依赖于硬件资源,并且与平板电脑相比,工作站通常提供更强大的处理能力。然而,Android 平板电脑的便携性和易用性提供了宝贵的优势,补充了这种差异,使其成为灵活方便使用的理想选择。
These test results provide valuable insights for comparing user experiences across different platforms and evaluating the advantages of each platform. 这些测试结果为比较不同平台的用户体验和评估每个平台的优势提供了宝贵的见解。
Conclusion 结论
I was introduced to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform three years ago. Since then, I have been using xDesign, xShape and other xApps applications on both computers and tablets with great satisfaction. When I first started using xDesign, I designed a 110-part RC car. While it offered an impressive technological experience at the time, today it delivers smooth and stable performance even in assemblies with more than 2,000 parts. This progress clearly demonstrates how quickly the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform is continuously improving the user experience. To drive this progress, the 3DEXPERIENCE platform is updated about four times a year and upgraded once a year, delivering continuous improvements and innovations to users year-round. 三年前,有人向我介绍了 3DEXPERIENCE 平台。从那时起,我一直在计算机和平板电脑上使用 xDesign、xShape 和其他 xApps 应用程序,非常满意。当我第一次开始使用 xDesign 时,我设计了一辆由 110 个部件组成的遥控汽车。虽然它在当时提供了令人印象深刻的技术体验,但如今,即使在具有 2,000 多个零件的装配体中,它也能提供平稳、稳定的性能。这一进展清楚地表明了 3DEXPERIENCE 平台持续改善用户体验的速度有多快。为了推动这一进步, 3DEXPERIENCE平台每年大约更新四次,每年升级一次,全年为用户带来持续的改进和创新。
The tests presented here were conducted on April 16 (R2024) and December 1 (R2025), 2024. 此处介绍的测试于 2024 年 4 月 16 日 (R2024) 和 12 月 1 日 (R2025) 进行。