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  比较 SOLIDWORKS 和 xDesign 时的 9 个主要区别           
比较 SOLIDWORKS 和 xDesign 时的 9 个主要区别
[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:https://www.engineersrule.com/9-key-differences-when-comparing-solidworks-and-xdesign/    点击数:15    更新时间:2025/1/17    文章录入:LA ]
9 Key differences when comparing SOLIDWORKS and xDesign
比较 SOLIDWORKS 和 xDesign 时的 9 个主要区别
By  Ridvan Polat  里德万?#27874;拉特   3DEXPERIENCE

When I first started using xDesign, I often heard the question, 搙Design or SOLIDWORKS??At first glance, you might sense that xDesign carries the spirit of SOLIDWORKS. However, as you dive deeper, you抣l realize that this cloud-based, next-generation platform offers a completely different experience.
当我第一次开始使用 xDesign 时,我经常听到这样一个问题:搙Design 还是 SOLIDWORKS?乍一看,您可能会感觉到 xDesign 承载了 SOLIDWORKS 的精神。但是,随着您深入研究,您会意识到这个基于云的下一代平台提供了完全不同的体验。

Developed to have similarities and functions from both SOLIDWORKS and CATIA, xDesign combines the power of cloud technology with an intuitive design flow. In this blog post, we抣l highlight some of the differences between xDesign and SolidWorks, as well as a deeper look at the innovations xDesign brings.
xDesign 的开发具有 SOLIDWORKS 和 CATIA 的相似之处和功能,将云技术的强大功能与直观的设计流程相结合。在这篇博文中,我们将重点介绍 xDesign 和 SolidWorks 之间的一些差异,并更深入地了解 xDesign 带来的创新。

1. File format  1. 文件格式

Both softwares use their own unique file formats. SOLIDWORKS users typically work with SLDPRT (part), SLDASM (assembly) and SLDDRW (technical drawing). In contrast, xDesign ?more broadly referred to as xApps ?uses a single file format for all data: 3DXML.
这两种软件都使用自己独特的文件格式。SOLIDWORKS 用户通常使用 SLDPRT(零件)、SLDASM(装配体)和 SLDDRW(技术工程图)。相比之下,xDesign(更广泛地称为 xApps)对所有数据使用单一文件格式:3DXML。

What I love most about the 3DXML format is that, even if you have an assembly with 2,000 parts, it provides a single file for transfer. This format works similarly to compressed file formats, with all parts stored within a single file. When you import this file into a different xDesign account, all parts contained in the file are automatically added to the workspace.
我最喜欢 3DXML 格式的一点是,即使您有一个包含 2,000 个零件的装配体,它也提供一个文件进行传输。此格式的工作方式与压缩文件格式类似,所有部分都存储在单个文件中。将此文件导入到其他 xDesign 帐户时,该文件中包含的所有部件都会自动添加到工作区中。

Thanks to this feature, you can work on your assemblies without worrying about missing parts or other transfer-related issues.

2. Design workflow  2. 设计工作流程

If you抳e used SOLIDWORKS before, the xDesign interface will feel familiar. For example, the command icons are nearly identical. So, the main difference between the two softwares lies not in menu layouts but in design workflows.
如果您以前使用过 SOLIDWORKS,那么 xDesign 界面会很熟悉。例如,命令图标几乎相同。因此,这两个软件之间的主要区别不在于菜单布局,而在于设计工作流程。

In SOLIDWORKS, when you click the New button, you first need to choose between part, assembly or technical drawing. The workflow progresses accordingly: you design the parts first, then move to the assembly environment to establish assembly relationships.
在 SOLIDWORKS 中,当您单击新建按钮时,您首先需要在零件、装配体或技术工程图之间进行选择。工作流将相应地进行:您首先设计零件,然后移动到装配体环境以建立装配体关系。

The SOLIDWORKS 揗ake Assembly from Part?design workflow button. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
SOLIDWORKS 的?#20174;零件生成装配体?#35774;计工作流程按钮。(图片:Champion Xperience。

In xDesign, you can follow the same workflow. However, it takes a different approach by integrating part and assembly commands within the same window. This feature comes with certain advantages. For instance, if you抮e creating a multi-body design where bodies reference each other and you want to convert each body into a separate component, or define assembly relationships between them, there抯 no need to switch to a different window. You can perform all these tasks seamlessly within the same interface.
在 xDesign 中,您可以遵循相同的工作流程。但是,它采用不同的方法,将零件和装配命令集成到同一窗口中。此功能具有一定的优势。例如,如果您正在创建多体设计,其中的体相互引用,并且您希望将每个体转换为单独的零部件,或定义它们之间的装配体关系,则无需切换到不同的窗口。您可以在同一界面中无缝执行所有这些任务。

The xDesign action-bar, design workflow. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
xDesign 操作栏,设计工作流程。(图片:Champion Xperience。

3. Design Guidance  3. 设计指导

The Design Guidance feature in xDesign (included by default) offers functionality similar to the topology optimization available in SOLIDWORKS?Simulation Professional Package (sold separately). However, its key distinction lies in its ability to create a 3D model directly based on the loads applied to a sketch. This feature allows you to prepare your design, even in the drawing phase, for real-world conditions.
xDesign 中的设计指导功能(默认包含)提供的功能类似于 SOLIDWORKS 的 Simulation Professional 软件包(单独出售)中提供的拓扑优化。然而,它的主要区别在于它能够直接基于施加到草图上的载荷创建 3D 模型。此功能允许您在绘图阶段为实际条件准备设计。

Additionally, Design Guidance leverages the power of a cloud-based system to complete the analysis in a remarkably short amount of time. This not only accelerates your design process but also enhances accuracy.
此外,Design Guidance 利用基于云的系统的强大功能在极短的时间内完成分析。这不仅可以加快您的设计过程,还可以提高准确性。

For more information on how to use the Design Guidance tool, please refer to my blog post, here.
有关如何使用 Design Guidance 工具的更多信息,请参阅我的博客文章 这里.

xDesign-Design Guidance. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
xDesign-Design 指南。(图片:Champion Xperience。

4. Assembly mates  4. 装配配合

Over the years, SOLIDWORKS has evolved to include a wide variety of assembly mate commands. In xDesign, on the other hand, the most essential and frequently used commands have been carefully selected by the developers and integrated into the software.
多年来,SOLIDWORKS 已经发展到包括各种装配体配合命令。另一方面,在 xDesign 中,开发人员精心挑选了最重要和最常用的命令,并将其集成到软件中。

Since xDesign is developed to have similiarities with SOLIDWORKS and CATIA, it抯 possible to notice differences in the commands and their implementation. That said, I haven抰 felt the absence of any command while working on assemblies.
由于 xDesign 的开发与 SOLIDWORKS 和 CATIA 具有相似性,因此可能会注意到命令及其实现的差异。也就是说,在处理程序集时,我并没有感觉到任何命令的缺失。

Additionally, the xDesign development team regularly adds new commands based on feedback and requests from users. This approach not only makes the software user-friendly but also ensures its continuous improvement.
此外,xDesign 开发团队会根据用户的反馈和请求定期添加新命令。这种方法不仅使软件用户友好,而且确保了其持续改进。

Some assembly mate commands available in xDesign are not found in SOLIDWORKS. For instance, the Cable Joint command is not included in SOLIDWORKS; it抯 a feature available in CATIA. The Cable Joint command enables the creation of complex systems like forklift mechanisms using assembly mates.
xDesign 中可用的某些装配体配合命令在 SOLIDWORKS 中找不到。例如,电缆接头命令不包含在 SOLIDWORKS 中;这是 CATIA 中提供的一项功能。电缆接头命令允许使用装配体配合创建复杂的系统,如叉车机构。

An xDesign Cable Joint example. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
xDesign 电缆接头示例。(图片:Champion Xperience。

In the example above, there is a Rack and Pinion assembly mate between the pulley and the orange linear slide. Additionally, there is a Cable Joint assembly mate between the linear slide and the green fork part. When the pulley moves, the linear slide moves as well, and the fork part follows the movement as if connected by a chain.

As I mentioned earlier, mechanical assembly mates include different commands. The application logic for these mates is also different from SOLIDWORKS and is more similar to CATIA.
正如我之前提到的,机械装配体配合包括不同的命令。这些配合的应用程序逻辑也不同于 SOLIDWORKS,更类似于 CATIA。

For example, when you want to define a gear relationship between two gears in SOLIDWORKS, you simply align the teeth of the gears and select the cylindrical surfaces to specify the gear ratios.
例如,当您想在 SOLIDWORKS 中定义两个齿轮之间的齿轮关系时,只需对齐齿轮的齿并选择圆柱曲面即可指定齿轮比。

A SOLIDWORKS Gear Mate example. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
SOLIDWORKS Gear Mate 示例。(图片:Champion Xperience。

In xDesign, however, the process is more detailed. It requires you to complete three different assembly steps for the selected gears.
然而,在 xDesign 中,这个过程更加详细。它要求您为所选齿轮完成三个不同的装配步骤。

If you抳e already defined the mates to position your gear in its slotting, you抣l notice that the first two steps are automatically marked as complete in the gear relationship window. At this point, you only need to specify the references for the initial angle. These references can be set using planes and axes. Additionally, you can adjust the alignment angles of your gears during this step.

A xDesign Gear Joint example. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
xDesign Gear Joint 示例。(图片:Champion Xperience。

5. Flexibility in use  5. 使用灵活性

Since SOLIDWORKS is software designed to run on a Windows operating system, it is primarily used on high-performance devices such as desktop computers and laptops. On the other hand, xDesign offers much greater flexibility as it operates through a web browser.
由于 SOLIDWORKS 是专为在 Windows 操作系统上运行的软件,因此它主要用于台式计算机和笔记本电脑等高性能设备。另一方面,xDesign 提供了更大的灵活性,因为它通过 Web 浏览器运行。

For instance, I use xDesign on my Android tablet to create various designs. Being a cloud-based system that runs directly on a web browser, it eliminates the need for any installation process. This not only saves time but also provides device independence.
例如,我在 Android 平板电脑上使用 xDesign 来创建各种设计。作为直接在 Web 浏览器上运行的基于云的系统,它无需任何安装过程。这不仅可以节省时间,还可以提供设备独立性。

xDesign use on an Android Tablet. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
xDesign 在 Android 平板电脑上使用。(图片:Champion Xperience。

Mobility doesn抰 just mean the ability to work on different devices. It also involves providing additional features when used on touchscreen devices. Both xDesign and SOLIDWORKS offer touchscreen support to their users.
移动性不仅仅意味着能够在不同的设备上工作。它还涉及在触摸屏设备上使用时提供其他功能。xDesign 和 SOLIDWORKS 都为其用户提供触摸屏支持。

In xDesign, when the Touch Mode feature is activated, the size of the commands in the actionbar increases, and a tool provides some keyboard functionalities as buttons. For instance, commands like ESC, CTRL, S, and rotation lock can be used through these buttons. This feature significantly enhances the experience on a tablet.
在 xDesign 中,当激活触控模式功能时,操作栏中命令的大小会增加,并且工具会以按钮的形式提供一些键盘功能。例如,可以通过这些按钮使用 ESC、CTRL、S 和旋转锁定等命令。此功能显著增强了平板电脑上的体验。

xDesign in Touch Mode. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
触控模式下的 xDesign。(图片:Champion Xperience。

In SOLIDWORKS, there is a functional tab called Sketch Ink, specifically designed for use in the sketch environment when using touchscreens.
在 SOLIDWORKS 中,有一个名为 Sketch Ink 的功能选项卡,专门用于使用触摸屏时的草图环境。

The SOLIDWORKS Sketch Ink tab. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
SOLIDWORKS Sketch Ink 选项卡(图片:Champion Xperience。

Another feature that sets xDesign apart from SOLIDWORKS is its ready-made shape support. This feature allows you to skip a few steps while drawing on a tablet, speeding up your design process. For more information on using ready-made shapes, feel free to check out my blog post, here.
xDesign 与 SOLIDWORKS 不同的另一个功能是其现成的形状支持。此功能允许您在平板电脑上绘图时跳过几个步骤,从而加快您的设计过程。有关使用现成形状的更多信息,请随时查看我的博客文章,这里。

6. Features  6. 特点

Super Features  超强功能

Many CAD programs operate based on a feature tree hierarchy. In this structure, features have parent and child dependencies, which impose certain limitations. However, xDesign offers an innovative solution that sets itself apart from SOLIDWORKS. That is why one of the features that impressed me the most in xDesign is Super Features.
许多 CAD 程序基于特征树层次结构运行。在此结构中,功能具有父依赖项和子依赖项,这会施加某些限制。但是,xDesign 提供了一种创新解决方案,使其与 SOLIDWORKS 区分开来。这就是为什么 xDesign 中给我印象最深的功能之一是 Super Features。

Let抯 take a simple example: You design a shaft and create mounting holes on it. Later, you perform multiple operations on this shaft. However, you realize that instead of holes, you need to create protrusions. In SOLIDWORKS, since there is no command transition feature, you would have to delete the hole feature and create a new protrusion. Deleting this feature would affect all dependent features, making the process time-consuming and potentially complex to fix. For simple cases, you might think of quickly closing the hole and adding a protrusion, but this approach may not always be viable for more complex scenarios.
让我们举一个简单的例子:您设计一个轴并在其上创建安装孔。稍后,您将在此轴上执行多项操作。但是,您意识到您需要创建突起而不是孔。在 SOLIDWORKS 中,由于没有命令过渡特征,因此您必须删除孔特征并生成新的伸出项。删除此功能将影响所有相关功能,使该过程非常耗时且修复起来可能很复杂。对于简单的情况,您可能会考虑快速闭合孔并添加突起,但这种方法可能并不总是适用于更复杂的场景。

In xDesign, on the other hand, there is support for transitioning between solid modeling commands, called Super Features. For example, if you want to modify a hole feature, you can change it from Cut to Extrude, creating a protrusion instead of a hole.
另一方面,在 xDesign 中,支持在实体建模命令之间进行转换,称为 Super Features。例如,如果要修改孔特征,可以将其从 Cut 更改为 Extrude,从而创建伸出项而不是孔。

Super Features allows you to switch between Extrude, Sweep and Revolve commands, illustrated below.
Super Features 允许您在 Extrude、Sweep 和 Revolve 命令之间切换,如下图所示。

An example of xDesign Super Features. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
xDesign Super Features 的一个示例。(图片:Champion Xperience。

Using multiple sketches in one extrusion

In SOLIDWORKS, when performing an Extrude, you can select only one sketch at a time. For instance, if you have created multiple sketches on the same face or plane and want to combine them into a single Extrude, you need to use a separate Extrude commands for each sketch.
在 SOLIDWORKS 中,执行拉伸时,您一次只能选择一个草图。例如,如果您在同一面或平面上创建了多个草图,并希望将它们合并为一个拉伸,则需要为每个草图使用单独的拉伸命令。

In xDesign, however, it works differently. As shown below, you can include all sketches in a single Extrude. This feature not only speeds up the design process but also helps maintain a more organized feature structure.
但是,在 xDesign 中,它的工作方式有所不同。如下所示,您可以在单个拉伸中包含所有草图。此功能不仅可以加快设计过程,还有助于保持更有条理的功能结构。

An example of an xDesign user using a single Extrusion on multiple sketches. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
xDesign 用户在多个草图上使用单个拉伸的示例。(图片:Champion Xperience。

Zero-thickness geometry  零厚度几何体

In SOLIDWORKS, if you try to create a zero-thickness geometry, you will receive a warning indicating that this operation is not allowed.
在 SOLIDWORKS 中,如果您尝试创建零厚度几何体,您将收到一条警告,指示不允许此操作。

Warning example for a SOLIDWORKS zero-thickness geometry. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
SOLIDWORKS 零厚度几何体的警告示例。(图片:Champion Xperience。

However, in xDesign, it is possible to create zero-thickness geometries. This capability is enabled by xDesign抯 use of the CATIA Kernel, specifically the CGM (Convergence Geometric Modeler).
但是,在 xDesign 中,可以创建零厚度的几何图形。此功能是通过 xDesign 对 CATIA 内核的使用来实现的,特别是 CGM (Convergence Geometric Modeler)。

Zero-thickness geometry in xDesign. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
xDesign 中的零厚度几何体。(图片:Champion Xperience。

With this feature, you can design parts that have zero-thickness ?such as touching surfaces. In SOLIDWORKS, however, achieving this requires leaving a slight gap between the parts.
使用此功能,您可以设计厚度为零的零件,例如接触表面。但是,在 SOLIDWORKS 中,要实现此目的,需要在零件之间留出一点间隙。

Extrusion without Sketch  不带草图的拉伸

In xDesign, when you select the surface of a part, Extrude is among the suggested commands in the shortcut menu. This feature allows you to perform solid modeling directly from the surface without the need for a Sketch.
在 xDesign 中,当您选择零件的曲面时,?#25289;伸?#65288;Extrude) 是快捷菜单中的建议命令之一。此功能允许您直接从曲面执行实体建模,而无需草绘。

In SOLIDWORKS, similarly, you can perform operations like Loft by selecting two surfaces without using a Sketch. However, unlike in xDesign, you cannot directly create an Extrude from any selected surface. Instead, you can achieve this using the Move Face command to modify the geometry based on the surface.
同样,在 SOLIDWORKS 中,您可以通过选择两个曲面来执行类似放样的操作,而无需使用草图。但是,与 xDesign 不同的是,您不能直接从任何选定的曲面创建拉伸。相反,您可以使用 Move Face 命令来修改基于表面的几何图形。

It抯 also worth mentioning that the Move Face command is available in xDesign. However, xDesign抯 direct Extrude option provides an added advantage in terms of ease and efficiency.
还值得一提的是,?#31227;动面?#21629;令在 xDesign 中可用。但是,xDesign 的直接凸出选项在易用性和效率方面提供了额外的优势。

An example of performing an extrusion in xDesign without using a Sketch. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
在 xDesign 中不使用 Sketch 执行拉伸的示例。(图片:Champion Xperience。

7. Sketch  7. 素描

Circle diameter Equality Detection

When using the circle sketch command in xDesign, the software works intuitively and suggests equal diameters for subsequent sketch circles ?based on the diameter of the first circle you create. If you align your sketch with the dashed purple circle, the newly created circle will automatically have the same diameter as the first one.
在 xDesign 中使用圆草图命令时,软件可以直观地工作,并根据您创建的第一个圆的直径为后续的草图圆建议相等的直径。如果您将草图与紫色虚线圆圈对齐,则新创建的圆圈将自动与第一个圆圈具有相同的直径。

An example of the circle diameter equality detection method in xDesign. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
xDesign 中圆直径相等检测方法的示例。(图片:Champion Xperience。

There is another way to utilize the circle diameter detection and equalization feature. The first method works for consecutive sketch circles. However, if you抳e already created a circle and later decide to draw a new one, simply move the new sketch close enough to touch the circle whose diameter you want to match. At this point, you抣l see a dashed purple circle indicating the equal diameter suggestion.

Another example of the circle diameter equality detection method in xDesign. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
xDesign 中圆直径相等检测方法的另一个示例。(图片:Champion Xperience。

With this feature, xDesign differentiates itself from SOLIDWORKS by offering users a more intuitive experience.
借助此功能,xDesign 通过为用户提供更直观的体验,将自己与 SOLIDWORKS 区分开来。

Reconnecting the Corners  重新连接角

What happens in SOLIDWORKS when you delete a fillet applied to edges using sketch commands? The fillet is removed, and the edge remains open. To create a closed geometry, you need to manually close this open area.
当您在 SOLIDWORKS 中使用草图命令删除应用于边线的圆角时,会发生什么情况?圆角将被移除,边仍保持开放状态。要创建闭合几何图形,您需要手动闭合此开放区域。

Deleting a fillet in SOLIDWORKS. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
在 SOLIDWORKS 中删除圆角。(图片:Champion Xperience。

In xDesign, however, it works differently. When you delete a fillet, the edge does not remain open, and the geometry is automatically closed. This feature not only speeds up the design process but also provides a more intuitive user experience.
但是,在 xDesign 中,它的工作方式有所不同。删除圆角时,边不会保持打开状态,几何图形会自动闭合。此功能不仅可以加快设计过程,还可以提供更直观的用户体验。

xDesign reconnecting the corners after deleting a fillet. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
xDesign 在删除圆角后重新连接角。(图片:Champion Xperience。

8. Assembly: Make Component
8. 组装:制作组件

In xDesign, thanks to the integration of the part and assembly environments in the same window, you can instantly convert your multi-body designs into an assembly-ready component using the Make Component feature. This tool allows you to either transfer selected features directly into a new component or create a component that references the selected body.
在 xDesign 中,由于零件和装配环境集成在同一窗口中,您可以使用?#29983;成零部件?#21151;能立即将多体设计转换为装配就绪型零部件。此工具允许您将所选特征直接转移到新零部件中,或创建参考所选实体的零部件。

As I mentioned earlier in the Design Workflow section, this difference is entirely unique to xDesign.
正如我之前在 Design Workflow 部分提到的,这种差异完全是 xDesign 所独有的。

A Make Component example in xDesign. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
xDesign 中的 Make Component 示例。(图片:Champion Xperience。

9. Design assistance  9. 设计协助

xDesign comes with an AI-powered assistant. This assistant detects tasks that are likely to be repeated and provides suggestions. If you see the AI logo pop up while using xDesign, it means the AI assistant has a suggestion for you.
xDesign 附带一个 AI 驱动的助手。此助手可检测可能重复的任务并提供建议。如果您在使用 xDesign 时看到弹出 AI 标志,则表示 AI 助手对您有建议。

An example of the AI logo popping up in xDesign. This means the AI has a suggestion for the user. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
在 xDesign 中弹出的 AI 徽标示例。这意味着 AI 对用户有建议。(图片:Champion Xperience。

The design assistant can provide the following suggestions based on your actions:

  • Selection Helper: If you need to apply chamfers to multiple edges, it suggests other edges based on your initial selection.
  • Mate Helper: If your design includes multiple M12 bolt holes, after mounting the first bolt, it automatically detects similar repetitive tasks and suggests applying them to other locations.
    Mate Helper:如果您的设计包含多个 M12 螺栓孔,则在安装第一个螺栓后,它会自动检测类似的重复性任务,并建议将它们应用于其他位置。
  • Sketch Helper: When drilling holes in a metal plate, it predicts the remaining steps based on the holes you抳e already created and provides suggestions.
    Sketch Helper:在金属板上钻孔时,它会根据您已经创建的孔预测剩余步骤并提供建议。

The design assistant is not limited to these suggestions; it can make broader predictions and learns from your actions to provide the most relevant suggestions. To see more recommendations, you can adjust the assistant抯 settings and filter its predictions accordingly.

SOLIDWORKS also includes features that assist you based on your selections. However, these features work slightly differently compared to the Design Assistant. For example, when you want to apply fillets to multiple edges, SOLIDWORKS classifies the edges on your part and provides suggestions.
SOLIDWORKS 还包括可根据您的选择为您提供帮助的功能。但是,这些功能的工作方式与 Design Assistant 略有不同。例如,当您想要将圆角应用于多条边线时,SOLIDWORKS 会对零件上的边线进行分类并提供建议。

An example of the Selection Helper in SOLIDWORKS. (Image: Champion Xperience.)
SOLIDWORKS 中的选择辅助工具示例。(图片:Champion Xperience。

Though SOLIDWORKS introduced AI support in 2025, it is currently in beta. This feature, called Command Predictor, uses AI to track the commands you use most frequently while designing and adds them to the Command Predictor section in the Command Manager. This section works dynamically and updates itself continuously.
尽管 SOLIDWORKS 在 2025 年引入了 AI 支持,但目前仍处于测试阶段。此功能称为 Command Predictor,它使用 AI 跟踪您在设计时最常使用的命令,并将它们添加到 Command Manager 的 Command Predictor 部分。此部分动态工作并不断更新自身。

To explore the innovations in SOLIDWORKS 2025, check out the blog post at this link.
要探索 SOLIDWORKS 2025 中的创新,请查看此链接中的博客文章。

SOLIDWORKS Command Predictor is still in beta, but it brings AI to the tool.  (Image: Champion Xperience.)
SOLIDWORKS Command Predictor 仍处于测试阶段,但它为该工具带来了 AI。(图片:Champion Xperience。

Conclusion  结论

While both software share some similarities, they possess fundamentally distinct characteristics. SOLIDWORKS has been a trusted leader in the design world since 1995, consistently incorporating user feedback to introduce countless features that have cemented its position as an industry giant.
虽然这两种软件有一些相似之处,但它们具有根本不同的特征。自 1995 年以来,SOLIDWORKS 一直是设计领域值得信赖的领导者,不断整合用户反馈以引入无数功能,从而巩固了其作为行业巨头的地位。

However, the rise of cloud-based systems is driving a major transformation across all industries today. Recognizing this shift, Dassault Syst鑝es took a bold step by introducing xApps, a series of innovative design programs under the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. These tools are not only cloud-based but also seamlessly integrate with PLM tools, turning this transformation into an opportunity for innovation.
然而,基于云的系统的兴起正在推动当今所有行业的重大转型。认识到这一转变后,达索系统迈出了大胆的一步,推出了 xApps,这是 3DEXPERIENCE 平台下的一系列创新设计程序。这些工具不仅基于云,而且还与 PLM 工具无缝集成,将这种转变转化为创新的机会。

xDesign and other xApps stand out for their hybrid usage capabilities, offering flexible solutions tailored to users?needs. Developed to have similar functionalities of both SOLIDWORKS and CATIA, xDesign builds on a strong legacy while paving the way for a future of intuitive, AI-driven, and user-focused platforms.
xDesign 和其他 xApp 以其混合使用功能而著称,提供针对用户需求量身定制的灵活解决方案。xDesign 的开发具有与 SOLIDWORKS 和 CATIA 类似的功能,它建立在强大的传统基础之上,同时为未来直观、AI 驱动和以用户为中心的平台铺平了道路。

As xApps continue to evolve alongside advancements in cloud technology, I am confident they will incorporate even more powerful features and play a pioneering role in the design industry. In the future, these groundbreaking tools will not only redefine design workflows but also set new benchmarks, reshaping the rules of the industry itself.
随着 xApp 随着云技术的进步而不断发展,我相信它们将整合更强大的功能,并在设计行业发挥先锋作用。未来,这些开创性的工具不仅将重新定义设计工作流程,还将树立新的基准,重塑行业本身的规则。

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