ChampionXperience’s rocket design journey began with a spark of inspiration from at the Teknofest event; it guided us into an exciting design adventure. The initial design I created using xApps applications on my tablet led to a project idea that allowed us to directly experience the importance of collaborative work. This blog shares our journey, from the concept phase to solving technical issues, managing revisions and successfully completing our rocket and tower project. ChampionXperience 的火箭设计之旅始于 Teknofest 活动的灵感火花;它引导我们进入了一场激动人心的设计冒险。我在平板电脑上使用 xApps 应用程序创建的初始设计产生了一个项目想法,使我们能够直接体验协作工作的重要性。本博客分享了我们的旅程,从概念阶段到解决技术问题、管理修订并成功完成我们的火箭和塔项目。
Every project begins with an idea. At the Teknofest event in 2023, the most impressive product I encountered was a rocket. It inspired me to create my own design using the tablet I had with me at the time. I decided to design something similar, so before starting I examined the rocket in more detail. It consisted of four distinct sections, with conical contact surfaces between them. To ensure a more flexible and efficient design process, I began designing my rocket’s body using xShape. The ability to quickly shape the nose section made the design process both enjoyable and efficient. 每个项目都始于一个想法。在2023年的Teknofest活动上,我遇到的最令人印象深刻的产品是火箭。它启发我使用当时随身携带的平板电脑创建自己的设计。我决定设计类似的东西,所以在开始之前我更详细地检查了火箭。它由四个不同的部分组成,它们之间有锥形接触面。为了确保更灵活、更高效的设计过程,我开始使用 xShape 设计火箭的主体。快速塑造鼻子部分的能力使设计过程既愉快又高效。
My rocket cap design with xShape (Image: ChampionXperience.) 我使用 xShape 设计的火箭帽(图片:ChampionXperience。)
After completing the design, I was excited by the idea of launching this rocket through a computer simulation. I decided to share this idea with my teammate, Hanen. For this collaboration, we used the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, where we have a shared Dashboard and a community. I shared my idea with Hanen through the Conversation section in this community. One of the platform’s advantages is the ability to share a designed model in a 3D format. This enabled Hanen to examine it in detail. 完成设计后,我对通过计算机模拟发射这枚火箭的想法感到兴奋。我决定与我的队友哈宁分享这个想法。在此次合作中,我们使用了 3DEXPERIENCE 平台,其中有一个共享仪表板和一个社区。我通过这个社区的对话部分与 Hanen 分享了我的想法。该平台的优势之一是能够以 3D 格式共享设计模型。这使得哈宁能够详细地检查它。
My 3DSwym conversations with Hanen. (Image: ChampionXperience.) 我与 Hanen 的 3DSwym 对话。 (图片:ChampionXperience。)
After reviewing my design, Hanen appreciated my idea and pointed out that we would need a tower design to carry out the simulation. She then took the initiative to propose creating a project plan to streamline the process. From that point on, we began working on the project plan necessary to launch the rocket into space. 在审查了我的设计后,Hanen 赞赏我的想法,并指出我们需要一个塔式设计来进行模拟。然后,她主动提议创建一个项目计划来简化流程。从那时起,我们开始制定将火箭发射到太空所需的项目计划。
Project Planning 项目策划
Hanen accessed the Project Planning section through our shared Dashboard and created a new project. She selected the Create button, gave the project a name, set the start date and launched it. Please note that since the project was carried out in 2023, recent software updates may cause supporting screenshots to differ to what may currently be expected. Hanen 通过我们共享的仪表板访问了项目规划部分并创建了一个新项目。她选择了“创建”按钮,为项目命名,设置开始日期并启动它。请注意,由于该项目于 2023 年开展,最近的软件更新可能会导致支持屏幕截图与当前预期有所不同。
To ensure I could view the project plan and assign tasks, she added me to the project as a Leader through the Members menu. The Leader role gave me the authority to create, edit and assign tasks to either myself or Hanen within the project. 为了确保我可以查看项目计划并分配任务,她通过“成员”菜单将我作为领导者添加到项目中。领导者角色赋予我在项目中创建、编辑和分配任务给我自己或 Hanen 的权限。
ENOVIA project planning: adding a member. (Image: ChampionXperience.) ENOVIA项目规划:新增成员。 (图片来源:ChampionXperience。)
Hanen assigned multiple tasks to both me and herself. After completing the tower design in 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS, she moved on to the next task: the assembly phase. 哈宁给我和她自己分配了多项任务。在 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS 中完成塔架设计后,她继续执行下一个任务:装配阶段。
Before continuing with the project, let’s take a brief look at how the ENOVIA Project Planning application works. The Project Planning application provides an organizational system for tracking task statuses. Tasks are categorized into three main statuses: 在继续该项目之前,我们先简要了解一下 ENOVIA 项目规划应用程序的工作原理。项目规划应用程序提供了用于跟踪任务状态的组织系统。任务分为三种主要状态:
To Do: The initial status when the task is created. 待办事项:任务创建时的初始状态。
In Work: This status indicates that work on the task has started. 工作中:此状态表示任务的工作已开始。
Completed: The task is moved to this status once it is finished. 已完成:任务完成后将转至此状态。
Every status change sends a notification to team members. There are two ways to update the task’s status: 每次状态更改都会向团队成员发送通知。有两种方法可以更新任务状态:
Dragging the task and dropping it into a new status. 拖动任务并将其放入新状态。
Adjusting the percentage slider within the task. For example: 调整任务中的百分比滑块。例如:
10%: Moves the task to the In Work status. 10%:将任务移至“正在工作”状态。
100%: Moves the task to the Completed status. 100%:将任务移至“已完成”状态。
Hanen added the design files to the assembly task through the Attachments section. Hanen 通过“附件”部分将设计文件添加到装配任务中。
“The Attachments section typically includes 3D models, documents or reference data required at the start of the project. Meanwhile, the Deliverables section contains the data generated upon project completion.” “附件部分通常包括项目开始时所需的 3D 模型、文档或参考数据。同时,可交付成果部分包含项目完成时生成的数据。”
Assembly of the rocket task: attachments and deliverables. (Image: ChampionXperience) 火箭任务的组装:附件和可交付成果。 (图片来源:ChampionXperience)
Hanen moved the assembly to In Work, returned to the SOLIDWORKS interface, and used drag-and-drop features to add the rocket to the assembly containing the launch tower. She identified a wing collision with the launch tower and decided to report it via 3DEXPERIENCE platform tools. Hanen 将装配体移至“工作中”,返回到 SOLIDWORKS 界面,并使用拖放功能将火箭添加到包含发射塔的装配体中。她发现机翼与发射塔发生碰撞,并决定通过 3DEXPERIENCE 平台工具报告此事。
Wing collision with the launch tower. (Image: ChampionXperience.) 机翼与发射塔相撞。 (图片:ChampionXperience。)
Hanen decided to use the 3D Markup application to report this critical issue to me. Leveraging the flexibility provided by the platform, Hanen easily transferred the assembly from the SOLIDWORKS interface to the web-based 3D Markup application using drag-and-drop features. Hanen 决定使用 3D 标记应用程序向我报告这个关键问题。利用该平台提供的灵活性,Hanen 使用拖放功能轻松地将装配体从 SOLIDWORKS 界面传输到基于 Web 的 3D 标记应用程序。
The 3D Markup application allows you to view models in 3D and add annotations and notes from various perspectives. Additionally, it integrates with the Issue Management application, enabling you to assign tasks to team members by clearly explaining issues that need to be developed or resolved. 3D 标记应用程序允许您以 3D 方式查看模型并从各个角度添加注释和注释。此外,它还与问题管理应用程序集成,使您能够通过清楚地解释需要开发或解决的问题来向团队成员分配任务。
To report the issue with the wings and propose a solution, Hanen created a Markup titled “Error in the Wings.” She added an arrow pointing to the problematic wing and included a note detailing the proposed solution. 为了报告机翼问题并提出解决方案,Hanen 创建了一个名为“机翼错误”的标记。她添加了一个指向有问题的侧翼的箭头,并附上了详细说明拟议解决方案的注释。
3D Markup of the wing error. (Image: ChampionXperience.) 机翼错误的 3D 标记。 (图片来源:ChampionXperience。)
2. Generate Issue 2. 生成问题
Using the Generate Issue command in the Action Bar, Hanen assigned the task to me. She set the task’s priority in the pop-up window and saved the Issue. Upon completing this step, the platform sent me a notification to act on the task. Hanen 使用操作栏中的“生成问题”命令将任务分配给我。她在弹出窗口中设置了任务的优先级并保存了问题。完成此步骤后,平台向我发送了执行该任务的通知。
While reviewing our next project on my tablet, I received the notification and immediately took action. 当我在平板电脑上查看我们的下一个项目时,我收到了通知并立即采取了行动。
From Issue to Revision 从发布到修订
Rocket and Tower Project | Chapter 4: From Issue to Revision. (Video: ChampionXperience.) 火箭和塔项目|第 4 章:从发布到修订。 (视频:ChampionXperience。)
1. Issue Management 1. 问题管理
To view the notification I received from Hanen, I navigated to the Issue Management section on our shared dashboard. To see the latest issues, I refreshed the page and found the task titled “Error in the Wings.” 为了查看从 Hanen 收到的通知,我导航到共享仪表板上的“问题管理”部分。为了查看最新一期,我刷新了页面,发现了标题为“Error in the Wings”的任务。
Issue Management is a tool designed to manage and quickly resolve issues. It simplifies the creation, tracking, prioritization and assignment of tasks to relevant individuals. Additionally, it allows for the collaborative management of the issue’s maturity status through approval workflows. 问题管理是一种旨在管理和快速解决问题的工具。它简化了任务的创建、跟踪、优先级排序以及向相关人员的分配。此外,它还允许通过审批工作流程协作管理问题的成熟度状态。
I opened the task and dragged the Markup from the Attachments section into the 3D Markup application to view it. I saw the arrow pointing to the problematic wing and the proposed solution. To inform Hanen that I had started working on it, I changed the task status from To Do to In Work in the Issue application. 我打开任务并将标记从“附件”部分拖到 3D 标记应用程序中进行查看。我看到箭头指向有问题的侧翼和建议的解决方案。为了通知 Hanen 我已经开始处理它,我在问题应用程序中将任务状态从“待办事项”更改为“正在工作”。
ENOVIA Issue Management: To Do to In Work. (Image: ChampionXperience.) ENOVIA 问题管理:工作中要做的事情。 (图片来源:ChampionXperience。)
2. Creating a Revision 2. 创建修订
I navigated to the Design section from the dashboard and opened my rocket in xShape. Instead of making a direct change to the design, I decided to create a revision to document the reason for the change and maintain the workflow. I accessed the Lifecycle menu in the Action Bar and selected the New Revision command to create a new revision. 我从仪表板导航到“设计”部分,并在 xShape 中打开我的火箭。我没有直接更改设计,而是决定创建一个修订版来记录更改的原因并维护工作流程。我访问操作栏中的“生命周期”菜单,然后选择“新建修订版”命令来创建新修订版。
xShape Lifecycle menu: New Revision. (Image: ChampionXperience.) xShape 生命周期菜单:新修订版。 (图片来源:ChampionXperience。)
Revisions contain important information and changes about the model’s history. When you create a revision using the platform’s applications, a value is automatically assigned to it based on the platform settings. For example, when you create the first revision, it will be assigned the name A2, while your master model will retain the value A1. 修订版包含有关模型历史的重要信息和更改。当您使用平台的应用程序创建修订时,系统会根据平台设置自动为其分配一个值。例如,当您创建第一个修订版时,它将被分配名称 A2,而您的主模型将保留值 A1。
When a new revision is created, a pop-up window appears, allowing you to open the newly created revision. Using the Open Revision option in the pop-up window, I opened it. In the feature tree, I activated the Composite Wings Geometrical Set. I needed to make a 45-degree adjustment to the wing angle. There were two methods to achieve this: 创建新修订版时,会出现一个弹出窗口,允许您打开新创建的修订版。我使用弹出窗口中的“打开修订版本”选项将其打开。在特征树中,我激活了复合翼几何集。我需要对机翼角度进行 45 度调整。有两种方法可以实现此目的:
Editing the Sketch Plane: I could replace the sketch plane of the wing profile with a new plane tilted at 45 degrees using the Edit Sketch Plane command. However, this would affect many underlying features and lead to several errors. 编辑草图平面:我可以使用“编辑草图平面”命令将机翼轮廓的草图平面替换为倾斜 45 度的新平面。然而,这会影响许多底层功能并导致一些错误。
Rotating the Wing Body: The second method involved using the Move Body command to rotate the wing body by 45 degrees. This method was simpler and had a lower risk of errors. Therefore, I opted for this approach. 旋转翼体:第二种方法涉及使用“移动体”命令将翼体旋转 45 度。这种方法更简单,出错的风险也更低。因此,我选择了这种方法。
To apply this method, I rolled back to the step before the Circular Pattern in the Design Manager, used the Move Body command to rotate the wing body 45° along the Z-axis, and restored the Roll Bar. This updated the wing and inter-wing angles without manual changes to the Circular Pattern. 为了应用此方法,我在设计管理器中回滚到圆形图案之前的步骤,使用“移动主体”命令将翼体沿 Z 轴旋转 45°,并恢复滚动条。这更新了机翼和机翼间的角度,而无需手动更改圆形图案。
Since the changes I made were saved in the A2 revision, we can easily revert to the master model, A1, via the Revisions menu. This is helpful in case we encounter any issues during the project’s progress. 由于我所做的更改已保存在 A2 修订版中,因此我们可以通过“修订版”菜单轻松恢复到主模型 A1。如果我们在项目进展过程中遇到任何问题,这将很有帮助。
I saved the changes and returned to the Issue Management section to inform Hanen. Through the Comment section, I provided feedback to Hanen and updated the task status to In Approval to submit it for her review. 我保存了更改并返回到问题管理部分以通知 Hanen。通过“评论”部分,我向 Hanen 提供了反馈,并将任务状态更新为“批准中”以提交供她审核。
ENOVIA Issue Management: In Work to In Approval. (Image: ChampionXperience.) ENOVIA 问题管理:工作中到批准中。 (图片来源:ChampionXperience。)
The In Approval feature allows tasks to progress based on reciprocal review. After being reviewed by the assigner, the task can be moved to the Completed status by the same person. This ensures that the task is carried out in a controlled manner. “批准中”功能允许任务根据相互审核取得进展。经分配者审核后,任务可以由同一人转为“已完成”状态。这确保了任务以受控的方式执行。
While on the dashboard screen, Hanen receives a notification. After reviewing the comment, she returns to the SOLIDWORKS interface to verify the revision’s accuracy. After selecting the rocket, she uses the Reload from Server command in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform window to reload the most recent data from 3D Space into the SOLIDWORKS environment. 在仪表板屏幕上,哈宁收到一条通知。查看评论后,她返回 SOLIDWORKS 界面以验证修订的准确性。选择火箭后,她使用 3DEXPERIENCE 平台窗口中的“从服务器重新加载”命令将最新数据从 3D Space 重新加载到 SOLIDWORKS 环境中。
3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS: Reload from Server. (Image: ChampionXperience.) 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS:从服务器重新加载。 (图片来源:ChampionXperience。)
Upon completing this process, a red cross icon appears on the Rocket model. This icon notifies the user that the latest revision of the model is not currently selected. 完成此过程后,火箭模型上会出现一个红十字图标。此图标通知用户当前尚未选择模型的最新版本。
3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS: latest Revision is not loaded. (Image: ChampionXperience.) 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS:未加载最新修订版。 (图片来源:ChampionXperience。)
Hanen right-clicks on the model to change the revision, selects the Replace by Revision option, and chooses the A2 revision from the pop-up window before confirming the command. After the revision is updated, she reviews the Rocket and Tower Assembly from the top view to verify that the issue has been resolved. Hanen 右键单击模型以更改修订版,选择“按修订版替换”选项,并在确认命令之前从弹出窗口中选择 A2 修订版。修订版本更新后,她从顶部视图检查火箭和塔组件,以验证问题是否已解决。
Returning to the dashboard screen, Hanen provides feedback to me regarding the update and moves the task from In Approval to Completed, successfully finalizing the task. 返回到仪表板屏幕,Hanen 向我提供有关更新的反馈,并将任务从“批准中”移至“已完成”,成功完成了任务。
ENOVIA Issue Management: In Approval to Completed. (Image: ChampionXperience.) ENOVIA 问题管理:正在批准中以完成。 (图片来源:ChampionXperience。)
2. New Task 2. 新任务
After receiving the notification from Hanen, I wanted this task to be included in the project plan. This would allow us to review all the changes made when revisiting the project plan after its completion. This is useful if any further development or adjustments are made. To achieve this, I navigated to the Project Planning screen and created a task named Rocket Wing Angle New Revision. 收到哈宁的通知后,我希望将这项任务纳入项目计划中。这将使我们能够在项目完成后重新审视项目计划时审查所做的所有更改。如果进行任何进一步的开发或调整,这将很有用。为了实现这一目标,我导航到“项目计划”屏幕并创建了一个名为“火箭翼角度新修订”的任务。
After adding the necessary explanations to the task, I uploaded my Rocket design to the Deliverables section and Hanen’s assigned Issue task to the Attachments section, completing the task. 在为任务添加必要的解释后,我将我的火箭设计上传到可交付成果部分,并将 Hanen 分配的问题任务上传到附件部分,从而完成了任务。
Rocket Wing New Revision Task: Attachments and Deliverables. (Image: ChampionXperience) 火箭翼新修订任务:附件和可交付成果。 (图片来源:ChampionXperience)
3. Final Task 3. 最终任务
In the final step, Hanen moved the Assembly task from In Work to Completed, finalizing the assembly task for the project. With these tasks completed, the rocket is now ready for launch. 在最后一步中,Hanen 将装配任务从“工作中”移至“已完成”,从而完成了项目的装配任务。这些任务完成后,火箭现已准备好发射。
Final thoughts 最后的想法
The rocket design project was an inspiring journey that brought together the power of creativity, collaboration and problem-solving skills. The use of xApps, SOLIDWORKS, and the PLM tools available on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform allowed us to progress through each stage of the project efficiently and effectively. From the initial design to project planning, and from identifying critical issues to solving them, every step highlighted the importance of a workflow rooted in an idea exchange powered by team synergy. 火箭设计项目是一次鼓舞人心的旅程,汇集了创造力、协作和解决问题的技能的力量。使用 3DEXPERIENCE 平台上提供的 xApps、SOLIDWORKS 和 PLM 工具使我们能够高效且有效地完成项目的每个阶段。从最初的设计到项目规划,从识别关键问题到解决这些问题,每一步都强调了植根于团队协作推动的想法交流的工作流程的重要性。
Through this project, we had the opportunity to experience the advantages offered by the 3DEXPERIENCE platform first-hand. Despite living in different countries, we were able to seamlessly track each phase of the project thanks to the platform’s powerful tools. Throughout the process, we gained a deeper understanding of the importance of optimizing project management and leveraging the collaborative capabilities provided by the platform. 通过这个项目,我们有机会亲身体验3DEXPERIENCE平台提供的优势。尽管生活在不同的国家,但借助该平台强大的工具,我们能够无缝跟踪项目的每个阶段。在整个过程中,我们更深入地了解了优化项目管理和利用平台提供的协作能力的重要性。