Commission Decision of 21/12/2017 declaring a concentration to be compatible with the common market (Case No COMP/M.8425 - SAFRAN / ZODIAC AEROSPACE) according to Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 (Only the English text is authentic)
2017 年 12 月 21 日委员会决定,根据理事会法规 (EC) 第 139/2004 号宣布集中与共同市场兼容(案例编号 COMP/M.8425 - SAFRAN / ZODIAC AEROSPACE)(仅英文文本为真实文本)

DG Competition DG 竞赛
Only the English text is available and authentic.
REGULATION (EC) No 139/2004
法规 (EC) No 139/2004
Article 6(1)(b) NON-OPPOSITION
第 6 条第 (1) 款第 (b) 项 不反对
Date: 21/12/2017 日期: 21/12/2017
In electronic form on the EUR-Lex website under document number 32017M8425
在 EUR-Lex 网站上以电子形式提供,文档编号为 32017M8425

Brussels, 21.12.2017 布鲁塞尔, 21.12.2017
C(2017) 9119 final C(2017) 9119 决赛
To the Notifying party 致通知方
主题:Case M.8425 - SAFRAN / ZODIAC
案例 M.8425 - 赛峰 / 黄道十二宫
Commission decision pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) of Council Regulation No 139/2004 and Article 57 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area
委员会根据理事会第 139/2004 号条例 第 6(1)(b) 条和欧洲经济区协定第 57 条作出的决定
Dear Sir or Madam, 尊敬的 Sir / 女士:
0.On 16 November 2017, the European Commission received notification of a proposed concentration pursuant to Article 4 of the Merger Regulation by which Safran S.A. ("Safran", France) acquires within the meaning of Article 3(1)(b) of the Merger Regulation control of the whole of Zodiac Aerospace S.A. ("Zodiac", France). Safran is designated hereinafter as the "Notifying Party" and together with Zodiac as the "Parties".
2017年11月 16日,欧盟委员会收到根据《合并条例》第4条拟议集中的通知,赛峰公司(“赛峰”,法国)根据《合并条例 》第3条第(1)款第(b)项的含义收购了Zodiac Aerospace S.A.(“赛峰”,法国)的全部控制权。 赛峰集团在下文中被指定为“通知方”,并与黄道集团一起称为“双方”。
1.The parties 各方
1.Safran is active worldwide in the aerospace and defence industries. Safran's aerospace propulsion business includes the development and manufacture of aircraft engines, helicopter turbine engines and space engines. Safran also supplies other aircraft equipment including landing systems, wheels and brakes, nacelles, electrical systems and wiring systems.
赛峰集团活跃于全球航空航天和国防工业领域。 赛峰集团的航空航天推进业务包括飞机发动机、直升机涡轮发动机和航天发动机的 开发和制造。赛峰集团还提供 其他飞机设备,包括着陆系统、机轮和制动器、短舱、电气系统和布线系统。
2.Zodiac is active in the aerospace industry in the development and manufacture of aircraft equipment and on-board systems, as well as solutions for space applications. Its product offering includes aircraft seats, cabin interiors and various equipment including safety, electrical, control and water and waste systems.
Zodiac 在航空航天工业 中从事飞机设备和机载系统的开发和制造,以及空间应用解决方案。它的产品包括飞机座椅、机舱内饰和各种设备,包括安全、电气、控制以及水和废物系统。
2.The concentration
3.On 24 May 2017, the Parties entered into a binding Business and Combination Agreement setting out the terms of the acquisition by Safran of sole control over Zodiac (hereinafter the "Transaction" or the "Proposed Concentration"). The Transaction consists of a public tender offer by Safran for Zodiac's shares, with (i) a primary cash offer targeting 100% of Zodiac's shares, and (ii) a subsidiary exchange offer targeting a maximum of 31.4% of Zodiac’s shares, offering to Zodiac’s shareholders Safran preferred shares that would bear the same rights as ordinary shares but would not be transferable and would convert into ordinary shares three years after their issuance upon completion of the tender offer.
2017年5月24日,双方签订了一份具有约束力的业务和合并协议,规定了赛峰集团收购Zodiac唯一控制权的条款(以下简称“交易”或“拟议集中”)。该交易包括赛峰集团对 Zodiac 股份的公开要约收购,其中 (i) 以 Zodiac 100% 的股份为目标的主要现金,以及 (ii) 以 Zodiac 最多 31.4% 的股份为目标的子公司交换要约,向 Zodiac 的股东提供赛峰优先股,该优先股将拥有与普通股相同的权利,但不可转让,并将 在要约收购完成后发行三年后转换为普通股。
4.Completion of the tender offer will be subject to reaching (i) the mandatory overall acceptance threshold of 50% of Zodiac’s share capital or voting rights, and (ii) a voluntary overall acceptance threshold of two-thirds of the exercisable voting rights of Zodiac, which may be waived by Safran.
要约收购的完成将取决于达到 (i) Zodiac 股本或投票权 50% 的强制性总体接受门槛,以及 (ii) Zodiac 可行使投票权的三分之二的自愿总体接受门槛,赛峰集团可以放弃该门槛。
5.Prior to the Transaction, no shareholder controls Zodiac within the meaning of Article 3 of the Merger Regulation. Upon completion of the Tender Offer, Safran will be Zodiac's majority shareholder and […]. Safran will appoint a majority of the members of Zodiac's supervisory board, and a new executive board composed of members selected by Safran.
在交易之前,没有股东控制《合并条例》第 3 条所指的 Zodiac。 要约收购完成后, 赛峰集团将成为 Zodiac 的大股东,并且 [...]。 赛峰集团将任命 Zodiac 监事会的大多数成员,并任命由赛峰集团选出的成员组成的新执行委员会。
6.The Transaction therefore amounts to an acquisition by Safran of sole control over Zodiac within the meaning of Article 3(1)(b) of the Merger Regulation.
因此,该交易相当于赛峰集团 收购了《合并条例》第3条第(1)款第(b)项所指的对Zodiac 的唯一控制权。
3.EU dimension
7.The undertakings concerned have a combined aggregate world-wide turnover of more than EUR 5 000 million [Safran: EUR 17 753.6 million, Zodiac: EUR 5 208.2 million] . Each of them has an EU-wide turnover in excess of EUR 250 million [Safran: EUR […], Zodiac: EUR […] million], but they do not achieve more than two-thirds of their aggregate EU-wide turnover within one and the same Member State. The Proposed Concentration therefore has an EU dimension.
相关企业的全球总营业额超过 50 亿欧元 [赛峰集团:177.536 亿欧元,黄道带:52.082 亿欧元] .他们每个人在欧盟范围内的营业额都超过 2.5 亿欧元 [赛峰集团:欧元 [...],十二生肖:欧元 [...] 万],但它们在同一个成员国内实现的营业额不超过其欧盟总营业额的三分之二。因此,拟议集中具有欧盟维度。
4.Overview of the aircraft manufacturing industry
8.As a matter of general introduction, this section summarises the Commission's understanding of the basic features of the aircraft manufacturing industry, as explained mainly by the Notifying Party in the Form CO, and introduces terms and concepts used in the remainder of the decision.
作为一般性的介绍,本节总结了欧委会对飞机制造业基本特征的理解,主要由 通知方在表格 CO 中解释,并介绍了 决定其余部分中使用的术语和概念。
4.1.Types of aircraft 飞机类型
9.For the purpose of the merger control assessment of the Proposed Concentration, three types of aircraft are relevant: (i) commercial aircraft, (ii) military aircraft, and (iii) helicopters.
就拟议集中的合并控制评估而言,有三种类型的飞机是相关的:(i) 商用飞机,(ii) 军用飞机,以及 (iii) 直升机。
10.The commercial aircraft category includes large commercial aircraft, regional aircraft and business/corporate jets.
@.Large commercial aircraft are generally equipped with over 100 seats, can cover a range of more than 2,000 nautical miles and cost over USD 35 million. A distinction can be drawn between (i) wide-body aircrafts equipped with 200-850 seats and carrying passengers over more than 4,000 nautical miles distances, and (ii) narrow-body aircrafts equipped with 100-200 seats and carrying passengers over 2,000-4,000 nautical miles distances.
大型商用飞机通常配备 100 多个座位,航程超过 2,000 海里,造价超过 3500 万美元。可以区分 (i) 配备 200-850 个座位且载客距离超过 4,000 海里的宽体飞机,以及 (ii) 配备 100-200 个座位且载客距离超过 2,000-4,000 海里的窄体飞机。
A. 一个。Regional aircraft are generally equipped with 30 to 90 seats and can cover a range of less than 2,000 nautical miles. Regional aircrafts are comprised of (i) large regional aircraft which can transport 70-90 passengers and (ii) small regional aircraft which can transport 30-50 passengers.
支线飞机 通常配备 30 至 90 个座位,航程不到 2,000 海里。支线飞机包括 (i) 可运送 70-90 名乘客的大型支线飞机和 (ii) 可运送 30-50 名乘客的小型支线飞机。
B.Business/corporate aircraft/jets are aircrafts designed for corporate activities and typically cost between USD 3 million and more than USD 50 million.
公务机/公务机/喷气式飞机 是为公司活动而设计的飞机,成本通常在 300 万美元到 5000 万美元以上之间。
11.The military aircraft category comprises aircrafts designed for military activities, be it combat aircraft or non-combat aircraft – i.e. designed for search and rescue, reconnaissance, transport, observation and training.
12.Helicopters include normal and transport rotorcrafts propelled by turbine engines used for civil or military applications.
4.2.Supply chain 供应链
13.The supply chain in the aerospace industry mainly comprises two types of suppliers: Tier-1 and Tier-2 (and Tier-3 as the case may be). Tier-1 suppliers generally have integration capabilities and provide whole systems and equipment. Tier-2 suppliers tend to be active at an upstream stage, supplying components and sub-components which are later integrated into the systems/equipment by either the aircraft manufacturer or the Tier-1 supplier (or third-parties system integrators).
航空航天业的供应链主要包括两种类型的供应商:一级和二级(以及 Tier-3,视情况而定)。一级供应商通常具有集成能力,并提供完整的系统和设备。 二级供应商往往活跃在上游阶段,提供组件和子组件,这些组件和子组件随后由飞机制造商或一级供应商(或第三方系统集成商)集成到系统/设备中。
14.On the demand side, different types of customers purchase systems and equipment depending on the type of aircraft considered.
@.Large commercial aircraft: depending on the system/equipment considered, purchasers are either (i) aircraft manufacturers (also known as "airframers") with significant integration capabilities or (ii) end-users – inter alia airlines, lessors and national governments – who sometimes directly purchase certain equipment and systems from the Tier-1 supplier.
大型商用飞机:根据所考虑的系统/设备,采购商是 (i) 具有重要集成能力的飞机制造商(也称为“飞机制造商”),或 (ii) 最终用户(尤其是航空公司、出租商和国家政府),他们有时直接从一级供应商处购买某些设备和系统。
A. 一个。Regional aircraft/corporate jets: systems and equipment are usually purchased by aircraft manufacturers who then resell the whole aircraft to end-users.
B.Military aircraft and helicopters: systems and equipment are usually purchased by aircraft and helicopter manufacturers, in some cases also the Ministry of Defence depending on the equipment or system considered. Helicopter/military aircraft manufacturers will in any case provide the integration of main systems and equipment.
4.3.Procurement process 采购流程
15.In most cases, customers in the aircraft manufacturing industry source systems and equipment by means of competitive tender offers, often for the duration of the aircraft programme in question. The structure of the tender process can vary according to the aircraft type, customer involved or platform in question.
在大多数情况下,飞机制造业的承销商通过竞争性招标来采购系统和设备,通常是在相关飞机计划期间。招标流程的结构可能因飞机类型、涉及的客户或相关平台而异 。
4.3.1.Large commercial aircraft
16.Aircraft manufacturers of large commercial aircraft can either source products through build-to-print or build-to-specification ("build-to-spec") processes. The build-to-print process requires the supplier to manufacture equipment, systems and components to the exact specifications provided by the customer. The build-to-specification process, on the other hand, allows the supplier to use its own design and manufacturing skills.
17.Additionally, a distinction needs to be drawn between buyer-furnished equipment ("BFE") and supplier-furnished-equipment ("SFE"). BFE are purchased by end-users (e.g. airlines), whereas SFE are purchased by the aircraft manufacturer before the sale of the aircraft to the end-user.
此外,需要区分买方提供的设备 (“BFE”) 和供应商提供的设备 (“SFE”)。BFE 由最终用户(例如航空公司)购买,而 SFE 由飞机制造商在将飞机出售给最终用户之前购买。
18.With respect to SFE, suppliers for the different systems and equipment of an aircraft platform are selected through a competitive tender process. When launching a new aircraft platform, the aircraft manufacturers first issue Requests for Information ("RFI") to several prospective bidders in order to identify a preliminary list of potential suppliers for the systems/equipment/part that it will not manufacture in-house. The aircraft manufacturers then typically issue Requests for Proposals ("RFP") in order to "down-select" a limited number of final candidates who will submit "Best and Final Offers" on the basis of which final negotiations and selection will be conducted.
就 SFE 而言,飞机平台的不同系统和设备的供应商是通过竞争性招标程序选择的。在推出新的飞机平台时,飞机制造商首先向几个潜在投标人发出信息请求 (“RFI”),以确定其不会内部制造的系统/设备/零件的潜在供应商的初步名单。然后,飞机制造商通常会发布征求建议书 (“RFP”),以“降级选择”有限数量的最终候选人,这些候选人将提交“最佳和最终报价”,在此基础上将进行最终谈判和选择。
19.Tenders for BFE products typically occur at a later stage of the procurement process, around two years before the delivery of the aircraft.
BFE 产品的招标通常发生在采购过程的后期阶段,即飞机交付前两年左右。
4.3.2.Regional aircraft/corporate jets
20.Contrary to the procurement process for large commercial aircraft (which can be based either SFE or BFE), most equipment and systems for regional aircraft/business jets are sold on an SFE basis. The purchasers are therefore in most cases the aircraft manufacturers and not end-customers.
与大型商用飞机(可以基于 SFE 或 BFE)的采购流程相反,支线飞机/公务机的大多数设备和系统都是在 SFE 的基础上销售的。因此,在大多数情况下,购买者是飞机制造商,而不是最终客户。
4.3.3.Military aircraft 军用飞机
21.The procurement process for equipment and systems for military aircraft follows a specific pattern. Due to the low volume of aircraft and to the complexity of the integrated systems, the procurement process requires close cooperation between the airframer, the system supplier and the National Procurement Authority acting on behalf of the end-users.
4.3.4.Helicopters 直升机
22.The procurement of systems and equipment for helicopters is usually organized by the helicopter manufacturer, though certain parts can also be sourced directly by Ministries of Defence for military helicopters (e.g. engines). For helicopters, purchases take place by means of a tender process or through a negotiated procedure.
直升机系统和设备的采购通常由直升机制造商组织,但某些零件也可以由国防 部直接采购,用于军用直升机(例如 engines) 的 Launch。 对于直升机,购买是通过招标程序或协商程序进行的。
5.Product market definition
23.Both Safran and Zodiac are active in the production and supply of aircraft equipment on a worldwide basis. Although their respective product portfolios are complementary to a large extent, there are some horizontal overlaps between the Parties' activities.
赛峰集团和Zodiac公司都在全球范围内积极从事飞机设备的生产和供应。 尽管他们各自的产品组合 在很大程度上是互补的,但双方的活动之间存在一些横向重叠。
24.Zodiac (and Safran to a lesser extent) also produces and supplies components that can be used as input for aircraft equipment and systems produced by Safran (and Zodiac to a lesser extent). As a result, there are also vertical links between the Parties' activities.
Zodiac(以及赛峰集团) 还生产和供应可用作赛峰集团(以及 Zodiac 在较小程度上)生产的 飞机设备和系统的零部件。 因此,双方的活动之间也存在垂直联系。
25.In addition, Safran and Zodiac are both active on the aftermarket in relation to their own products and supply parts to other aftermarket service providers.
26.The present section examines market definition for all products in relation to which the Parties' activities overlap horizontally, are vertically related or could potentially be regarded as complementary to one another.
本节研究了双方活动横向重叠、 垂直相关 或可能被视为 互补性的所有产品的市场定义。
5.1.Electrical systems 电气系统
27.The aircraft electrical systems include all electrical units and components that generate, control, convert and supply electrical power on an aircraft. According to the Notifying Party, and as apparent from Commission precedents, the main elements of the aircraft electrical energy chain comprise the generation system and the distribution system. They are typically combined with conversion devices, which convert the electrical power from one voltage to another or from AC to DC current, and together form the conversion system of the aircraft. In addition, the aircraft electrical systems include batteries used to support ground operations and cope with failures in generation.
飞机电气系统包括在飞机上产生、控制、转换和供应电力的所有电气单元和组件。根据通知方的说法,从委员会的先例中可以明显看出,飞机电力拖链的 个主要要素包括发电系统和配电系统。 它们通常与转换装置结合使用,将电能从一种电压转换为另一种电压或从交流电转换为直流电流,共同构成飞机的转换系统。 此外,飞机电气系统还包括用于支持地面操作和应对发电故障的电池。
5.1.1.Electrical generation systems
电力发电系统 介绍
28.The electrical generation system is used to generate electrical power for various equipment and devices used on aircraft by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy by a process of electromagnetic induction. Overall, there are three types of generators: main generators, auxiliary power unit ("APU") generators and emergency power unit ("EPU") generators.
发电系统通过 电磁感应过程将机械能转化为电能,用于为飞机上使用的各种设备和设备发电。 总体而言,这里有三种类型的发电机:主发电机、辅助动力装置 (“APU”) 发电机和应急动力装置 (“EPU”) 发电机。
29.The main power generator is the principal electrical power source of the aircraft during normal flight conditions and produces electricity driven by the engines of the aircraft. In practice, power is generated by using the engines to drive a gearbox, which in turn drives the electrical generators. The main power generator is located near the engine, in the nacelle. In the basic configuration of an aircraft, each engine drives one or two main power generator(s), so that, for example, twin-engine aircraft generally carry two or four main power generators. The power rating of generators can vary from around 5kVA to over 250kVA, and different sizes of generators tend to be used in different types of aircraft.
主发电机是 飞机在正常飞行条件下的主要电源,由飞机发动机驱动发电。在实践中,通过使用发动机驱动变速箱来产生动力 ,而变速箱又驱动发电机。 主发电机位于发动机附近的机舱内。在飞机的基本配置中,每个发动机驱动一个或两个主发电机,因此,例如,双引擎飞机通常携带两个或四个主发电机。发电机的额定功率从 5kVA 左右到超过 250kVA 不等,不同类型的飞机往往使用不同尺寸的发电机。
30.The main power generator can be based on either AC or DC technology. AC technology is used mainly in large commercial aircraft, which have greater power needs (generally more than 15kVA) and longer power lines, but also some large helicopters and military aircraft. AC main power generators can be either based on constant frequency or on variable frequency.
主发电机可以基于交流或直流技术。交流技术主要应用于大型商用飞机,这些飞机具有更大的电力需求(通常超过 15kVA)和更长的电力线,但也用于一些大型直升机和军用飞机。交流主发电机可以基于恒定频率或可变频率。
31.DC main power generators are generally found in smaller aircraft with lower power requirements and are mostly low voltage (i.e. 28V). Low voltage DC generators are typically used on regional aircraft, business jets and helicopters, where limited flight time and less electrical power is needed. High-voltage DC generators (i.e. 270V) are used on a very small number of military fighter aircraft. The Notifying Party believes that high voltage DC generators may in the future become an alternative for power generation in large commercial aircraft. However, these generators are based on a complex technology and raise safety issues.
直流主发电机通常安装在功率要求较低的小型飞机中,并且大多是低电压(即 低压直流发电机通常用于支线飞机、公务机和直升机,这些飞机的飞行时间有限,需要的电力较少。高压直流发电机(即 270V)用于极少数军用战斗机。 通知方认为,高压直流发电机未来可能成为大型商用飞机发电的替代方案。然而,这些发电机基于复杂的技术,并引发了安全问题。
32.The APU generator provides electrical power to the aircraft’s systems and devices while the engines are shut down, mainly when the aircraft is on the ground. During flight, APU generators are not normally operated continuously but can be available in emergency situations (in case of engine failure, to provide back-up electrical power and compressed air to help main engine restarting). As for main power generators, APU generators are based on either AC or DC technology (depending on the technology on which the main generation is based), whereas they naturally run at (or close to) a constant speed.
APU 发电机在发动机关闭时为飞机的系统和设备提供电力,主要是当飞机在地面上时。 在飞行过程中,APU 发电机通常不会连续运行,但可以在紧急情况下使用(在发动机发生故障的情况下,提供备用电力和压缩空气,以帮助主机重新启动)。 至于主发电机,APU 发电机基于交流或直流技术(取决于主发电机所基于的技术),而它们自然以(或接近)恒定速度运行。
33.Large aircraft also carry an EPU generator, a device that generates additional or alternative low-output electric power in case of failure of the main and auxiliary power systems (when all engine power is lost) to maintain essential flight and landing systems. The EPU is normally located in the aircraft ventral or nose section and based on a different (and simpler) technology than main and auxiliary power generators, such as Ram air turbines (“RATs”) that generate electricity by using the air flowing around the aircraft. Since only Safran is active in the supply of EPU generators and the Transaction does not give rise to vertical relations involving EPU generators, they are not discussed specifically in the remainder of this decision.
飞机还携带EPU 发电机,这是一种在主和辅助电源系统发生故障(当所有发动机动力丢失时)产生额外或替代低输出电力的设备,以维持必要的飞行和着陆系统。EPU 通常位于飞机的腹侧或机头部分,基于与主发电机和辅助发电机不同(且更简单)的技术,例如 Ram 空气涡轮机(“RAT”),它通过使用飞机周围流动的空气来发电。 由于只有赛峰集团积极供应EPU发电机,且该交易不会产生涉及EPU发电机的纵向关系,因此在本决定 的其余部分不作具体讨论。 power generators 主发电机
34.In UTC/Goodrich, the Commission concluded that main power generators, APU generators and EPU generators constitute separate product markets. The Commission also found that main power generators based on AC and DC technology constitute separate product markets.
在 UTC/Goodrich, 中,委员会 得出结论,主发电机、APU 发电机和 EPU 发电机构成了单独的产品市场。 该委员会还发现,基于交流和直流技术的主发电机构成了单独的产品市场。
35.Within AC main generators, the Commission found that AC main generators based on constant frequency ("Main AC CF") and AC main generators based on variable frequency ("Main AC VF") constitute different product markets.
在交流主发电机中,委员会发现,基于恒频的交流主发电机(“主交流 CF”)和基于变频的交流主发电机(“主交流 VF”)构成了不同的产品市场。
36.Within DC main generators, the Commission defined separate product markets for high-voltage DC systems (i.e. 270V) ("Main DC HV") and low-voltage DC systems (i.e. 28V) ("Main DC LV").
在直流主发电机中,委员会为高压直流系统(即 270V)(“主直流高压”)和低压直流系统(即 28V)(“主直流低压”)定义了单独的产品市场。
37.In that decision, the Commission considered an alternative delineation within main power generators based on the size of the aircraft served, the main categories of aircraft being large commercial aircraft, regional commercial aircraft and corporate jets. This segmentation was ultimately left open.
38.The Notifying Party submits that, in the present case, the exact market definition can be left open since no competition concern arises under any alternative product market definition.
39.The market investigation conducted in the present case confirmed that main generators, APU generators and EPU generators constitute distinct product markets. In effect, all competitors and all customers (airframers) responding to the market investigation indicated that they consider this segmentation appropriate.
本案 进行的市场调查证实,主发电机、APU 发电机和 EPU 发电机构成了不同的产品市场。 实际上,所有竞争对手和所有对市场调查做出回应的客户(飞机制造商)都表示,他们认为这种细分是合适的。
40.Similarly, the market investigation confirmed the Commission' decisional practice regarding the appropriateness of a further segmentation of main power generators between Main AC CF, Main AC VF, Main DC LV and Main DC HV. All suppliers who responded to the market investigation considered appropriate to segment main generators according to AC/DC, CF/VF and LV/HV categories, per the Commission's previous practice, since these differ in terms of manufacturing cost, technical characteristics, sales price and usage. Likewise, a majority of customers (airframers) responding to the market investigation indicated that these various types of main generators differ in terms of function/usage, technical characteristics and price.
同样,市场调查证实了委员会的决定做法,即在主交流 CF、主交流 VF、主直流低压和主直流高压之间进一步划分主发电机 的适当性。根据委员会以前的做法,所有对市场调查做出回应的供应商都认为适合根据 AC/DC、CF/VF 和 LV/HV 类别对主发电机进行细分,因为它们在制造成本、技术特性、销售价格和用途方面有所不同。 同样,大多数客户(飞机制造商)对市场调查做出回应,表示各种类型的 主发电机在功能/用途、技术特性和价格方面有所不同。
41.As regards a possible sub-segmentation of Main AC CF, Main AC VF, Main DC LV and Main DC HV by type of aircraft, the market investigation was not conclusive. A number of competitors responding to the market investigation indicated that such further segmentation would be inappropriate, notably because the choice of a given technology is generally dictated by the size of the aircraft so that a further segmentation by size of aircraft would be redundant. However, the opposite opinion was expressed in similar proportion. For example, a respondent indicated that "[s]olutions are very similar between very light business jets and helicopters, solutions are different between military jet and commercial aircraft", while another explained that "[i]t is the specific technical / performance requirements of the machine, not the aircraft type that matter."
关于按飞机类型对 Main AC CF、Main AC VF、Main DC LV 和 Main DC HV 的可能细分,市场调查尚无定论。一些回应市场调查的竞争对手表示,这种进一步的细分是不合适的,特别是因为特定技术的选择通常由飞机的大小决定,因此按飞机尺寸进一步细分将是多余的。 然而,相反的意见以类似的比例表达。 例如,一位受访者表示,“超轻型公务机和直升机的解决方案非常相似,军用喷气式飞机和商用飞机的解决方案不同”,而另一位受访者解释说,“重要的是机器的具体技术/性能要求,而不是飞机类型。“
42.In contrast, a majority of customers (airframers) considered inappropriate to further segment main generators per type of aircraft. In any event, the Commission considers that the exact market definition in this regard can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market whether or not main generators are further segmented by type of aircraft.
相比之下,大多数客户(飞机制造商)认为不宜 进一步细分每种类型的飞机的主发电机。 无论如何,委员会认为,就本决定而言 ,这方面的确切市场定义是可以保留的,因为无论主发电机是否进一步按飞机类型细分,该交易都不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
43.The market investigation also elicited isolated comments suggesting further segmentations between brush and brushless, as well as oil cooled and air cooled generators. When presented with these possible segmentations, the Notifying Party replied as follows:
市场调查还引发了孤立的评论,建议进一步细分有刷和无刷,以及油冷和风冷发电机。 当收到这些可能的分割时,通知方的回答如下:
@.As regards Main AC VF: more than 90% of AC VF main generators are oil cooled and all the main AC VF suppliers (UTAS, GE, Honeywell and Thales, as well as Safran) supply oil cooled main generators;
关于主交流变频:超过 90% 的交流变频主发电机是油冷的,所有主要的交流变频供应商(UTAS、GE、霍尼韦尔和泰雷兹以及赛峰集团)都提供油冷式主发电机;
A. 一个。Air cooled main generators are essentially Main DC LV (to the exception of the few Main AC VF). When looking at the market for Main DC LV, all are air cooled;
风冷式主发电机本质上是主直流 LV(少数主交流 VF 除外)。在主直流低压市场中,所有产品都是风冷的;
B.Nearly all of the Main DC LV for aircraft currently in service are brush. The brushless technology has been introduced only recently and is used on a few programmes, most of which are still at development stage. According to the Notifying Party, all major DC LV main generator suppliers – such as Skurka, Astronics, Meggitt, Ametek and Thales, as well as Zodiac – are developing DC brushless technology,
目前在役飞机的几乎所有主直流 LV 都是刷子。无刷技术最近才推出,并用于一些程序,其中大多数仍处于开发阶段。 据通知方称,所有主要的直流低压主发电机供应商——如 Skurka、Astronics、Meggitt、Ametek 和 Thales,以及 Zodiac——都在开发直流无刷技术,
44.The Commission considers that no further segmentation is appropriate based on the type of cooling or the brush/brushless technology on the Main DC LV and Main AC VF markets for the following reasons.
委员会认为,出于以下原因,根据主直流低压和主交流 VF 市场的冷却类型或有刷/无刷技术,不宜进一步细分。
45.On the Main DC LV market, all generators are air cooled and, therefore, a segmentation based on the type of cooling would not alter the competitive assessment. Furthermore, given that the large majority of Main DC LV generators are brush, a sub-segmentation of the market for Main DC LV based on brush technology would substantially overlap with the delineation of the market for Main DC LV.
在主直流低压市场上,所有发电机都是风冷的,因此, 基于冷却类型的 细分不会改变竞争评估。此外,鉴于绝大多数 主直流低压发电机是有刷发电机,基于有刷技术的主直流低压市场 细分将与主直流低压市场的划分基本重叠。
46.On the Main AC VF market, the great majority of generators are oil cooled. Therefore, a sub-segmentation of the market for Main AC VF based on oil cooled technology would substantially overlap with the delineation of the market for Main AC VF.
在主交流变频器市场上,绝大多数发电机都是油冷式的。因此,基于油冷技术的 Main AC VF 市场的子细分将与 Main AC VF 的市场划分基本重叠。
47.Finally, the Notifying Party submits that back-up generators are part of the same market as main generators. Back-up generators are used on very few platforms. On the Boeing 777/777X, for example, the main generation system is composed of two generators (one main and one back-up), both driven and installed on the engines. Some helicopters (such as the Boeing CH-47 and the Bell 525) may also have back-up generators. In essence, main and back-up generators contribute to supply the main electrical power of the aircraft during flight, so that there is no interruption in the power transferred to the various loads. The difference between a back-up generator and an EPU generator is that the EPU generator is deployed in case of engine failure and subsequent loss of both the main and the back-up generators.
最后,通知方提出,备用发电机与主发电机属于同一市场。 备用发电机用于极少数平台。 例如,在波音 777/777X 上,主发电系统由两台发电机(一台主发电机和一台备用发电机)组成,两台发电机均由发动机驱动和安装。一些直升机(如波音 CH-47 和贝尔 525)也可能有备用发电机。 从本质上讲,main 和备用发电机有助于在飞行过程中为飞机提供主电源,因此传输到各种负载的电力不会中断。备用发电机和 EPU 发电机的区别在于,EPU 发电机是在发动机发生故障并随后失去主发电机和备用发电机的情况下部署的。
48.The outcome of the market investigation supports the Notifying Party's claim, as both the majority of responding customers (airframers) and competitors indicated that they consider inappropriate to segment main and back-up generators. One competitor for example indicated that main and back-up generators are "[…] the same system at the end, the only difference is main generators are designed to operate for long duration at variable load while back-up are to be run when there is an outage to the utility grid or the main source of power in a backup situation". As a result, the Commission considers that back-up generators are part of the same markets as main generators.
市场调查的结果支持通知方的说法,因为大多数回应的客户(飞机制造商)和竞争对手都表示,他们认为 不适合对主发电机和备用发电机进行分段。 例如,一位竞争对手表示,主发电机和备用发电机是“[...] 最后是相同的系统,唯一的区别是主发电机设计为在可变负载下长时间运行,而备用发电机将在公用电网或备用情况下的主要电源停电时运行”。 因此,委员会认为备用发电机与主发电机属于同一市场。
49.In view of the above, the Commission considers it appropriate to define separate product markets for Main AC CF, Main AC VF, Main DC LV and Main DC HV generators. A further segmentation by type of aircraft can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions. In contrast, other sub-segmentations do not appear warranted for the reasons explained above.
鉴于上述情况,委员会认为为主交流 CF、主交流 VF、主直流低压和主直流高压发电机定义单独的产品市场是合适的。为了做出这一决定,可以按飞机类型进行进一步的细分,因为该交易不会导致对其与任何替代定义下的内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。 相比之下,由于上述原因,其他子细分似乎没有必要。 Power Unit ("APU") generators
Auxiliary Power Unit (“APU”) 生成器
50.APU generators are driven by the APU of the aircraft, a small gas turbine engine located in the aircraft tail section, which is used to start the aircraft's main engines. APU generators provide electrical power to the aircraft systems and devices while the engines are shut down, i.e., mainly when aircrafts are grounded.
APU 发电机由飞机的 APU 驱动,APU 是位于飞机尾部的小型燃气涡轮发动机,用于启动飞机的主发动机。 APU 发电机在发动机关闭时(即主要是在飞机停飞时)为飞机系统和设备提供电力。
51.According to the Notifying Party, APU generators are either tendered by airframers separately from main generators or as one and the same work package. The Notifying Party also contends that the only relevant segmentation of APU generators is between AC and DC current. Conversely, the distinction between constant and variable frequency is not relevant for APU generators since they run at (or close to) constant speed.
根据通知方的说法,APU 发电机要么由飞机制造商与主发电机分开招标,要么作为同一个工作包招标。 通知方还辩称,APU 发电机的唯一相关分段是交流和直流电流之间。 相反,恒定频率和可变频率之间的区别与 APU 发电机无关,因为它们以(或接近)恒定速度运行。
52.As noted, the market investigation confirmed that the distinction between main generators and APU generators (and EPU generators) is appropriate. Likewise, certain suppliers indicated that a segmentation of APU generators between AC and DC current is required. In contrast, the outcome of the market investigation was inconclusive as to whether APU generators should be further segmented per type of aircraft. Certain suppliers pointed to significant differences across aircraft types, such as commercial aircraft and helicopters, while others emphasized that APU generators are nearly identical for commercial and regional aircrafts. In contrast, a majority of airframers considered that it is not appropriate to split APU generators per type of aircraft, or in any other ways.
如前所述,市场调查证实,区分主发电机和 APU 发电机(和 EPU 发电机)是适当的。 同样,某些供应商表示需要在交流和直流电流之间对 APU 发电机进行分段 。 相比之下,市场调查的结果对于是否应按飞机类型进一步细分 APU 发电机尚无定论。一些供应商指出了不同飞机类型(例如商用飞机和直升机)的显著差异,而其他供应商则强调商用和支线飞机的 APU 发电机几乎相同。 相比之下,大多数飞机制造商认为ed 不宜按飞机类型、 或任何其他方式拆分 APU 发电机。
53.In any event, given that the Transaction would not lead to horizontally affected markets under any alternative market definition, the precise market definition can be left open for the purpose of this decision. For this reason and since the Transaction does not either give rise to any vertical relations involving APU generators or materially expands the Parties' product portfolio, they are not further discussed in the present decision.
无论如何,如果该交易不会导致任何替代市场定义下的横向影响市场,则可以为本决定的目的保留确切的市场定义。 出于这个原因,并且该交易既没有产生任何涉及 APU 发电机的垂直关系,也没有实质性地扩大了双方的产品组合,因此在本决定中不再进一步讨论。
5.1.2.Electrical distribution systems and components
配电系统和 组件 介绍
54. The electrical distribution system of an aircraft connects the aircraft's generators to the individual devices and systems powered by electrical energy, during both flight and ground operations. As discussed in section 5.1.3., the electrical distribution system is distinct from the electrical conversion system that converts the electrical power produced by generators from one voltage to another and from AC to DC current.
飞机的配电系统在飞行和地面操作期间将飞机的发电机连接到由电能供电的各个设备和系统。 如第 5 节所述。1.3.,配电系统与电气转换系统不同,后者将发电机产生的电能从一种电压转换为另一种电压,从交流电转换为直流电流。
55.The electrical distribution system of any type of aircraft is divided into a "primary" and a "secondary" system, each of which fulfils different functions within the electrical system. The primary distribution system takes the electrical power from the generators (main generators and APUs) and channels it to (multiple) primary power distribution panels, which are composed of high power switching and circuit protection devices. Electrical power is then allocated to certain high power loads of the aircraft (e.g. the galley) and mainly to the secondary distribution system. The secondary distribution system, through (multiple) secondary power distribution panels, controls and distributes electricity to each individual system or device of the aircraft that requires electrical power. Secondary power distribution panels can be decentralised near key loads and in the cockpit. They are composed of low power switching and circuit protection devices.
任何类型飞机的配电系统 都分为“初级”和“次级”系统,每个系统在电气系统内实现不同的功能。一次配电系统从发电机(主发电机和 APU)获取电力,并将其输送到(多个)一次配电板,这些配电板由大功率开关和电路保护装置组成。然后将电力分配给飞机的某些高功率负载(例如 厨房),主要是二次配电系统。 二级配电系统通过(多个)二级配电板,控制并分配给飞机上每个需要电力的系统或设备。二次配电板可以分散安装在关键负载附近和驾驶舱内。它们由低功率开关和电路保护器件组成。
56.Another important function of the electrical distribution system is the protection of the aircraft wiring from electrical overloads and the monitoring of any power surge incident in the distribution circuit. This is achieved by means of circuit protection devices.
57.The main components that form part of electrical distribution systems include contactors, relays, bus power control units ("BPCUs"), fuses, circuit breakers, remote control circuit breakers ("RCCBs") and Solid State Power Controllers ("SSPC"). They have the purpose of switching, controlling, isolating and protecting the electrical circuits of the aircraft against power surge incidents, short circuits, electrical arc or other electrical failure.
构成配电系统一部分的主要组件包括接触器、继电器、总线电源控制单元 (“BPCU”)、保险丝、断路器、遥控断路器 (“RCCB”) 和固态电源控制器 (“SSPC”)。 它们的目的是开关、控制、隔离和保护飞机的电路免受电涌事件、短路、电弧或其他电气故障的影响。
58.Contactors and relays are electro-mechanical devices which perform the task of switching electrical circuits. Fuses and circuit breakers are devices that mechanically interrupt and isolate a circuit in the event of excessive current. BPCUs are electronic calculators installed in the primary power distribution panels which manage the dispatch of electrical power. SSPC, which combine a circuit breaker and a relay, electronically interrupt and isolate a circuit in the event of excessive current.
接触器和继电器是执行开关电路任务的 机电设备。熔断器和断路器是在电流过大的情况下机械中断和隔离电路的设备。BPCU 是安装在主配电盘中的电子计算器,用于管理电力调度。SSPC 将断路器和继电器组合在一起,在电流过大时以电子方式中断和隔离电路。
Figure 1: Distribution components (source: Form CO)
图 1:分销组件(来源:表格 CO) distribution systems
59.The Notifying Party submits that a distinction needs to be made between primary and secondary electrical distribution systems of an aircraft, given that (i) they perform different functions within the aircraft and are often procured in separate procurement packages and from different suppliers, and (ii) the technologies and know-how required to supply them are different (the primary distribution system mainly requires know-how in contactors, electrical system design and fault isolation, while the secondary distribution system mainly requires know-how in SSPC and arc-fault detection).
通知方提出,需要区分飞机的一次和二次配电系统,因为 (i) 它们在飞机内执行不同的功能,并且通常以单独的采购包形式从不同的供应商处采购,以及 (ii) 供应它们所需的技术和诀窍是不同的(一次配电系统主要需要接触器、电气系统设计和故障隔离方面的专业知识,而二次配电系统主要需要 SSPC 和电弧故障检测方面的专业知识)。
60.Conversely, the Notifying Party submits that no further distinction needs to be made within primary and secondary power distribution systems, respectively. In particular, the Notifying Party submits that it is not appropriate to segment distribution systems according to the size or end-use of the aircraft because the technology behind primary and secondary distribution systems is the same regardless of the type of aircraft. The Notifying Party further submits that no distinction between AC and DC technologies is appropriate because: (i) unlike generation systems, distribution systems will generally provide (through conversion devices) both AC and DC depending on the electrical device to which the electrical power is connected, (ii) all suppliers provide both AC and DC distribution systems, and (iii) customers do not issue separate tenders according to the technology used. The Notifying Party considers that the market definition can however be left open since no competition concerns arise under any alternative definition.
相反,通知方认为,无需分别在一次和二次配电系统内进行进一步区分。特别是,通知方提出,根据飞机的大小或最终用途对配电系统进行细分是不合适的,因为无论飞机类型如何,初级和二级配电系统背后的技术都是相同的。通知方进一步提出,交流和直流技术之间没有区别是合适的,因为:(i) 与发电系统不同,配电系统通常(通过转换设备)根据所连接的电气设备提供交流和直流,(ii) 所有供应商都提供交流和直流配电系统,以及 (iii) 客户不根据使用的技术。然而,通知方认为,市场定义可以保持开放,因为在任何替代定义下都不会出现竞争问题。 元
61.The outcome of the market investigation confirms the distinction between the primary and secondary distribution systems, although certain respondents indicated that they are not always sourced separately, as certain airframers procure the entire distribution system as a package from the same supplier. A large majority of respondents to the market investigation also indicated that distribution systems generally provide (through conversion devices) both AC and DC depending on the electrical load to which the power is delivered, and that a distinction between AC and DC technologies is thus not warranted.
市场调查的结果证实了一级和二级配电系统之间的区别,尽管某些受访者表示它们并不总是单独采购的,因为某些飞机制造商从同一供应商处将整个配电系统作为包式采购。 对市场调查的绝大多数 受访者还表示,配电系统通常(通过转换设备)根据供电的电气负载提供交流和直流,因此没有必要区分交流和直流技术。 元
62.As regards a possible segmentation according to type of aircraft, several customers and suppliers indicated that the technological requirements and complexity of distribution systems found on (large and regional) commercial aircraft are different from those of smaller aircraft such as helicopters, business jets or military aircraft. The Notifying Party also acknowledges that the complexity of the primary and secondary distribution systems is dictated by the size of the aircraft, and in particular the number of main generators, of electrical loads (which ranges from 50 in a small aircraft to more than 750 in large commercial aircraft) and the number of electrical networks embedded in the aircraft to power the loads.
关于根据飞机类型进行 可能的细分,一些客户和供应商表示, (大型和区域性)商用飞机上的分销系统的技术要求和复杂性与直升机、公务机或军用飞机等小型飞机 的技术要求和复杂性不同。 通知方还承认,一次和二次配电系统的复杂性取决于 飞机的大小,特别是主发电机的数量、电力负载(从小型飞机的 50 个到大型商用飞机的 750 多个)以及飞机中嵌入的为负载供电的电网数量。
63.Based on the results of the market investigation, the Commission considers that electrical distribution systems can be segmented into primary distribution systems and secondary distribution systems. A distinction can furthermore be made according to the size of the aircraft into electrical distribution systems for large commercial aircraft and smaller aircraft. The exact delineation of the product market can however be left open for the purpose of this decision as the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative market definitions considered.
根据市场调查结果,委员会认为配电系统可分为初级配电系统和二级配电系统。此外,还可以根据 飞机的大小 分为大型 商用飞机和小型飞机的配电系统 。然而,为了本决定的目的,可以保留产品市场的确切划分,因为该交易不会对其与所考虑的任何替代市场定义下的内部市场的 兼容性产生严重怀疑。 distribution components
64. The Notifying Party submits that the relevant product market definition encompasses all aircraft distribution components (contactors, relays, BPCUs, fuses, circuit breakers, RCCBs and SSPC) because they all serve the same purpose of switching, controlling, isolating and protecting the electrical circuits of the aircraft, they do not substantially differ in terms of their technical characteristics (even though their rating and voltage varies with the power required by the relevant device) and suppliers generally master the technologies and know-how required for the manufacturing of all electrical distribution components. The Notifying Party further submits that all distribution components are found both in primary distribution panels and secondary distribution panels (although circuit breakers are generally more present in secondary distribution while contactors are generally more present in primary distribution, though not only), and that there is some degree of substitutability between different distribution components: for instance, SSPCs are increasingly replacing circuit breakers and contactors for circuit protection, and RCCBs integrate contactors and circuit breakers to supply power to a dedicated function.
通知方提出,相关产品市场定义包括所有飞机分销组件(接触器、继电器、BPCUs、保险丝、断路器、RCCB和SSPCs), 因为它们都具有相同的目的,即开关、控制、隔离和保护飞机的电路,即飞机的电气电路。在技术特性方面没有太大差异(即使它们的额定值和电压随相关设备所需的功率而变化),并且供应商通常掌握制造所有配电组件所需的技术和专业知识。通知方进一步提出,所有配电组件都可以在主配电箱和次级配电箱中找到(尽管断路器通常更多地出现在二次配电中,而接触器通常更多地出现在初级配电中),并且不同配电组件之间存在一定程度的可替代性:例如, SSPC 越来越多地取代断路器和接触器进行电路保护,RCCB 集成了接触器和断路器,为专用功能供电。
65.The outcome of the Commission's market investigation was not conclusive as to whether and how the market for distribution components should be segmented. Although a significant number of respondents agreed with the Notifying Party's views, others indicated that not all manufacturers have the know-how to supply all types of distribution components and that certain components, such as contactors, are more specialised and technically complex than others, or that a distinction should be drawn between electronic components like SSCPs and electro-mechanical units such as relays, circuit breakers, RCCB.
委员会的市场调查结果对于是否以及如何细分分销组件市场尚无定论。 尽管相当多的受访者同意通知方的观点,但其他制造商表示,并非所有制造商都具备供应所有类型配电元件的专有技术,并且某些元件(如接触器)比其他元件更专业、技术更复杂,或者应区分 SSCP 和机电单元等电子元件如继电器、断路器、RCCB。
66.In view of certain differences in their functions and manufacturing technology, the Commission finds that each distribution component (contactors, relays, BPCUs, fuses, circuit breakers, RCCBs and SSPCs) can plausibly be considered to constitute a distinct relevant product market. The exact market definition can however be left open for the purpose of this decision as the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any alternative market definition considered.
鉴于它们在功能和制造技术上的某些差异,委员会发现 每个分销组件(接触器、继电器、BPCU、保险丝、断路器、RCCB 和 SSPC) 可以合理地被视为构成一个独特的相关产品市场。然而,就本决定而言,确切的市场定义可以保持开放,因为该交易在考虑的任何替代市场定义下都不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
5.1.3.Electrical conversion systems
67.Conversion devices convert the electrical power produced by generators from one voltage to another and from AC to DC current. According to the Notifying Party, conversion devices constitute stand-alone equipment and comprise transformers, transformer-rectifier units ("TRUs" to convert AC into DC), auto transformer-rectifier units ("ATRUs", also to convert AC into DC) and inverters (to convert DC into AC), which was broadly confirmed by the market investigation.
68.In effect, the market investigation confirmed that conversion devices consist in a distinct electrical system located between the generation and distribution systems and involving a different technology and supplier base than generation and distribution systems. Likewise, the majority of respondents to the market investigation confirmed that conversion systems are generally tendered out separately from generation and distribution systems. Conversely, none of the respondent to the market investigation suggested that conversion devices need to be segmented in any particular way.
实际上,市场调查证实,转换装置由位于发电和配电系统之间的不同电气系统组成,涉及与发电和配电系统不同的技术和供应商基础。 同样,市场调查的大多数受访者确认,转换系统通常与发电和配电系统分开招标。 相反,市场调查的受访者中没有一个人建议需要以任何特定的方式对转换设备进行细分。
69.As a result, in view of the outcome of the market investigation, the Commission considers it appropriate to define one distinct product market for conversion systems including all conversion devices. In any event, the precise market definition can be left open because even if the different types of conversion devices were considered separately, the Transaction would not lead to horizontally or vertically affected markets. In effect, conversion systems are only relevant for the purpose of assessing the Transaction insofar as they may be considered close complements of generation and distribution systems and as the Transaction will enable Safran to acquire complementary conversion capabilities, thereby expanding its electrical system product portfolio.
因此,鉴于市场调查的结果,竞委会认为为包括所有转换设备在内的转换系统定义一个不同的产品市场是适当的。无论如何,确切的市场定义可以保持开放,因为即使 单独考虑不同类型的转换设备,该交易也不会导致水平或垂直影响的市场。 实际上,转换系统仅与评估交易相关,因为它们可能被视为发电和配电系统的紧密补充,并且该交易将使赛峰集团获得互补的转换能力,从而扩大其电气系统产品组合。
5.1.4.Battery systems 电池系统
70.According to the Notifying Party, batteries constitute the fourth distinctive part of the electrical system of an aircraft, next to generation, distribution and conversion. In particular, battery systems are used to: (i) provide electrical power on the ground for certain specific operations (maintenance, fuel loading, towing), (ii) provide electrical power in emergency situations when the main generator does not work, and (iii) provide power to the APU. Batteries used in aircrafts currently in service include lead acid batteries and nickel cadmium (NiCd) batteries. Some of the most recent platforms also use low voltage Lithium-ion (li-ion) batteries but that technology is still largely at development stage.
根据通知方的说法,电池构成了飞机电气系统的第四个独特部分,仅次于发电、配电和转换。 特别是,电池系统用于:(i) 为某些特定操作(维护、燃料装载、牵引)在地面上提供电力,(ii) 在主发电机不工作时的紧急情况下提供电力,以及 (iii) 为 APU 供电。 目前在役飞机使用的电池包括铅酸电池和镍镉 (NiCd) 电池。 一些最新的平台也使用低压锂离子 (li-ion) 电池,但该技术在很大程度上仍处于开发阶段。
71.Based on the information submitted by the Notifying Party and obtained as part of the market investigation, the Commission finds it appropriate to define a distinct product market for batteries, irrespective of the underlying technology, given their distinctive function, separate procurement and different supplier base. The exact market definition can however be left open for the purpose of this decision as the Transaction does not give rise to affected markets under any alternative market definition considered. Since the Transaction does not either give rise to any vertical relations involving batteries, they are not further discussed in the present decision.
根据通知方提交的信息以及作为市场调查的一部分获得的信息,欧委会认为,鉴于电池的独特功能、单独的采购和不同的供应商基础,无论其基础技术如何,为电池定义一个独特的产品市场是合适的。 然而,就本决定而言,确切的市场定义可以保持开放,因为该交易不会在考虑的任何替代市场定义下产生受影响的市场。 由于该交易也没有产生任何涉及电池的纵向关系,因此本决定不再进一步讨论它们。
5.2.Landing gears 起落架
72.The landing gear supports the weight of the aircraft while on the ground and absorbs most of the energy at landing and during take-off, by damping the mechanical shocks caused by the irregularities of the runway. Large commercial aircraft, regional and corporate aircraft generally have two main landing gears located under the wings and one nose landing gear. Only large helicopters have landing gears (two main and one nose landing gears), the smaller ones do not.
起落架在地面上支撑飞机的重量,并通过抑制跑道不规则性引起的机械冲击,在着陆和起飞时吸收大部分能量。 大型商用飞机、支线飞机和公务机通常有两个主起落架位于机翼下方,还有一个前起落架。 只有大型直升机有起落架(两个主起落架和一个前起落架),较小的直升机没有。
73.The landing gear generally consist of: (i) a leg assembly, composed of a main fitting and a sliding tube; (ii) a retraction actuator; (iii) a sidestay/forestay; (iv) torque links; (v) a boogie beam for main landing gears with four or six wheels; (vi) harnesses; and (vii) hydraulic hose and tube assemblies.
起落架一般包括:(i) 支腿组件,由主接头和滑管组成; (ii) 缩回致动器; (iii) 侧撑/前撑; (iv) 扭矩连杆; (v) 用于四轮或六轮主起落架的趴板梁; (vi) 线束;以及 (vii) 液压软管和管组件。
Figure 2: 2-wheel main landing gear overview (source: Form CO)
图 2:2 轮主起落架概述(来源:Form CO)

74.The Notifying Party submits that there is one overall relevant market for landing gears. In particular, it explains that the distinction between main landing gear and nose landing gear or between landing gears for various types of aircraft is not appropriate based on the fact that these use the same technology and basic design, and can be supplied by the same manufacturers. However, the Notifying Party submits that the exact product market definition can be left open as no competition concerns arises under any alternative product market definition.
通知方提出,起落架有一个总体相关的市场。特别是,它解释说,主起落架和前起落架或各种类型飞机的起落架之间的区别是不合适的,因为它们使用相同的技术和基本设计,并且可以由相同的制造商提供。 然而,通知方认为,确切的产品市场定义可以保持开放,因为在任何替代产品市场定义下都不会出现竞争问题。 元
75.In a previous decision, the Commission has examined a market encompassing all landing gears, however considering that the landing gear market is divided into two customer segments, civil and military. The market investigation confirmed that there are no significant technological differences between main and nose landing gears and that they are supplied together. With regard to the further segmentation of the market for landing gears according to aircraft types, the market investigation was inconclusive.
在之前的一项决定中, 委员会审查了一个包含所有起落架的市场,但考虑到起落架市场分为两个客户群,即民用和军用。市场调查证实,主起落架和前起落架 之间没有明显的技术差异,它们是一起供应的。 关于根据飞机类型对起落架市场进行进一步细分,市场调查尚无定论。
76.In any event, the exact product market definition in this regard can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
5.3.Brakes and wheels 制动器和车轮
77.The design of brakes and wheels are linked as the wheel hosts the brake. Brakes and wheels are replaced several times over the lifetime of the aircraft. The brakes are composed of: (i) the stators; (ii) the rotors; (iii) the pistons/actuators; (iv) a thrust plate; and (v) harnesses.
制动器和车轮的设计是相互关联的,因为车轮主机与制动器相连。 在飞机的整个生命周期内,制动器和轮子会更换多次。制动器由以下部分组成: (i) 定子; (ii) 转子; (iii) 活塞/执行器; (iv) 止推板; 以及 (v) 线束。
Figure 3: Components of a brake (source: Form CO)
图 3:制动器的组件(来源:Form CO)

78.The wheel assembly is mainly composed of two wheel halves: the outer and inner wheel. This structure enables to mount the tyre onto the wheel. Brake rotors are located in the inner wheel.
Figure 4: Wheel structure (source: Form CO)
图 4:车轮结构(来源:Form CO)

79.The Notifying Party submits that brakes and wheels form one relevant product market because airlines purchase brakes and wheels together from one supplier and because brakes and wheels are designed and manufactured simultaneously. Furthermore, the Notifying Party considers that there is no need to distinguish between the various types of aircraft as all suppliers are able to supply all types of aircraft and as the technology is the same. In any event, the Notifying Party is of the view that the exact product market definition can be left open as no competition concerns arises under any alternative product market definition.
通知方认为,制动器和车轮构成一个相关的产品市场,因为航空公司从一家供应商处一起购买制动器和车轮,并且制动器和车轮是同时设计和制造的。 此外,通知方认为,没有必要区分各种类型的飞机,因为所有供应商都能够提供所有种类的飞机,而且技术是相同的。 无论如何,通知方认为,确切的产品市场定义可以保持开放,因为在任何替代产品市场定义下都不会出现竞争问题。
80.The market investigation confirmed that brakes and wheels belong to the same relevant product market. Indeed a large majority of customers responded that they source brakes and wheels together. Although the majority of suppliers stated that they do not design and manufacture brakes and wheels together, the majority of manufacturers confirmed that they are however supplied together to customers.
市场调查证实,制动器和车轮属于同一相关产品市场。 事实上,绝大多数客户回答说,他们一起采购制动器和车轮。 尽管 大多数供应商表示y 不一起设计和制造制动器和车轮, 大多数制造商 确认 他们是一起供应给客户的。
81.With regard to the further segmentation according to aircraft types, the market investigation results are inconclusive. The majority of suppliers replied that brakes and wheels for different aircraft types differ significantly from a technical point of view. This is also reinforced by the fact that slightly different ranges of suppliers are active in the different segments. However, the majority of respondents stated that they would be technically capable of supplying brakes and wheels for all types of aircraft, indicating supply-side substitutability.
关于根据飞机类型的进一步细分,市场调查结果尚无定论。大多数供应商回答说,从技术角度来看,不同飞机类型的制动器和机轮有很大不同。 在不同细分市场中活跃的供应商 范围略有不同,这一事实也强化了这一点。 然而,大多数受访者表示,他们在技术上能够 为所有类型的飞机提供制动器和机轮,这表明供应侧具有可替代性。
82.In this regard, the Commission also notes that the procurement process of brakes and wheels on the different segments differs significantly. Brakes and wheels for large commercial aircraft are purchased by the end-customers, i.e. the airlines after the pre-selection of the suppliers by the airframer. […]. Conversely, the customers of brakes and wheels for other aircraft types are the airframers who are charged at the time of supply.
在这方面,委员会还指出,不同细分市场的制动器和车轮的采购过程存在很大差异。大型商用飞机的制动器和机轮由最终客户购买,即航空公司在飞机制造商预先选择供应商后购买。 [...]。相反,其他飞机类型的制动器和机轮的客户是在 供应时收费的飞机制造商。
83.The exact product market definition can nonetheless be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
5.4.Control systems and equipment
84.Control systems and equipment command and control various functions of an aircraft through series of components. The customers of control systems and equipment are airframers, which source these products directly from Tier 1 suppliers. For the assessment of the Transaction, three control systems and equipment have to be reviewed, namely the landing gear extension/retraction system, the braking control system and the steering control system.
85.The computer-controlled landing gear extension/retraction system performs successive operations to extend the landing gears before landing and retract them after take-off. It generally consists of: (i) the landing gear control handle lever; (ii) the landing gear control indication unit ("LGCIU"); (iii) the selector valve; (iv) solenoid valves (manifold); (v) electromechanical actuators ("EMA") valves; (vi) the door actuator; (vii) uplock and unlock units and; (viii) sensors.
计算机控制的起落架伸缩系统执行连续操作,在着陆前伸出起落架,在起飞后缩回起落架。它通常包括:(i) 起落架控制手柄杆; (ii) 起落架控制指示单元(“LGCIU”); (iii) 选择阀; (iv) 电磁阀(歧管); (v) 机电致动器(“EMA”)阀; (vi) 门执行器; (vii) Uplock 和 Unlock 单元;(viii) 传感器。
Figure 5: Landing gear extension/retraction system – nose and main landing gears (source: Form CO)
图 5:起落架伸缩系统 - 机头和主起落架(来源:Form CO)

86.In normal mode, the power source for landing gear extension/retraction is hydraulic. In case of loss of the main hydraulic circuit, a back-up/emergency mode enables to unlock doors; the landing gears are then extended by gravity.
87.Braking control systems command and control the aircraft's brakes upon pilot's command at landing or taxiing. The braking control system can be either hydraulic (most of existing platforms) or electronic (Boeing 787, Bombardier C-series). Accordingly, the on-board computer (usually called braking control unit – "BCU") controls a hydraulic braking regulation system or directly drives electric brakes.
制动控制系统在着陆或滑行时根据飞行员的命令指挥和控制飞机的制动器。制动控制系统可以是液压的(大多数现有平台)或电子的(波音 787、庞巴迪 C 系列)。因此,车载计算机(通常称为制动控制单元 – “BCU”)控制液压制动调节系统或直接驱动电动制动器。
88.A hydraulic braking control system generally consist of: (i) pilot controls; (ii) the BCU; (iii) the selector valve; (iv) a braking manifold embedding valves and servo-valves; and (v) tachometers
液压制动控制系统通常包括:(i) 先导控制; (ii) BCU; (iii) 选择阀; (iv) 制动歧管嵌入阀和伺服阀;以及 (v) 转速计
Figure 6: Hydraulic braking control system (source: Form CO)
图 6:液压制动控制系统(来源:Form CO)

89.Electric braking control systems are similar in their design except that the BCU commands another controller usually called electrical brake actuator, which in turn commands the electric brakes themselves. Similarly, tachometers provide wheel speed feedback to the BCU.
电动制动控制系统在设计上相似,只是 BCU 命令另一个通常称为电动制动执行器的控制器,而该控制器又命令电动制动器本身。同样,转速计向 BCU 提供轮速反馈。
Figure 7: Electric braking control system (source: Form CO)
图 7:电动制动控制系统(来源:Form CO)

90.The steering control system controls the position of the nose wheels relative to the aircraft centreline in order to change the direction of the aircraft when on the ground. The computer-controlled steering control system is hydraulically powered. Its major components are: (i) pilot controls; (ii) a landing gear steering control unit ("LGSCU"); (iii) servo-valves (manifold); (iv) position feedback rotary variable differential transformer ("RVDT"); (v) a nose wheel steering deactivation box; and (vi) sensors.
转向控制系统控制前轮相对于飞机中心线的位置,以便在地面上改变飞机的方向。计算机控制的转向控制系统由液压驱动。其主要组成部分是:(i) 飞行员控制; (ii) 起落架操舵控制单元(“LGSCU”); (iii) 伺服阀(歧管); (iv) 位置反馈旋转可变差动变压器(“RVDT”); (v) 前轮转向停用箱;以及 (vi) 传感器。
Figure 8: Steering control system (source: Form CO)
图 8:转向控制系统(来源:Form CO)

91.The Notifying Party considers that there are three distinct relevant markets for (i) braking control systems, (ii) landing gear extension/retraction systems and (iii) steering control systems for the following reasons. First, the relevant markets should not include the end-equipment controlled by the systems as they are supplied separately. Second, the components of a specific system are always supplied as a group, therefore the system itself constitutes a relevant product market. Third, a distinction should be made between the different systems as they have different functions (no demand-side substitutability); they are tendered separately and there is limited supply-side substitutability as the systems require different materials and technologies. Finally, the Notifying Party argues that further segmentation according to the types of aircraft would not be appropriate because all suppliers are able to supply all types of aircraft as technologies are identical.
通知方认为,(i) 制动控制系统、(ii) 起落架伸缩系统和 (iii) 转向控制系统有三个不同的相关市场,原因如下。 首先,相关市场不应包括由系统控制的终端设备,因为它们是单独供应的。其次,特定系统的组件总是作为一个组供应,因此系统本身构成了一个相关的产品市场。 第三,应区分不同的系统,因为它们具有不同的功能(没有需求方的可替代性);它们是单独招标的,并且由于系统需要不同的材料和技术,因此供应方的可替代性有限。 最后,通知方认为,根据飞机类型进一步细分是不合适的,因为所有供应商都能够提供所有类型的飞机,因为技术是相同的。
92.In any event, the Notifying Party is of the view that the exact product market definition can be left open as no competition concerns arises under any alternative product market definition.
93.The market investigation confirmed that the end-equipment (e.g. landing gears with the landing gear extension/retraction system) is not supplied/sourced together with their control systems and that the different control systems do not belong to the same relevant product market based on the separate procurement and technological differences. The majority of respondents stated that control systems differ significantly across aircraft types and that their company would not be technically able to supply the respective control system for all aircraft types. On the other hand, a competitor argued that this is mostly a question of scale and that there are no major technological differences between control systems for different types of aircraft.
市场调查证实,终端设备(例如带有起落架伸缩系统的起落架)不是与其控制系统 一起供应/采购的,并且基于单独采购 和技术差异,不同的控制系统不属于同一相关产品市场。 大多数受访者表示,不同机型 的控制系统差异很大,他们的公司在技术上无法为所有 s 型飞机提供相应的控制系统。 另一方面,一位竞争对手认为,这主要是规模问题,不同类型飞机的控制系统之间没有重大的技术差异。 元
94.The exact product market definition can nonetheless be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
5.5.Nacelles 机舱
5.5.1.Introduction 介绍
95.Nacelles are enclosures on the exterior of an aircraft, often attached to the wings, used to house the engine and its components. Large commercial aircraft, regional aircraft, business jets and military aircraft have nacelles. On the contrary, helicopters do not have nacelles. The main functions of the nacelle are to contribute to the performance of the propulsion system, to ensure the best aerodynamics and to participate in the braking of the aircraft. It also helps reduce engine noise, and incorporates safety components to protect the aircraft from the engine heat.
机舱是飞机外部的外壳,通常连接到机翼上,用于容纳发动机及其部件。大型商用飞机、支线飞机、公务机和军用飞机都有短舱。相反,h型直升机没有机舱。 短舱的主要功能是为推进系统的性能做出贡献,确保最佳的空气动力学性能,并参与飞机的制动。它还有助于降低发动机噪音,并采用安全组件来保护飞机免受发动机热量的影响。
96.The nacelle contains the engine and its accessories. The exterior of a nacelle is covered with a cowling that can be opened to access the engine and components inside. A cowling is designed to provide a smooth airflow over the nacelle and to protect the engine from damage. Nacelles are complex pieces of equipment, with different components that must be assembled and integrated with the engine into the aircraft. Nacelles in large commercial aircraft are comprised of four main components and related systems: the air inlet, the exhaust , the thrust reverser and fan cowl doors. Nacelles in the other types of aircraft do not have an exhaust.
机舱包含发动机及其附件。机舱的外部覆盖着一个整流罩,可以打开该整流罩以接触内部的发动机和组件。整流罩旨在通过机舱提供平稳的气流并保护发动机免受损坏。 机舱是复杂的设备,具有不同的组件,必须组装并与发动机一起集成到飞机中。大型商用飞机的短舱由四个主要部件和相关系统组成: 进气口、排气口 、反推装置和风扇整流罩门。其他类型飞机中的短舱没有排气装置。
Figure 9: Components of the nacelle (source: Form CO)
图 9:机舱组件(来源:CO 表格)

97.The air inlet (also called nose cowl) is used to provide the air flow to the engine fan. It also attenuates the engine fan noise forward. The air inlet typically includes a pneumatic anti-icing system. It prevents or eliminates ice that may form in flight on the inlet cowl lip. Hot air from the engine compressor is used to heat the inlet cowl lip with a controlled flow.
98.Fan cowl doors are large doors on both sides of the nacelle that can be opened to access the engine and components inside.
99.The thrust reverser is located next to the engine and helps the aircraft slow down on the ground by reversing the air flow so as to produce a retarding backward force. To do so, the thrust reverser obstructs the primary air flow, so that the aircraft engine’s exhaust is directed forward rather than backwards. The thrust reverser is the most important component of the nacelle in terms of mass and cost, representing more than half the value of the nacelle. There are three types of thrust reversers: thrust reversers with cascades, thrust reversers with doors and target thrust reversers.
反推装置位于发动机旁边,通过反转气流来帮助飞机在地面上减速,从而产生减速的后退力。为此,反推装置会阻碍一次气流,使飞机发动机的排气管向前而不是向后。 就质量和成本而言,反推装置是短舱中最重要的部件,占短舱价值的一半以上。推力反向器分为三种类型:带级联的推力反向器、带门的推力反向器和目标推力反向器。
100.The thrust reverser comprises two main parts: a fixed structure and a transcowl structure that is a mobile part. The thrust reverser functions with an actuation system (“TRAS”) that is needed to move the transcowl structure.
反推装置由两个主要部分组成:固定结构和 作为移动部件的横梁结构。反推装置与移动横流罩结构所需的驱动系统 (“TRAS”) 一起工作。
101.The exhaust expels the secondary air flow from the engine. The exhaust provides the extra thrust force required for all flight conditions and is composed of exhaust nozzle and of the front plug and the rear plug.
5.5.2.Nacelles 机舱
102.In UTC/Goodrich, the Commission regarded nacelles as forming part of a separate product market. Particularly, in that decision the Commission investigated whether it was appropriate to further segment the market for nacelles according to the size and type of aircraft served (i.e. large commercial aircrafts or regional aircrafts). In that case the market definition was ultimately left open, however the market investigation gave indications that such a segmentation would have likely been inappropriate due to supply-side substitution considerations.
在 UTC/Goodrich 案中, 委员会将机舱视为独立产品市场的一部分。 特别是,在该决定中,欧盟委员会调查了根据所服务的飞机(即大型商用飞机或支线飞机)的大小和类型进一步细分短舱市场是否合适。在这种情况下,市场定义最终没有定论,但市场调查表明,由于供应侧替代的考虑,这种细分可能是不合适的。
103.The Notifying Party agrees with the above market definition.
104.The market investigation broadly confirmed the views of the Notifying Party. The vast majority of customers responding to the market investigation in fact indicated that they do not consider appropriate to segment the market for nacelles by type of aircraft. As one respondent explained "some differences depending on engine temp and position but the technology is the same". From the supply side, the market investigation yielded largely inconclusive results, however it appears that there is a certain degree of supply-side substitutability between nacelles for different types of aircraft. In fact a number of players, typically the largest ones, indicated that they are able to supply nacelles for all the different types of aircrafts.
市场调查大致证实了通知方的观点。事实上,绝大多数对市场调查做出回应的客户表示,他们认为按飞机类型细分短舱市场是不合适的。正如一位受访者解释的那样,“根据发动机温度和位置,会有一些差异,但技术是相同的”。 从供应方面来看,市场调查在很大程度上没有得出结论,但不同类型飞机的短舱之间似乎存在一定程度的供应侧可替代 性。事实上,许多参与者,通常是最大的参与者,表示他们能够为所有不同类型的飞机提供短舱。
105.In light of the above, the Commission considers that nacelles may constitute a separate product market and that a further segmentation according to type of aircraft may not be entirely appropriate. In any event, the exact product market definition in this regard can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
鉴于上述情况,欧委会认为短舱可能构成一个单独的产品市场,根据飞机 类型进行进一步细分可能并不完全合适。 无论如何,就本决定而言,这方面的确切产品市场定义可以保持开放状态,因为该交易不会导致对其与任何替代定义下的内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
5.5.3.Nacelles components – Thrust reversers
机舱组件 – 反推装置
106.In past decisions, the Commission identified separate product markets for each of the main components of the nacelle, i.e. thrust reversers, air inlets, exhaust and fan cowl doors.
在过去的决定中, 委员会为短舱的每个主要部件(即 推力反向器、进气口、排气和风扇整流罩门)确定了单独的产品市场。
107.As the only overlap between the Parties' activities arises from the vertical relationship between the nacelle sub-components (such as thrust reverser cascades, scoops, flexible metal hoses and wiring systems) supplied by Zodiac on the one hand and thrust reversers supplied by Safran on the other hand, only thrust reversers will be further discussed below.
由于双方活动之间的唯一重叠源于 Zodiac提供的短舱子部件(如反推装置级联、勺子、柔性金属软管和布线系统)与赛峰 集团提供的反推装置之间的垂直关系 ,而赛峰集团则只提供反推装置 将在下面进一步讨论。
108.The Notifying Party agrees with the Commission's approach that each component of the nacelles constitutes a separate product market and further claims that a segmentation according to the type of thrust reverser (i.e., thrust reversers with cascades, thrust reversers with doors and target thrust reversers) is inappropriate.
通知方同意委员会的方法,即短舱的每个组件都构成一个单独的产品市场,并进一步声称,根据反推装置的类型(即 带级联的反推装置、带门的反推装置和目标反推装置)进行细分是不合适的。
109.The Commission takes the view that the segmentation of the market for thrust reversers based on their type is not appropriate. Although some customers (airframers) responding to the market investigation in fact indicated that this segmentation may be appropriate from a demand perspective in terms of technical characteristics and price, there is broad supply-side substitutability as the majority of suppliers indicated that they are able to manufacture all types of thrust reversers.
委员会认为,根据推力反向器的类型对市场进行细分是不合适的。尽管回应市场调查的客户(飞机制造商)实际上表示,从技术特性和价格的角度来看,这种 细分可能是合适的, 存在广泛的供应侧可替代性 大多数供应商表示,他们能够制造所有类型的反推装置。
110.The need to further sub-segment the market for thrust reversers according to aircraft types can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any alternative market definition considered.
5.5.4.Nacelles sub-components 机舱子组件
111.Zodiac supplies a number of sub-components that are used in the manufacturing of nacelles and nacelle components and systems. In particular, these are: (i) thrust reverser cascades; (ii) scoops for thrust reversers; (iii) flexible metal hoses; (iv) wiring systems; (v) high-temperature/high-pressure ducting assemblies; and (vi) utility actuators.
Zodiac 提供许多用于制造短舱和短舱组件和系统的子组件。具体而言,这些是: (i) thrust 反向器级联; (ii) 用于反推装置的鸡舍; (iii) f弹性金属软管; (iv) WIRING 系统; (v) H高温/H高压管道组件;以及 (vi) UTility 执行器。
112.The market definition concerning wiring systems is discussed in section 5.9 . The relevant market for utility actuators is discussed in section 5.10.6 below.
有关布线系统的市场定义在 5.9 节 中讨论。 实用执行器的相关市场将在下面的第 5.10.6 节中讨论。
113.For the remaining components, the Notifying Party claims that each constitutes a distinct product market and that no further segmentation is appropriate.
114.The market investigation broadly supported the Notifying Party's claims, and particularly:
@.With respect to high-temperature/high-pressure ducting assemblies the majority of competitors responding to the market investigation indicated that there is no difference between the ones used in nacelles (de-icing ducting) and high-temperature/high-pressure ducting assemblies used elsewhere on an aircraft. This was also the supported by the responses of the customers (air framers);
关于高压管道组件,大多数参与市场调查的竞争者表示,用于机舱(除冰管道)的管道组件与高压管道组件 之间没有区别用于飞机其他位置的高压管道组件。这也得到了客户(飞机制造商)的回应的支持;
A. 一个。As regards thrust reverser cascades and scoops for thrust reversers there appear to be a degree of supply-side substitution as suppliers are able to manufacture all types of thrust reverser cascades and scoops for thrust reversers.
115.In light of the above, the Commission concludes that each of thrust reverser cascades, scoops for thrust reversers, flexible metal hoses and high-temperature/high-pressure ducting assemblies constitute a separate product market and that a further segmentation is not appropriate.
鉴于上述情况,委员会得出结论,每个反推装置级联、反推装置的勺子、柔性金属软管和高温/高压管道组件 都构成了一个单独的产品市场,不宜进一步细分。
5.6.Engines 发动机
5.6.1.Introduction 介绍
116.All aircraft and helicopter engines are differentiated products which are designed and manufactured for a specific aircraft platform. Engines must meet specific requirements imposed by the aircraft or helicopter manufacturer (or as the case may be by the national government), in particular in terms of thrust, mass, range, altitude, etc. depending on the type of missions of the aircraft or helicopter.
117.The basic principle of a jet engine is identical to any and all engines that extract energy from chemical fuel. The four main steps for any internal combustion engine are: (i) intake of air; (ii) compression of the air; (iii) combustion, where fuel is injected and burned to convert the stored energy; (iv) expansion and exhaust, where the converted energy is put to use.
喷气发动机的基本原理与所有从化学燃料中提取能量的发动机相同。任何内燃机的四个主要步骤是:(i) 进气; (ii) 压缩空气; (iii) 燃烧,即燃料被注入和燃烧以转换储存的能量; (iv) 膨胀和排气,即利用转换后的能量。
118.There are three types of engines: turboprop, turbofan and turboshaft engines, which have different architectures but are all equipped with turbomachinery (which can take many forms, such as fans, compressors, turbines and propellers):
@.turboprop engines have two main parts: the core engine and the propeller. The core is similar to a basic turbojet engine, except that instead of expanding all the air through the nozzle to produce thrust, the latter is provided by an external propeller. Turboprop engines are most efficient at speeds between 250 and 400 mph and altitudes between 18,000 and 30,000 feet. They also perform well at the slow airspeeds required for take-off and landing and are fuel efficient. The turboprop provides the benefits of high-thrust and low-fuel consumption for aircraft designed for short distances. Because propellers become less efficient as the speed of the aircraft increases, turboprop engines are usually deployed on regional aircraft (which fly at low speed over short distances) and military carriers and surveillance aircraft (which transport heavy charges at low speed).
涡轮螺旋桨发动机有两个主要部分:核心发动机和螺旋桨。核心类似于基本的涡轮喷气发动机,不同之处在于它不是通过喷嘴扩展所有空气以产生推力,而后者是由外部螺旋桨提供。涡轮螺旋桨发动机在速度在 250 到 400 英里/小时之间,高度在 18,000 到 30,000 英尺之间时效率最高。它们在起飞和降落所需的低空速下也表现良好,并且省油。涡轮螺旋桨飞机为短距离飞机提供了高推力和低油耗的优势。由于螺旋桨的效率会随着飞机速度的增加而降低,因此涡轮螺旋桨发动机通常部署在支线飞机(短距离低速飞行)和军用航母和监视飞机(低速运输重型装药)上。
Figure 10: Turboprop engine (source: Form CO)
图 10:涡轮螺旋桨发动机(来源:Form CO)

A. 一个。turbofan engines are the most modern variation of the basic turbojet engine and were developed to combine some of the best features of the turbojet and the turboprop engines. Turbofan engines are composed of the core engine (gas turbine), achieving mechanical energy from combustion, and a fan which uses the mechanical energy from the low pressure gas turbine to accelerate air rearwards. In contrast to the above mentioned turboprop engines where all the air that enters the front of the engine passes through the turbine, in turbofan engines only part of the air passes through the turbine. The remaining part (the by-pass flow) bypasses or goes around the core of the engine and directly exit through the exhaust nozzle.
Therefore, a turbofan gets some of its thrust from the core and some of its thrust from the fan. More particularly, in military turbofan engines, most of the thrust is coming from the core flow (low by-pass ratio); in commercial engines, most of the thrust is coming from the fan (high by-pass ratio). The increase of the by-pass ratio (approximately 10 for recently developed large commercial engines) enables to reduce engine fuel consumption, but this benefit is impacted by the increase of propulsion system’s weight. This is the reason why light-weight materials are required.
因此,涡扇发动机的一些推力来自核心,一些推力来自风扇。更具体地说,在军用涡扇发动机中,大部分推力来自核心流(低旁通比);在商用发动机中,大部分推力来自风扇(高旁通比)。旁路比的增加(最近开发的大型商用发动机约为 10)可以降低发动机燃料消耗,但这一优势会受到推进系统重量增加的影响。这就是需要轻质材料的原因。
Turbofan engines are deployed on all types of commercial aircraft (large commercial aircraft, regional aircraft and corporate jets) and increasingly on military aircraft.
Figure 11: Turbofan engine (source: Form CO)
图 11:涡轮风扇发动机(来源:Form CO)

B.In turboshaft engines most of the energy produced by the expanding gases is used to drive a power turbine rather than produce thrust. The principle is similar to a turboprop engine but a large shaft is attached to the back of the turbine. The shaft powers the rotor blade transmission and the latter consequently transfers rotation from the shaft to the rotor blade. Turboshaft engines are deployed on helicopters and on vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft.
在涡轮轴发动机中,膨胀气体产生的大部分能量用于驱动动力涡轮机,而不是产生推力。原理类似于涡轮螺旋桨发动机,但涡轮机的后部连接了一个大轴。轴为转子叶片传动提供动力,因此转子叶片将旋转从轴传递到转子叶片。涡轮轴发动机部署在直升机和垂直起降 (VTOL) 飞机上。
Figure 12: Turboshaft engine (source: Form CO)
图 12:涡轮轴发动机(来源:Form CO)

119.In addition to main engines, Auxiliary Power Units ("APU") may also power the aircraft and some helicopters (depending on their size) while the plane is on the ground, during normal flight conditions or in case of in-flight emergency. APUs are small gas turbines that sit in a plane's tail section. The APU is started by a battery or a hydraulic accumulator. APUs do not provide propulsion but power (electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, depending on the design of the aircraft) to start the main engine. While the plane is on the ground, APUs may also be used to provide airflow to the cabin, to operate hydraulic equipment (flight controls or flaps) and to provide electrical power. APUs are supplied by engine manufacturers directly to aircraft manufacturers.
除了主发动机外,辅助动力装置 (“APU”) 还可以在飞机在地面上、正常飞行条件或飞行中紧急情况下为飞机和一些直升机(取决于其尺寸)提供动力。APU 是位于飞机尾部的小型燃气轮机。APU 由电池或液压蓄能器启动。APU 不提供推进力,而是提供动力(电动、气动、液压,取决于飞机的设计)来启动主发动机。当飞机在地面上时,APU 也可用于为机舱提供气流、操作液压设备(飞行控制或襟翼)和提供电力。APU 由发动机制造商直接供应给飞机制造商。
120.Engines are made up of different components, including:
@.Front bearing compartments, which are chambers which enclose the bearings that support the rotating parts of the engine – such as shafts – and provide mechanical interface between the engine and the aircraft engine support structure as well as their lubrication and cooling;
A. 一个。Oil systems, which serves several functions such as lubricating and cooling the bearings; and,
B.Mechanical power transmission systems, which is a mechanism that transmits the power developed by the engine to the accessories and equipment of the aircraft. From a material perspective, it is a gearbox, connected to the engine, to which is connected the equipment (such as oil pump, starter, fuel pump, electric drive generator), identified on the basis of the aircraft manufacturer’s needs.
121.Safran manufactures and sells engines and components. Zodiac is not active in these markets but is a supplier of some of the sub-components used in the manufacturing process. Particularly, Zodiac manufactures: (i) engine oil seals; (ii) check valves; (iii) electrical and mechanical oil debris detectors/collectors; (iv) couplings and seals; (v) air valve actuators; (vi) fuel servo-valves; (vii) ducting assemblies and flexible hoses; (viii) acoustic panels; (ix) scoops for engines; (x) harnesses; (xi) sensors; and, (xii) small sub-components.
赛峰集团生产和销售发动机和零部件。Zodiac 在这些市场并不活跃,但 Zodiac 是制造过程中使用的一些子组件的供应商。特别是,Zodiac 生产:(i)电子油封; (ii) CHECK 瓣膜; (iii) 电子和机械油碎片探测器/收集器; (iv) C挡板和密封件; (v) 红外阀执行器; (vi) F伺服阀; (vii) D连接组件和软管; (viii)Coustic Panel; (ix) 发动机鸡舍; (x) HArnesses; (习) sensors;以及 (xii) s商城子组件。
5.6.2.Engines 发动机
122.In the past, the Commission left open the question of whether separate product markets should be defined for turbofan, turboprop and turboshaft engines. In earlier decisions, the Commission assessed aircraft turbofan engines depending on the "mission profile" of the aircraft (that is to say, the purpose for which the aircraft is purchased, determined by reference to the aircraft's seating capacity, flying range, price and operational cost) on which the engine is deployed, i.e.: turbofan engines for large commercial aircraft (wide and narrow body); turbofan engines for regional aircraft; and turbofan engines for corporate jets. This distinction was not further discussed in later cases.
过去,欧盟委员会对是否应为涡扇发动机、涡轮螺旋桨发动机和涡轮轴发动机定义单独的产品市场的问题没有定论。 在早期的决定中,委员会根据飞机的“任务概况”(即购买飞机的目的,根据飞机的座位容量、飞行距离、价格和运营成本确定)评估飞机涡扇发动机,即大型商用飞机的涡扇发动机(宽体和窄体);支线飞机的涡扇发动机;和公务机的涡扇发动机。这种区别在后来的案件中没有进一步讨论。
123.The Notifying Party considers that the exact market definition can be left open as whatever the exact market definition eventually retained, the Transaction will not raise any competitive concerns.
124.The Commission considers that a segmentation of the product market by type of engine (i.e. between turbofan, turboprop and turboshaft engines) could be considered as appropriate. This is because customers (airframers) indicated that they do not regard the different types of engines as substitutable. Although there is a significant degree of supply side substitutability as all the aircraft engines manufacture can and do manufacture all types of engines, there is no need to conclude on the precise market definition as the Transaction will not raise competition concerns irrespective of the precise definition retained.
委员会认为,按发动机类型(即涡轮风扇、涡轮螺旋桨和涡轮轴发动机之间)对产品市场进行细分是合适的。 这是因为客户(飞机制造商)表示他们不认为不同类型的发动机是可替代的。 尽管由于所有飞机发动机制造商都可以而且确实生产所有类型的发动机,因此存在很大程度的供应侧可替代性,但无需就确切的市场定义得出结论,因为无论保留何种确切定义,该交易都不会引起竞争问题。
125.As regards a further segmentation by mission profile, the Notifying Party claims that is inappropriate as only turbofan engines are to be found across all "mission profiles". Turboshaft engines are in fact only deployed on helicopters and the technologies used are very similar across all types of helicopter, whereas turboprop engines are mainly intended for regional and military aircraft.
关于按任务配置文件进行进一步细分,通知 Party 声称这是不合适的,因为在所有“任务配置文件”中只能找到涡轮风扇发动机。涡轮轴发动机实际上只部署在直升机上,并且所使用的技术在所有类型的直升机上都非常相似,而涡轮螺旋桨发动机主要用于支线和军用飞机。
126.The market investigation was largely inconclusive as regards the appropriateness of a segmentation based on "mission profiles". In any event the Commission considers that there is no need to analyse this further segmentation as the Transaction will not raise competition concerns irrespective of the precise market definition retained.
关于基于 “任务概况” 的 细分 的适当性,市场调查在很大程度上没有定论。 无论如何,委员会认为没有必要进一步分析这种细分,因为无论保留何种确切的市场定义,该交易都不会引起竞争问题。
127.In light of the above, the Commission considers that each individual type of engine may likely constitute a separate product market. In any event, the exact product market definition in this regard can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions..
鉴于上述情况,委员会认为每种类型的发动机都可能构成一个单独的产品市场。 无论如何,就本决定而言,这方面的确切产品市场定义可以保持开放状态,因为该交易不会导致对其与任何替代定义下的内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。。
5.6.3.APUs APU
128.In previous decisions, the Commission has identified different types of APUs depending on the shaft power of the APU or depending on the type of aircraft concerned.
在以前的决定中,委员会根据 APU 的轴功率或相关飞机的类型确定了不同类型的 APU。
129.The Notifying Party submits that APUs should not be further segmented. From a supply perspective, several APUs suppliers are able to manufacture most types of APUs for most type of aircraft and helicopters.
Notifying Party 提出 APU 不应进一步分割。从供应的角度来看,一些 APU 供应商能够为大多数类型的飞机和直升机制造大多数类型的 APU。
130.The market investigation gave clear indications that APUs should be considered as forming part of a separate market. The results of the market investigation regarding to the appropriateness of further segmenting that market were however inconclusive.
市场调查清楚地表明,APU 应被视为构成独立市场的一部分。然而,关于进一步细分该市场的适当性的市场调查结果尚无定论。
131.In particular, the number of competitors indicating that segmentations are relevant according to type of APU (i.e APU with an output below 550hp, APUs with an output between 550 and 1100 hp and APU with a power output above 110hp) or type of aircraft on which it will be installed and the number of those indicating the opposite is the same. A customer (airframer) responding to the market investigation indicated that segmenting by "specific power applications and by propulsion type is appropriate" and that "the APUs are considered scaled/sized for different specific aircraft requirements, although the fundamental engineering/design technology remains similar".
特别是,根据 APU 的类型(即输出功率低于 550 马力的 APU、输出功率在 550 至 1100 马力之间的 APU 和功率输出高于 110 马力的 APU)或将安装该 型号的飞机类型(表示相反的参赛者数量)表明细分是相关的,表明相反的参赛者数量是相同的。 一位客户(飞机制造商)在回应市场调查时表示,按“特定动力应用和推进类型进行细分是合适的”,并且“尽管基本工程/设计技术保持相似,但 APU 被认为是针对不同的特定飞机要求而缩放/调整的”。
132.The market investigation however indicated that there is a significant degree of supply-side substitutability as the majority of APU suppliers indicate that, albeit not currently manufacturing all types of APU, they are capable of doing so.
然而,市场调查表明,存在很大程度的供应侧可替代性,因为大多数 APU 供应商表示,尽管目前没有生产所有类型的 APU,但他们有能力这样做。
133.Given that under no alternative market definition would the Transaction lead to affected markets, the market definition can be left open for the purposes of this decision. For the same reason, APUs are not further discussed in the present decision.
鉴于没有其他市场定义,该交易会导致受影响的市场,因此就本决定而言,市场定义可以保持开放。出于同样的原因, 本决定不再进一步讨论 APU。 元
5.6.4.Front bearing compartments
134.The Commission has not considered a market for front bearing compartments in its previous decisions.
135.The Notifying Party submits that there is supply-side substitutability on the basis of the functionality of the products and the suppliers' capabilities across the applications and, therefore, the product market for front bearing compartments should not be further delineated.
136.The Commission understands that types of front bearing compartments have basically the same utility and features. Particularly ball/roller bearings' function is to convey the mechanical loads generated by the rotoric parts to the static parts of the turbomachine engine. These bearings are installed onto bearing supports which are arranged as a self-standing module which is called the "bearing compartment". The bearings need lubrication and cooling oil, as delivered by the lubrication units. The bearing compartment therefore also includes a sealing function in order to contain the cooling oil flow within the compartment and avoid oil migration to inappropriate engine areas.
委员会了解到,前轴承舱的类型具有基本相同的实用程序和功能。特别是滚珠/滚子轴承的功能是将转子部件产生的机械载荷传递到 涡轮机发动机的静态部件。这些轴承安装在轴承支架上,轴承支架布置成一个独立的模块,称为“轴承室”。轴承需要润滑装置提供的润滑和冷却油。因此,轴承室还包括密封功能,以控制舱内的冷却油流,避免油迁移到不适当的发动机区域。
137.In any event, the exact product market definition in this regard can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
5.6.5.Lubrication units 润滑装置
138.The Commission has not in the past considered a market for lubrication units.
139.The Notifying Party submits that there is supply substitutability on the basis of the functionality of the products and the suppliers' capabilities across the applications and, therefore, the product market for lubrication units should not be further segmented.
140.According to the Notifying Party, all types of lubrication units have the same utility, features and basic functioning and all suppliers are capable of manufacturing lubrication units for all sorts of engines.
141.Lubrication units work as follows: on turbomachine engines, a suitable flow of plain oil is required to provide adequate lubrication and cooling to engine components such as bearings and gears. This is achieved by positive displacement supply pumps (i.e. volumetric pumps). As the plain oil passes through these components, it is heated and becomes contaminated by debris and entraps a certain quantity of air. It is therefore necessary to process this oil, prior to its injection back into the components, through cooling, filtration and de-aeration operations. This process is achieved by positive displacement scavenge pumps. A lubrication unit is the self-standing module which includes both supply and scavenge pumps. Most of the time, the lubrication unit also features a filtration unit that removes debris from contaminated oil.
142.The results of the market investigation were largely inconclusive; however some indications support the Notifying Party's claims. The majority of competitors responding to the market investigation in fact indicated that lubrication units for different kind of aircraft do differ, however they further indicated the underlying know-how required to design them and produce them is the same, regardless of the aircraft they will be installed on. One competitor explained that "for gas turbine engines, regardless of the aircraft type, the lubrication unit know-how does not significantly vary".
市场调查的结果在很大程度上没有定论;然而,一些迹象支持通知方的说法。 事实上,大多数回应市场调查的竞争者表示,不同类型飞机的润滑装置确实不同, 但他们进一步表示,设计和生产它们所需的基本知识是相同的,无论它们将安装在哪架飞机上。一位竞争对手解释说,“对于燃气涡轮发动机,无论飞机类型如何,润滑装置的专业知识都不会有很大差异”。
143.In light of the above, the Commission considers that it is plausible to consider that the market for lubrication units should not be further segmented. In any event, the exact product market definition in this regard can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
鉴于上述情况,委员会认为认为不应进一步细分润滑装置市场是合理的。 无论如何,就本决定而言,这方面的确切产品市场定义可以保持开放状态,因为该交易不会导致对其与任何替代定义下的内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
5.6.6.Mechanical power transmission systems
144.A mechanical power transmission system is a mechanism that transmits the power developed by the engine to the accessories and equipment of the aircraft. From a material perspective, it is a gearbox, connected to the engine, to which the equipment is connected (such as oil pump, starter, fuel pump, electric drive generator), identified on the basis of the aircraft manufacturer’s needs.
145.Mechanical power transmission systems include: (i) accessory dive train ("ADT") for aircraft and helicopter engines; (ii) reduction gearbox ("RGB") for aircraft and helicopter engines; (iii) propeller gearbox ("PGB") for turboprop aircraft; and (iv) helicopter transmissions: main gearbox ("MGB") and transfer gearbox ("TGB").
机械动力传输系统包括:(i) 用于飞机和直升机发动机的附属潜水列车 (“ADT”); (ii) 飞机及直升机发动机的减速器(「RGB」); (iii) 涡轮螺旋桨飞机的螺旋桨齿轮箱(“PGB”); 及 (iv) 直升机传动装置:主变速箱 (「MGB」) 及 分动变速箱 (「TGB」)。
146.Most of mechanical power transmission systems developed and produced by Safran Transmission Systems are ADTs. The ADT performs two main functions. First, during start-up, the ADT system transmits torque from a starter to the engine, setting it in motion. Second, during normal operation, the ADT system collects power from the engine via the shaft and distributes it to the gearbox mounted accessories as applicable (pumps and generators) necessary for the engine and / or aircraft supply needs. The power is transferred via a pair of bevel gears known as the IGB. The power is then delivered, via the RDS, to a second set of bevel gears located in the TGB and fed to the AGB. The AGB is an arrangement of gearlines and shafts, installed on bearings and integrated into low weight casings. At the end of the transmission process described above, the AGB provides power to various airplane equipment – such as electric generator or lubrication unit - directly installed on it.
赛峰传动系统公司开发和生产的大多数机械动力传动系统都是ADT。 ADT 执行两个主要功能。首先,在启动过程中,ADT 系统将扭矩从起动器传递到发动机,使其运转。 其次,在正常运行期间,ADT 系统通过轴从发动机收集动力 ,并将其分配给发动机和/或飞机供应需求所需的适用变速箱安装附件(泵和发电机)。动力通过一对称为 IGB 的锥齿轮传输。然后,动力通过 RDS 输送到位于 TGB 中的第二组锥齿轮,并馈送到 AGB。 AGB 是一种齿轮传动装置和轴,安装在轴承上并集成到轻质外壳中。在上述传输过程结束时,AGB 为 直接安装在其上的各种飞机设备(例如发电机或润滑装置)提供动力。
147.To a lesser extent, Safran also manufactures RGBs, which are a variation of ADTs and enables speed variation between the engine and the equipment or accessories that need to be powered. It can reduce or accelerate the speed before transmitting it to the aircraft equipment.
在较小程度上,赛峰集团还生产 RGB,这是 ADT 的一种变体,可以在发动机和需要动力的设备或附件之间实现速度变化。它可以在将速度传输到飞机设备之前降低或加速速度。
148.In a past decision, the Commission has considered mechanical power transmission systems but finally left the precise market definition open.
在过去的一项决定中, 委员会考虑了机械动力传输系统,但最终没有给出确切的市场定义。
149.The Notifying Party submits that there is one product market for all the mechanical power transmission systems mainly on the basis of the functionality of the products and the suppliers’ capabilities across the various transmission systems. Particularly, the Notifying Party submits that there is supply substitutability on the basis of the functionality of the products and the suppliers’ capabilities across the applications and because all mechanical power transmission systems use the same basic technology and design principle.
150.The market investigation was largely inconclusive concerning the demand-side substitutability between the different types of mechanical power transmission systems. However, the market investigation gave indications partially contradicting the Notifying Party's views concerning the supply substitutability of the various mechanical power transmission systems.
151.Competitors indicated that the supply-side substitutability is not as strong as indicated by the Notifying Party: only a very limited number of respondents currently supply the entire portfolio of mechanical power transmission systems and a very limited number of suppliers indicated that it would be able to start producing those mechanical power transmission systems which are currently not manufacturing.
152.In any event, the exact product market definition in this regard can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions..
5.6.7.Engine sub-components
153. There is a wide range of engine sub-components of various characteristics and functions.
154. Safran purchases sub-components from third party suppliers, and then integrates them into its engines or its engine components and systems. Zodiac Aerospace supplies sub-components that are used in the manufacturing and assembly of Safran’s engines, engine components and engine systems.
赛峰集团从第三方供应商处购买子部件,然后将其集成到其发动机或发动机部件和系统中。Zodiac Aerospace 提供用于制造和组装赛峰发动机、发动机部件和发动机系统的子部件。 panels 吸音板
155.Acoustic panels contribute to the engine noise reduction. They are made in carbon or glass according to the using environment specificities. Some are installed in fan cases of aircraft engines and others in thrust reversers.
隔音板有助于降低发动机噪音。它们根据使用环境的特殊性由碳纤维或玻璃制成。有些安装在飞机发动机的风扇箱中,有些安装在推力反向器中。 for engines 发动机铲
156.Scoops are composite parts for engines that can be placed in aircraft engines to drive the air inside the engine.
勺子是发动机的复合部件,可以放置在飞机发动机中以驱动发动机内的空气。 valves actuators 空气阀执行器
157.Air-valve actuators form part of the fuel system of the engine and convert an electrical signal into mechanical movement (open/close) of an air valve.
158.With regards to the products under (a), (b) and (c) above, the market investigation was not entirely conclusive as regards the appropriateness to further segment the market for acoustic panels. However a number of respondents indicated that they consider any further segmentation inappropriate.
就上述 (a)、(b) 及 (c) 项的产品而言,市场调查就进一步细分吸音板市场的适当性而言,并未完全得出结论。然而,一些受访者表示,他们认为任何进一步的细分都是不合适的。 motors
159.Electrical motors are devices that convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. The electrical motors supplied by Zodiac to Safran are used to start the APU.
电动机是将电能转化为机械能的装置。Zodiac 向赛峰 集团提供的电动机用于启动 APU。
160.The market investigation suggests that a further segmentation of electrical motors could be inappropriate. The vast majority of competitors responding to the market investigation indicated that they not consider that electrical motors are different depending on the type or size of aircraft they will be installed on, or on the application for which they are used (civil, military or helicopter).
市场调查表明 ,对电动机进行进一步细分可能是不合适的。 绝大多数接受市场调查的竞争对手表示,他们不认为电动机会因 安装飞机的类型或尺寸 或用途(民用、军用或直升机)而异。 元
161.Competitors responding to the market investigation also largely indicated that they are capable of manufacturing electrical starter motors for all types and sizes of aircrafts, as well as for all types of applications.
对市场调查做出回应的竞争对手也在很大程度上表示,他们能够为各种类型和尺寸的飞机以及所有类型的应用制造电动起动电机。 元
162.In any event, the exact product market definition in this regard can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
无论如何,就本决定而言,这方面的确切产品市场定义可以保持开放状态,因为该交易不会导致对其与任何替代定义下的内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。 and mechanical oil debris detectors and collectors
163.Oil debris collectors and detectors permit rapid and frequent checking for the presence of ferrous metal in the oil system and are therefore used as a warning in case of detection of ferrous particles. In lubrication systems, they capture debris generated by the wear of transmissions, gearboxes, bearings, gears etc. Usually located in a gearbox or reservoir drain plug location, the magnetic chip collector captures and retains metallic particles for later removal and off-line analysis. The chip collector and chip detectors can also be line-mounted, closer to the potential failure point for detecting a failure.
164.The Notifying Party claims that oil debris detectors and oil debris collector form part of the same product market.
165.The market investigation was largely inconclusive with regards to the Parties' claim that debris collectors and debris detector should form part of the same market. However, a number of competitors indicated that any segmentation of those products is inappropriate.
市场调查对 Parties 声称碎片收集器和碎片探测器应属于同一市场的说法几乎没有定论。然而,一些竞争对手表示,对这些产品的任何细分都是不合适的。
166.In any event, the exact product market definition in this regard can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions..
无论如何,就本决定而言,这方面的确切产品市场定义可以保持开放状态,因为该交易不会导致对其与任何替代定义下的内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。。 sub-components
167.Zodiac also supplies a number of small sub-components which are inputs to engines, APUs and engine components. For the analysis of the market definition of these subcomponents, please refer to section 5.10.3 of this decision.
Zodiac 还提供许多小型子组件,这些组件是发动机、APU 和发动机组件的输入。有关这些子组成部分的市场定义的分析,请参阅本手册的第 5.10.3 节。
5.7.Environmental control systems
5.7.1.Introduction 介绍
168.The environmental control system ("ECS") of an aircraft provides air supply, thermal control and cabin pressurisation for the crew and passengers. The ECS encompasses bleed air systems, air conditioning systems, cabin pressurisation systems, as well as ice and rain protection systems.
飞机的环境控制系统 (“ECS”) 为机组人员和乘客提供空气供应、热控制和 机舱增压。 ECS 包括引气系统、空调系统、机舱增压系统以及防冰和防雨系统。
169.Bleed air systems are comprised of components that control compressed bleed air from the main engine or APU, cool it by using outside air, and deliver it to other downstream systems such as cabin air conditioning, cabin pressurisation, fuel tank and hydraulic reservoir pressurisation, engine start. Air conditioning and cabin pressurisation systems supply and maintain the air in the pressurised fuselage compartments at the correct pressure, temperature and freshness for passenger comfort and equipment cooling, and also provide air for ventilation functions in the unpressurised fuselage bays. Ice and rain protection systems have the role of preventing and removing rain and ice from critical surfaces of the aircraft.
引气系统由控制来自主机或 APU 的压缩引气、使用外部空气冷却并将其输送到其他下游系统(如机舱空调、机舱增压、油箱和液压油箱增压、发动机启动)的组件组成。空调和机舱增压系统以适当的压力、温度和新鲜度供应和维持机身舱内的空气,以提高乘客的舒适度和设备冷却,并为未加压的机身舱的通风功能提供空气。 冰和雨保护系统的作用是防止和清除飞机关键表面的雨水和冰。
170.Air conditioning can be based on air cycling cooling technology, which uses engine or APU bleed air to provide chilled air, or on vapour cycling technology. Vapour cycling systems ("VCS") do not use engine or APU bleed air to provide chilled air but operate in a closed loop – like in a car's air conditioning – in which the refrigerant absorbs heat from the cabin and rejects it into the outside air, after which it returns to the cabin to repeat the cycle. The operation of the VCS involves the following major components: compressor, condenser, receiver-dryer, evaporator and fans/blowers. VCS technology is less sophisticated than air cycling and it is typically used on small aircraft such as smaller business jets (without an APU) and helicopters, whereas large commercial aircraft and regional aircraft use air cycling cooling systems.
空调可以基于空气循环技术,该技术使用发动机或 APU 引气来提供冷却空气,也可以基于蒸汽循环技术。 蒸汽循环系统(“VCS”)不使用发动机或 APU 引气来提供冷却空气,而是在闭环中运行——就像在汽车的空调中一样——制冷剂从机舱吸收热量并将其排斥到外部空气中,然后返回机舱重复循环。VCS 的运行涉及以下主要部件:压缩机、冷凝器、接收器-干燥器、蒸发器和风扇/鼓风机。VCS 技术不如空气循环复杂,通常用于小型飞机,例如小型公务机(没有 APU)和直升机,而大型商用飞机和支线飞机则使用空气循环冷却系统。
5.7.2.Environmental control systems
171.The Notifying Party submits that ECS for small aircraft (smaller sized business jets and helicopters) constitute a relevant product market, distinct from the market for ECS for commercial (large and regional) aircraft, as they rely on a different cooling technology (vapour cycling) and are globally less sophisticated than ECS used in large aircraft. In addition, certain suppliers, such as Zodiac, are only active in ECS for small aircraft, and do not provide ECS for commercial aircraft.
通知方认为,用于小型飞机(小型公务机和直升机)的 ECS 构成了一个相关的产品市场,与用于商用(大型和支线)飞机的 ECS 市场不同 ,因为它们采用不同的冷却技术(蒸汽循环), 并且在全球范围内不如大型飞机中使用的 ECS 复杂。 此外,某些供应商(如 Zodiac)仅活跃于小型飞机的 ECS,而不为商用飞机提供 ECS。 元
172.The Notifying Party considers that ice and rain protection systems are not part of the relevant market for ECS which encompasses only air conditioning, bleed air control and cabin pressure control systems. The Notifying Party however submits that the relevant market for ECS for small aircraft should not be segmented according to the function performed by the system because the technical parameters and characteristics of air conditioning, bleed air control and cabin pressure control systems are very similar as they all manage air within a similar band of pressures and temperatures.
通知方认为,防冰和防雨系统不属于 ECS 相关市场的一部分,ECS 仅包括空调、引气控制和机舱压力控制系统。然而,通知方提出,小型飞机 ECS 的相关市场不应根据系统执行的功能进行细分,因为空调、引气控制和机舱压力控制系统的技术参数和特性非常相似,因为它们都在相似的压力和温度范围内管理空气。 元
173.In a past decision, the Commission noted that ECS includes systems which perform different functions in the aircraft, namely bleed air systems, anti-ice systems, air conditioning and cabin pressure control systems, and that a distinction can be drawn between air cycling cooling technology and vapour cycle cooling, but it ultimately left the market definition open.
在最近的一项决定中, 委员会指出,ECS 包括在飞机中执行不同功能的系统,即引气系统、防冰系统、空调和机舱压力控制系统,并且可以区分空气循环冷却技术和蒸汽循环冷却,但它最终使市场定义保持开放。
174.The market investigation broadly confirmed the segmentation between air cycling-based and vapour cycling-based ECS systems, and the fact that they are generally used in different types of aircraft, although some respondents pointed out that vapour cycling technology can also be used on large aircraft as auxiliary cooling, and that air cycling can also be used on smaller sized aircraft.
市场调查大致证实了基于空气循环和基于蒸汽循环的 ECS 系统之间的细分,以及它们通常用于不同类型飞机的事实,尽管一些受访者指出,蒸汽循环技术也可以用于大型飞机作为辅助冷却,空气循环也可用于小型飞机。
175.As regards the segmentation according to system function, the market investigation shows that not all suppliers supply all individual systems, and that there are certain differences in relation to the technology used in bleed air systems, air conditioning systems and cabin pressurisation. Certain customers also indicated that they organise separate tenders to source the individual systems.
关于根据系统功能的细分,市场调查表明,并非所有供应商都提供所有单独的系统,并且在引气系统、空调系统和机舱增压中使用的技术存在一定的差异。 某些客户还表示,他们组织了单独的招标来采购各个系统。 元
176.The Commission considers that the market definition can be left open as the Transaction will not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market irrespective of the exact definition retained.
5.7.3.Fans for ECS ECS 风扇
177.Within the ECS functions described above, only air conditioning and bleed air control require fans. They are supplied by equipment manufacturers either to Tier-1 suppliers of ECS or directly to aircraft manufacturers which have decided to manufacture cooling systems themselves.
在上述 ECS 功能中,只有空调和引气控制需要风扇。它们由设备制造商供应给 ECS 的一级供应商,或直接供应给决定自己制造冷却系统的飞机制造商。 元
178.The Notifying Party submits that a distinction should be drawn between fans for ECS for small aircraft (smaller business jets and helicopters) based on vapour cycling cooling technology, which are basic, low-value, single speed asynchronous fans (fix frequency) regarded as commodity products, and fans for ECS for commercial aircraft, which are higher-end, variable speed and variable frequency fans with more complex features (in particular as regards software and power electronics elements) and higher price. In addition, fans used in large commercial and regional aircraft have a much higher utilisation rate and therefore higher reliability requirements. The Notifying Party also submits that different suppliers are active on the two segments and that the technological competence required to produce ECS fans for commercial aircraft is higher than for fans for small aircraft. In addition, certain suppliers, such as Zodiac, are only active in the small aircraft ECS fans segment.
通知方提出,应区分 基于蒸汽循环技术的小型飞机(小型公务机和直升机)用 ECS 风扇, 前者是被视为商品产品 的基本、低价值、单速异步风扇(固定频率),后者是商用飞机 ECS 用风扇,后者是 具有更复杂功能(特别是在软件和电力电子元件方面)和更高价格的高端、变速和变频风扇。此外,用于大型商用和支线飞机的风扇具有更高的利用率,因此对可靠性的要求也更高。 通知方还提出,不同的供应商在这两个领域 都很活跃,并且生产商用飞机 ECS 风扇所需的 技术能力高于 小型飞机风扇。 此外,某些供应商,例如 Zodiac,只活跃在小型飞机 ECS 风扇领域。 元
179.The Notifying Party also submits that fans for ECS for small aircraft should not be further segmented according to type of aircraft (business jets, helicopters and other small aircraft) or according to whether they are used in bleed air or air conditioning systems.
通知方还提出,不应根据飞机类型(公务机、直升机和其他小型飞机)或是否用于引气或空调系统,对小型飞机 ECS 的风扇进行进一步细分。
180.The market investigation was inconclusive as to how fans for ECS should be segmented: while certain respondents agreed with the distinction based on aircraft type, others indicated that the main differentiator relates to the technology (mechanical or electric) and the power source (for electric fans) and that a more appropriate segmentation would thus be into mechanical fans, DC fans, AC fixed frequency fans and AC variable fans. Certain market participants also indicated that fans used for air conditioning should be distinguished from fans used for bleed air control.
市场调查对于如何细分 ECS 风扇尚无定论:虽然某些受访者同意根据飞机类型进行区分,但其他受访者表示,主要区别在于技术(机械或电气)和电源(电风扇),因此 更合适的细分是机械风扇。 直流风扇、交流固定频率风扇和交流可变风扇。 某些市场参与者还表示,应将用于空调的风扇与用于引气控制的风扇区分开来。 元
181.The Commission considers that the market definition can be left open as the Transaction will not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market irrespective of the exact definition retained.
5.8.Flight controls 飞行控制
5.8.1.Introduction 介绍
182.Flight controls consist of a range of equipment responsible for the control and navigation of the aircraft in flight. Flight controls generally encompass:
飞行控制由一系列负责控制和导航飞行中的飞机的设备组成。 飞行控制通常包括:
a. 一个。flight control actuation;
Actuators are components responsible for moving or controlling a mechanism or system, for example by rotating an object, opening or closing a device or pushing a surface up or down. When coupled with electronics that command actuators, they constitute a flight control actuation system.
Flight control actuation can be sub-divided into primary and secondary flight control actuators. Primary flight control actuators – such as ailerons, elevators and rudders – are needed when the aircraft is in the air, while secondary flight control actuators – such as flap and slat controls and stabiliser controls – are used to trim the primary flight control surfaces and by the take-off and the landing.
Figure 13: Flight control actuation system of the Boeing 727 (source: Form CO)
图 13:波音 727 的飞行控制驱动系统(来源:CO 表格)

b.flight control electronics;
Flight control electronics include computers, controllers and sensors and in particular the flight control computers and the autopilot.
c.pilot controls;
Pilot controls are electromechanical equipment directly accessible to the pilot in the cockpit providing the man-machine interface for piloting functions (speed up, brake, land, etc.). Pilot controls typically include throttle quadrants, joysticks and yokes, rudder pedals, flight deck control suites, active side stick units, thrust control assemblies, different kinds of levers (flap slat lever, landing gear control lever, braking control lever, speedbrake lever) and nose wheel steering handles.
d.cockpit control panels and cockpit components.
Cockpit control panels are mechanical plates of various sizes with push-buttons, switches and toggles – the cockpit components –, as well as the associated electronics behind the plate. The cockpit control panel can be located over the pilots' heads, on the sides or in between the two pilots.
驾驶舱控制面板是各种尺寸的机械板,带有按钮、开关和拨动开关 - 驾驶舱组件 - 以及板后面的相关电子设备。驾驶舱控制面板可以位于飞行员的头顶、侧面或两名飞行员之间。
183.Given that with regard to flight controls the Parties' activities – horizontally or vertically - overlap only on the markets for flight control actuation, pilot controls, cockpit control panels and cockpit components, only these are further discussed in the present decision.
5.8.2.Flight control actuation 飞行控制驱动
184.The Notifying Party submits that flight control actuation should be further segmented into primary and secondary flight control actuation. It furthermore states that it is not appropriate to further segment the market for flight control actuators according to aircraft types.
通知方提出,飞行控制驱动应进一步分为主要和次要飞行控制驱动。它进一步指出,根据飞机类型进一步细分飞行控制执行器市场是不合适的。 元
185.In previous decisions, the Commission considered that flight control actuation can be further divided into primary and secondary flight control actuators. Moreover, the Commission considered but ultimately left the question open whether civil and military applications constitute different product markets.
在以前的决定中, 委员会认为飞行控制驱动可以进一步分为主要和次要飞行控制执行器。 此外,委员会考虑了民用和军用应用是否构成不同的产品市场,但最终仍未解决。 元
186.Given that under no alternative market definition would the Transaction lead to affected markets, the market definition can be left open for the purposes of this decision. For the same reason, flight control actuation is not further discussed in the present decision.
鉴于没有其他市场定义,该交易会导致受影响的市场,因此就本决定而言,市场定义可以保持开放。出于同样的原因, 本决定不再进一步讨论飞行控制驱动。 元
5.8.3.Pilot controls 先导控制
187.The Notifying Party considers that no distinction should be made between the different pilot controls as although they perform a different function within the aircraft systems, they are all electromechanical equipment in the cockpit having a man-machine interface with the pilot. Furthermore, all suppliers supply the various types of pilot controls.
通知方认为,不应区分不同的飞行员控制装置,因为尽管它们在飞机系统内执行不同的功能,但它们都是驾驶舱内的机电设备,与飞行员具有人机界面。 此外,所有供应商都提供各种类型的先导控制装置。 元
188.However, the Notifying Party submits that the exact product market definition can be left open as no competition concerns arises under any alternative product market definition.
但是,通知方认为,确切的产品市场定义可以保持开放,因为在任何替代产品市场定义下都不会出现竞争问题。 元
189.The market investigation did not confirm the Notifying Party's claim that all pilot controls belong to the same relevant product market. Competitors and customers alike pointed out that pilot controls have very different functions, technologies, requirements, procurement and suppliers.
市场调查并未证实通知方关于所有试点控制属于同一相关产品市场的说法。竞争对手 和客户 都指出,先导控制具有非常不同的功能、技术、要求、采购和供应商。
190.In any event however, the exact product market definition in this regard can be left open for the purpose of this decision as the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
5.8.4.Cockpit control panels and cockpit components
191.The Notifying Party submits that a distinction should be made between cockpit control panels integrating various components on the one hand; and cockpit control components sold on a stand-alone basis on the other hand. Furthermore, it argues that cockpit control components constitute one relevant product market given that they serve the same function, the suppliers offer the whole range of products and they are tendered together by cockpit/systems integrators. In any event, the Notifying Party submits that the exact product market definition can be left open as no competition concerns arise under any alternative product market definition.
通知方提出,应区分集成各种组件的驾驶舱控制面板;以及单独销售的驾驶舱控制组件。 此外,它认为驾驶舱控制组件构成一个相关的产品市场,因为它们具有相同的功能,供应商提供全系列产品,并且它们由驾驶舱/系统集成商一起招标。 无论如何,通知方认为,确切的产品市场定义可以保持开放,因为在任何替代产品市场定义下都不会产生竞争问题。 元
192.The market investigation confirmed that cockpit control panels on the one hand and cockpit components on the other hand constitute separate product markets. Furthermore, market participants agreed with the Notifying Party's view that the market for cockpit components should not be further segmented.
市场调查证实,驾驶舱控制面板和驾驶舱组件构成了独立的产品市场。 此外,市场参与者同意通知方的观点,即驾驶舱部件市场不应进一步细分。 元
193.Based on these results, the Commission takes the view that separate relevant product markets exist for cockpit control panels on the one hand and all cockpit components on the other hand.
5.9.Wiring systems and components
194.Wiring systems consist in assemblies of cables, called harnesses, designed to transmit electrical power, data and/or signals between two or more termination points. There are various types of harnesses with different characteristics in terms of material used, weight, size, resistance, flexibility, etc., depending on their position in the aircraft and final use. A distinction is commonly made between general harnesses that are not exposed to specific stresses (as found, e.g., in the fuselage, cockpit, pylons, tailplane, wings or doors) and harnesses for harsh environments where they have to withstand challenging thermal, chemical, mechanical and radiative stresses (as found, e.g., in engines, nacelles, landing gears or brakes).
布线系统由称为线束的电缆组件组成,设计用于在两个或多个端点之间传输电力、数据和/或信号。 有各种类型的安全带,在使用的材料、重量、尺寸、阻力、柔韧性等方面具有不同的特性,具体取决于它们在飞机中的位置和最终用途。通常分为不暴露于特定应力的通用安全带(如在机身、驾驶舱、挂架、尾翼、机翼或门中发现的)和用于恶劣环境的安全带,在这些环境中,它们必须承受具有挑战性的热、化学、机械和辐射应力(如在电子、机舱、起落架或制动器中发现)。 元
195.In addition to cables, harnesses are made out of various components used for cable management, routing and harness protection. According to the Notifying Party, these components include:
除了电缆外,线束还由用于电缆管理、布线和线束保护的各种组件制成。根据通知方的说法, 这些组成部分包括:
a. 一个。conduits, sleeves, rigid tubes and/or overbraiding used to protect cables and ensure mechanical, thermal and electromagnetic protection. These components can be made of various materials, including polymers, woven textiles, braided or woven metallic screens and other combinations;
b.backshells and fittings, transitions, small junction boxes, contacts and lugs, which are used to ensure the physical connection between harnesses, branches thereof or with a connector. They can be made of aluminium, stainless steel, composite or plated composite;
尾盖和配件、 过渡、小接线盒、触点和接线片,用于确保线束、其分支或与 CONector 之间的物理连接。它们可以由铝、不锈钢、复合材料或电镀复合材料制成;
c.connectors used to join electrical terminations and create a circuit. They can be made of steel, aluminium or composite
196.The above components can be used in different combinations to produce harnesses for different applications. Suppliers of wiring systems assemble these components into harnesses and deliver them to customers, which include aircraft manufacturers and other (sub-)system suppliers. In turn, harnesses can be assembled based on a "build-to-print" or a "build-to-spec" model. Under a "build-to-print" model, the design of the wiring system is conceived by the customer, which outsources the manufacture of the harnesses. General harnesses are generally purchased by aircraft manufacturers under this model. Under a "build-to-spec" model, both the design and the manufacture of the wiring system is outsourced to a Tier-1 wiring system supplier. Harnesses for harsh environments are generally purchased by (sub-)system suppliers (e.g., landing gears or nacelles manufacturers) under this model. Alternatively, aircraft manufacturers can favour a "make" strategy whereby they design, manufacturer and install harnesses themselves, which is frequently the preferred option for the general harnesses of smaller aircrafts such as regional aircrafts, business jets and helicopters.
上述组件可以以不同的组合使用,以生产适用于不同应用的线束。布线系统供应商将这些组件组装成线束,然后交付给客户,包括飞机制造商和其他(子)系统供应商。反过来,线束可以根据“按图生产”或“按规格生产”模型进行组装。在“按图生产”模式下,布线系统的设计由客户构思,客户将线束的制造外包出去。通用线束通常由飞机制造商在这种模式下购买。 在“按规格生产”模式下,布线系统的设计和制造都 外包给一级布线系统供应商。在这种模式下,用于恶劣环境的线束通常由(子)系统供应商(例如,起落架或机舱制造商)购买。 或者,飞机制造商可以采用“制造”策略,即他们自己设计、制造和安装线束,这通常是小型飞机(如支线飞机、公务机和直升机)通用线束的首选。 元
197.General harnesses are typically designed to endure the lifetime of the aircraft and do not require regular maintenance. They are sourced either for the lifetime of the aircraft program from the same supplier or for a more limited duration, and then tendered out again. In turn, they are installed by the aircraft manufacturer, the harnesses supplier or in cooperation between the two. Harnesses for harsh environments require regular maintenance, including replacement, and are also sourced either for the lifetime of the program or for a more limited duration. They are usually installed by the (sub-)system supplier.
通用线束通常设计为能够承受飞机的使用寿命,不需要定期维护。它们在飞机计划的生命周期内从同一供应商处采购,或者在更有限的期限内采购,然后再次招标。反过来,它们由飞机制造商、线束供应商或两者合作安装。 用于恶劣环境的线束需要定期维护,包括更换,也可以在程序的整个生命周期内或更有限的期限内采购。它们通常由 (子)系统供应商安装。 元
5.9.2.Wiring systems 布线系统
198.The Notifying Party submits that wiring systems for the aerospace industry differ from other industries' wiring systems (e.g., automotive or railway) due to specific demand-side requirements and supply-side skills and know-how, such as data configuration and management.
通知方提出,由于特定的需求方要求以及供应方技能和专有技术(例如数据配置和管理),航空航天工业的布线系统与其他行业的布线系统(例如汽车或铁路)不同。 元
199.However, for the purpose of market definition, the Notifying Party considers that no segmentation is warranted among aerospace wiring system and, notably, that general and harsh environment harnesses belong to the same product market because: (i) from a demand-side perspective, each customer has different requirements in terms of cable protection and wiring components, which tends to blur the boundaries between general and harsh environment wiring systems; and (ii) from a supply-side perspective, the skills required for the assembly of general harnesses and harsh environment harnesses do not differ substantially, at least under a "build-to-print" model, while the expertise required to supply "build-to-spec" harnesses can be acquired within a relatively limited period of time (12-18 months) and with limited investments.
然而,出于市场定义的目的,通知方认为航空航天布线系统之间没有必要进行细分,值得注意的是,通用和恶劣环境线束属于同一产品市场,因为: (i) 从需求方的角度来看,每个客户在电缆保护和布线组件方面都有不同的要求,这往往模糊了一般和苛刻之间的界限环境布线系统;(ii) 从供应侧的角度来看,组装通用线束和恶劣环境线束所需的技能没有太大差异,至少在“按图生产”模式下是这样,而供应“按规格生产”线束所需的专业知识可以在相对有限的时间内(12-18 个月)获得,并且投资有限。
200.Likewise, the Notifying Party submits that wiring systems are tailored to each aircraft platform whereas, from a technical standpoint, there are no significant differences between wiring systems for different types of aircraft or in relation to their commercial or military application. Hence, no distinction according to aircraft size or application is warranted, notably in view of high supply-side substitutability. In any event, the Notifying Party submits that the exact product market definition can be left open since no competition concern arises under any alternative segmentation.
同样,通知方提出,布线系统是针对每个飞机平台量身定制的,而从技术角度来看,不同类型飞机的布线系统之间或与其商业或军事应用相关的布线系统没有显著差异。因此,没有必要根据飞机尺寸或应用进行区分,特别是考虑到供应侧的高可替代性。 无论如何,通知方认为,确切的产品市场定义可以保持开放,因为在任何替代性细分下都不会产生竞争问题。 元
201.In a somewhat distant past, the Commission left open the existence of a specific market for harsh environment harnesses for engines, distinct from general harnesses due to the specific stresses they have to endure, but combining both civil and military applications. In the absence of detailed and recent precedent, the Commission carried out a complete assessment of the relevant market segmentation of wiring systems in the present case.
在遥远的过去,委员会对发动机恶劣环境线束的特定市场持开放态度,该市场与一般线束不同,因为它们必须承受特定的应力,但结合了民用和军用应用。 在没有详细和最近的先例的情况下,委员会对 本案中布线系统的相关市场细分进行了全面评估。
202.The respondents to the market investigation generally agree that wiring systems are specific to the aerospace industry and do not clearly see an immediate convergence of technical requirements with other industries (such as automotive and railway). However, the majority of respondents consider that general and harsh environment harnesses differ in terms of technical characteristics, manufacturing costs, sales price and function/usage. In particular, respondents indicate that the need to withstand harsher elements translates in more engineering, specialised materials and additional manufacturing processes and testing procedures for harsh environment harnesses. In addition, while a majority of suppliers appear to manufacture both general and harsh environment harnesses, this does not seem to be always the case due to the additional engineering skills and know-how required to supply harsh environment harnesses.
市场调查的受访者普遍同意,布线系统是航空航天工业特有的,并没有清楚地看到技术要求与其他行业(如汽车和铁路)的立即趋同。 然而,大多数受访者认为,一般和恶劣环境线束在技术特性、制造成本、销售价格和功能/用途方面有所不同。 特别是,受访者 表示,需要承受更恶劣的元素,这意味着需要更多的工程、专业材料以及针对恶劣环境线束的额外制造工艺和测试程序。 此外,虽然大多数供应商似乎同时生产 一般和恶劣环境线束,但由于供应恶劣环境线束需要额外的工程技能和专业知识,情况似乎并非总是如此。 元
203.Conversely, a majority of respondents to the market investigation do not consider appropriate to further segment the general harnesses category, including by types of aircraft, though isolated comments referred to the possibility of entertaining segmentations by function (power vs data) or by wire technology (optical fibre, aluminium, copper). A majority of respondents also consider unnecessary to segment the harsh environment harnesses category according to types of aircraft or specific applications, though product requirements and prices may differ per end-application (e.g., for engines, nacelles or landing gears).
相反,市场调查的大多数受访者认为不宜进一步细分一般线束类别,包括按飞机类型细分,尽管孤立的评论提到了 按功能(功率与数据)或有线技术(光纤、铝、铜)进行有趣细分的可能性。 大多数受访者还认为没有必要根据飞机类型或特定应用对恶劣环境线束类别进行细分,尽管产品要求 和价格可能因最终应用(例如,发动机、机舱或起落架)而异。 元
204.Overall, the Commission considers that the market investigation is not supportive of a segmentation based on function or by wire technology, notably because all aircraft platforms require the different functions and harnesses combine cables carrying different functions and made out of different technologies since certain cables are more or less suitable for certain function or differ in terms of weight and level of power that they can transmit. Likewise, it can be left open whether separate markets exist for general wiring harnesses and harsh environment harnesses or whether harsh environment harnesses should be further segmented by type of aircraft or application, since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of these alternatives.
总体而言,委员会认为 市场调查不支持基于功能或有线技术的细分,特别是因为所有飞机平台都需要不同的功能,并且线束结合了具有不同功能的 电缆,并由 不同的技术制成,因此某些电缆或多或少适合某些功能,或者在它们可以传输的重量和功率水平方面有所不同。 同样,通用线束和恶劣环境线束是否存在单独的市场,或者是否应按飞机类型或应用进一步细分恶劣环境线束,也可以保持开放状态,因为该交易不会导致对其与这些替代方案下的内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
5.9.3.Wiring components
205.According to the Notifying Party, components fulfil different functions within the wiring system, thereby justifying a segmentation of product markets between: (i) cables; (ii) conduits and sleeves (incl. all protective sheathing enveloping wires and cables in a harness); (iii) backshells and fittings (incl. all mechanical parts used to assemble a complete harness from individual conduit or sleeve, as they are typically manufactured by all existing suppliers); and (iv) connectors. However, no distinction between components for general or harsh environment harnesses is warranted, or per end-application.
根据通知方的说法,组件在布线系统中实现不同的功能,因此有理由将产品市场划分为:(i) 电缆;(ii) 导管和套管(包括将电线和电缆包裹在线束中的所有保护套);(iii) 尾盖和配件(包括用于从单个导管或套管组装完整线束的所有机械零件,因为它们通常由所有现有供应商制造);以及 (iv) 连接器。 但是,一般或恶劣环境线束的组件之间没有区别,也没有必要按最终应用进行区分。 元
206.The outcome of the market investigation supports the definition proposed by the Notifying Party and suggests that no further segmentation is warranted due to substitutability among components within each category both from a demand- and supply-side point of view. As a result, the Commission takes the view that separate relevant product markets exist for: (i) cables; (ii) conduit and sleeves; (iii) backshells and fittings; and (iv) connectors.
市场调查的结果支持 通知方提出的定义,并表明从需求方和供应方的角度来看,由于每个类别中组件之间的可替代性,因此无需进一步细分。 因此,委员会认为,以下产品存在独立的相关产品市场:(i) 电缆;(ii) 导管和套管;(iii) 后壳和配件;以及 (iv) 连接器。
5.10.Various components 各种组件
207.The product market definition of components which can be used as an input to several equipment/systems will be discussed in this section.
5.10.1.Aerospace hose and tube assemblies
208.Hoses are flexible, while tubes are rigid devices used to convey hydraulic fluid, aviation fuel, water and cooling/heat exchanger fluids in aircraft. A typical fluid conveyance system in an aircraft comprises long runs of rigid tube, securely fastened to the structure to prevent vibration and shorter length of flexible hose, to accommodate movement where necessary.
209.The Notifying Party submits that aerospace hose and tube assemblies constitute one relevant product market. However, it is of the view that the exact product market definition can be left open as no competition concerns arises under any alternative product market definition.
210.The Commission considers that aerospace hose and tube assemblies constitute one relevant product market for the following reasons. First, irrespective of the system or the type of aircraft they are built in, aerospace hose and tube assemblies convey the same function and manufactured using the same technology. Second, these products are commonly manufactured to standard specifications which are approved by the OEM manufacturers for a range of pressure applications.
本委员会认为,航空航天软管和管组件构成一个相关产品市场,原因如下。 首先,无论系统或飞机类型如何,航空航天软管和管道组件都传达相同的功能,并使用相同的技术制造。 其次,这些产品通常按照标准规格制造,这些规格由 OEM 制造商批准,适用于各种压力应用。
5.10.2.Externally located electrical boxes
211.Externally located electrical boxes include inter alia nose wheel steering deactivation boxes, landing bay door operation boxes and landing gear maintenance boxes. They are typically located in a position readily accessible to the ground crew and are designed to withstand exposure to the elements.
位于外部的电气箱包括 前轮转向停用箱、起落架门操作箱和起落架维护箱等。它们通常位于地勤人员容易接近的位置,并且旨在承受各种因素的影响。
212.The steering deactivation electrical box provides the means for the ground crew to disable the nose landing gear steering so that the aircraft can be safely towed. A lever operated switch with a removable locking pin provides this function.
Figure 14: Nose wheel steering deactivation box (source: Form CO)
图 14:前轮转向停用盒(来源:表格 CO)

213.The landing gear maintenance box is located in landing gear bays and used by the ground crew to manually operate the landing gear doors and to shut down the APU in the event of a fire.
起落架维护箱位于起落架舱内,地勤人员用它来手动操作起落架门,并在发生火灾时关闭 APU。
Figure 15: Landing gear maintenance box (source: Form CO)
图 15:起落架维修箱(来源:表格 CO)

214.The Notifying Party submits that all externally located electrical boxes belong to one relevant product market because although they have distinct functions (e.g. maintenance operations, deactivations of nose wheel steering systems, etc.), they are basically the same kind of equipment.
通知方认为,所有位于外部的电气箱都属于一个相关产品市场,因为尽管它们具有不同的功能(例如维护操作、前轮转向系统的停用等),但它们基本上是同一类型的设备。 元
215.The Commission takes note of the fact that the different types of externally located electrical boxes all have different functions and as such are not substitutable from the customers' perspective. The price of these products also differs based on their size and the number of components and electrical interfaces.
委员会注意到,不同类型的外部配电箱都具有不同的功能,因此从客户的角度来看,它们是不可替代的。这些产品的价格也根据其尺寸、组件和电气接口的数量而有所不同。 元
216.The market investigation was inconclusive with regard to the supply-side substitutability between the different kinds of externally located electrical boxes; approximately the same amount of suppliers replied that it would be or would not be technically able to produce different types of externally located electrical boxes.
关于不同种类的外部电箱之间的供给侧可替代性,市场调查没有定论;大约相同数量的供应商回答说,在技术上能够或不会生产不同类型的外部电箱。 元
217.The exact product market definition can however be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
5.10.3.Small sub-components 小子组件
218.The Notifying Party submits that there is a relevant product market encompassing a number of small sub-components such as seals, coupling, check valves, caps, etc. It argues that these are mere hardware commodities with no technical specificities, which are produced by multiple suppliers for multiple applications in many industries. Therefore, although they do provide different functions, defining narrow product markets based on each of these small sub-components would not reflect the economic reality.
通知方提出,存在一个相关的产品市场,包括许多小型子组件,如密封件、接头、止回阀、瓶盖等。 它认为,这些只是没有技术特性的硬件商品,由多个供应商为许多行业的多种应用生产。因此,尽管它们确实提供了不同的功能,但根据这些小子组件中的每一个来定义狭窄的产品市场并不能反映经济现实。 元
219.The market investigation mostly confirmed that different small sub-components belong to the same relevant product market; however, some respondents pointed out the differences among them in term of function and technology.
市场调查大多确认了不同的小分件属于同一个相关产品市场; 然而,一些受访者指出它们在功能和技术方面的差异。
220.The exact product market definition can however be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
5.10.4.Solenoid valves (manifold)
221.Solenoid valves constitute a type of liquid flow valves having the specific function of switching on and off the liquid flow.
222.The Notifying Party submits that given the different function and underlying technology, solenoid valves and servo-valves constitute separate relevant markets. Furthermore, the Notifying Party argues that no distinction should be made between solenoid valves and manifolds because (i) manifolds are small sub-systems incorporating solenoid valves, (ii) all manufacturers of solenoid valves also manufactures manifolds and (iii) most manufacturers of manifolds manufacture solenoid valves.
通知方认为,鉴于功能和基础技术不同,电磁阀和伺服阀构成了独立的相关市场。 此外,通知方认为,不应区分 电磁阀和歧管,因为 (i) 歧管是包含电磁阀的小型子系统,(ii) 所有电磁阀制造商也制造歧管,以及 (iii) 大多数歧管制造商制造电磁阀。 元
223.The Commission considers that in view of the lack of demand-side substitutability because of the different functions and of the limited supply-side substitutability based on the different technology, solenoid valves and servo-valves constitute different relevant product markets.
224.The question whether solenoid valves sold on a standalone basis and in manifolds constitute one single product market can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
5.10.5.Servo-valves (manifold) 伺服阀(歧管)
225.Servo-valves constitute a type of liquid flow valves which regulate the level of flow in proportion to the command received from the calculator.
226.The Notifying Party considers that no further distinction is appropriate based on the aircraft system that the servo-valves serve as their function remains the same: transforming an electrical signal into a hydraulic output. Furthermore, they all require the same sub-components, the same industrial means and are produced on the same machines. The Notifying Party further submits that no distinction should be made between servo-valves and manifolds because (i) manifolds are small sub-systems incorporating servo-valves, (ii) all manufacturers of servo-valves also manufactures manifolds and (iii) most manufacturers of manifolds manufacture servo-valves.
通知方认为,根据伺服阀所服务的飞机系统,没有进一步的区分是合适的,因为它们的功能保持不变:将电信号转换为液压输出。此外,它们都需要相同的子组件、相同的工业手段,并在同一台机器上生产。 通知方进一步指出,不应区分伺服阀和歧管,因为 (i) 歧管是包含伺服阀的小型子系统,(ii) 所有伺服阀制造商也生产歧管,以及 (iii) 大多数歧管制造商制造伺服阀。 元
227.The market investigation largely confirmed that all servo-valves belong to the same relevant product market. The majority of respondents also stated that they supply servo-valves both on a stand-alone basis and in manifolds. In this regard however the exact product market definition can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
市场调查在很大程度上证实了所有伺服阀都属于同一相关产品市场。 大多数受访者还表示,他们提供独立和歧管式伺服阀。 然而,就此而言,为本决定的目的,可以保留确切的产品市场定义,因为该交易不会导致对其与任何替代定义下的内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
5.10.6.Utility actuators 实用执行器
228.The Notifying Party submits that there is a relevant product market for utility actuators encompassing a number of actuators such as EMA valves, EMA uplocks, EMA unlocks, fan cowl opening actuators, cargo door opening actuators, passenger door opening actuators, APU opening actuators, etc. The Notifying Party also argues that as all these actuators present the same function, i.e. opening and blocking, they should be part of one relevant product market.
通知方认为,实用执行器存在相关产品市场,包括许多执行器,例如 EMA 阀、EMA 上锁、EMA 解锁器、风扇整流罩打开执行器、货舱门打开执行器、乘客门打开执行器、APU 开启执行器等。通知方还认为,由于所有这些执行器都具有相同的功能,即打开和阻塞,因此它们应属于一个相关产品市场。 元
229.The Commission has previously not examined the market for actuators, although it has considered the segmentation of actuation systems into "utility", "primary" and "secondary" actuation; the first category comprising all actuation systems other than flight control systems. The question whether the market should be further segmented and be defined on a component-by-component basis can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
委员会以前没有审查过执行器市场,尽管它考虑了将驱动系统分为“实用”、“主要”和“次要”驱动;第一类包括除飞行控制系统之外的所有驱动系统。 就本决定而言,市场是否应进一步细分并逐个组成部分地定义的问题可以留待,因为该交易不会导致对其与任何替代定义下的内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
5.10.7.Sensors 传感器
230.Sensors are electronic components which purpose is to detect events and changes (in position, pressure, temperature, etc.) and send the information for analysis to a computer processor.
231.The Notifying Party submits that no distinction should be made between the various types of sensors as this would lead to the existence of multitude of very small product markets which would not properly reflect the economic reality of this category of components. Furthermore, all suppliers offer a comparable range of products.
通知方认为,不应区分各种类型的传感器,因为这会导致存在大量非常小的产品市场,而这些市场将无法正确反映此类组件的经济现实。此外,所有供应商都提供类似的产品范围。 元
232.The question whether the market should be further segmented and be defined on a component-by-component basis can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
5.11.Space launchers 太空发射器
5.11.1.Introduction 介绍
233.Space launchers are vehicles based on rocket engines and used to deliver space systems (satellite and space infrastructure elements) into orbit. Depending on their class, launchers can deliver satellites of up to 10 tons to orbits varying from 160 km high (low earth orbit or “LEO”) to 36,000 km (geostationary transfer orbits or “GTO”). Launchers can usually reach a rather wide range of orbits but are optimised for a specific orbit. In particular, launchers can be categorized between (i) launchers with GTO capacity and (ii) launchers with only LEO capacity.
太空发射器是基于火箭发动机的飞行器,用于将太空系统(卫星和太空基础设施元件)送入轨道。根据其类别,发射器可以将重达 10 吨的卫星运送到 160 公里高(近地轨道或“LEO”)到 36,000 公里(地球静止转移轨道或“GTO”)不等的轨道。发射器通常可以到达相当广泛的轨道,但针对特定轨道进行了优化。特别是,发射器可以分为 (i) 具有 GTO 容量的发射器和 (ii) 仅具有 LEO 容量的发射器。
234.In Europe, space launchers are ordered and developed by the European Space Agency (ESA), an intergovernmental organisation with 22 Member States dedicated to the exploration of space. In particular, ESA is responsible for the development of all European launchers, in particular through the Ariane and Vega programmes.
在欧洲,太空发射器由欧洲航天局 (ESA) 订购和开发,该机构是一个政府间组织,拥有 22 个会员国 个,致力于太空探索。特别是,欧洲航天局负责所有欧洲发射器的开发,特别是通过 Ariane 和 Vega 计划。
235.The manufacturing of launchers is entrusted to European industry participants such as ArianeGroup, formerly known as Airbus Safran Launchers (ASL), a joint venture between Safran and Airbus. ESA selects one main contractor, the "prime contractor", which will be responsible for building the launcher, and several subcontractors, which will produce the different launcher subsystems and equipment. For a large part of those contracts, ESA does not conduct open tenders but designates its industrial partners on the basis of those partners' known expertise and the so-called "juste retour" principle according to which the share of business awarded to manufacturers in a given Member State needs to be closely related to the share of financial contribution from that Member State to the respective programme.
发射器的制造委托给欧洲行业参与者,例如 ArianeGroup,前身为 Airbus Safran Launchers (ASL),是 Safran 和 Airbus 的合资企业 。ESA 选择一个主承包商,即“主承包商”,负责建造发射器,以及几个分包商,他们将生产不同的发射器子系统和设备。对于这些合同的很大一部分,欧空局不进行公开招标,而是根据这些合作伙伴的已知专业知识和所谓的“juste retour”原则来指定其工业合作伙伴,根据该原则,授予特定成员国制造商的业务份额需要与该成员国对相应计划的财政贡献份额密切相关。 元
236.ArianeGroup is the prime contractor for all Ariane programmes, i.e. the operational Ariane 5 vehicles and Ariane 6, which is under development. Zodiac supplies telemetry equipment and non-cryogenic valves to ArianeGroup for integration in space launchers.
ArianeGroup 是所有 Ariane 项目的主要承包商,即正在运营的 Ariane 5 车辆和正在开发的 Ariane 6。 Zodiac 向 ArianeGroup 提供遥测设备和非低温阀门 ,用于集成到太空发射器中。
5.11.2.Prime contracting for ESA space launchers
237.The Notifying Party submits that there is no open market for prime contracting for ESA space launchers for the following reasons. First, the Notifying Party submits that ESA is the only customer with regards to the prime contracting of launchers development in Europe. The prime contractor has always been attributed by ESA through bilateral negotiations to the industry of the main contributing Member State based on the juste retour principle without any competitive tender. Second, the Notifying Party submits that the prime contractor has already been selected for the current Ariane programmes and there are no other foreseeable launcher programmes for which a prime contractor would need to be selected in Europe. Finally, the Notifying Party submits that it is not possible to change the prime contractor once it has been selected and the development phase has started, and even less so during the exploitation phase.
通知方提出,由于以下原因,欧洲航天局太空发射器的主承包没有公开市场。首先, 通知方提出,欧洲航天局是欧洲发射器开发主承包的唯一客户。欧洲航天局一直通过双边谈判将主承包商归于主要贡献国的行业,基于公正的重绕原则,没有任何竞争性招标。其次, 通知方提出,主承包商已被选定用于当前的 Ariane 计划,并且在欧洲没有其他可预见的发射器计划需要选择主承包商。 最后, 通知方提出,一旦选定了主承包商并且开发阶段已经开始,就不可能更换主承包商,在开发阶段更不用说了。
238.In a past decision, the Commission left open the question whether there is an open market for launcher prime contracting for ESA space launchers. The existence and exact scope of the relevant market can also be left open for the purpose of the present decision since the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market irrespective of whether an open market for prime contracting for ESA space launchers exists.
在最近的一项决定中, 委员会没有回答 ESA 太空发射器的发射器主承包是否存在公开市场的问题。 就本决定而言,相关市场的存在和确切范围也可以保持开放状态,因为无论是否存在欧空局太空发射器主承包的公开市场,该交易都不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
5.11.3.Telemetry equipment for space launchers
(240)Space launchers are made up of systems, subsystems and equipment. Equipment consists of components used in systems and subsystems. Zodiac only supplies components to ArianeGroup.
太空发射器由系统、子系统和设备组成。设备由系统和子系统中使用的组件组成。Zodiac 仅向 ArianeGroup 供应组件。
(241)Telemetry equipment provides the communication link of the launcher with the ground. It consists of various receivers and transmitters: (i) slave digital acquisition units (DAU), which collect digital and analog data used for the flight control system and for transmission to the ground, (ii) the Master DAU, which receives measurements from the slave DAUs and processes them before sending the data to the transmitter, (iii) the radio frequency transmitter for the ground datalink, which sends the data from the Master DAU to the ground segments, and (iv) the flight termination receiver used to activate the neutralization and destruction of the launcher in case of mission failure.
遥测设备提供发射器与地面的通信链路。它由各种接收器和发射器组成:(i) 从属数字采集单元 (DAU),用于收集 用于飞行控制系统和传输到地面的数字和模拟数据,(ii) 主 DAU,它从从属 DAU 接收测量值并在将数据发送到发射器之前对其进行处理,(iii) 用于地面数据链的射频发射器, 它将数据从主 DAU 发送到地面段,以及 (iv) 飞行终止接收器,用于在任务失败时激活发射器的无效化和销毁。
(242)The Notifying Party submits that telemetry equipment for space launchers constitutes a separate relevant market as it uses a distinct technology compared to other telemetry equipment (e.g. satellite or aircraft telemetry equipment) but that the precise delineation of the relevant market can be left open as the Transaction does not give rise to competition concerns.
(243)In a previous decision involving telemetry equipment for satellites, the Commission considered command receivers as a distinct relevant product market. In light of their different functions, and of the fact that they are procured and supplied as individual equipment, rather than as a system, the various space launcher telemetry components could be considered as constituting distinct relevant products markets. However, the exact scope of the relevant product market can be left open given that for the purpose of the present decision since the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market irrespective of the exact definition considered.
在之前一项涉及卫星遥测设备的裁决中, 委员会将命令接收器视为一个独特的相关产品市场。鉴于它们的功能不同,以及它们是作为单个设备而不是作为一个系统采购和供应的事实,各种太空发射器遥测组件可以被视为构成不同的相关产品市场。然而,鉴于就本决定而言,相关产品市场的确切范围可以保持开放,因为无论考虑的确切定义如何,该交易都不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
5.11.4.Valves equipment for space launchers
(244)Valves equipment regulate the passage of fluid in liquid propulsion launcher engines and stages.
(245)The Notifying Party submits that valves equipment for launchers must be distinguished from valves for other fields of application since equipment for one application cannot generally technically be used for the other applications. The Notifying Party further submits that valves may be distinguished between cryogenic valves (used in connection with very low temperature oxygen and hydrogen in cryogenic propulsion systems) and non-cryogenic valves (used in non-cryogenic propulsion systems and in connection with non-oxygen/hydrogen related function – e.g., in connection with helium – in cryogenic propulsion systems).
(246)In a previous decision involving the supply of valves equipment for space launchers, the Commission noted the distinction between cryogenic and non-cryogenic valves but left the exact scope of the relevant product market open. The market definition can also be left open for the purpose of the present decision since the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market irrespective of the exact delineation considered.
在之前涉及太空发射器阀门设备供应的 号决定中,委员会指出了低温阀和非低温阀之间的区别,但保留了相关产品市场的确切范围。就本决定而言,市场定义也可以保持开放状态,因为无论考虑的确切界定如何,该交易都不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
5.12.Defence systems and equipment
5.12.1.Introduction 介绍
247.Safran is also active as a supplier of a range of systems and equipment for defence applications, in particular inertial navigation systems for defence, missile and missile propulsion systems, guidance and pointing systems for weapon systems and missiles, optronics, remotely piloted aircraft and soldier modernisation program equipment, as well as ejection seats for military aircrafts.
248.Zodiac supplies a number of components (mainly commodities) to Safran for integration into the defence equipment it manufactures.
Zodiac 向赛峰集团供应许多零部件(主要是大宗商品), 以集成到其制造的国防设备中。
5.12.2.Strategic missiles
249.Strategic missiles are dedicated to critical state defence applications. They have a long range and great destruction capabilities relying on nuclear warheads. In previous decisions, the Commission has drawn a distinction between strategic missiles and tactical missiles, which are used for specific geographically limited actions to protect against the threat of attack or to destroy the enemy infrastructure or capacity.
战略导弹专用于关键的国家国防应用。它们依靠核弹头具有远射程和强大的破坏能力。在以前的决定中, 委员会区分了战略导弹和战术导弹,后者用于特定的地理限制行动,以防止攻击威胁或摧毁敌人的基础设施或能力。
5.12.3.Tactical missiles 战术导弹
250.As regards tactical missiles, the Commission noted that they can be classified according to functionality and products characteristics such as their point of origin and destination (e.g. air-to-air, surface-to-air/land, surface-to-air/naval, air-to-surface, anti-ships and anti-tanks) and range (very short range, short range, medium range and long range), but ultimately left the market definition open. The product market definition can also be left open for the purpose of the present decision since the Transaction does not give rise to competition concerns irrespective of the exact product market definition considered.
关于战术导弹,委员会指出,它们可以根据功能和产品特性进行分类,例如它们的起源点和目的地(例如空对空、地对空/陆、地对空/海军、空对地、反舰和反坦克)和射程(极短程、短程、中程和远程),但最终留下了市场定义。 就本决定而言,产品市场定义也可以保持开放状态,因为无论考虑的确切产品市场定义如何,该交易都不会引起竞争问题。
5.12.4.Missile propulsion systems
251.In previous decisions, the Commission has also drawn a distinction between propulsion systems for tactical missiles and propulsion systems for strategic missiles. As regards tactical missiles, the Commission noted that different technologies can be used in their propulsion systems: solid rocket motors (SRM), ramjets and turbo-propulsion, but ultimately left open the question whether the market for tactical missile propulsion systems should be segmented according to the technology used. The product market definition can also be left open for the purpose of the present decision since the Transaction does not give rise to competition concerns irrespective of the exact product market definition considered.
在以前的决定中,委员会还区分了战术导弹的推进系统和战略导弹的推进系统。关于战术导弹,委员会指出,其推进系统可以使用不同的技术:固体火箭发动机 (SRM)、冲压发动机和涡轮推进器,但最终留下了一个悬而未决的问题,即战术导弹推进系统市场是否应该根据所使用的技术进行细分。 就本决定而言,产品市场定义也可以保持开放状态,因为无论考虑的确切产品市场定义如何,该交易都不会引起竞争问题。
5.12.5.Telemetry equipment for strategic missiles
252.Telemetry equipment provides the communication link of the strategic missile with the ground. The Notifying Party submits that the technology used for strategic missiles is very similar to that of launchers, discussed in section 5.11.3 above, but that, in light of the specific features of the defence market, there is a distinct market for the supply of telemetry equipment for strategic missiles which is national in scope. For the purpose of the present decision the market definition can be left open since the Transaction does not give rise to competition concerns irrespective of the exact market definition considered.
遥测设备提供战略导弹与地面的通信链路。通知方提出,用于战略导弹的技术与上文第 5.11.3 节中讨论的发射器的技术非常相似,但鉴于国防市场的具体特点,战略导弹遥测设备的供应存在一个独特的市场,该市场是全国性的。就本决定而言,市场定义可以保持开放状态,因为无论考虑的确切市场定义如何,该交易都不会引起竞争问题。
5.12.6.Optronics 光电
253.Optronics is a field of electro-optical applications which combines optic and electronic processing of physical signals susceptible to direction and transmission through optical devices. These physical signals are principally infra-red or visible light, either naturally produced or generated by dedicated systems such as lasers. The main applications in the defence sector are reconnaissance, target identification, range-finding, target illumination, automatic target illumination, automatic target tracking and missile guidance.
Optronics 是一个光电应用领域,它结合了对易受方向影响的物理信号的光学和电子处理,并通过光学设备传输。这些物理信号主要是红外线或可见光,要么是自然产生的,要么是由激光等专用系统产生的。国防部门的主要应用是侦察、目标识别、测距、目标照明、自动目标照明、自动目标跟踪和导弹制导。
254.The Notifying Party submits that defence optronics equipment constitute a relevant product market, distinct from optronics for other civil applications, but that no further segmentation according to the specific purpose of a given equipment is relevant because the same key technologies are used to produce various types of optronics equipment and that most suppliers offer a variety of defence optronics equipment.
通知方提出,国防光电设备构成了一个相关的产品市场,不同 于其他民用应用的光电设备,但根据给定设备的具体用途进行进一步细分是无关紧要的,因为生产各种类型的光电设备使用相同的关键技术 ,并且大多数供应商提供各种国防光电设备。 元
255.In previous decisions, the Commission noted that different categories of products can be distinguished based on their application (thermal imaging units, residual light amplification units, visors, laser range-finders, units for missile guidance systems, optronic sensors for reconnaissance, navigation and weapon guidance, optronic warning sensors), but ultimately left open the question whether the market for defence optronics equipment should be further segmented according to these categories.
在以前的决定中,委员会指出,可以根据其应用区分不同类别的产品(热成像单元、残余光放大单元、面罩、激光测距仪、导弹制导系统单元、 用于侦察、导航和武器制导的光电传感器、光电警告传感器),但最终留下了国防光电市场是否悬而未决的问题 应根据这些类别对设备进行进一步细分。 元
256.Through its subsidiary Safran Electronics and Defense, Safran supplies thermal imaging units, visors and units for missile guidance systems.
赛峰电子与防务公司通过其子公司赛峰电子与防务公司(Safran Electronics and Defense)供应热成像装置、面罩和导弹制导系统装置。 元
257.Although the technologies used to manufacture various types of optronics equipment are similar , the supply and demand landscapes are not necessarily the same for all products. For instance, not all suppliers of sights are also active in the area of thermal imaging units or units for missile guidance systems. Moreover, sights are typically purchased by platform integrators (i.e. aircraft, vehicle or ship manufacturers) while other optronics equipment, such as thermal imaging units, are purchased directly by end-users (i.e. government defence bodies or procurement agencies). For these reasons, it appears that sights (which are the only segment in respect of which a vertical relationship between the Parties exists) may constitute a distinct relevant market separate from other optronics equipment, but the market definition can be left open for the purpose of the present decision since the Transaction does not give rise to competition concerns irrespective of the exact definition considered.
尽管用于制造各种类型光电设备的技术相似 ,但所有产品的供需情况不一定相同。例如,并非所有瞄准具供应商都活跃于热成像装置或导弹制导系统装置领域。此外,瞄准具通常由平台集成商(即飞机、车辆或船舶制造商)购买,而其他光电设备(如热成像装置)则由最终用户(即政府国防机构或采购机构)直接购买。 基于这些原因,瞄准器(这是双方之间存在纵向关系的唯一部分)似乎可以构成一个独立于其他光电设备的独特相关市场 ,但就本决定而言,市场定义可以保持开放性,因为无论考虑的确切定义如何,该交易都不会引起竞争问题。
5.12.7.Drones 无人 机
258.Drones are unmanned aerial vehicles which are remotely controlled, and which may be used by military operators for four types of mission: observation, communication (relays and scrambling), monitoring (electronic and communication intelligence), and combat.
259.In past decisions, the Commission considered that the market for drones is a relevant product market but ultimately left open the question whether it has to be further segmented according to their mission (i.e. observation, communication, monitoring, and combat) or their technical characteristics. The Notifying Party submits that the relevant product market is that for drones.
在过去的决定中,委员会认为无人机市场是一个相关的产品市场 但最终没有解决是否必须根据其任务(即 观察、通信、监控和战斗)或其技术特性进一步细分的问题。通知方提出,相关产品市场是无人机市场。
260.The product market definition can be left open for the purpose of the present decision since the Transaction does not give rise to competition concerns irrespective of the exact definition considered.
5.12.8.Ejection seats and components
261.Ejections seats aim to rescue the pilot or other crew of military aircrafts in case of emergency. Like for any seat, the main components of ejection seats are the bucket, back and headrest. However, ejections seats are also equipped with, e.g., a parachute, a survival pack and emergency oxygen supply.
弹射座椅旨在在紧急情况下营救军用飞机的飞行员或其他机组人员。与任何座椅一样,弹射座椅的主要部件是铲斗、靠背和头枕。但是,弹射座椅也配备了降落伞、救生包和紧急氧气供应等。 元
262.The Notifying Party submits that, in view of their special characteristics and use, ejection seats constitute a relevant market on their own, whose precise delineation can be left open in the absence of any competition concern. The Notifying Party further submits that ejection seat components can be segmented between (i) buckles, (ii) parachutes, and (iii) textile components for seats though, again, no competition issue arises irrespective of the precise market definition. These markets, according to the Notifying Party, are national in scope given national security interest involved and the monopsonistic feature of the national defence industry but the geographic dimension of the relevant markets may be left open.
通知方提出,鉴于其特殊特性和用途,弹射座椅本身就构成了一个相关市场,在没有任何竞争问题的情况下,可以不明确地划分其确切界限。 通知方进一步提出,弹射座椅部件可以分为 (i) 带扣、(ii) 降落伞和 (iii) 座椅纺织部件,但同样,无论精确的市场定义如何,都不会出现竞争问题。根据通知方的说法,考虑到涉及国家安全利益和国防工业的垄断特征,这些市场在全国范围内是全国性的,但相关市场的地理范围可能保持开放。 元
263.The Commission agrees that product market definitions for ejection seats and components can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any plausible alternative definitions.
委员会同意,为本决定的目的,弹射座椅和组件的产品市场定义可以保持开放状态,因为该交易不会导致对在任何合理的 替代定义 下其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
5.13.MRO services and spare parts
MRO 服务和备件
5.13.1.Introduction 介绍
264.Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul ("MRO") refers to the servicing of aircraft, engines and their respective components.
维护、配对和大修 (“MRO”) 是指飞机、发动机及其各自部件的维修。 of MRO services MRO 服务的类型
a. 一个。Line maintenance 线路维护
265.Line maintenance refers to the aircraft maintenance checks that are carried out to ensure that the aircraft is fit for flight but that do not remove the aircraft from service. Line maintenance is generally performed at the different airports on the airline's route and consists of transit checks, pre-departure checks, night stops and the rectification of certain technical problems.
266.Mandatory checks are performed as part of line maintenance every X number of flight hours, as follows:
作为航线维护的一部分,每 X 飞行小时执行一次强制性检查,如下所示:
-an A-check is performed approximately every 800 flight hours and requires around 200-300 man-hours to complete;
大约每 800 个飞行小时进行一次 A 级检查,大约需要 200-300 个工时才能完成;
-a B-check is performed approximately every 4-6 months and is usually performed within 3 days at an airport hangar.
B 检查大约每 4-6 个月进行一次,通常在 3 天内在机场机库进行。
b.Heavy maintenance 繁重的维护
267.Heavy maintenance refers to regularly scheduled detailed inspection, maintenance, preventive maintenance and alteration of the entire aircraft and its installed components that will place the aircraft out of service for a pre-determined period of time.
268.Mandatory checks are performed as part of heavy maintenance every X number of flight hours, as follows:
作为每 X 飞行小时进行一次大修的强制性检查,如下所示:
-a C-check is performed approximately every 18 to 24 months or after a specific amount of actual flight hours as defined by the manufacturer;
大约每 18 到 24 个月进行一次 C 检查,或者在制造商规定的特定实际飞行小时数后进行一次 C 检查;
-a D-check/structural check is the most comprehensive and demanding checks, since the entire aircraft structure is taken apart for inspection and overhaul. Intermediate structural checks occur after 5-6 years and heavy structural checks occur after 10-12 years. Such checks will usually demand around 15,000 to 20,000 man-hours and around 1 month to complete at suitably equipped maintenance bases.
D 级检查/结构检查是最全面和最苛刻的检查,因为整个飞机结构都被拆开进行检查和大修。中间结构检查发生在 5-6 年后,重型结构检查发生在 10-12 年后。此类检查通常需要大约 15,000 到 20,000 个工时和大约 1 个月才能在设备齐全的维护基地完成。
c.Engine maintenance 发动机维护
269.Engine maintenance refers to off-wing maintenance, preventive maintenance and alteration that restores the engine to designed operational condition. By regulation, the engine must be disassembled, inspected, its parts are to be repaired or replaced as necessary, and then re-assembled and tested.
270.In order to carry out this maintenance process, maintenance tasks have been segregated into two different categories.
271.Line maintenance, which includes any and all maintenance actions which can be carried out “on wing”, i.e. without removing the engine from the aircraft, while the aircraft is at an airport location. This includes routine checks, specific inspections, a limited number of repairs of the engine whenever possible (e.g. blending of dents on fan blades) and removing/replacing external components. Airlines generally have the capability to conduct line maintenance and only rarely outsource these services to the engine OEM or to independent MRO service providers.
航线维护,包括可以在“机翼上”进行的任何和所有维护操作,即当飞机在机场位置时,无需从飞机上拆下发动机。这包括例行检查、特定检查、尽可能对发动机进行有限数量的维修(例如混合 风扇叶片上的凹痕)以及拆卸/更换外部组件。航空公司通常有能力进行航线维护,很少将这些服务外包给发动机 OEM 或独立的 MRO 服务提供商。
272.Shop maintenance, which includes all maintenance actions for which engines need to be removed from the aircraft. Possible causes for shop visit can range from need to meet requirements for continued airworthiness and engine integrity which are safety-related, abnormal behaviour or mechanical failure discovered during health monitoring, unexpected failure, to fuel consumption improvement.
273.Shop maintenance can be performed on dedicated sites by airlines (albeit increasingly less frequent), engine OEM, or independent shops. These shops must be certified by their relevant authorities such as the Federal Aviation Authority (“FAA”), the European Aviation Safety Agency (“EASA”).
航空公司(尽管越来越少)、发动机 OEM 或独立商店可以在专用站点进行车间维护。这些商店必须获得相关机构的认证,例如美国联邦航空管理局 (“FAA”)、欧洲航空安全局 (“EASA”)。
274.A shop visit, “engine overhaul”, may last 30 to 90 days or more (this explains why a fleet of “spare engines” is required in order to keep aircrafts flying). Typically, engine overhaul occurs at discretion, often at intervals of 8-10 years. However, intervals between shop visits are very variable and vary depending on airworthiness limitations and directives, on operating conditions of the engine, as well as on the level of performance restoration chosen by the airline at the previous shop visit.
参观商店,“发动机大修”,可能持续 30 到 90 天或更长时间(这解释了为什么需要一支“备用发动机”机队才能保持飞机飞行)。 通常,发动机大修是酌情进行的,通常每隔 8-10 年一次。 然而,两次商店访问之间的间隔非常可变,并且会根据适航限制和指令、发动机的运行条件以及航空公司在上次商店访问时选择的性能恢复水平而有所不同。
d.Component maintenance 组件维护
275.Component maintenance comprises inspection, test and alteration of specific equipment and components installed on an aircraft, which can be repaired and are of a significant value.
276.Component parts are mainly repaired “on-condition”. This means that the maintenance actions required depend solely on the actual condition of the component, i.e. as long as the component works, no maintenance is required. The component condition is checked when failure is detected and/or within the framework of line maintenance and heavy maintenance services.
零部件主要“按条件”进行维修。这意味着所需的维护措施仅取决于组件的实际状况,即 只要组件工作,就不需要维护。 当检测到故障时和/或在线路维护和重型维护服务的框架内检查组件状态。
277.In addition, for some components such as safety parts, recommended or mandatory scheduled maintenance actions are set at specific flight hour or cycle or calendar thresholds. Scheduled maintenance for components is generically called “overhaul” and thresholds for an overhaul may vary according to the type of component and/or usage, irrespective of the aircraft type. These types of specific checks depend on the product and the platform, and may be ruled by safety authorities (FAA/EASA). The maintenance frequency depends on the component manufacturer recommendation, which is intrinsically linked to the product. Overhaul tasks usually include component disassembly, cleaning, replacement of parts and testing.
此外,对于某些组件(如安全部件),建议或强制性的计划维护操作设置为特定的飞行小时、周期或日历阈值。部件的定期维护通常称为“大修”,大修的阈值可能会根据部件的类型和/或用途而有所不同,而与飞机类型无关。 这些类型的具体检查取决于商品和平台,并可能由安全机构 (FAA/EASA) 做出裁决。维护频率取决于组件制造商的建议,这与产品有着内在的联系。大修任务通常包括部件拆卸、清洁、更换零件和测试。 of MRO service providers
MRO 服务提供商的类型
278.MRO service providers can be categorised as follows:
MRO 服务提供商可分为以下几类:
@.original system, equipment or component manufacturers (such as the Parties) providing MRO services with regard to their own system, equipment or component;
为其自己的系统、设备或组件提供 MRO 服务的原始系统、设备或组件制造商(例如双方);
A. 一个。airlines and airline-owned MRO service providers (such as Lufthansa Technik or Air France Industries) servicing both their own fleet and that of third parties;
航空公司和航空公司拥有的 MRO 服务提供商(例如 Lufthansa Technik 或法航工业),为自己的机队和第三方机队提供服务;
B.independent MRO service providers (such as ADAT or AJ Walter) and
独立的 MRO 服务提供商(例如 ADAT 或 AJ Walter)以及
C.airframers (such as Airbus and Boeing).
279.Airlines and airline-owned MRO service providers, independent MRO service providers and airframers usually offer MRO services for a broader portfolio of products or nose-to-tail ("NTT") MRO services. Once they have won the contract with an airline, they can either undertake the MRO services themselves or sub-contract it to the respective original system, equipment or component manufacturers.
航空公司和航空公司拥有的 MRO 服务提供商、独立 MRO 服务提供商和飞机制造商 通常为更广泛的产品组合提供 MRO 服务或机头到尾 (“NTT”) MRO 服务。 一旦他们与航空公司签订了合同,他们就可以自己承担 MRO 服务,也可以将其分包给相应的原始系统、设备或组件制造商。 of spare parts 备件类型
280.While original spare parts qualified by the aircraft manufacturer on an aircraft platform can only be supplied by the original system, equipment or component manufacturers, alternate spare parts exist, developed and manufactured by third party spare parts suppliers. The main alternative forms of spare parts are as follows.
a. 一个。PMA
281.“PMA” is an acronym for “Parts Manufacturer Approval.” It originated in the US and spread into the other parts of the world. Basically, the FAA permits the manufacture of replacement parts for aircraft if the part has been tested and meets FAA standards for airworthiness and the part is manufactured in accordance with FAA approved procedures.
“PMA”是“Parts Manufacturer Approval”的首字母缩写词。它起源于美国并传播到世界其他地区。基本上,如果飞机的替换零件已经过测试并符合 FAA 适航标准,并且该零件是按照 FAA 批准的程序制造的,则 FAA 允许制造飞机的替换零件。 元
282.“OOPP” is an acronym for Owner Operator Produced Parts. These are certified parts that can be manufactured by any airline/affiliated MRO having the required certification agreements for their own consumption as alternative to original supplier parts.
“OOPP”是 Owner Operator Produced Parts 的首字母缩写词。这些是经过认证的零件,可以由任何拥有所需认证协议的航空公司/附属 MRO 制造,供自己使用,作为原始供应商零件的替代品。
c.Surplus 盈余
283.Instead of purchasing a new part, a customer can buy a used part on the second-hand market. Second-hand spare parts are in particular available for aircraft programmes which have been in operation for more than ten years.
客户可以在二手市场上购买二手零件,而不是购买新零件。二手备件尤其适用于已经运行了十多年的飞机项目。 元
284.Airlines have the possibility to have new components installed in their aircraft supplied by any alternative manufacturer holding a Supplemental or Supplementary Type Certificate (STC). An STC refers to a certificate issued by an aviation authority thereby approving the modification of an aeronautical product from its original design. STCs contain the product design change and states how the modification affects the existing type design.
航空公司有可能在其飞机上安装由持有补充或补充型号合格证 (STC) 的任何替代制造商提供的新组件。STC 是指由航空当局签发的证书,从而批准对航空产品的原始设计进行修改。STC 包含产品设计更改,并说明修改如何影响现有字体设计。 元
e.Minor modification 小改动
285.A Minor Modification is one that requires approval by safety agencies but has no appreciable effect on airworthiness or where the modification does not introduce new certification basis/interpretations/aspects of compliance or requires an extensive re-evaluation.
f.DER approved/DOA-holder MRO service:
DER 批准/DOA 持有人 MRO 服务:
286.“DER” is the acronym for Design Engineering Representative. A DER is an individual who holds an engineering degree or equivalent, possesses an extensive technical knowledge and experience, and meets specific qualification requirements. DERs are very specialised and are given authorisations to perform approvals of the data (instructions) used to make certain modifications or repairs to aircraft. EASA has set out a similar system whereby organisations that design changes to aircraft, repairs of aircraft and parts and appliances need to hold a Design Organisation Approval (DOA). DER approved/DOA-holder MRO service providers are allowed to make repairs which do not follow the component maintenance manuals ("CMMs") for which they can use non-original spare parts.
“DER”是 Design Engineering Representative 的首字母缩写词。DER 是持有工程学位或同等学历、拥有广泛技术知识和经验并满足特定资格要求的个人。DER非常 专业,并被授权对用于对飞机进行某些修改或维修的数据(说明)进行审批。EASA 制定了一个类似的系统,根据该系统,设计飞机变更、飞机维修以及零件和设备的组织需要持有 设计组织批准 (DOA)。DER 批准/DOA 持有人 MRO 服务提供商可以进行不遵循组件维护手册(“CMM”)的维修,他们可以使用非原厂备件进行维修。
5.13.2.MRO services MRO 服务
287.The Notifying Party agrees with the Commission's decisional practice in distinguishing (i) line maintenance, (ii) heavy maintenance, (iii) engine maintenance and (iv) component maintenance; and submits that the Parties' activities only overlap with regard to component maintenance.
通知方同意委员会在区分 (i) 线路维护、(ii) 重型维护、(iii) 发动机维护和 (iv) 部件维护方面的决策做法;并提出双方的活动仅在部件维护方面重叠。 元
288.The Notifying Party argues that at least as regards commercial aviation, no distinction should be made according to aircraft types as although some differences exist in the provision of component maintenance services to large commercial aircraft and regional aircraft on the one hand and business jets on the other hand, suppliers offer services across all aircraft segments. The Notifying Party also submits that it might be appropriate to distinguish MRO services provided for commercial and military aircraft as MRO services for military aircraft are generally undertaken by the air force itself and only to a lesser extent by private MRO service providers; and as contractual and pricing terms differ between the two segments. In any event, the Notifying Party submits that the exact product market definition can be left open as no competition concerns arises under any alternative product market definition.
通知方认为,至少就商用航空而言,不应根据飞机类型进行区分,因为尽管在为大型商用飞机和支线飞机提供部件维修服务方面存在一些差异,另一方面为公务机提供服务,但供应商提供所有飞机领域的服务。 通知方还提出,区分为商用飞机和军用飞机提供的 MRO 服务可能是适当的,因为军用飞机的 MRO 服务通常由空军本身承担,仅在较小程度上由私人 MRO 服务提供商承担;并且由于这两个部分之间的合同和定价条款不同。 无论如何,通知方认为,确切的产品市场定义可以保持开放,因为在任何替代产品市场定义下都不会出现竞争问题。 元
289.The Commission has previously distinguished (i) line maintenance, (ii) heavy maintenance, (iii) engine maintenance and (iv) component maintenance based on the part of the aircraft to be serviced and the level of service required. The Commission concluded that a further differentiation should be made according to the aircraft type that is serviced. The Commission also considered but ultimately left the question open, whether a distinction between commercial and business aviation is appropriate. It moreover noted that line maintenance and heavy maintenance can be further subdivided according to nature and frequency of the checks involved (A, B, C and D-checks).
委员会之前曾根据要维修的飞机部分和所需的服务水平来区分 (i) 航线维护、(ii) 重型维护、(iii) 发动机维护和 (iv) 部件维护。 委员会的结论是,应根据所服务的飞机类型进行进一步的区分。 委员会还考虑了商用航空和公务航空之间的区别是否合适,但最终没有解决。 报告还指出,线路维护和重度维护可以根据所涉及检查的性质和频率进一步细分(A、B、C 和 D 检查)。
290.Only the market for component maintenance is of relevance for this decision as the Parties' activities overlap only in the provision of this MRO service.
只有组件维护市场与此决定相关,因为双方的活动仅在提供此 MRO 服务方面重叠。
291.The market investigation confirmed that different types of MRO service providers – such as original system, equipment or component manufacturers ("OEMs"); airlines and airlines-owned MRO service providers; independent MRO service providers and airframers – compete against each other. The market investigation further indicated that the competitive conditions vary substantially between MRO services provided for commercial and military aircraft. With regard to the further segmentation of the MRO market according to aircraft types, the market investigation did not deliver unambiguous results. While the majority of the airlines stated that there are no significant differences between the different segments, OEMs and airframers were divided regarding this question.
市场调查证实,不同类型的大修、大修、大修服务供应商(例如原始系统、设备或组件制造商);航空公司和航空公司拥有的MRO服务提供商;独立的MRO服务提供商和飞机制造商-相互竞争。 市场调查进一步表明,为商用飞机和军用飞机提供的 MRO 服务之间的竞争条件差异很大。 关于根据飞机类型进一步细分 MRO 市场,市场调查没有得出明确的结果。虽然大多数航空公司表示不同细分市场之间没有显著差异,但 家 OEM 和飞机制造商在这个问题上存在分歧。 元
292.However, the exact product market definition can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
5.13.3.Spare parts 备件
293.The Notifying Party submits that it is not easy to segregate the provision of spare parts from the provision of MRO services as the latter necessarily involves the replacement of faulty pieces. In any event, the Notifying Party submits that the exact product market definition can be left open as no competition concerns arises under any alternative product market definition.
通知方提出,将备件的提供与 MRO 服务的提供分开并不容易,因为后者必然涉及更换有缺陷的部件。 无论如何,通知方认为,确切的产品市场定义可以保持开放状态,因为在任何替代产品市场定义下都不会出现竞争问题。 元
294.In a previous decision the Commission has considered the existence of a relevant product market for spare parts separate from the provision of MRO services.
在之前的一项决定中,欧盟委员会考虑了独立于提供 MRO 服务而存在的备件相关产品市场。 元
295.The market investigation confirmed that spare parts not manufactured by the OEMs - see section – belong to the same product market as the original spare parts. Indeed, the majority of OEMs and airframers and all airlines indicated that these are substitutable with each other.
市场调查证实,非 OEM 制造的备件 - 参见第 节 - 与原厂备件属于同一产品市场。事实上,大多数 OEM 和飞机制造商以及所有航空公司都表示,这些都是可以相互替代的。 元
296.However, the question whether a separate market exists for spare parts from that of MRO can be left open for the purpose of this decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any of the alternative definitions.
然而, 出于本决定的目的,是否存在独立于 MRO 的备件市场的问题可以悬而未决,因为该交易不会导致对其在任何替代定义下与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
6.Geographic market definition
297.The Notifying Party submits that, in line with past Commission decisions, the geographic markets for all aerospace (sub-)systems and components relevant for the assessment of the Transaction are worldwide in scope, save for the systems and equipment for defence and space applications discussed in paragraphs (299) - (301) below. In particular, the Notifying Party submits that aerospace systems and their components are sourced globally, there are significant trade flows across countries, transport costs do not play a significant role and aircraft manufacturers generally apply a worldwide purchasing policy. From a supply-side perspective, the manufacturing of these systems and components is also organised on a worldwide scale and suppliers are active across countries. Likewise, prices are quoted on a worldwide basis and do not differ according to geographic region.
通知方提出,根据委员会过去的决定,与交易评估相关的 所有航空航天(子)系统和组件的地理市场范围遍及全球, 个,但段落 中讨论的国防和空间应用 系统和设备除外 (299) - (301) 以下。 特别是,通知方指出,航空航天系统及其部件是在全球范围内采购的,各国之间存在大量贸易流动,运输成本没有发挥重要作用,飞机制造商通常采用全球采购政策。 从供应侧的角度来看, 这些系统和组件的制造也是在全球范围内组织的,供应商活跃在各个国家。 同样,价格是在全球范围内报价的,不会因地理区域而异。 元
298.In the past, the Commission found that markets for various aerospace systems and components were worldwide in scope for reasons broadly consistent with those put forward by the Notifying Party. The outcome of the market investigation has confirmed that all markets, including for spare parts and maintenance, for commercial aircraft (sub-)systems and components relevant to the assessment of the Proposed Concentration are worldwide in scope in the eyes of both aircraft manufacturers and suppliers, due to the global organisation of procurement and supply. Only isolated comments pointed to a tendency of certain Russian, Chinese and Indian aircraft manufacturers to source locally, at least for certain systems, and to the facts that transport costs may still matter or that prices may sometimes vary across regions.
过去,委员会发现,各种航空航天系统和部件的市场范围遍及全球,其原因与通知方提出的原因大致一致。 市场调查的结果证实,与 拟议集中评估相关的商用飞机(子)系统和零部件的所有市场,包括备件和维护市场,在飞机制造商和供应商眼中都是全球范围内的,因为 全球采购和供应组织。 只有孤立的评论指出,某些俄罗斯、中国和印度的飞机制造商倾向于在当地采购,至少对于某些系统,以及运输成本可能 仍然重要或价格 有时可能因地区而异的事实。
299.In contrast, with respect to defence systems and equipment the Notifying Party submits that the relevant markets are national in scope because, in light of their strategic importance, States prefer to rely on domestic suppliers for their sourcing. Specifically, the Notifying Party submits that the markets for strategic and tactical missiles, missile propulsion systems, telemetry equipment for strategic missiles, defence optronics, drones, ejection seats and components for ejection seats are national in scope, although they note that instances of broader geographic competition exist in relation to certain equipment (e.g. optronics).
相比之下,在国防系统和设备方面 ,通知方认为,相关市场是国家范围的,因为鉴于其战略重要性,各国更愿意依靠国内供应商进行采购。具体而言,通知方提出,战略和战术导弹、导弹推进系统、 战略导弹遥测设备、国防光电、无人机、弹射座椅和弹射座椅部件的市场在全国范围内存在,尽管他们指出,与某些设备(例如 Optronics)的
300.In the past, the Commission has left open the possibility to define markets for specific military and defence applications on an EEA-wide or national basis due to, e.g., the existence of specific government regulations (such export restrictions) or national security-related preferences for local suppliers. The geographic market definition of the relevant defence systems and equipment markets can also be left open for the purpose of the present decision since the Transaction does not lead to serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market under any plausible alternative definition.
过去,由于 存在特定的政府法规(如出口限制)或对当地供应商的国家安全相关优惠,欧盟委员会保留了在欧洲经济区或国家范围内定义特定军事和国防应用市场的可能性。 就本决定而言,相关国防系统和设备市场的地理市场定义也可以保持开放,因为该交易不会导致对其在任何合理的替代定义下与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑 。 元
301.As regards systems and equipment for space launchers, the Commission found in the past that competition for (sub-)systems and components for ESA launcher programmes takes place at European level, notably due to the selection of suppliers based on the "juste retour" principle. In the absence of indications to the contrary, the Commission understands that this is still the case so that the relevant geographic markets for prime contracting for ESA space launchers, telemetry and valves equipment for space launchers can be considered as EEA-wide for the purpose of the present decision.
关于太空发射器的系统和设备 ,委员会过去发现 ,欧洲航天局发射器计划的(子)系统和组件的竞争发生在欧洲层面,特别是由于根据“juste retour”原则选择供应商。 在没有相反迹象的情况下,委员会理解情况仍然如此,因此,就本决定而言,欧洲航天局空间发射器、遥测和空间发射器的阀门设备主承包的相关地理市场可以被视为欧洲经济区范围内的市场。
7.Competitive assessment
302.The present section assesses successively whether and the extent to which the Proposed Concentration is likely to give rise to horizontal, vertical and conglomerate non-coordinated effects on the markets examined in Sections 4 and 5 above. As noted, however, the Transaction does not lead to affected markets with respect to APU generators (section, battery systems (section 5.1.4), APUs (section 5.6.3) and flight control actuation (section 5.8.2); as a result, these markets are not further discussed below.
本节依次评估拟议集中是否以及可能在多大程度上对上文第 4 节和第 5 节中审查的市场 产生横向、纵向 和砾岩非协调影响。 然而,如前所述,该交易不会导致 APU 发电机(第 节)、电池系统(第 5.1.4 节)、APU(第 5 节)的市场受到影响。6.3) 和飞行控制驱动(第 5 节。8.2); 因此,这些市场在下面不再进一步讨论。
7.1.Horizontal non-coordinated effects
7.1.1.Electrical generation systems
303.Depending on the precise product market definition ultimately retained, the Transaction gives rise to horizontally affected markets. Particularly, the following plausible sub-segments will be affected: (i) Main DC LV – all types of aircraft; (ii) Main DC LV – Helicopters; (iii) Main AC VF – Helicopters.
根据最终保留的准确产品市场定义,该交易会产生横向影响的市场。特别是,以下可能的子航段将受到影响:(i) 主要直流低压 – 所有类型的飞机; (ii) 主要直流低压 – 直升机; (iii) 主 AC VF – 直升机
304.On each of the above plausible segments, the increment brought about by the Transaction is limited and the merged entity will continue to face competition from a number of credible competitors. Particularly, the estimated market shares of the Parties and their competitors are as follows:
在上述每个可能的细分市场中,交易带来的增量都是有限的,合并后的实体将继续面临来自许多可靠竞争对手的竞争。具体而言,缔约方及其竞争对手 的估计市场份额如下:
Table 1: Market for Main DC LV – all types of aircraft (worldwide, 2016, source: Form CO)
表 1:主直流低压市场 – 所有类型飞机(全球,2016 年,来源:CO 表)
Operator 算子 |
Market share (in value) 市场份额(价值) |
[30-40]% |
[0-5]% |
[20-30]% |
[20-30]% |
[5-10]% |
[5-10]% |
[0-5]% |
[5-10]% |
Table 2: Market for Main DC LV – Helicopters (worldwide, 2016, source: Form CO)
表 2:主直流低压市场 – 直升机(全球,2016 年,来源:Form CO)
Operator 算子 |
Market share (in value) 市场份额(价值) |
[30-40]% |
[5-10]% |
[30-40]% |
[10-20]% |
[0-5]% |
[0-5]% |
Table 3: Market for Main AC VF – Helicopters (worldwide, 2016, source: Form CO)
表 3:主要 AC VF 市场 – 直升机(全球,2016 年,来源:Form CO)
Operator 算子 |
Market share (in value) 市场份额(价值) |
[20-30]% |
[0-5]% |
[30-40]% |
[10-20]% |
[0-5]% |
ASE SPA ASE 水疗中心 |
[0-5]% |
[20-30]% |
305.The Notifying Party claims that (i) the Transaction will result in an insignificant overlap in the parties’ activities, with a very limited increment in market shares, (ii) post-Transaction the parties will continue to face strong competitors on each and every relevant market for generation systems, and (iii) aircraft manufacturers will continue to exert strong bargaining power over the merged entity.
通知方声称,(i) 交易将导致双方的活动出现微不足道的重叠,市场份额的增加非常有限,(ii) 交易后,双方将继续在发电系统的每个相关市场上面临强大的竞争者,以及 (iii) 飞机制造商将继续对合并后的实体施加强大的议价能力。
306.The market structure illustrated above indeed indicates that the merged entity will continue to face competition from large competitors and that the increment brought about by Zodiac is below [5-10]% under any plausible market definition. More specifically, on the market for Main DC LV – all type of aircrafts, the merged entity will have a combined market share of [30-40]% and it will continue to face competition from Thales ([20-30]%) and Skurka (20-30]%). On this market Zodiac presence is minimal, at [0-5]%. On the remaining affected markets, the merged entity will continue to face competitors having similar (Main DC LV – Helicopters) or significantly larger (Main AC VF – Helicopters) market shares.
上面 说明的市场结构确实表明,合并后的实体将继续面临来自大型竞争对手的竞争,并且在任何合理的市场定义下,Zodiac 带来的增量都低于 [5-10]%。更具体地说,在主 DC LV 市场——所有类型的飞机上,合并后的实体将拥有 [30-40]% 的总市场份额,并将继续面临来自泰雷兹 ([20-30]%) 和 Skurka (20-30]%) 的竞争。在这个市场上,十二生肖的存在是微乎其微的,只有 [0-5]%。在其余受影响的市场上,合并后的实体将继续面对具有相似(Main DC LV – Helicopters)或明显更大(Main AC VF – Helicopters)市场份额的竞争对手。
307.The structural data provided by the Notifying Party supports the claim that Zodiac is not a significant competitive force on these markets, and this claim is also supported by the result of the market investigation. All competitors and the vast majority of customers (airframers) responding to the market investigation in fact indicated that they consider Zodiac as a marginal player in all the plausible markets for main generators, including the ones affected by this Transaction.
通知方提供的结构数据支持了 Zodiac 在这些市场上没有重要竞争力的说法,市场调查结果也支持这一说法。 事实上,所有竞争对手和绝大多数客户(飞机制造商)都表示,他们认为 Zodiac 在所有可能的主机市场中都处于边缘地位,包括受此次交易影响的主机。 元
308.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to Main DC LV – all types of aircraft, Main DC LV – Helicopters and, Main AC VF – Helicopters.
鉴于上述考虑,委员会认为,该交易并未对其与主 直流低压 – 所有类型飞机、主直流低压 – 直升机和主交流 VF – 直升机的内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
7.1.2.Electrical distribution systems and components
电气配电系统和组件 distribution systems
309.The Transaction gives rise to horizontally affected markets regarding electrical distribution systems. On an overall market for electrical distribution systems, and depending on the market share calculation methodology employed, the Parties have a combined market share of close to [30-40]%, with an overlap of around [0-5]%, over the 2016 - 2020 period. On a market for primary distribution systems, the Parties' combined market share is of [40-50]% in 2016, with an overlap of [0-5]% (Safran). If the market for primary distribution systems is further segmented according to type of aircraft, the Transaction only leads to a horizontally affected market in relation to smaller aircraft, and in particular business aircraft, on which Safran has a market share of [10-20]%, and Zodiac a share of [30-40]% in 2016. […].
该交易在配电系统方面产生了横向影响的市场。在配电系统的整体市场中,根据所采用的市场份额计算方法, 年至 2020 年期间,206 个缔约方的总市场份额接近 [30-40]%,重叠约为 [0-5]%。 在一级分销系统市场上,2016 年双方的总市场份额为 [40-50]%,重叠为 [0-5]%(赛峰集团)。 如果根据飞机类型进一步细分初级分销系统市场,该交易只会导致与小型飞机相关的横向影响市场,特别是公务机,赛峰集团在2016 年的市场份额为[10-20]%,Zodiac的市场份额为[30-40]%。[...]。
Table 4: Market for primary distribution systems (worldwide, 2016, source: Form CO)
表 4:初级分配系统市场(全球,2016 年,来源:CO 表)
Operator 算子 |
Market share (in value) 市场份额(价值) |
Safran 赛峰集团 |
[0-5]% |
Zodiac (including B787 sales) 星座 (含 B787 销量) |
[40-50]% |
GE Aviation GE 航空 |
[10-20]% |
[10-20]% |
Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 |
[5-10]% |
Astronics Astronics 公司 |
[0-5]% |
Others (ASE Spa, Esterline's Leach, AVIC SAEC,…) 其他 (ASE Spa, Esterline's Leach, AVIC SAEC,...) |
[10-20]% |
310.The Notifying Party submits that the Transaction does not create competition concerns on the market for primary distribution systems because (i) Safran is a minor supplier of distribution systems, (ii) the merged entity will face strong competitive constraints from established suppliers like UTAS, GE Aviation and Honeywell, as well as smaller players (Astronics, Esterline) and new entrants like AVIC SAEC and AVIC SAE.
通知方认为,该交易不会在一级分销系统市场上引起竞争问题,因为 (i) 赛峰集团是分销系统的次要供应商,(ii) 合并后的实体将面临来自 UTAS、GE Aviation 和 Honeywell 等老牌供应商以及较小参与者(Astronics、Esterline)的强烈竞争限制)以及中航工业 SAEC 和中航工业 SAE 等新进入者。 元
311.Post-Transaction, in addition to the merged entity, the main suppliers of primary distribution systems will be UTAS, GE Aviation and Honeywell, which are active across the entire range of aircraft sizes and applications. The majority of respondents to the market investigation noted that Safran competes with Zodiac and other players in this market but that it is not a significant supplier of primary distribution systems. The large majority of market participants considered that the merged entity will continue to face strong competition for primary distribution on all aircraft categories and that the Transaction will not have a negative impact on the intensity of competition or price level in the market for primary distribution systems as a result of horizontal effects.
交易后,除了合并后的实体外,主要分销系统的主要供应商将是 UTAS、GE Aviation 和 Honeywell,它们活跃于整个飞机尺寸和应用范围。 市场调查的大多数受访者指出,赛峰集团与Zodiac公司和其他参与者 在该市场存在竞争关系,但它并不是初级分销系统的重要供应商。 绝大多数市场参与者认为,合并后的实体将继续面临所有飞机类别一级分销的激烈竞争,并且该交易不会 因横向效应而对一级分销系统市场竞争强度或价格水平产生负面影响 。 元
312.On the market for secondary distribution systems, the Parties' combined market share was [10-20]% in 2016, with an overlap of [0-5]% (Safran). If the market for secondary distribution systems is further segmented according to type of aircraft, the Transaction only leads to a horizontally affected market in relation to smaller aircraft, and in particular business aircraft, on which Safran has a market share of [10-20]%, and Zodiac a share of [10-20]% in 2016. […].
在二级分销系统市场上,2016 年缔约方的总市场份额为 [10-20]%,重叠为 [0-5]%(赛峰集团)。如果根据飞机类型进一步细分二级分销系统市场,那么该交易只会导致与小型飞机相关的横向影响市场,特别是公务飞机,赛峰集团在2016 年的市场份额为[10-20]%,Zodiac的市场份额为[10-20]%。[...]。
Table 5: Market for secondary distribution systems (worldwide, 2016, source: Form CO)
表 5:二级配电系统市场(全球,2016 年,来源:CO 表)
Operator 算子 |
Market share (in value) 市场份额(价值) |
Safran 赛峰集团 |
[0-5]% |
Zodiac 黄道带 |
[5-10]% |
[30-40]% |
GE Aviation GE 航空 |
[20-30]% |
Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 |
[10-20]% |
Astronics Astronics 公司 |
[0-5]% |
Others (ASE Spa, AVIC SAE,…) 其他 (ASE Spa, AVIC SAE,...) |
[10-20]% |
313.UTAS, GE Aviation and Honeywell are the leading suppliers on the market for secondary distribution and will continue to exert a significant competitive constraint on the Parties post-Transaction. The large majority of respondents to the market investigation considered that the merged entity will continue to face strong competition for secondary distribution on all aircraft categories and that the Transaction will not have a negative impact on the intensity of competition or price level in the market for secondary distribution systems as a result of horizontal effects.
UTAS、GE Aviation 和 Honeywell 是市场上领先的二级分销供应商,并将在交易后继续对双方施加重大的竞争限制。 市场调查的绝大多数受访者 认为,合并后的实体将继续面临所有飞机类别的二次分销的激烈竞争,并且该交易不会因横向效应而对二级分销系统 市场的竞争强度或价格水平产生负面影响 。 元
314.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to primary and secondary distribution systems under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑,竞委会认为,该交易在任何替代产品市场定义下的一级和二级分销系统方面,不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。 distribution components
315.The Parties' activities overlap in the manufacturing and supply of electrical distribution components. Safran supplies contactors, circuit breakers and RCCBs. […]. Zodiac also supplies contactors, relays, fuses and circuit breakers. […].
双方在配电元件的制造和供应方面的活动重叠 。 赛峰集团提供接触器、断路器和RCCB。 [...]。Zodiac 还提供接触器、继电器、保险丝和断路器。 [...]。
316.The Transaction only leads to affected markets if each distribution component is considered to constitute a distinct relevant product market and the only affected market under such segmentation is that for contactors, on which Safran and Zodiac have a market share of [10-20]% and [30-40]%, respectively. The Notifying Party indicates that its main competitors on the supply of contactors are Esterline/Leach, TE Connectivity, Kissling and Ametek. The Notifying Party however submits that it is not in a position to identify the supplier of contactors on platforms on which the Parties are not active and it is therefore unable to provide their competitors' market shares .
只有当每个分销组成部分都被视为构成一个不同的相关产品市场,并且只有在这种细分下受影响的市场是接触器,赛峰集团和黄道集团的市场份额分别为 [10-20]% 和 [30-40]%。 通知方表示,其接触器供应的主要竞争对手是 Esterline/Leach、TE Connectivity、Kissling 和 Ametek。然而,通知方提出,它无法在双方不活跃的平台上确定接触器供应商,因此无法提供其竞争对手的市场份额 。
317.The Notifying Party submits that the Transaction will not give rise to competition concerns on the market for contactors because the market is highly competitive, with several significant suppliers offering competitive products. The Notifying Party also submits that each of the distribution components they supply, including contactors, is available from other suppliers on the market with at least the same or higher quality and technical performances.
通知方提出,该交易不会在接触器市场上引起竞争问题,因为市场竞争激烈,有几家重要的供应商提供有竞争力的产品。通知方还提出,他们提供的每个配电组件(包括接触器)都可以从市场上的其他供应商处获得,这些供应商至少具有相同或更高的质量和技术性能。 元
318.The market investigation revealed that the Parties' main competitors for the supply of contactors are Esterline/Leach, TE Connectivity and Ametek. The competitors and airframers responding to the market investigation furthermore confirmed that Esterline/Leach, TE Connectivity and Ametek offer the same type of contactors as those supplied by the Parties and there are no contactors which Safran and Zodiac both supply and others do not. The market investigation furthermore suggests that there is a certain degree of differentiation between the Parties' products and that other suppliers are closer competitors to Zodiac than Safran is. Indeed, Safran only supplies low to medium power contactors, whereas Zodiac's portfolio includes high power contactors, on which it competes closely with Esterline/Leach and TE Connectivity. The Commission also notes that Safran and Zodiac did not compete against each other in any of the tenders for contactors in which any of them participated over the last [...] years. The Parties therefore do not appear to be particularly close competitors on the potential market for the supply of contactors.
市场调查显示,双方在接触器供应方面的主要竞争对手是 Esterline/Leach、TE Connectivity 和 Ametek。 对市场调查作出回应的竞争对手和飞机制造商进一步证实,Esterline/Leach、TE Connectivity 和 Ametek 提供的接触器类型与双方提供的接触器类型相同,并且不存在 Safran 和 Zodiac 均提供的接触器 而其他人则没有。 市场调查进一步表明,双方的产品之间存在一定程度的差异,并且其他供应商比赛峰集团更接近 Zodiac 的竞争对手 。事实上,赛峰集团只提供中低功率接触器,而 Zodiac 的产品组合包括高功率接触器, 在这两个接触器上,它与 Esterline/Leach 和 TE Connectivity 展开了激烈的竞争。委员会还指出,赛峰集团和 Zodiac 在过去 [...] 年。 因此,双方似乎在接触器供应的潜在市场上并不是特别紧密的竞争对手。
319.In assessing the effects of the Transaction on competition for the supply of contactors for future aircraft platforms, the Commission also takes into account the fact that electromechanical components, including contactors, are progressively being replaced by electronic SSPCs, which would thus represent an additional competitive constraint on suppliers of contactors.
在评估该交易对未来飞机平台接触器供应竞争的影响时,委员会还考虑到包括接触器在内的机电组件正逐渐被电子 SSPCs 取代, 因此,这将对接触器供应商构成额外的竞争限制。
320.Finally, while certain respondents expressed concerns about the merged entity's incentive to restrict the supply of contactors to its competitors for distribution systems, a large majority of participants in the market investigation however indicated that there will be sufficient sources of supply of contactors available post-Transaction. Indeed, the vast majority of respondents considered that the increased concentration on the market for contactors will not affect the intensity of competition and the price level on the market for contactors, which respondents expect will remain the same after the Transaction.
最后,虽然某些受访者对合并后的实体限制向其竞争对手供应配电系统的接触器 的动机表示担忧, 然而,市场调查的绝大多数参与者 表示,将有足够的接触器供应来源交易后。 事实上,绝大多数受访者认为,接触器市场更加集中,不会影响接触器市场的竞争强度和价格水平,受访者预期交易后两者将保持不变。 元
321.In light of the above, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market as a result of horizontal effects on the market for distribution components or the narrower segments for contactors, under any alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述情况,欧委会认为,在任何替代产品市场定义下,该交易不会因其对分销元件市场或接触器较 窄 细分市场 的横向影响而对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
7.1.3.Cockpit control panels and cockpit components
322.With regard to flight controls, the Transaction gives rise to horizontally affected markets regarding cockpit control panels and cockpit components.
在飞行控制方面,该交易在驾驶舱控制面板和驾驶舱组件方面产生了横向影响的市场。 control panels 驾驶舱控制面板
323.Safran and Zodiac both design, develop and supply cockpit control panels for all types of aircrafts. The market shares of the Parties and their competitors are as follows.
Table 6: Market for cockpit control panels (worldwide, 2016, source: Form CO)
表 6:驾驶舱控制面板市场(全球,2016 年,来源:Form CO)
Operator 算子 |
Market share (in value) 市场份额(价值) |
Safran 赛峰集团 |
[0-5]% |
Zodiac 黄道带 |
[20-30]% |
Korry / Esterline |
[20-30]% |
Sirio Panel / Finmeccanica Sirio 面板 / Finmeccanica |
[20-30]% |
[10-20]% |
Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 |
[0-5]% |
Others (Staco Systems, Aerospace Optics, Astronics Corporation, UTAS…) 其他 (Staco Systems, Aerospace Optics, Astronics Corporation, UTAS ...) |
[10-20]% |
324.The combined market shares of the Parties are [20-30]%, with a very limited increment ([0-5]%) brought about by Safran. Two competitors (Korry/Esterline and Sirio Panel/Finmeccanica) with comparable market shares to the merged entity will remain on the market. Furthermore, BAE – with a market share of [10-20]% – as well as other smaller competitors will continue to exert a competitive constraint on Safran post-transaction.
各缔约方的总市场份额为 [20-30]%,赛峰集团带来的增幅非常有限 ([0-5]%)。与合并后的实体市场份额相当的两个竞争对手(Korry/Esterline 和 Sirio Panel/Finmeccanica)将继续留在市场上。此外,市场份额为 [10-20]% 的 BAE 以及其他较小的竞争对手将继续在 交易后对赛峰集团施加竞争限制。
325.A large majority of participants in the market investigation also indicated that there will be sufficient number of competitors remaining post-transaction and that the intensity of competition or the price level on the market for cockpit control panels will remain the same.
市场调查的绝大多数参与者还表示,交易后将有足够数量的竞争对手 人,驾驶舱控制面板市场的竞争强度或价格水平将保持不变。 元
326.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to cockpit control panels.
鉴于上述考虑,竞委会认为,该交易在驾驶舱控制面板方面与内部市场的兼容性并无严重疑问。 components 驾驶舱组件
327.Safran and Zodiac are both suppliers of various cockpit components. Safran manufactures in particular illuminated push-button annunciator switches, designed for use in the crew stations of commercial and military aircraft, shipboard systems, ground moving vehicles and industrial applications. Safran designs, develops and manufactures sunlight readable, NVIS-compatible, incandescent and LED lighted pushbutton switches and indicators, as well as some more basic switches such as toggles, rockers, push-buttons, etc.
赛峰集团(Safran)和黄道集团(Zodiac)都是各种驾驶舱零部件的供应商。 赛峰集团特别生产发光按钮信号器开关,设计用于商用和军用飞机的机组站、舰载系统、地面移动车辆和工业应用。 赛峰 集团设计、开发和制造阳光下可读、兼容NVIS的白炽灯和LED发光按钮开关和指示灯,以及一些更基本的开关,如拨动开关、摇杆、按钮等。
328.Zodiac supplies light plates, toggle switches and push-buttons (also LAMP and LED ones) for both aircraft and helicopters. Its products can be customized and adapted with NVIS Technology for specific military needs. Zodiac can also supply any accessories linked to toggle switches and push-buttons.
Zodiac 为飞机和直升机提供灯板、拨动开关和按钮(还有 LAMP 和 LED 的)。其产品可以使用 NVIS Technology 进行定制和调整,以满足特定的军事需求。Zodiac 还可以提供与拨动开关和按钮相关的任何附件。
329.The market shares of the Parties and their competitors are as follows.
Table 7: Market for cockpit components (worldwide, 2016, source: Form CO)
表 7:驾驶舱组件市场(全球,2016 年,来源:Form CO)
Operator 算子 |
Market share (in value) 市场份额(价值) |
Safran 赛峰集团 |
[0-5]% |
Zodiac 黄道带 |
[20-30]% |
Esterline (Korry, Janco, Mason) 酯类 (Korry, Janco, Mason) |
[20-30]% |
Otto 奥托 |
[5-10]% |
Sirio Panel / Finmeccanica Sirio 面板 / Finmeccanica |
[0-5]% |
Honeywell 霍尼韦尔 |
[0-5]% |
Aerospace Optics 航空航天光学 |
[0-5]% |
Spectralux 光谱 |
[0-5]% |
[0-5]% |
Luminescent Systems 发光系统 |
[0-5]% |
Others (including IEC, Cole, Grayhill, Aero Maoz, Photo Etch) 其他(包括 IEC、Cole、 Grayhill、Aero Maoz、Photo Etch) |
[20-30]% |
330.The combined market shares of the Parties are [20-30]%, with a very limited increment of [0-5]% brought about by Safran. Esterline will remain the market leader post-transaction, with a market share of [20-30]%. Numerous other competitors will also continue to exert a competitive constraint on the merged entity post-transaction.
各缔约方的总市场份额为 [20-30]%,赛峰集团带来的 [0-5]% 的增幅非常有限。 交易后,Esterline 仍将保持市场领先地位,市场份额为 [20-30]%。许多其他竞争对手也将继续对交易后的合并实体施加竞争限制。
331.A large majority of participants in the market investigation also indicated that there will be sufficient number of competitors remaining post-transaction and that the intensity of competition or the price level on the market for cockpit components will remain the same.
市场调查的绝大多数参与者还表示,交易后将有足够数量的竞争对手 人,驾驶舱零部件市场的竞争强度或价格水平将保持不变。 元
332.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to cockpit components under any alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑,欧委会认为,该交易不会对其与任何 替代产品市场定义下的驾驶舱部件的内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
7.1.4.Fans for ECS
ECS 风扇
333.The Transaction gives rise to a horizontal overlap on the market for the manufacturing and supply of fans for ECS. Safran provides a range of fans for use in the air conditioning of both commercial aircraft and small aircraft. Zodiac supplies fans for small aircraft and is not active in the commercial aircraft segment.
该交易导致了 ECS 风扇制造和供应市场的横向重叠。赛峰集团提供一系列用于商用飞机和小型飞机空调的风扇。 Zodiac 为小型飞机提供风扇,在商用飞机领域并不活跃。
334.On a worldwide market for ECS fans for small aircraft, Safran and Zodiac have a market share of [10-20]% and [10-20]%, respectively, thus together accounting for a quarter of the worldwide sales of fans for ECS for small aircraft in 2016. Their main competitors are Ametek Rotron (with a market share of [40-50]%) and LMB ([20-30]%). A number of other suppliers, such as Electromech Technologies, Curtiss Wright, Honeywell, are also active on the market.
在全球 小型飞机 ECS 风扇市场上,赛峰集团和 Zodiac 的市场份额分别为 [10-20]% 和 [10-20]%,因此合计占 2016 年全球小型飞机 ECS 风扇销售额的四分之一。他们的主要竞争对手是 Ametek Rotron(市场份额为 [40-50]%)和 LMB([20-30]%)。 许多其他供应商,如 Electromech Technologies、Curtiss Wright、Honeywell,也活跃在市场上。
335.The market shares of the Parties are similar under alternative market segmentations. Specifically, if the market for fans for ECS is segmented according to power technology rather than aircraft size, the Transaction only results in an overlap on the DC electrical fans segment, on which Safran has a market share of [10-20]% and Zodiac has [10-20]%. If a further segmentation into fans used for air conditioning and fans used for bleed air control is considered, the market shares remain similar on the air conditioning segment. Safran does not supply fans for bleed air control, and Zodiac only has limited sales in this area.
在替代市场细分下,双方的市场份额相似。具体来说,如果 ECS 风扇市场是根据电力技术而不是飞机尺寸进行细分的,那么该交易只会导致直流电风扇细分市场的重叠,赛峰集团的市场份额为 [10-20]%,Zodiac 的市场份额为 [10-20]%。 如果进一步细分为用于空调的风扇和用于引气控制的风扇,则空调领域的市场份额仍然相似。 赛峰集团不提供用于引气控制的风机,Zodiac 在该领域的销售量有限。 元
336.The Notifying Party submits that the Transaction will not lead to competition concerns on the market for fans for ECS for small aircraft (or any other plausible relevant segment of the ECS fans market) because the merged entity will continue to face strong competition from the other market players, in particular Ametek Rotron and LMB, which offer a wide range of fans for VCS systems, comparable to those of the Parties, at competitive prices. The Notifying Party further submits that the manufacturing of VCS fans requires basic technology and the barriers to enter this market are thus relatively low.
通知方提出,该交易不会导致小型飞机 ECS 风扇市场(或 ECS 风扇市场的任何其他合理相关部分)的竞争担忧,因为合并后的实体将继续面临来自其他市场参与者的激烈竞争,特别是 Ametek Rotron 和 LMB。 它为 VCS 系统提供了广泛的风扇,可与 Party 的风扇相媲美,价格具有竞争力。 通知方进一步指出,VCS 风扇的制造需要基本技术,因此进入该市场的门槛相对较低。 元
337.The market investigation has confirmed that ECS fans for small aircraft are supplied by several other manufacturers, whose products are comparable to those of the Parties, and that there are no specific fan types on which the Parties are particularly close competitors. The tender data submitted by the Parties also suggests that they Parties do not appear to be particularly close competitors on fans for ECS for small aircraft: out of a total of […] tenders in which Safran and Zodiac participated in […], they bid against each other in only […] of them.
市场调查证实,小型飞机的 ECS 风扇由其他几家制造商提供,其产品与双方的产品相当,并且没有双方是特别接近竞争对手的特定风扇类型。 缔约方提交的招标数据还表明,他们缔约方在小型飞机 ECS 风扇方面似乎不是特别紧密的竞争对手:在总共 [...] 赛峰集团和 Zodiac 参与的招标 [...],他们仅在 [...] 他们。 元
338.Market participants also confirmed that the type of fans supplied by both Safran and Zodiac are based on a relatively basic technology and considered that other equipment manufacturers, in particular providers of fans for commercial aircraft, could relatively easily start supplying them.
339.Finally, the market investigation did not reveal any concerns on the part of customers or competitors as a result of the concentration in the market for fans for ECS.
最后,市场调查没有发现 客户或竞争对手对 ECS 风扇市场的集中 有任何担忧。 元
340.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to fans for ECS under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑,竞委会认为,该交易在任何替代产品市场定义下与 ECS 风扇的内部市场的兼容性不会引起严重怀疑。
7.1.5.Wiring systems and components
341.The Parties' activities overlap in the supply of wiring systems. However, Safran's business focuses on general harnesses, whereas Zodiac's business focuses on harsh environment harnesses for landing gears, engines, nacelles and ammunitions (missiles). Safran does manufacture some harsh environment harnesses but only for internal use; likewise, Safran is not active on the merchant market for wiring components.
双方在布线系统供应方面的活动重叠。然而,赛峰集团的业务主要集中在通用线束上,而 Zodiac 的业务主要集中在起落架、发动机、机舱和弹药(导弹)的恶劣环境线束上。 赛峰集团确实生产一些恶劣环境的线束,但仅供内部使用;同样,赛峰集团在布线元件的商业市场上并不活跃。
342.On a worldwide market for wiring systems combining general and harsh environment harnesses, the Notifying Party estimates that Safran currently holds a [40-50]% market share, compared to [0-5]% for Zodiac. That market is therefore affected but the increment brought about by the Transaction would be limited and significant competitors would continue to exercise effective competitive constraints on the merged entity, including Fokker Elmo, Latecoere, Ducommun, Glenair, GE/Unison, Ultra Electronics or New Chapel Electronics, while various aircraft manufacturers and system suppliers would retain in-house capabilities. When considering the different types of aircraft (i.e., commercial, regional, business jets, helicopters, military planes), only the commercial and regional aircraft segments are affected and the increment resulting from the integration of Zodiac with Safran would remain limited ([0-5]%), except for regional aircrafts ([10-20]%). However, Safran's share of wiring systems for regional aircraft ([20-30]%) is significantly lower than at aggregate level and the overall value of such a market is comparatively small compared to other segments due to the fact that general wiring systems for a number of major regional programmes are procured in-house and thus not accounted for in the market size.
在结合了一般和恶劣环境线束的布线系统的全球市场上,通知方估计赛峰集团目前占有 [40-50]% 的市场份额,而 Zodiac 的市场份额为 [0-5]%。因此,该市场受到影响,但交易带来的增量 将是有限的,并且重要的竞争对手将继续对合并后的实体施加有效的竞争限制,包括 Fokker Elmo、Latecoere、Ducommun、Glenair、GE/Unison、 Ultra Electronics 或 New Chapel Electronics,而各种飞机制造商和系统供应商将保留内部能力。 在考虑不同类型的飞机(即商用、支线、公务机、直升机、军用飞机)时,只有商用和支线飞机部分受到影响,Zodiac 与赛峰 集团整合产生的增量仍然有限 ([0-5]%),支线飞机除外 ([10-20]%)。 然而,赛峰集团在支线飞机布线系统中的份额([20-30]%)明显低于总份额,并且与其他细分市场相比,该市场的总体价值相对较小,因为许多主要支线项目的通用布线系统是在内部采购的,因此未 计入市场规模。
343.On a separate worldwide market for general wiring systems, Safran's share is significant ([40-50]%) but the increment brought about by the Transaction is very limited ([0-5]%) and remains limited irrespective of the aircraft type ([0-5]%). As noted, Safran is not active on a distinct worldwide market for harsh environment harnesses and Zodiac's position remains modest ([10-20]%) on such market, though it varies across aircraft types and appears significant for commercial aircraft ([30-40]%) and regional platforms ([40-50]%). However, when considering different end-applications, it appears that Zodiac's position is significant only in relation to landing gear wiring systems ([90-100]%) but remains limited on the other segments of engines, nacelles or ammunitions wiring systems, including across aircraft types ([0-5]%).
在另一个全球通用布线系统市场上,赛峰集团的份额很大([40-50]%),但交易带来的增量 非常有限([0-5]%),并且无论飞机类型如何([0-5]%),其增长仍然有限。如前所述,赛峰集团并不活跃于全球恶劣环境线束市场,Zodiac在该市场上的地位仍然适中([10-20]%),尽管它因飞机类型而异,并且对商用飞机([30-40]%)和支线平台([40-50]%)似乎很重要。.然而,当考虑不同的最终应用时,Zodiac 的地位似乎仅在 起落架布线系统 ([90-100]%) 方面具有重要 意义,但在发动机、机舱或弹药布线系统的其他部分仍然受到限制,包括跨飞机类型 ([0-5]%)。
344.In relation to wiring components, Zodiac supplies backshells and fittings, on the one hand, and conduits and sleeves, on the other hand, but does not manufacture or supply cables or connectors. At aggregate worldwide level, Zodiac's market share amounts to [5-10]% for backshells and fittings and [10-20]% for conduits and sleeves; on each of these markets, Zodiac competes with TE Connectivity, Glenair, Amphenol, Esterline, Federal Mogul and others. Safran is not present on the merchant market for wiring components.
在布线组件方面,Zodiac 一方面提供尾盖和配件,另一方面提供导管和套管,但不制造或供应电缆或连接器。 在全球范围内 ,Zodiac 的后壳和配件市场份额为 [5-10]%,导管和套管的市场份额为 [10-20]%; 在这些市场上,Zodiac 与 TE Connectivity、Glenair、Amphenol、Esterline、Federal Mogul 等竞争。 赛峰集团在布线元件的商用市场上没有销售。
345.The complementarity of Safran and Zodiac's wiring systems has been confirmed by the market investigation. In particular, a majority of respondents including various competing suppliers consider that the Parties are not close competitors in the supply of wiring systems or components, irrespective of the segment considered. Similarly, a majority of respondents believe that the intensity of competition will remain the same or increase post-merger across all of the markets considered and none of them finds it likely that prices will increase as a result of the Transaction, with one exception arising out of customer foreclosure concerns in relation to conduits and sleeves, as dealt with in section 7.2.8. below.
市场调查证实了 Safran 和 Zodiac 布线系统的互补性。特别是,包括各种竞争供应商在内的大多数受访者认为,无论所考虑的细分市场如何,双方在布线系统或组件的供应方面都不是紧密的竞争对手。239 同样,大多数受访者认为,在所考虑的所有市场中,合并后竞争的强度将保持不变或增加,并且没有人认为价格可能会因交易而上涨,240 除了一个例外,原因是客户对导管和套管的止赎担忧, 如第 7.2.8 节所述。下面。
346.In line with the Notifying Party's submission, the market investigation has also confirmed that a number of competing suppliers are active in wiring systems and components, across the various segments considered. Likewise, both airframers and system suppliers appear to have in-house capabilities. Overall, major wiring system customers submit that "many suppliers exist for these products" and therefore that "there is a lot of competition on the market", with the consequence that "there is sufficient competition today to prevent Safran/Zodiac from increasing prices post-transaction".
根据通知方的意见,市场调查还证实,在所考虑的各个细分市场中,许多竞争供应商都活跃于布线系统和组件领域。 同样,飞机制造商 和系统供应商似乎都具有内部能力。 总体而言,主要的布线系统客户表示,“这些产品存在许多供应商”,因此“市场上存在很多竞争”,其结果是“今天有足够的竞争来阻止赛峰集团/Zodiac 在交易后提高价格”。 元
347.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to unilateral effects on the worldwide markets for wiring systems and components (including on possible separate markets for general harnesses on the one hand and harsh environment harnesses on the other hand, segmented by type of aircraft or by end application), under any alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑,委员会认为,该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑,因为该交易对全球布线系统和组件市场(包括对通用线束和恶劣环境线束可能单独市场)的单方面影响。 按飞机类型或最终应用细分)下,根据任何替代产品市场定义。
7.1.6.MRO services MRO 服务
348.The Parties' activities overlap with regard to the provision of component maintenance.
349.Aftermarket sales related to aerospace components represent a significant value given the long life cycle of an aircraft. In 2016, Safran achieved component MRO revenues of EUR […], of which EUR […] related to MRO services and EUR […] related to spare parts. Zodiac on the other hand achieved component MRO revenues of EUR […] in 2016, of which EUR […] related to MRO services and EUR […] related to spare parts. The lucrative nature of the aftermarket was also confirmed by several market participants in the market investigation.
鉴于飞机的生命周期很长,与航空航天部件相关的售后市场销售具有重要价值。2016 年,赛峰集团的组件 MRO 收入达到欧元 [...],其中欧元 [...] 与 MRO 服务和 EUR 相关 [...] 已修订到备件。另一方面,Zodiac 实现了欧元的组成部分 MRO 收入 [...] 2016 年,其中欧元 [...] 与 MRO 服务和 EUR 相关 [...] 已修订到备件。 市场调查中的几位市场参与者也证实了售后市场的有利可图的性质。
350.The Notifying Party claims that the Parties are unable to provide market share data separately for MRO services and spare parts, as well as broken down according to aircraft types. On an overall MRO market – encompassing all MRO services and spare part supply across all aircraft segments – Safran and Zodiac achieved a market share of [5-10]% and [0-5]% in 2016, respectively. On an overall component maintenance market Safran's and Zodiac's marker shares were respectively [5-10]% and [5-10]%. The Notifying Party submits that the Parties do not produce any component with regard to which third parties are not able to provide MRO services.
通知方声称,双方 无法单独提供 MRO 服务和备件的市场份额数据,也无法根据飞机类型进行细分。在整个 MRO 市场(包括所有飞机细分市场的所有 MRO 服务和备件供应)中,赛峰集团和 Zodiac 在 2016 年分别实现了 [5-10]% 和 [0-5]% 的市场份额。在整个零部件维修市场上,赛峰集团和黄道集团的标价份额分别为[5-10]%和[5-10]%。 通知方提出,双方不生产第三方无法提供 MRO 服务的任何组件。 元
351.Due to a lack of market share data on the narrowest possible product market, the Commission has taken a conservative approach and analysed the possible effects of the Transaction on all plausible MRO markets. However, the Commission considers that Transaction does not raise competition concerns with respect to MRO services even based on the narrowest possible product market definition (separate component maintenance markets for each aircraft type) because of the following reasons.
由于缺乏关于最狭窄产品市场的市场份额数据,委员会采取了保守的方法,并分析了该交易对所有可能的 MRO 市场可能产生的影响。然而,由于以下原因,委员会认为,即使基于最狭隘的产品市场定义(每种飞机类型的单独部件维护市场),该交易也不会引起与 MRO 服务相关的竞争问题。
352.First, the Parties do not service each other's components, therefore irrespective of their achieved market shares, they are not currently directly competing with each other. Indeed, Safran and Zodiac only occasionally service third party components when solicited by the customer.
353.Second, although some respondents indicated in the market investigation that the enlargement of the product portfolio could potentially increase the market power of the merged entity vis-à-vis customers, the Commission considers that the Transaction will not change the competitive landscape because the additional increment would not enable the merged entity to provide NTT MRO services and alternative MRO service providers will remain available post-transaction.
其次,尽管一些受访者在市场调查中表示,扩大产品组合可能会增加合并实体相对于客户的市场力量,但竞委会认为,该交易不会改变竞争格局,因为额外的增加将使合并后的实体无法提供 NTT MRO 服务,并且其他 MRO 服务提供商将仍然可用 交易后。
354.Indeed, the merged entity will continue to face competition from the different players active on the MRO market with regard to its own components. The competitive strength of the third party MRO service providers is well-illustrated by the fact that they are servicing a large proportion of the Parties' components.
事实上,合并后的实体将继续面临来自 活跃在 MRO 市场上的不同参与者就其自身组件的竞争。 第三方 MRO 服务提供商 的竞争优势 可以从他们为双方组件的大量支持提供服务这一事实中得到说明。 元
355.The Commission notes that the above assessment remains valid even for military MRO services defined as national in scope.
委员会指出,即使对于在国家范围内定义为军事 MRO 服务,上述评估仍然有效。
356.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to MRO services under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑,竞委会认为,该交易不会对其与任何替代产品市场定义下的 MRO 服务的内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
7.1.7.Spare parts 备件
357.The Parties' activities overlap with regard to the supply of spare parts.
358.As noted above in section 7.1.6 , the Notifying Party claims that the Parties are unable to provide market share data separately for MRO services and spare parts, as well as broken down according to aircraft types. On an overall MRO market – encompassing all MRO services and spare part supply across all aircraft segments – Safran and Zodiac achieved a market share of [5-10]% and [0-5]% in 2016, respectively. On an overall component maintenance market Safran's and Zodiac's marker shares were respectively [5-10]% and [5-10]%.
如上文第 7.1.6 节所述,通知方声称,双方 无法单独提供 MRO 服务和备件的市场份额数据,也无法根据飞机类型进行细分。在整个 MRO 市场(包括所有飞机细分市场的所有 MRO 服务和备件供应)中,赛峰集团和 Zodiac 在 2016 年分别实现了 [5-10]% 和 [0-5]% 的市场份额。在整个零部件维修市场上,赛峰集团和黄道集团的标价份额分别为[5-10]%和[5-10]%。 元
359.Due to a lack of market share data on the narrowest possible product market, the Commission has taken a conservative approach and analysed the possible effects of the Transaction on all plausible markets for spare parts. However, the Commission considers that Transaction will not change the competition landscape even based on the narrowest possible product market definition (separate relevant product market for spare parts) because of the following reasons.
由于缺乏关于最狭窄产品市场的市场份额数据,委员会采取了保守的方法,并分析了该交易对所有可能的备件市场的可能影响。然而,由于以下原因,委员会认为, 即使基于尽可能狭窄的产品市场定义(备件的单独相关产品市场),交易也不会改变竞争格局。
360.First, the Parties do not manufacture each other's components for the aftermarket, therefore irrespective of their achieved market shares, they are not currently directly competing with each other. Indeed, Safran and Zodiac do not manufacture spare parts for third party components.
361.Furthermore, the merged entity will continue to face competition from alternative spare parts that can be used instead of their original products, developed and manufactured by third party spare parts suppliers (see section ). Zodiac estimates that the market penetration of these spare parts suppliers is almost 30%.
此外,合并后的实体将继续面临来自第三方备件供应商开发和制造的替代备件的竞争,这些备件可以代替其原始产品(参见第 节)。 Zodiac 估计,这些备件供应商的市场渗透率接近 30%。
Figure 16: Market penetration of the different types of spare parts manufacturers in relation to Zodiac's product portfolio (source: Form CO)
图 16:与 Zodiac 产品组合相关的不同类型备件制造商的市场渗透率(来源:Form CO)
362.The Parties further consider that alternative spare part suppliers are present on all product segments (including critical components such as the engines) and that with the ageing fleet of some aircraft and associated retirement, there will be in the future an increase of second-hand spare parts availability.
363.However, it should be also noted that some respondents indicated in the market investigation that the lifetime and reliability of spare parts of different origin may vary which can increase maintenance cost and decrease overall aircraft safety.
然而,还应注意的是,一些受访者在市场调查中表示,不同来源的备件的使用寿命和可靠性可能会有所不同,这可能会增加维护成本并降低飞机的整体安全性。 元
364.The Commission therefore considers that the competitive constraint exerted by non-original spare parts is currently limited. In this regard, the Commission takes note of the concerns raised in the market investigation indicating the customers' dependency on the OEM spare part manufacturers and the merged entity's alleged ability to use its leverage to increase prices. However, the Commission considers that these concerns are unrelated to the Transaction but inherent in a possible single-sourcing strategy chosen by the airframer/airline given that Safran and Zodiac do not compete with each other in the provision of specific spare parts but only supply their own components.
因此,委员会认为,非原厂备件施加的竞争限制目前是 有限的。 在这方面,委员会注意到市场调查中提出的担忧,这些担忧表明客户对 OEM 备件制造商的依赖,以及合并后的实体据称有能力利用其杠杆来提高价格。然而,委员会认为,这些问题与交易无关,而是飞机制造商/航空公司选择的可能的单一采购战略所固有 的,因为 Safran 和 Zodiac 在提供特定备件方面并不相互竞争,而只供应自己的组件。
365.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to spare parts under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑,竞委会认为,该交易并未对其与任何 替代产品市场定义下的备件的内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
7.2.Vertical non-coordinated effects
366.Zodiac (and Safran to a lesser extent) produces and supplies components that can be used as input for aircraft equipment and systems produced by Safran (and Zodiac to a lesser extent). In addition, Safran and Zodiac both supply spare parts to other aftermarket service providers. In this section, the Commission assesses the possible non-coordinated effects resulting from these vertical links.
Zodiac(以及赛峰集团)生产和供应的组件可用作赛峰集团(以及 Zodiac 在较小程度上)生产的飞机设备和系统的输入 。此外,赛峰集团和黄道集团都向其他售后市场服务提供商供应备件。 在本节中,委员会评估了这些垂直联系可能产生的非协调效应。
367.In its assessment, the Commission considers whether it is likely that the merged entity would engage in input or customer foreclosure strategies. In doing so, the Commission in principle analyses the ability and the incentives of the merged entity, as well as the possible effects of such strategies on the markets in question. Since they are intrinsically connected, these factors are often examined together.
在评估中,委员会考虑了合并后的实体是否有可能参与输入或客户止赎策略。 在此过程中,委员会 原则上分析 了合并实体的能力和激励措施,以及此类策略对相关市场的可能影响。 由于它们具有内在联系,因此这些因素经常一起进行研究。 元
7.2.1.Electrical distribution systems and components
电气配电系统和组件 structure 市场结构
368.Safran and Zodiac supply different electrical distribution components to third-parties, while Zodiac and to a much lesser extent Safran are also active in the supply of primary and secondary electrical distribution systems for various aircraft types, though Safran's limited distribution activities focus on business jets. The Transaction therefore gives rise to vertical relations between the Parties' activities on the upstream markets for electrical distribution components and the downstream markets for electrical distribution systems, irrespective of the fact that the Parties were already vertically integrated prior to the Transaction.
赛峰集团和赛峰集团向第三方供应不同的 配电组件,而赛峰集团和赛峰集团(在较小程度上)也积极为各种机型提供初级和二级配电系统,尽管赛峰 集团的有限分销活动主要集中在公务机上。 因此,该交易在双方在配电元件上游市场和配电系统下游市场的 活动之间产生了垂直关系,无论双方在交易前已经进行了垂直整合。
369.Specifically, Safran supplies contactors, circuit breakers and RCCBs to third-party distributors, Tier-1 suppliers of distribution systems and aircraft manufacturers (e.g., when they retain the manufacturing of distribution systems for certain platforms or purchase directly components that are then directly delivered to the distribution system supplier). The contactors supplied by Safran include low- and mid-power contactors[…]. Zodiac supplies mainly contactors but also relays, fuses and circuit breakers to aircraft manufacturers, distributors and Tier-1 suppliers of distribution systems. Zodiac's range of contactors includes high-power contactors […].
具体来说, 赛峰集团向第三方分销商、分销系统的一级供应商和飞机制造商供应接触器、断路器和RCCB(例如,当他们保留为某些平台制造分销系统或直接购买组件,然后直接交付给分销系统供应商时)。 赛峰集团提供的接触器 包括低功率和中功率接触器[...]。 Zodiac 主要为飞机制造商、分销商和配电系统的一级供应商供应接触器,但也供应继电器、保险丝和断路器。 Zodiac 的接触器系列包括s 大功率接触器 [...]。 元
370.Based on the market share estimates submitted by the Notifying Party, the upstream markets for distribution components ([10-20]%) and contactors ([40-50]%) are respectively affected in their vertical relation with the downstream markets for distribution systems ([20-30]%) and primary distribution systems ([40-50]%), including for commercial, business and helicopter aircrafts, and for secondary distribution systems for business jets and helicopters. The market for contactors ([40-50]%) is also affected in its vertical relation with the downstream markets for primary distribution systems for regional and military aircrafts, and for secondary distribution systems ([10-20]%), including for commercial, regional and military aircrafts.
B根据通知方提交的市场份额估计,分销组件 ([10-20]%) 和接触器的上游市场 ([40-50]%) 与分销系统 ([20-30]%) 和初级分销系统 ([40-50]%) 下游市场的垂直关系分别受到影响,包括商用、公务和直升机飞机,以及用于公务机和直升机的二次分配系统。 接触器市场 ([40-50]%)与支线和军用飞机初级配电系统以及二级配电系统 ([10-20]%) 下游市场的垂直关系也受到影响,包括商用、支线和军用飞机。
371.As a result, the Commission has investigated whether input or customer foreclosure risks could arise as a result of the Transaction.
因此,委员会已经确定了 该交易是否 会导致输入或客户止赎风险。 foreclosure 输入止赎
372.The Notifying Party submits that input foreclosure concerns should be dismissed in view of the limited increment brought about by the Transaction on the markets for distribution components and distribution systems, on which Safran is a minor player, which is unlikely to affect materially the merged entity's ability and incentive to foreclose rivals.
通知方认为,鉴于该交易对分销组件和分销系统市场带来的增量有限,应消除对取消抵押品赎回权的担忧,而赛峰集团在其中扮演次要角色,这不太可能对合并后的实体取消竞争对手赎回权的能力和动机产生重大影响。 元
373.In addition, the Notifying Party indicates that the bulk of Safran's sales of components are made to distributors and aircraft manufacturers, whereas competing suppliers of distribution systems represents a mere […] of component purchases from Safran. Likewise, purchases by third-party distribution system suppliers represent […] of Zodiac's sales of componentsand are made pursuant to supply contracts entered into […]. Conversely, Safran and Zodiac also purchase certain components from competing distribution system suppliers, such as […]. In any event, an input foreclosure strategy is bound to result in losses of revenues given the inability of Safran's limited distribution system business to absorb diverted sales of Zodiac's distribution components. These revenues would accrue to competing distribution component suppliers, including Esterline, TE, Ametek, Sensata and others, including for contactors and high-power contactors.
此外,通知方指出, 赛峰集团的大部分零部件销售是向分销商和飞机制造商制造的,而分销系统的竞争供应商仅代表 [......] 从 Safran 购买的组件。 同样, 第三方分销系统供应商的采购代表 [...] Zodiac 的组件销售,并且是根据签订的供应合同进行的 [...] 。 相反,赛峰集团和 Zodiac 也从竞争的分销系统供应商处购买某些组件,例如 [...]。 无论如何,鉴于赛峰集团有限的分销系统业务无法吸收 Zodiac 分销组件的转移销售,投入止赎策略必然会导致收入损失。 这些收入将归于竞争性的分销元件供应商,包括 Esterline、TE、Ametek、Sensata 等,包括接触器和大功率接触器。
374.While a majority of respondents indicated that the implementation of input foreclosure strategies post-Transaction was unlikely to materialise, the market investigation also elicited specific concerns relating to Zodiac's continuous supply of contactors and high-power contactors. One respondent particularly emphasized that Zodiac's high-power contactors are "uniquely capable of switching higher loads, which is increasingly more important as planes become more and more electric". At the same time, the same respondent indicated that its concerns related less to ongoing contracts than to future platforms and acknowledged that Esterline and TE Connectivity also supply high-power contactors .
虽然大多数受访者表示,在交易后实施投入止赎策略不太可能 实现,但市场调查也引发了 对 Zodiac 持续供应接触器和大功率接触器的具体担忧。 一位受访者特别 强调,Zodiac 的大功率接触器“具有切换更高负载的独特能力,随着飞机的电动化程度越来越高,这一点变得越来越重要”。 与此同时,同一受访者表示,其担忧与正在进行的合同的关系不如与未来平台的关系,并承认 Esterline 和 TE Connectivity 也提供大功率接触器 。
375.The market investigation equally revealed that certain aircraft manufacturers pre-select the Tier-2 supplier(s) of certain types of distribution components, notably contactors. For example, Airbus expressly indicated that distribution components such as contactors and high-power contactors "are also supplied by pre-selected tier-2 suppliers to tier-1 system suppliers". In the Commission's view, this testifies of the sophistication of procurement strategies in the industry and of the interest of aircraft manufacturers to ensure the maintenance of a stable and reliable basis of suppliers. Overall, aircraft manufacturers did not express concerns about the availability of distribution components post-Transaction but rather indicated their confidence in the sufficient breadth and competitiveness of the remaining supplier base.
市场调查同样显示,某些飞机制造商预先选择了 某些类型的分销组件(尤其是接触器)的二级供应商。 例如,空中客车公司明确表示,接触器和大功率接触器等配电组件“也由预先选定的二级供应商提供给一级系统供应商”。 委员会认为,这证明了该行业采购策略的复杂 性,以及飞机制造商确保维持稳定可靠的供应商基础的利益。总体而言,飞机制造商并未对交易后分销组件 的可用性表示担忧,而是表示他们对剩余供应商基础的充足储备和竞争力充满信心。 元
376.With respect to future platforms, the Commission also understands that electromechanical components, including contactors, are progressively being replaced by electronic SSPCs. While the outcome of the market investigation indicated that SSPCs are currently used for secondary distribution purposes involving the switching of smaller electric loads, and are thus not yet available for primary distribution, the Notifying Party has made a plausible case to the effect that even high-power contactors are likely to be replaced by SSPCs on the new generation of aircraft to be tendered out over the 2025-2035 period. Though there are technical challenges to overcome, this technological evolution is also such as to mitigate possible risks of hypothetical input foreclosure strategies with respect to contactors in the future.
关于未来的平台,委员会还了解到,包括接触器在内的机电组件正逐渐被电子 SSPC 所取代。 W尽管市场调查的结果表明,SSPC 目前用于二次配电目的,涉及较小电力负载的切换,因此尚不可用于一次配电, 通知方提出了一个合理的案例,大意是即使是大功率接触器 可能会在 2025 年至 2035 年期间招标的新一代飞机上被 SSPC 取代。 尽管存在需要克服的技术挑战,但这种技术演变也是为了减轻 未来与接触者相关的假设输入止赎策略的可能风险。
377.Eventually, the Commission doubts the merger specificity of the concerns expressed with respect to the continuous supply of Zodiac's high-power contactors. As noted, Zodiac is already vertically integrated and is already a prominent supplier of distribution systems. Conversely, it is unclear how a combination with Safran's limited distribution activities, which do not appear to relate to any recent program and whose portfolio precisely lacks high-power contactors, would affect the merged entity's incentives to foreclose. In that respect, the Commission also notes that sales of high-power contactors generate […] margins for Zodiac, thereby raising additional doubts about its incentive to forego such sales by engaging in uncertain foreclosure strategies.
最终,委员会怀疑了对 Zodiac 大功率接触器持续供应所表达的担忧的合并特异性。如前所述,Zodiac 已经实现了垂直整合,并且已经是分销系统的重要供应商。相反,目前尚不清楚与赛峰集团的有限分销活动合并将如何影响合并实体的赎回权动机,这些活动似乎 与任何最近的项目无关,而且其投资组合恰好缺乏大功率接触器。 在这方面,委员会还指出,大功率接触器的销售会产生 [...] Zodiac 的利润率, 因此引发了对其通过采取不确定的止赎策略放弃此类销售的动机的额外怀疑。
378.Hence, the Commission concludes that Safran is unlikely to have the ability and incentive to engage in input foreclosure following the implementation of the Transaction and, in any event, any such strategy is unlikely to result in significant anticompetitive effects.
因此,委员会得出结论,赛峰 集团不太可能有能力和动机在交易实施后进行投入品赎回权取消,并且在任何情况下,任何此类策略都不太可能导致重大的反竞争效果。 foreclosure 客户止赎
379.The Notifying Party submits that customer foreclosure concerns should be dismissed in view of the limited increment brought about by the Transaction on the markets for distribution systems, on which Safran is a minor player, which is unlikely to modify materially the merged entity's ability and incentive to foreclose rival component suppliers.
通知方认为,鉴于该交易对分销系统市场带来的增量有限,应消除客户取消抵押品赎回权的担忧,而赛峰集团在配电系统市场上的份额很小,这不太可能实质性地改变合并后实体取消竞争对手零部件供应商赎回权的能力和动机。 元
380.Thus, as a result of its limited distribution system business, Safran's volume of purchases of distribution components from third-parties is very low, whereas it already sources part of its requirements in-house and […]. Zodiac's purchases of distribution components are equally very limited since it is also vertically integrated; they essentially consist in […]. In any event, according to the Notifying Party, distribution component suppliers will continue to benefit from a large customer basis, including UTAS, GE Aviation, Honeywell and others that are not or only partly vertically integrated into distribution components.
因此,由于其有限的分销系统业务,赛峰集团从第三方购买分销组件的数量非常低,而它已经在内部采购了部分需求,并且 [...]。 Zodiac 对分销组件的购买同样非常有限,因为它也是垂直整合的;它们基本上包括 [...]。 无论如何,根据通知方的说法,分销组件供应商将继续受益于大型客户群,包括 UTAS、GE Aviation、Honeywell 和其他没有或仅部分垂直集成到分销组件中的公司。
381.The outcome of the market investigation has not revealed material concerns in terms of customer foreclosure for distribution components. To the contrary, certain component suppliers indicated that they were not selling components to the Parties at all, or that they considered unlikely that the Parties would stop purchasing components in the future. One supplier did raise concerns about losing some business with Safran but acknowledged that it was not significant and otherwise confirmed that a sufficient customer base would remain for all distribution components post-Transaction.
市场调查结果并未揭示客户对分销组件止赎的重大担忧。 相反,某些零部件供应商表示,他们根本没有向 Parties出售零部件,或者他们认为 Party不太可能在未来停止采购零部件。 一家供应商确实对失去与赛峰集团的一些业务表示担忧,但承认这并不重要,并确认交易后所有分销组件将保持足够的客户群。 元
382.Otherwise, the outcome of the market investigation supports the Notifying Party's claim that a competitive basis of distribution system suppliers will remain post-Transaction. Likewise, the Commission notes that certain distribution components, including contactors, are also used in other industries, including the defence, energy and railway transportation industries. Hence, the Commission concludes that Safran would have limited ability and incentive to engage in customer foreclosure following the implementation of the Transaction and that any such strategy is unlikely to result in significant anticompetitive effects.
否则,市场调查的结果支持通知方的主张,即分销系统供应商的竞争基础在交易后仍将保留。 同样,委员会指出,某些配电组件(包括接触器)也用于其他行业,包括国防、能源和铁路运输行业。 因此,委员会得出结论,赛峰集团在交易实施后进行客户止赎的能力和动机有限,并且任何此类策略都不太可能导致重大的反竞争效果。 结论
383.In view of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to vertical effects involving the markets for distribution systems, on the one hand, and those for distribution components, on the other hand, under any of the alternative product market definitions.
7.2.2.Landing gears and components
384.Although the Parties' activities do not horizontally overlap with regard to landing gears, the Transaction gives rise to a number of vertically affected markets due to Zodiac's activities as a Tier 2 supplier of several components. In particular, the Transaction gives rise to vertically affected markets with regard to the upstream markets for (i) wiring systems (see section; (ii) conduits and sleeves (see section; (iii) blackshells and fittings (see section; (iv) aerospace hose and tube assemblies (see section ); (v) externally located electrical boxes (see section ) and (vi) small sub-components (see section ).
尽管双方在起落架方面的活动没有横向重叠,但由于 Zodiac 作为多个组件的二级供应商的活动,该交易产生了许多垂直影响的市场。 特别是,该交易在上游市场产生了垂直影响市场:(i) 布线系统(见第 节。);(ii) 导管和套管(见第 节。);(iii) 黑壳和配件(见第 节。);(iv) 航空航天软管和管组件(见第 节);(v) 位于外部的电箱(见第 节)和 (vi) 小型子组件(见第 节)。
385.On the market for landing gears – where Zodiac is not active – Safran is the market leader, followed by UTAS. Other recent players – such as Héroux-Devtek and Liebherr – are also present.
在起落架市场上——Zodiac 并不活跃——赛峰集团是市场领导者,其次是 UTAS。其他最近的参与者 - 如 Héroux-Devtek 和 Liebherr - 也在场。
Table 8: Market for landing gears (worldwide, 2016-2020, source: Form CO)
表 8:起落架市场(全球,2016-2020 年,来源:Form CO)
Market share (in value), % 市场份额(价值),% |
Contractor 承包商 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
[50-60] |
[60-70] |
[60-70] |
[60-70] |
[50-60] |
[30-40] |
[30-40] |
[20-30] |
[20-30] |
[20-30] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] | hose and tube assemblies (upstream) and landing gears (downstream)
386.In landing gears, an assembly comprising hoses and tubes delivers the high pressure hydraulic fluid needed to operate devices including brakes and the retraction actuator. As such, aerospace hose and tube assemblies are input products for landing gears.
387.Zodiac's activities as a supplier of aerospace hose and tube assemblies are limited. In 2016, with a revenue of USD […], it achieved a market share below [0-5]%.
Zodiac 作为航空航天软管和管组件供应商的活动受到限制。2016 年,收入为 USD [...], 它的市场份额低于 [0-5]%。
Table 9: Market for aerospace hose and tube assemblies
表 9:航空航天软管和管组件市场
(worldwide, 2016, source: Form CO)
(全球,2016 年,来源:Form CO)
Contractor 承包商 |
Market share (in value) % 市场份额(价值) % |
Eaton 伊 顿 |
[10-20]% |
Titeflex Titeflex 系列 |
[10-20]% |
PFW Aerospace PFW 航空航天 |
[10-20]% |
Parker Aerospace 派克宇航 |
[5-10]% |
Legett & Platt |
[5-10]% |
Unison Industries (GE Aviation) |
[5-10]% |
Fine Tubes 细管 |
[0-5]% |
Sigma Precision Components Sigma 精密部件 |
[0-5]% |
Stelia 斯特利亚 |
[0-5]% |
Zodiac 黄道带 |
[0-5]% |
Others 别人 |
approx. [30-40]% 约 [30-40]% |
388.Indeed, aerospace hose and tube assemblies are not Zodiac's core business; its activity is limited to the supply to landing gear manufacturers which […].
事实上,航空航天软管和管组件并不是 Zodiac 的核心业务;它的活动仅限于向 起落架制造商供应 [...]。 元
389.It should be also mentioned that Zodiac only manufactures a small quantity of aerospace hose and tube assemblies itself, […].
还应该提到的是,Zodiac 自己只生产少量的航空航天软管和管组件,[...]。 元
390.The Commission considers that based on the limited activities of Zodiac on the upstream market for aerospace hose and tube assemblies, the merged entity will not have the ability to engage in input foreclosure post-transaction. Furthermore, Zodiac already achieves [amount] of its revenues with regard to these products with Safran. The market investigation did not reveal any competition concerns with regard to input foreclosure.
委员会认为,鉴于 Zodiac 在航空航天软管和管组件上游市场的活动有限,合并后的实体将没有能力在交易后进行投入止赎。此外,Zodiac 已经通过 Safran 实现了与这些产品相关的 [金额] 收入。 市场调查没有发现任何与投入品止赎有关的竞争问题。
391.Furthermore, the Commission takes the view that it is unlikely that the Transaction will result in customer foreclosure given the commodity nature of aerospace hose and tube assemblies, which as a result can be used in other components than landing gears. The market investigation did not reveal any concerns in this regard.
此外,委员会认为,鉴于航空航天软管和管组件的商品性质,该交易不太可能导致客户丧失抵押品赎回权,因此可以用于起落架以外的其他部件。 市场调查没有发现这方面的任何问题。 元
392.The Commission considers that the above assessment remains valid even if the downstream market for landing gears is further segmented according to aircraft types.
393.In light of the above considerations and the fact that no concerns were raised during the market investigation, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the market for aerospace hose and tube assemblies (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for landing gears (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑以及在市场调查期间没有提出任何担忧的事实,委员会认为,就黄道集团在航空航天软管和管材组件市场(上游)的活动与赛峰集团在起落架市场(下游)的活动之间的纵向关系而言,该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑 在任何替代产品市场定义下。 located electrical boxes (upstream) and landing gears (downstream)
394.Zodiac manufactures and supplies two types of externally located electrical boxes: landing gear maintenance boxes and nose wheel steering deactivation boxes, the former being an input product to landing gears.
Zodiac 生产和供应两种类型的外部电气箱:起落架维修箱和前轮转向停用箱,前者是起落架的输入产品。
395.If the product market is defined as encompassing all types of externally located electrical boxes, Zodiac has a market share of [10-20]%. On a market only for landing gear maintenance boxes, its market share is slightly lower, [10-20]%. Other suppliers of externally located electrical boxes are Glenair, Ultra Electronics, Unison and Ducommun.
如果产品市场被定义为包括所有类型的外部电箱,那么 Zodiac 的市场份额为 [10-20]%。 在仅销售起落架维修箱的市场上,其市场份额略低,[10-20]%。其他外部配电箱供应商包括 Glenair、Ultra Electronics、Unison 和 Ducommun。
396.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in either input or customer foreclosure for the following reasons.
397.Input foreclosure is unlikely given the presence of other competitors, the standardised nature of the product and the fact that Zodiac – […].
鉴于其他竞争对手的存在、产品的标准化性质以及 Zodiac – [...]。 元
398.Similarly, customer foreclosure is unlikely to occur as Safran already sources [to a large extent] its externally located boxes from Zodiac ([information on alternative suppliers]). Indeed, the market investigation did not reveal any concerns in this regard.
同样,客户取消抵押品赎回权的可能性也不太可能发生,因为赛峰集团已经[在很大程度上]从Zodiac采购其位于外部的盒子([替代供应商信息])。 事实上,市场调查并未发现这方面的担忧。 元
399.The Commission considers that the above assessment remains valid even if the downstream market for landing gears is further segmented according to aircraft types.
400.In light of the above considerations and the fact that no concerns were raised during the market investigation, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the market for externally located electrical boxes (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for landing gears (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑以及在市场调查期间没有提出任何担忧的事实,委员会认为,就 Zodiac 在外部电气箱市场(上游)上的活动与赛峰集团在起落架市场(下游)上的活动之间的垂直关系而言,该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑 在任何替代产品市场定义下。 sub-components (upstream) and landing gears (downstream)
401.Zodiac manufactures small-subcomponents such as seals, couplings, check valves, caps, etc., which can be also used in landing gears. Its market shares on the overall market for small sub-components as well as with regard to each small sub-component are below [0-5]%.
Zodiac 生产小型子部件,如密封件、联轴器、止回阀、盖子等,这些部件也可用于起落架。它在小型子组件以及每个小型子组件的整体市场上的市场份额低于 [0-5]%。
402.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in input foreclosure based on the limited market share of Zodiac on the upstream market and the commodity nature of these products. It should be further noted that these small sub-components constitute [0-10]% of the total cost of production of landing gears. Moreover, no downstream competitor of Safran expressed any concerns with regard to input foreclosure in the market investigation.
委员会认为,该交易不会导致基于 Zodiac 在上游市场的有限市场份额以及这些产品的商品性质而被取消抵押品赎回权。 应该进一步注意的是,这些小的子部件占 起落架生产总成本的 [0-10]%。此外,赛峰集团的下游竞争对手均未 在市场调查中对取消投入品赎回权表示任何担忧。 元
403.Furthermore, the Commission takes the view that it is unlikely that the merged entity will have the ability to engage in customer foreclosure as these commodity products can be used in many other equipment/systems. The large majority of the suppliers of small sub-components confirmed in the market investigation that there will be a sufficient base of alternative customers should Safran decide to stop sourcing from them post-transaction.
此外,委员会认为,合并后的实体不太可能有能力进行客户止赎,因为这些商品产品可用于许多其他设备/系统。 绝大多数小型子零部件供应商在市场调查中证实, 如果赛峰集团决定在交易后停止从他们那里采购,将有足够的替代客户群。
404.The Commission considers that the above assessment remains valid even if the downstream market for landing gears is further segmented according to aircraft types.
405.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the market for small sub-components (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for landing gears (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑,欧委会认为,就赛峰集团在任何替代产品市场定义下的小型子部件市场活动(上游)和赛峰集团在起落架市场(下游) 上的活动之间的纵向关系而言,该交易与其内部市场的兼容性没有引起严重怀疑。
7.2.3.Brakes/wheels and components
406.Although the Parties' activities do not horizontally overlap with regard to brakes and wheels, the Transaction gives rise to vertically affected markets. In particular the Transaction gives rise to vertically affected markets with regard to the upstream markets for (i) wiring systems (see section and (ii) small sub-components (see section ).
尽管双方的活动在制动器和车轮方面没有横向重叠,但该交易产生了垂直影响的市场。 特别是,该交易在上游市场产生了垂直影响的市场:(i) 布线系统(见第 节。) 和 (ii) 小子组件 (参见 第 节 )。
407.Regarding brakes and wheels, Safran is focusing on the segment of large commercial aircraft, where it achieves the highest market share. The market shares of Safran and its competitors are summarised below.
Table 10: Market for brakes and wheels (worldwide, 2016-2020, source: Safran's reply to question 16 of RFI01)
表 10:制动器和车轮市场(全球,2016-2020 年,来源:赛峰集团对 RFI01 第 16 个问题的回复)
Segment 段 |
Contractor 承包商 |
Equipped fleet in service, number of a/c as of Dec 2016 截至 2016 年 12 月的在役机队、空调数量 |
Share (%) 份额 (%)
as of Dec 2016 截至 2016 年 12 月 |
All segments 所有细分市场 |
[…] |
[10-20] |
[…] |
[0-5] |
[…] |
[5-10] |
[…] |
[0-5] |
[…] |
[0-5] |
[…] |
[60-70] |
[…] |
100.0 |
Commercial 商业 |
[…] |
[30-40] |
[…] |
10-20] |
[…] |
10-20] |
[…] |
[5-10] |
[…] |
[0-5] |
[…] |
[20-30] |
[…] |
100.0 |
Regional 地域
[…] |
[5-10] |
[…] |
[5-10] |
[…] |
[80-90] |
[…] |
100.0 |
Military 军事
[…] |
10-20] |
[…] |
[80-90] |
[…] |
100.0 |
Helicopters 直升机 |
[…] |
10-20] |
[…] |
[80-90] |
[…] |
100.0 | sub-components (upstream) and brakes and wheels (downstream)
408.Zodiac manufactures small-subcomponents such as seals, couplings, check valves, caps, etc., which can be also used in brakes and wheels. Its market shares on the overall market for small sub-components as well as with regard to each small sub-component are below [0-5]%.
Zodiac 生产小型子部件,如密封件、联轴器、止回阀、盖子等,这些部件也可用于制动器和车轮。它在小型子组件以及每个小型子组件的整体市场上的市场份额低于 [0-5]%。
409.Therefore, the Transaction leads to vertically affected markets only if the downstream market for brakes and wheels were to be further segmented according to aircraft types, given that Safran has a market share of [40-50]% on the market for brakes and wheels for large commercial aircraft.
因此,鉴于赛峰集团在大型商用飞机制动器和轮子市场上的市场份额为[40-50]%,只有当制动器和机轮的下游市场根据飞机类型进一步细分时,该交易才会产生垂直影响的市场 。
410.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in input foreclosure based on the limited market share of Zodiac on the upstream market and the commodity nature of these products. It should be further noted that these small sub-components constitute less than [0-10]% of the total cost of production of brakes and wheels. Indeed, no issues were raised from current customers of Zodiac in this regard in the market investigation.
委员会认为,该交易不会导致基于 Zodiac 在上游市场的有限市场份额以及这些产品的商品性质而被取消抵押品赎回权。 应该进一步指出的是,这些小的子组件占制动器和车轮总生产 成本的不到 [0-10]%。事实上,在市场调查中,Zodiac 的现有客户在这方面没有提出任何问题。 元
411.With regard to customer foreclosure, a supplier of Safran replied that although "[t]here are other suppliers of wheels and brakes, but Safran is one of the largest and therefore [the decision of Safran of stop sourcing from them post-transaction] would affect our ability to service this market." However, the Commission takes the view that it is unlikely that the merged entity will have the ability to engage in customer foreclosure as these commodity products can be used in many other equipment/systems.
关于客户止赎,赛峰集团的一家供应商 回答说,虽然“还有其他车轮和制动器供应商,但赛峰集团是最大的供应商之一,因此[赛峰集团在交易后停止向他们采购的决定]将影响我们服务该市场的能力。“ 然而,委员会认为,合并后的实体不太可能有能力进行客户止赎,因为这些商品产品可用于许多其他设备/系统。
412.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the market for small sub-components (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for brakes and wheels (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑,欧委会认为,该交易并未对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑,即Zodiac在任何替代产品市场定义下在小型子零部件市场(上游)上的活动与赛峰集团在制动器和车轮市场(下游) 上的活动之间的垂直关系。。
7.2.4.Control systems and equipment
413.Although the Parties' activities do not horizontally overlap with regard to any control systems and equipment since Zodiac is not active on these markets, the Transaction gives rise to vertically affected markets with regard to landing gear extension/retraction systems, braking control systems and steering control systems.
尽管由于 Zodiac 在这些市场上不活跃,双方的活动在任何控制系统和设备方面没有横向重叠,但该交易在起落架伸缩系统、制动控制系统和转向控制系统方面产生了垂直影响的市场。 gear extension/retraction systems and components
414.The Transaction leads to vertically affected markets only if the downstream market were to be further segmented according to aircraft types as Safran has a market share above 30% with regard to regional aircraft. In particular, the Transaction gives rise to vertically affected markets with regard to the upstream markets for (i) pilot controls (see section 0 ); (ii) solenoid valves (see section (b)); (iii) utility actuators (see section (c)); (iv) sensors (see section (d)) and (v) small sub-components (see section (e)).
由于赛峰集团在支线飞机方面的市场份额超过30%, 因此只有当下游市场根据飞机类型进一步细分时,该交易才会产生垂直影响的市场。特别是,该交易在上游市场产生了垂直影响的市场:(i) 试点控制(见第 节。 0 );(ii) 电磁阀(见第 节。(b));(iii) 实用执行器(参见第 节。(c));(iv) 传感器(参见第 节。(d)) 和 (v) 小子组件(见第 节。(e))。
415.The position of Safran and its competitors on the market for landing gear extension/retraction systems is summarised below.
Table 11: Market for landing gear extension/retraction systems
表 11:起落架伸缩系统市场
(worldwide, 2016-2020, source: Safran's reply to question 17 of RFI01)
(全球,2016-2020 年,来源:赛峰集团对 RFI01 第 17 条问题的回复)
Share (in number of shipsets installed, %) 份额(以安装的船舶组数量表示,%) |
Segment 段 |
Contractor 承包商 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
[5-10]ALL [5-10]全部 |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[10-20] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
10-20] |
10-20] |
10-20] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
GE |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[60-70] |
[60-70] |
[60-70] |
[70-80] |
[70-80] |
10-20] |
10-20] |
10-20] |
10-20] |
10-20] |
[50-60] |
[40-50] |
[30-40] |
[20-30] |
[20-30] |
10-20] |
10-20] |
10-20] |
10-20] |
10-20] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
GE |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[20-30] |
[40-50] |
[40-50] |
[30-40] |
[40-50] |
[40-50] |
[40-50] |
[40-50] |
[60-70] |
[50-60]. |
[50-60]. |
[50-60]. |
[50-60]. |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[5-10] |
[10-20] |
[80-90] |
[80-90] |
[80-90] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
a. 一个。Pilot controls (upstream) and landing gear extension/retraction systems for regional aircraft (downstream)
416.Safran and Zodiac are both active on the market for pilot controls, the Parties' and their competitors' market shares are as follows.
Table 12: Market for pilot controls (worldwide, 2016, source: Form CO)
表 12:先导控制市场(全球,2016 年,来源:CO 表)
Operator 算子 |
Market share (in value) 市场份额(价值) |
Safran 赛峰集团 |
[0-5]% |
Zodiac 黄道带 |
[0-5]% |
Woodward / MPC 伍德沃德 / MPC |
[20-30]% |
UTAS / Ratier Figeac UTAS / Ratier 飞卓 |
[20-30]% |
Rockwell Collins / Kaiser 罗克韦尔柯林斯 / Kaiser |
[10-20]% |
[5-10]% |
Others 别人 |
[20-30]% |
417.Should the market for pilot controls be defined on a component-by-component basis, Safran's market share would remain below [0-5]%. Zodiac's market share would be [10-20]% on handle levers, below [0-5]% on stick dampers and below [0-5]% on throttles.
如果逐个零部件确定先导控制市场,赛峰集团的市场份额将保持在 [0-5]% 以下。Zodiac 的市场份额在 手柄杆上为 [10-20]%,在杆减震器上低于 [0-5]%,在油门上低于 [0-5]%。
418.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in input foreclosure given the small combined upstream position of the Parties and the limited increment brought about by the Transaction. Furthermore, the Commission considers that no customer foreclosure will occur post-transaction for the following reasons.
委员会认为,鉴于双方的上游综合地位较小且交易带来的增量有限,该交易不会导致输入止赎。 此外,委员会认为,由于以下原因,交易后不会发生客户止赎。
419.First, although Safran's market shares are indeed steadily around [40-50]% with regard to regional aircraft, it should be noted that this segment represents at most [0-10]% of the total market. Second, pilot controls can be used as an input product in other systems/equipment as well. Therefore, upstream competitors of the Parties would have a sufficient alternative customer base should the merged entity engage in a foreclosure strategy. Third, Safran currently manufactures only […] controls in-house (e.g. it sources […]% of its pilot controls from Zodiac). Given Zodiac's limited market share on the upstream market, it is unlikely that the merged entity would have the incentive to deter from this multi-sourcing strategy.
首先,尽管赛峰集团在支线飞机方面的市场份额确实稳定在 [40-50]% 左右,但应该注意的是,该细分市场占总市场的 [0-10]%。其次,先导控制也可以用作其他系统/设备的输入产品。因此,如果合并后的实体采取止赎策略,双方的上游竞争对手将拥有足够的替代客户群。第三,赛峰集团目前只生产 [...] 内部控制(例如 IT 源 [...]% 的飞行员控制装置来自 Zodiac)。鉴于 Zodiac 在上游市场的市场份额有限,合并后的实体不太可能有动力阻止这种多源战略。
420.In light of the above considerations and the fact that no concerns were raised in the market investigation, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between the Parties' activities on the market for pilot controls (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for landing gear extension/retraction systems for regional aircraft (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑以及 市场调查中未提出任何担忧的事实,欧委会认为,就双方在试点控制(上游)市场活动与赛峰集团的根据任何替代产品市场定义S 在支线飞机(下游) 起落架伸缩系统市场上的活动。
b.Solenoid valves (upstream) and landing gear extension/retraction systems for regional aircraft (downstream)
421.Zodiac manufactures solenoid valves that can be used as an input product for landing gear extension/retraction systems. In 2016, it has achieved a market share of [0-5]%. The Notifying Party submits that this market share estimate provides an accurate view even if the market were to be further segmented between solenoid valves sold on a stand-alone basis on the one hand and in manifolds on the other hand. Its main competitors on the market are Eaton Aerospace, Parker, Triumph, Transdigm, Woodward and Meggit.
Zodiac 制造的电磁阀可用作起落架伸缩系统的输入产品。2016 年,它已实现 [0-5]% 的市场份额。 通知方认为,即使市场要进一步细分为独立销售的电磁阀和歧管销售的电磁阀,该市场份额估计也提供了准确的观点 。 它在市场上的主要竞争对手是 Eaton Aerospace、Parker、Triumph、Transdigm、Woodward 和 Meggit。
422.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in input foreclosure given the very limited upstream position of Zodiac and the commodity nature of solenoid valves. It should be further noted that Zodiac's market share on a global – non-aerospace specific – solenoid valve market would be even lower.
委员会认为,鉴于 Zodiac 的上游地位非常有限且电磁阀的商品性质,该交易不会导致投入止赎。应该进一步指出的是,Zodiac 在全球 - 非航空航天专用 - 电磁阀市场的市场份额将更低。
423.Furthermore, the Commission considers that no customer foreclosure will occur post-transaction for the following reasons.
424.First, although Safran's market shares are indeed steadily around [40-50]% with regard to regional aircraft, it should be noted that this segment represents at most [0-10]% of the total market shares.
首先,尽管赛峰集团在支线飞机方面的市场份额确实稳定在 [40-50]% 左右,但应该注意的是,该细分市场最多占总市场份额的 [0-10]%。
425.Second, solenoid valves can be used as an input product in other systems/equipment as well. Therefore, upstream competitors of Zodiac would have a sufficient alternative customer base should the merged entity engage in a foreclosure strategy.
其次,电磁阀也可以用作其他系统/设备的输入产品。因此,如果合并后的实体采取止赎策略,Zodiac 的上游竞争对手将拥有足够的替代客户群。
426.In light of the above considerations and the fact that no concerns were raised in the market investigation, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the market for solenoid valves (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for landing gear extension/retraction systems for regional aircraft (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑以及 市场调查中未提出任何担忧的事实,委员会认为,就 Zodiac 在电磁阀市场(上游)和 Safran 的根据任何替代产品市场定义,在支线飞机(下游) 起落架伸缩系统市场上的活动。
c.Utility actuators (upstream) and landing gear extension/retraction systems for regional aircraft (downstream)
427.The landing gear extension/retraction system includes several utility actuators. EMA valves are used to control the commutation of the emergency valves for the release of the landing gear. EMA uplocks are located on the doors of the nose landing gear (to unlock the doors of the nose landing gear in case of failure of the main system), on the nose landing gear itself (to unlock the extension of the nose landing gear) as well on the doors of the main landing gear (to unlock its doors). EMA unlocks control the extension of the main landing gear in emergency mode in case of failure of the main hydraulic actuator on which it is fitted.
起落架伸缩系统包括几个实用执行器。EMA 阀用于控制紧急阀的换向,以释放起落架。EMA 上锁位于前起落架的门上(在主系统发生故障时解锁前起落架的门)、前起落架本身(解锁前起落架的延伸)以及主起落架的门上(解锁其门)。EMA 在紧急模式下解锁对主起落架伸展的控制,以防安装主起落架的主液压执行器发生故障。
428.Both Safran and Zodiac are active on the upstream market for utility actuators, achieving a market share below [0-5]% and [0-5]% in 2016, respectively. Should the market be defined narrower, encompassing only EMA valves/uplocks/unlocks, Safran's market share would not significantly differ while the market share of Zodiac would be even lower, approximately [0-5]%. Their main competitors are UTAS and Triumph (both with a market share above [10-20]%), as well as Woodward (market share above [5-10]%).
赛峰集团和黄道集团都活跃在实用执行器的上游市场,2016年的市场份额分别低于[0-5]%和[0-5]%。如果市场定义得更窄,只包括 EMA 阀/上锁/解锁,赛峰集团的市场份额不会有显著差异,而 Zodiac 的市场份额会更低,约为 [0-5]%。 他们的主要竞争对手是 UTAS 和 Triumph(均占有 [10-20]% 以上的市场份额)以及伍德沃德(占有率高于 [5-10]%)。
429.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in input foreclosure given the small combined upstream position of the Parties and the very limited increment (below [0-5]%) brought about by Safran.
委员会认为,鉴于双方的上游综合地位较小,且赛峰集团带来的增量非常有限(低于 [0-5]%),该交易不会导致投入止赎。
430.Furthermore, the Commission considers that no customer foreclosure will occur post-transaction for the following reasons.
431.First, although Safran's market shares are indeed steadily around [40-50]% with regard to regional aircraft, it should be noted that this segment represents at most [0-10]% of the total market shares.
首先,尽管赛峰集团在支线飞机方面的市场份额确实稳定在 [40-50]% 左右,但应该注意的是,该细分市场最多占总市场份额的 [0-10]%。
432.Second, utility actuators – and specifically EMA valves/uplocks/unlocks - can be used as an input product in other systems/equipment as well. Therefore, upstream competitors of Zodiac would have a sufficient alternative customer base should the merged entity engage in a foreclosure strategy.
其次,实用执行器 - 特别是 EMA 阀/上锁/解锁 - 也可以用作其他系统/设备的输入产品。 因此,如果合并后的实体采取止赎策略,Zodiac 的上游竞争对手将拥有足够的替代客户群。
433.Third, Safran currently manufactures only […] in-house (e.g. it sources […]% of its utility actuators from Zodiac). Given Zodiac's limited market share on the upstream market, it is unlikely that the merged entity would have the incentive to deter from this multi-sourcing strategy.
第三,赛峰集团目前只生产 [...] 内部(例如 IT 来源 [...]% 的实用致动器来自 Zodiac)。 鉴于 Zodiac 在上游市场的市场份额有限,合并后的实体不太可能有动力阻止这种多源战略。
434.In light of the above considerations and the fact that no concerns were raised in the market investigation, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between the Parties' activities on the market for utility actuators (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for landing gear extension/retraction systems for regional aircraft (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑以及 市场调查中未提出任何担忧的事实,委员会认为,就双方在公用事业执行器(上游)市场活动与赛峰集团的市场活动之间的垂直关系而言,该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑 在任何替代产品市场定义下的支线飞机(下游)起落架伸缩系统市场上的活动 。
d.Sensors (upstream) and landing gear extension/retraction systems for regional aircraft (downstream)
435.Zodiac supplies sensors that can be used as an input product for landing gear extension/retraction systems. In 2016, it has achieved a market share less than [0-5]%. Should the market be defined narrower, encompassing only position sensors, Zodiac's market share remains below [5-10]%. Its competitors are inter alia TE Connectivity, Crane, Meggitt, Crouzet and Honeywell.
Zodiac 提供的传感器可用作起落架伸缩系统的输入产品。2016 年,它实现了不到 [0-5]% 的市场份额。 如果市场范围更窄,仅包括位置传感器,Zodiac 的市场份额仍低于 [5-10]%。 其竞争对手包括 TE Connectivity、Crane、Meggitt、Crouzet 和 Honeywell。
436.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in input foreclosure given the limited upstream position of Zodiac and the commodity nature of sensors.
委员会认为,鉴于 Zodiac 的上游地位有限且传感器的商品性质,该交易不会导致输入止赎。
437.Furthermore, the Commission considers that no customer foreclosure will occur post-transaction for the following reasons.
438.First, although Safran's market shares are indeed steadily around [40-50]% with regard to regional aircraft, it should be noted that this segment represents at most [0-10]% of the total market shares.
首先,尽管赛峰集团在支线飞机方面的市场份额确实稳定在 [40-50]% 左右,但应该注意的是,该细分市场最多占总市场份额的 [0-10]%。
439.Second, sensors – and specifically position sensors - can be used as an input product in other systems/equipment as well. Therefore, upstream competitors of Zodiac would have a sufficient alternative customer base should the merged entity engage in a foreclosure strategy.
其次,传感器 - 特别是位置传感器 - 也可以用作其他系统/设备的输入产品。因此,如果合并后的实体采取止赎策略,Zodiac 的上游竞争对手将拥有足够的替代客户群。
440.In light of the above considerations and the fact that no concerns were raised in the market investigation, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the market for sensors (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for landing gear extension/retraction systems for regional aircraft (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑以及 市场调查中未提出任何担忧的事实,委员会认为,就 Zodiac 在传感器(上游)市场和赛峰集团在传感器市场上的活动之间的垂直关系而言,该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。根据任何替代产品市场定义,在支线飞机(下游) 起落架伸缩系统市场上的活动。
e.Small sub-components (upstream) and landing gear extension/retraction systems for regional aircraft (downstream)
441.Zodiac manufactures small-subcomponents such as seals, couplings, check valves, caps, etc., which can be also used in landing gear extension/retraction systems. Its market shares on the overall market for small sub-components as well as with regard to each small sub-component are below [0-5]%.
Zodiac 生产小型子部件,如密封件、联轴器、止回阀、盖子等,这些部件也可用于起落架伸缩系统。它在小型子组件以及每个小型子组件的整体市场上的市场份额低于 [0-5]%。
442.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in input foreclosure based on the limited market share of Zodiac on the upstream market and the commodity nature of these products.
委员会认为,该交易不会导致基于 Zodiac 在上游市场的有限市场份额以及这些产品的商品性质而被取消抵押品赎回权。
443.Furthermore, the Commission takes the view that it is unlikely that the merged entity will have the ability to engage in customer foreclosure as these commodity products can be used in many other equipment/systems.
444.In light of the above considerations and the fact that no concerns were raised in the market investigation, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the market for small sub-components (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for landing gear extension/retraction systems for regional aircraft (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑以及 市场调查中未提出任何担忧的事实,委员会认为,就 Zodiac 在小型子组件(上游)市场上的活动与赛峰集团的根据任何替代产品市场定义,在支线飞机(下游) 起落架伸缩系统市场上的活动。 control systems and components
445.The Transaction leads to vertically affected markets only if the downstream market were to be further segmented according to aircraft types as Safran has a market share above 30% with regard to large commercial aircraft. In particular, the Transaction gives rise to vertically affected markets with regard to the upstream markets for (i) pilot controls (see section (a)); (ii) servo-valves (see section (b)) and (iii) small sub-components (see section (c)).
由于赛峰集团在大型商用飞机方面的市场份额超过30%, 因此只有当下游市场根据飞机类型进一步细分时,该交易才会产生垂直影响的市场。特别是,该交易在上游市场方面产生了垂直影响市场:(i) 试点控制(见第 (a) 节);(ii) 伺服阀(见第 节。(b)) 和 (iii) 小子组件(见第 节。(c))。
446.The market position of Safran and its competitors on the market for braking control system is as follows.
Table 13: Market for braking control systems
表 13:制动控制系统市场
(worldwide, 2016-2020, source: Safran's reply to question 18 of RFI01)
(全球,2016-2020 年,来源:赛峰集团对 RFI01 问题 18 的回复)
Share (in number of shipsets installed, %) 份额(以安装的船舶组数量表示,%) |
Segment 段 |
Contractor 承包商 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[5-10] |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[70-80] |
[70-80] |
[60-70] |
[60-70] |
[60-70] |
[50-60] |
[50-60] |
[50-60] |
[50-60] |
[40-50] |
[30-40] |
[30-40] |
[30-40] |
[40-50] |
[40-50] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[5-10] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
BJ |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[0-5] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
a. 一个。Pilot controls (upstream) and braking control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream)
447.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in input foreclosure given the small combined upstream position of the Parties and the limited increment brought about by Zodiac (see section ). The market investigation did not raise any concerns either with regard to input foreclosure.
委员会认为,鉴于双方的上游综合地位较小,并且 Zodiac 带来的增量有限,该交易不会导致输入止赎(见第 节)。 市场调查也没有引起对 输入止赎的任何担忧。 元
448.Furthermore, the Commission considers that no customer foreclosure will occur post-transaction because pilot controls can be used as an input product in other systems/equipment as well. Therefore, upstream competitors of the Parties would have a sufficient alternative customer base should the merged entity engage in a foreclosure strategy. Indeed, no concerns were raised in the market investigation regarding customer foreclosure with respect to pilot controls for braking control systems.
449.Moreover, […]. Given Zodiac's limited market share on the upstream market, it is unlikely that the merged entity would have the incentive to deter from this multi-sourcing strategy.
此外,[...]。 鉴于 Zodiac 在上游市场的市场份额有限,合并后的实体不太可能有动力阻止这种多源战略。
450.In light of the above considerations and the fact that no concerns were raised in the market investigation, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between the Parties' activities on the market for pilot controls (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for braking control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑以及 市场调查中未提出任何担忧的事实,欧委会认为,就双方在试点控制(上游)市场活动与赛峰集团的在任何替代产品市场定义下的大型商用飞机(下游) 制动控制系统市场上的活动。
b.Servo-valves (upstream) and braking control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream)
451.Zodiac supplies servo-valves that can be used in braking control systems. In 2016, it has achieved a market share of [0-5]%. The market position of Zodiac would not significantly differ if the market were to be further segmented between servo-valves sold on a stand-alone basis on the one hand and in manifolds on the other hand. Zodiac's main competitors are Moog, Parker, Woodward and Crane.
Zodiac 提供可用于制动控制系统的伺服阀。2016 年,它已实现 [0-5]% 的市场份额。如果市场进一步细分为独立销售的伺服阀和以歧管形式销售的伺服阀,Zodiac 的市场地位不会有显著差异。Zodiac 的主要竞争对手是 Moog、Parker、Woodward 和 Crane。
452.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in input foreclosure given the limited upstream position of Zodiac and the commodity nature of servo-valves. It should be further noted that Zodiac's market share on a global – non-aerospace specific – servo-valve market would be even lower. The majority of respondents stated in the market investigation that there would be a sufficient number of alternative suppliers, should the merged entity stop supplying or supply at worst conditions post-transaction.
委员会认为,鉴于 Zodiac 的上游地位有限且伺服阀的商品性质,该交易不会导致输入止赎。应该进一步指出的是,Zodiac 在全球(非航空航天专用)伺服阀市场的市场份额会更低。大多数受访者在市场调查中表示,如果合并后的实体在交易后停止供应或在最坏情况下供应,将有足够数量的替代供应商。 元
453.Furthermore, the Commission considers that no customer foreclosure will occur post-transaction because servo-valves can be used as an input product in other systems/equipment as well. Therefore, upstream competitors of Zodiac would have a sufficient alternative customer base should the merged entity engage in a foreclosure strategy. Indeed, no concerns were raised in the market investigation regarding customer foreclosure with regard to servo-valves for braking control systems.
此外,委员会认为交易后不会发生客户止赎,因为伺服阀也可以用作其他系统/设备的输入产品。因此,如果合并后的实体采取止赎策略,Zodiac 的上游竞争对手将拥有足够的替代客户群。事实上,在市场调查中,没有提出关于制动控制系统伺服阀的客户止赎的担忧。 元
454.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the market for servo-valves (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for braking control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑,欧委会认为,就Zodiac在伺服阀市场(上游)的活动与赛峰集团在大型商用飞机制动控制系统市场(下游) 上的活动在任何替代方案下的纵向关系而言,该交易并未对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑产品市场定义。
c.Small sub-components (upstream and braking control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream)
455.Zodiac manufactures small-subcomponents such as seals, couplings, check valves, caps, etc., which can be also used in braking control systems. Its market shares on the overall market for small sub-components as well as with regard to each small sub-component are below [0-5]%.
Zodiac 生产小型子部件,如密封件、联轴器、止回阀、盖子等,这些部件也可用于制动控制系统。它在小型子组件以及每个小型子组件的整体市场上的市场份额低于 [0-5]%。
456.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in input foreclosure based on the limited market share of Zodiac on the upstream market and the commodity nature of these products. It should be further noted that these small sub-components constitute less than [0-10]% of the total cost of production of the braking control system.
委员会认为,该交易不会导致基于 Zodiac 在上游市场的有限市场份额以及这些产品的商品性质而被取消抵押品赎回权。 应该进一步注意的是,这些小的子组件占 制动控制系统总生产成本的不到 [0-10]%。
457.The majority of respondents stated in the market investigation that there would be a sufficient number of alternative suppliers, should the merged entity stop supplying or supply at worst conditions post-transaction.
大多数受访者在市场调查中表示,如果合并后的实体在交易后停止供应或在最坏情况下供应,将有足够数量的替代供应商。 元
458.Furthermore, the Commission takes the view that it is unlikely that the merged entity will have the ability to engage in customer foreclosure as these commodity products can be used in many other equipment/systems. The majority of the suppliers of small sub-components indeed stated in the market investigation that they would have a sufficient alternative customer base should Safran decide to stop sourcing from them post-transaction.
此外,委员会认为,合并后的实体不太可能有能力进行客户止赎,因为这些商品产品可用于许多其他设备/系统。 事实上,大多数小型子零部件供应商在市场调查中表示,如果赛峰集团决定在交易后停止从他们那里采购,他们将拥有足够的替代客户群。 元
459.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the market for small sub-components (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for braking control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑,委员会认为,该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑,即 Zodiac 在小型子部件市场(上游)的活动与赛峰集团在大型商用飞机制动控制系统(下游) 市场上的活动在任何替代方案下的垂直关系产品市场定义。 control systems and components
460.The Transaction leads to vertically affected markets only if the downstream market were to be further segmented according to aircraft types as Safran has a market share above 30% with regard to large commercial aircraft. In particular, the Transaction gives rise to vertically affected markets with regard to the upstream markets for (i) pilot controls (see section (a)); (ii) servo-valves (see section (b)); (iii) externally located electrical boxes (see section (c)); (iv) sensors (see section (d)) and (v) small sub-components (see section (e)).
由于赛峰集团在大型商用飞机方面的市场份额超过30%, 因此只有当下游市场根据飞机类型进一步细分时,该交易才会产生垂直影响的市场。特别是,该交易在上游市场产生了垂直影响市场,用于 (i) 试点控制(见第 节。(一));(ii) 伺服阀(见第 节。 (二));(iii) 位于外部的电箱(参见第 节。(c));(iv) 传感器(参见第 节。(d)) (v) 小的子组件(参见第 节。(e))。
461.The market position of Safran and its competitors on the market for steering control system is as follows.
Table 14: Market for steering control systems
表 14:转向控制系统市场
(worldwide, 2016-2020, source: Safran's reply to question 19 of RFI01)
(全球,2016-2020 年,来源:赛峰集团对 RFI01 第 19 条问题的回复)
Share (in number of shipsets installed, %) 份额(以安装的船舶组数量表示,%) |
Segment 段 |
Contractor 承包商 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
[10-20] |
[20-30] |
[20-30] |
[20-30] |
[10-20] |
GE |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[70-80] |
[70-80] |
[70-80] |
[70-80] |
[70-80] |
[40-50] |
[40-50] |
[50-60] |
[40-50] |
[40-50] |
GE |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[40-50] |
[40-50] |
[30-40] |
[30-40] |
[40-50] |
[40-50] |
[5-10] |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[5-10] |
[90-100] |
[80-90] |
[80-90] |
[80-90] |
[90-100] |
BJ |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[10-20] |
[80-90] |
[80-90] |
[80-90] |
[80-90] |
[80-90] |
[0-5] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[5-10] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[0-5] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
[90-100] |
a. 一个。Pilot controls (upstream) and steering control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream)
462.Safran and Zodiac are both active on the market for pilot controls, achieving a market share of [0-5]% and [0-5]%, respectively. Should the market for pilot controls be defined on a component-by-component basis, Safran's market share would remain below [0-5]%. Zodiac's market share would be [10-20]% on handle levers, below [0-5]% on stick dampers and below [0-5]% on throttles.
赛峰集团和Zodiac公司都活跃在飞行员控制市场上,分别取得了[0-5]%和[0-5]%的市场份额。 如果逐个零部件确定先导控制市场,赛峰集团的市场份额将保持在 [0-5]% 以下。Zodiac 的市场份额在 手柄杆上为 [10-20]%,在杆减震器上低于 [0-5]%,在油门上低于 [0-5]%。
463.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in input foreclosure given the small combined upstream position of the Parties and the limited increment. Indeed, no concerns were raised in the market investigation regarding input foreclosure with regard to pilot controls for steering control systems.
委员会认为,鉴于双方的上游综合地位较小且增量有限,该交易不会导致投入止赎。 事实上,在市场调查中没有对转向控制系统的先导控制装置的输入止赎提出担忧。 元
464.Furthermore, the Commission considers that no customer foreclosure will occur post-transaction for the following reasons.
465.First, pilot controls can be used as an input product in other systems/equipment as well. Therefore, upstream competitors of the Parties would have a sufficient alternative customer base should the merged entity engage in a foreclosure strategy. Indeed, no concerns were raised in the market investigation regarding customer foreclosure with regard to pilot controls for steering control systems.
首先,先导控制也可以用作其他系统/设备的输入产品。因此,如果合并后的实体采取止赎策略,双方的上游竞争对手将拥有足够的替代客户群。事实上,在市场调查中没有对转向控制系统的飞行员控制的客户止赎提出担忧。 元
466.Second, […].
467.In light of the above considerations and the fact that no concerns were raised in the market investigation, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between the Parties' activities on the market for pilot controls (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for steering control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑以及 市场调查中未提出任何担忧的事实,欧委会认为,就双方在试点控制(上游)市场活动与赛峰集团的在任何替代产品市场定义下的大型商用飞机(下游) 转向控制系统市场上的活动。
b.Servo-valves (upstream) and steering control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream)
468.Zodiac supplies servo-valves that can be used in steering control systems. In 2016, it has achieved a market share of [0-5]%. The market position of Zodiac would not significantly differ if the market were to be further segmented between servo-valves sold on a stand-alone basis on the one hand and in manifolds on the other hand. Zodiac's main competitors are Moog, Parker, Woodward and Crane.
Zodiac 提供可用于转向控制系统的伺服阀。2016 年,它已实现 [0-5]% 的市场份额。如果市场进一步细分为独立销售的伺服阀和以歧管形式销售的伺服阀,Zodiac 的市场地位不会有显著差异。Zodiac 的主要竞争对手是 Moog、Parker、Woodward 和 Crane。
469.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in input foreclosure given the limited upstream position of Zodiac and the commodity nature of servo-valves. It should be further noted that Zodiac's market share on a global – non-aerospace specific – servo-valve market would be even lower. Indeed, no concerns were raised in the market investigation regarding input foreclosure with regard to servo-valves for steering control systems.
委员会认为,鉴于 Zodiac 的上游地位有限且伺服阀的商品性质,该交易不会导致输入止赎。应该进一步指出的是,Zodiac 在全球(非航空航天专用)伺服阀市场的市场份额会更低。事实上,在市场调查中,没有对转向控制系统伺服阀的输入止赎提出担忧。 元
470.Furthermore, the Commission considers that no customer foreclosure will occur post-transaction because servo-valves can be used as an input product in other systems/equipment as well. Therefore, upstream competitors of Zodiac would have a sufficient alternative customer base should the merged entity engage in a foreclosure strategy. Indeed, no concerns were raised in the market investigation regarding customer foreclosure with regard to servo-valves for steering control systems.
此外,委员会认为交易后不会发生客户止赎,因为伺服阀也可以用作其他系统/设备的输入产品。因此,如果合并后的实体采取止赎策略,Zodiac 的上游竞争对手将拥有足够的替代客户群。事实上,在市场调查中,没有对客户取消转向控制系统伺服阀的抵押品赎回权提出任何担忧。 元
471.In light of the above considerations and the fact that no concerns were raised in the market investigation, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the market for servo-valves (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for steering control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑以及 市场调查中未提出任何担忧的事实,委员会认为,就 Zodiac 在伺服阀(上游)市场和赛峰集团在伺服阀市场(上游)上的活动之间的垂直关系而言,该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑 在任何替代产品市场定义下的大型商用飞机(下游) 转向控制系统市场上的活动。
c.Externally located electrical boxes (upstream) and steering control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream)
472.Zodiac manufactures and supplies two types of externally located electrical boxes: landing gear maintenance boxes and nose wheel steering deactivation boxes, the latter being an input product to steering control systems.
Zodiac 生产和供应两种类型的外部电气箱:起落架维修箱和前轮转向停用箱,后者是转向控制系统的输入产品。
473.If the product market is defined as encompassing all types of externally located electrical boxes, Zodiac has a market share of [10-20]%. On a market only for nose wheel steering deactivation boxes, its market share is however higher, [30-40]%. Other suppliers of externally located electrical boxes are Glenair, Ultra Electronics, Unison and Ducommun.
如果产品市场被定义为包括所有类型的外部电箱,那么 Zodiac 的市场份额为 [10-20]%。 然而,在仅针对前轮转向停缸的市场上,其市场份额更高,[30-40]%。其他外部配电箱供应商包括 Glenair、Ultra Electronics、Unison 和 Ducommun。
474.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in either input or customer foreclosure for the following reasons.
475.Input foreclosure is unlikely given the presence of other competitors, the standardised nature of the product and the fact that Zodiac – already before the Transaction – […] supplies Safran with externally located electrical boxes.
鉴于其他竞争对手的存在、产品的标准化性质以及 Zodiac - 在交易之前就已经 - [...] 为 Safran 提供位于外部的电箱。 元
476.Similarly, customer foreclosure is unlikely to occur as Safran already sources [to a large extent] its externally located electrical boxes from Zodiac […]). Indeed, no concerns were raised in the market investigation regarding customer foreclosure with regard to externally located electrical boxes for steering control systems.
同样,客户止赎不太可能发生,因为赛峰集团已经 [在很大程度上] 从 Zodiac 采购其位于外部的配电箱 [...])。事实上,在市场调查中,没有提出关于客户取消对转向控制系统外部电气箱的抵押品赎回权的担忧。 元
477.In light of the above considerations and the fact that no concerns were raised in the market investigation, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the market for externally located electrical boxes (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for steering control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑以及 市场调查中未提出任何担忧的事实,委员会认为,就 Zodiac 在外部电气箱(上游)市场上的活动与赛峰集团的垂直关系而言,该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑 在任何替代产品市场定义下的大型商用飞机(下游) 转向控制系统市场上的活动。
d.Sensors (upstream) and steering control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream)
478.Zodiac supplies sensors that can be used as an input product for steering control systems. In 2016, it has achieved a market share less than [0-5]%. Should the market be defined narrower, encompassing only position sensors, Zodiac's market share remains below [5-10]%. Its competitors are for example TE Connectivity, Crane, Meggitt, Crouzet and Honeywell.
Zodiac 提供的传感器可用作转向控制系统的输入产品。2016 年,它实现了不到 [0-5]% 的市场份额。 如果市场范围更窄,仅包括位置传感器,Zodiac 的市场份额仍低于 [5-10]%。 它的竞争对手包括 TE Connectivity、Crane、Meggitt、Crouzet 和 Honeywell。
479.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in input foreclosure given the limited upstream position of Zodiac and the commodity nature of sensors. Indeed, no concerns were raised in the market investigation regarding input foreclosure with regard to sensors for steering control systems.
委员会认为,鉴于 Zodiac 的上游地位有限且传感器的商品性质,该交易不会导致输入止赎。 事实上,在市场调查中没有对转向控制系统传感器的输入止赎提出任何担忧。 元
480.Furthermore, the Commission considers that no customer foreclosure will occur post-transaction because sensors (and position sensors) can be used as an input product in other systems/equipment as well. Therefore, upstream competitors of Zodiac would have a sufficient alternative customer base should the merged entity engage in a foreclosure strategy. Indeed, no concerns were raised in the market investigation regarding customer foreclosure with regard to sensors for steering control systems.
此外,委员会认为,交易后不会发生客户止赎,因为传感器(和位置传感器)也可以用作其他系统/设备的输入产品。因此,如果合并后的实体采取止赎策略,Zodiac 的上游竞争对手将拥有足够的替代客户群。事实上,在市场调查中,没有对转向控制系统传感器的客户止赎提出担忧。 元
481.In light of the above considerations and the fact that no concerns were raised in the market investigation, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the market for sensors (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for steering control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑以及 市场调查中未提出任何担忧的事实,委员会认为,就 Zodiac 在传感器(上游)市场和赛峰集团在传感器市场上的活动之间的垂直关系而言,该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。在任何替代产品市场定义下的大型商用飞机(下游) 转向控制系统市场上的活动。
e.Small sub-components (upstream) and steering control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream)
482.Zodiac manufactures small-subcomponents such as seals, couplings, check valves, caps, etc., which can be also used in steering control systems. Its market shares on the overall market for small sub-components as well as with regard to each small sub-component are below [0-5]%.
Zodiac 生产密封件、联轴器、止回阀、盖子等小型子部件,这些部件也可用于转向控制系统。它在小型子组件以及每个小型子组件的整体市场上的市场份额低于 [0-5]%。
483.The Commission considers that the Transaction will not result in input foreclosure based on the limited market share of Zodiac on the upstream market and the commodity nature of these products. It should be further noted that these small sub-components constitute [0-10]% of the total cost of production of steering control systems. Indeed, no concerns were raised in the market investigation regarding input foreclosure with regard to small sub-components for steering control systems.
委员会认为,该交易不会导致基于 Zodiac 在上游市场的有限市场份额以及这些产品的商品性质而被取消抵押品赎回权。 应该进一步指出的是,这些小的子组件占 转向控制系统总生产成本的 [0-10]%。 事实上,在市场调查中,没有对转向控制系统的小型子部件的输入止赎提出担忧。 元
484.Furthermore, the Commission takes the view that it is unlikely that the merged entity will have the ability to engage in customer foreclosure as these commodity products can be used in many other equipment/systems. Indeed, the majority of respondents stated that there would be a sufficient number of alternative customers should Safran decide to stop sourcing from them post-transaction.
此外,委员会认为,合并后的实体不太可能有能力进行客户止赎,因为这些商品产品可用于许多其他设备/系统。 事实上,大多数受访者表示,如果赛峰集团决定在交易后停止向他们采购,将有足够数量的替代客户。 元
485.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the market for small sub-components (upstream) and Safran's activities on the market for steering control systems for large commercial aircraft (downstream) under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑,欧委会认为,该交易并未对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑,即Zodiac在小型子部件市场(上游)的活动与赛峰集团在大型商用飞机转向控制系统(下游) 市场上的活动在任何替代方案下的垂直关系产品市场定义。
7.2.5.Nacelles, thrust reversers and nacelles sub-components
短舱、反推装置和短舱子组件 structure 市场结构
486.The Transaction does not give rise to any horizontal overlap between the Parties' activities. Depending on the market definition retained, the Transaction gives rise to a number of vertically affected markets between the activities of Zodiac as supplier of nacelles sub-components and Safran's activities as supplier of nacelles and thrust reversers.
487.Particularly, the Transaction gives rise to affected markets between the upstream markets for (i) thrust reverser cascades, (ii) scoops for thrust reversers, (iii) flexible metal hoses and (iv) wiring systems, where Zodiac is active and the downstream markets for nacelles for regional aircraft and thrust reversers for regional aircraft. Furthermore, the Transaction gives rise to vertically affected markets between the upstream markets for (i) high-temperature/high pressure ducting assemblies and (ii) utility actuators and the downstream market for nacelles.
特别是,该交易在上游市场之间产生了受影响的市场:(i) 反推装置级联,(ii) 反推装置的勺子,(iii) 柔性金属软管和 (iv) 布线系统,其中 Zodiac 很活跃,下游市场是支线飞机短舱和支线飞机的反推装置。 此外,该交易在 (i) 高温/高压管道组件和 (ii) 公用事业执行器的上游市场与机舱的下游市场之间产生了垂直影响的市场。
488.If the downstream market was to be defined as encompassing all nacelles, than the Transaction will not give rise to vertically affected market. On this broad market, Safran has a market share of [10-20]%.
如果下游市场被定义为涵盖所有机舱,那么该交易不会产生垂直影响的市场。在这个广阔的市场上,赛峰集团的市场份额为 [10-20]%。
489.If the market for nacelles were to be further segmented according to the aircraft type, than the Transaction would give rise to vertically affected market as Safran's 2016 market share on the plausible market for nacelles for regional aircraft is [50-60]%. On the other plausible segments where Safran is active – large commercial aircraft and business jets – its market share is [10-20]% and [10-20]%, respectively.
如果短舱市场要根据飞机类型进一步细分,那么该交易将产生垂直影响的市场,因为赛峰集团 2016 年在支线飞机短舱合理市场上的市场份额为 [50-60]%。在赛峰集团活跃的其他可能的细分市场——大型商用飞机和公务机——其市场份额分别为[10-20]%和[10-20]%。
490.If the downstream market was to be defined as encompassing all thrust reversers, than the Transaction will not give rise to vertically affected market. On this broad market, Safran has a market share of slightly below [20-30]% in 2016, which will significantly decrease to an estimated [5-10]% in value by 2020. This expected decrease can be explained by the expected decreasing rate of production of […], for which Safran supplies thrust reversers and TRAS – […].
如果下游市场被定义为包含所有逆推力,那么该交易不会产生垂直影响的市场。在这个广阔的市场上,赛峰集团的市场份额在 2016 年略低于 [20-30]%,到 2020 年,这一比例将大幅下降到估计的 [5-10]%。这种预期的下降可以用预期的生产下降率来解释 [...],赛峰集团为此提供反推装置和 TRAS – [...]。
491.If the market for thrust reversers were to be further segmented according to the aircraft type, than the Transaction would give rise to vertically affected market as Safran's 2016 market share on the plausible market for thrust reversers for regional aircraft is [60-70]%. On the other plausible segments where Safran is active – large commercial aircraft and business jets – its market share is [20-30]% and [20-30]%, respectively.
如果根据飞机类型进一步细分反推器市场,那么该交易将产生垂直影响的市场,因为赛峰集团 2016 年在支线飞机反推装置市场的市场份额为 [60-70]%。在赛峰集团活跃的另一个可能的细分市场——大型商用飞机和公务机——其市场份额 分别为[20-30]%和[20-30]%。
492.On the various upstream markets affected by the Transaction, Zodiac's position is rather limited. More precisely: (i) on the market for thrust reverser cascades, Zodiac's 2016 share is [5-10]%; (ii) on the market for scoops for thrust reversers, Zodiac's 2016 share is below [0-5]%; (iii) on the market for flexible metal hoses, Zodiac's 2016 share is below [0-5]%; (iv) on the market for wiring system, Zodiac's 2016 share is [0-5]% and below [0-5]% on the sub-segment for general wiring systems and [10-20]% on the sub-segment for harsh environment harnesses; (v) on the market for high temperature/high pressure ducting assemblies, Zodiac's 2016 share is [0-5]%; and, (vi) on the market for utility actuators, Zodiac's 2016 share is below [0-5]%.
在受该交易影响的各个上游市场,Zodiac 的地位相当有限。更准确地说:(i) 在反推装置级联市场中,Zodiac 2016 年的份额为 [5-10]%; (ii) 在反推装置的勺子市场上,Zodiac 2016 年的份额低于 [0-5]%; (iii) 在柔性金属软管市场中,Zodiac 2016 年的份额低于 [0-5]%; (iv) 在布线系统市场方面,Zodiac 2016 年的份额为一般布线系统子细分市场 的 [0-5] % 和低于 [0-5]%,恶劣环境线束的子细分市场的份额为 [10-20]%; (v) 在高温/高压管道组件市场中,Zodiac 2016 年的份额为 [0-5]%; 以及 (vi) 在实用执行器市场中,Zodiac 2016 年的份额低于 [0-5]%。 元 foreclosure 输入止赎
493.The Commission takes the view that post-transaction the merged entity will not have the ability to engage in input foreclosure. This is for the following reasons.
494.First, Zodiac's market share on each individual upstream market for nacelles sub-components is limited. Hence, the merged entity will not have a significant degree of market power on the upstream market.
首先,Zodiac 在短舱子组件的每个上游 市场上的市场份额是有限的。 因此,合并后的实体在上游市场不会有很大程度的市场支配力。
495.Second, on each of the individual upstream markets the merged entity will face competition from a number of significantly larger competitors most of which not vertically integrated. The Commission therefore takes the view that, even if it would stop selling to its downstream competitors, the merged entity will not be have the ability to negatively affect the overall availability of upstream products.
496.This corresponds with the views expressed by respondents to the market investigation. The vast majority of respondents indicated that they would have sufficient alternative suppliers should the merged entity stop supplying them or supply them at significantly worse conditions.
这与 受访者在市场调查中表达的观点一致。 绝大多数受访者表示,如果合并后的实体停止供应这些供应商或在明显更差的条件下供应这些供应商,他们将有足够的替代供应商。 元
497.In light of the above, the Commission concludes that the merged entity will not have the ability to foreclose its downstream competitors' access to inputs.
鉴于上述情况,委员会得出结论,合并后的实体将无法取消其下游竞争对手获得投入品的权利。 foreclosure 客户止赎
498.If the downstream market was considered to encompass nacelles for all types of aircraft, Safran' position is below [30-40]% and therefore no vertically affected market would arise. However, if the downstream market definition ultimately retained is narrower, then Safran's market share on the plausible market for nacelles for regional jets is of [50-60]%.
如果下游市场包括所有类型飞机的短舱,赛峰集团的地位低于 [30-40]%,因此不会出现垂直影响的市场。 然而,如果最终保留的下游市场定义更窄,那么赛峰集团在支线喷气式飞机短舱的合理市场上的市场份额为 [50-60]%。
499.Similarly, if the downstream market was considered to be encompassing thrust reversers for all types of aircraft, Safran' position is below [30-40]% and therefore no vertically affected market will arise. On the contrary, if the downstream market definition ultimately retained is narrower, then Safran's market share on the plausible market for thrust reversers for regional jets is of [60-70]%.
同样,如果下游市场被认为包括所有类型飞机的反推装置,赛峰集团的地位低于 [30-40]%,因此不会出现垂直影响的市场。相反,如果最终保留的下游市场定义更窄,那么赛峰集团在支线喷气式飞机推力反向器的合理市场上的市场份额为 [60-70]%。
500.Notwithstanding the significant market share, the Commission considers that the merged entity will not be in the position to foreclose its upstream competitors' access to a sufficient customer base.
501.First, albeit not entirely conclusive, the market investigation indicated that suppliers of inputs to nacelles and thrust reversers consider that post-transaction they will have sufficient alternative customers. Only one supplier claims that it possibly will not have sufficient alternative customers. However that customer indicated that potential customers do exist, and that its assessment does not reflect the overall market situation, but rather its own industrial situation.
首先,尽管不完全是决定性的,但市场调查表明,短舱和反推装置的原料供应商认为,在交易后他们将拥有足够的替代客户。只有一家供应商声称它可能没有足够的替代客户。然而,该客户表示潜在客户确实存在,其评估并不反映整体市场情况,而是反映其自身的行业情况。 元
502.Second, many of the sub-components for nacelles are not specific to nacelles/thrust reversers for regional aircrafts and therefore the customer base they target is broader than the market as defined for antitrust purposes. For the purposes of this assessment is therefore more appropriate to assess the merged entity's ability to foreclose on the basis of its position on a broader market for nacelles/thrust reversers for all types of aircraft. As already mentioned above, Safran's position on that market is considerably smaller. Under this framework of assessment, the merged entity will lack the ability to foreclose a sufficiently large customer base.
503.This is also consistent with the indication of the market investigation. One player active across the nacelles value chain in fact indicated that "there are several suppliers of nacelles, nacelles components and nacelles sub-components." Another supplier further indicated that it "(…) does not expect that the Transaction will have material impact on the level of competition and hence on pricing (…)."
这也与市场调查的指示一致。事实上,活跃在机舱价值链中的一家参与者表示,“有几家短舱、机舱组件和机舱子组件供应商。“ 另一家供应商进一步表示,它 ”(......预计该交易不会对竞争水平产生重大影响,从而对定价产生重大影响 (...)。“ 结论
504.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the market for nacelles sub-components (upstream) and Safran's activities on the markets for nacelles and thrust reversers (downstream), under any alternative product market definitions
7.2.6.Engines, engine components and engine sub-components
505.In the engines product area, the Transaction gives rise to the following vertically affected markets:
@.upstream, the markets for (i) wiring systems, (ii) utility actuators, (iii) air valves, (iv) solenoid valves, (v) servo-valves, (vi) high-temperature/high-pressure ducting assemblies, (vii) flexible metal hoses, (viii) acoustic panels, (ix) scoops for engines, (x) sensors and (xi) small sub-components; and, downstream, the market for engines and
上游市场为(i)布线系统,(ii)实用执行器,(iii)空气阀,(iv)电磁阀,(v)伺服阀,(vi)高温/高压管道组件,(vii)柔性金属软管,(viii)隔音板,(ix)发动机勺,(x)传感器和(习)小型子组件; 以及下游的发动机市场和
A. 一个。upstream, the market for small sub-components and, downstream, the market for front bearing compartments;
B.upstream, the markets for (i) small sub-components and (ii) electrical and mechanical oil debris collectors and detectors and, downstream the market for lubrication units;
上游是 (i) 小型子组件和 (ii) 电气和机械油碎屑收集器和检测器市场,下游是润滑装置市场;
C.upstream, the market for small sub-components and, downstream the market for mechanical power transmission systems.
上游是小型子组件市场,下游是机械动力传输系统市场。 and engine sub-components
a. 一个。Market structure 市场结构
506.The Transaction would lead to an affected vertical relationship only if the market was to be segmented by type of engine as Safran achieved a market share of [30-40]% on the market for turbofan engines in 2016. Furthermore, should the market be further segmented according to the type of aircraft, the plausible market for turbofan for large commercial aircraft (narrow body) is affected as Safran's share is above [30-40]%, at [70-80]%.
只有当市场按发动机类型进行细分时,该交易才会导致受影响的垂直关系,因为赛峰集团在 2016 年在涡扇发动机市场上获得了 [30-40]% 的市场份额。 此外,如果根据飞机类型进一步细分市场,用于大型商用飞机(窄体)的涡轮风扇发动机的合理市场 将受到影响,因为 赛峰集团的份额高于 [30-40]%,为 [70-80]%。 元
507.On the upstream markets, Zodiac's share is limited, and particularly: (i) wiring systems: [0-5]%; (ii) utility actuators: less than [0-5]%; (iii) air valves: [0-5]%; (iv) solenoid valves: [0-5]%; (v) servo-valves: [0-5]%; (vi) high-temperature/high-pressure ducting assemblies: [0-5]%; (vii) flexible metal hoses: less than [0-5]%; (viii) acoustic panels: [5-10]%; (ix) scoops for engines: less than [0-5]%; (x) sensors: less than [0-5]%; (xi) small sub-components: less than [0-5]%.
在上游市场,Zodiac 的份额有限,特别是:(i) 布线系统: [0-5]%;(ii) 实用执行器:小于 [0-5]%;(iii) 空气阀:[0-5]%;(iv) 电磁阀: [0-5]%;(v) 伺服阀:[0-5]%;(vi) 高温/高压管道组件:[0-5]%;(vii) 柔性金属软管:小于 [0-5]%;(viii) 吸音板:[5-10]%;(ix) 发动机勺子:小于 [0-5]%;(x) 传感器:小于 [0-5]%;(习) 小子成分:小于 [0-5]%。 元
b.Input foreclosure 输入止赎
508.The Commission takes the view that post-transaction the merged entity will not have the ability to engage in input foreclosure. This is for the following reasons.
509.First, on each individual market for engine sub-components Zodiac's position is limited, below [5-10]% under any plausible market definition. Hence, the merged entity will not have a significant degree of market power on the upstream market.
首先,在每个单独的发动机子部件市场上,Zodiac 的地位是有限的,在任何合理的市场定义下都低于 [5-10]%。因此,合并后的实体在上游市场不会有很大程度的市场支配力。
510.Second, on each of the individual upstream markets the merged entity will face competition from a number of significantly larger competitors most of whom are not vertically integrated. The Commission therefore takes the view that, even if the merged entity would stop selling to its downstream competitors, the merged entity will not be have the ability to negatively affect the overall availability of upstream products.
511.This is consistent with the information obtained from respondents to the market investigation, the vast majority of which indicated that they would have alternative suppliers in the event the merged entity would stop supplying the sub-components in question or supply them under worse commercial conditions.
这与从市场调查的受访者那里获得的信息 一致,其中 绝大多数受访者表示,如果合并后的实体停止供应有问题的子组件或在更差的商业条件下供应这些子组件,他们将有其他供应商。 元
512.In light of the above, the Commission concludes that the merged entity will not have the ability to foreclose its downstream competitors' access to inputs.
c.Customer foreclosure 客户止赎
513.The Commission takes the view that the merged entity will not have the ability to foreclose its upstream competitors' access to a sufficient customer base.
514.As submitted by the Notifying Party and confirmed in the market investigation, the upstream engine sub-components supplied by Zodiac are not specific to turbofan engines for large commercial aircraft (narrow body). Rather most of the sub-components supplied by Zodiac for the purposes of the vertical relationship under analysis are used in all aircraft engines as well as as inputs to other systems and components of an aircraft.
根据通知方提交并在市场调查中确认的 Zodiac 提供的上游发动机子部件并非特定于大型商用飞机(窄体)的涡扇发动机。相反,Zodiac 为分析垂直关系而提供的大多数子组件用于所有飞机发动机以及 飞机其他系统和组件的输入。
515.The customer base targeted by the merged entity's upstream competitors of (i) wiring systems, (ii) utility actuators, (iii) air valves, (iv) solenoid valves, (v) servo-valves, (vi) high-temperature/high-pressure ducting assemblies, (vii) flexible metal hoses, (viii) acoustic panels, (ix) scoops for engines, (x) sensors and (xi) small sub-components, is therefore significantly wider than the affected downstream market.
因此,合并实体的上游竞争对手的目标客户群是 (i) 布线系统,(ii) 实用执行器,(iii) 空气阀,(iv) 电磁阀,(v) 伺服阀,(vi) 高温/高压管道组件,(vii) 柔性金属软管,(viii) 吸音板,(ix) 发动机勺,(x) 传感器和 (习) 小型子组件,因此明显比受影响的下游市场更广泛。
516.Notwithstanding its large market share in the downstream market for turbofan engines for large commercial aircraft (narrow body), therefore, the merged entity will not have the ability to foreclose its upstream competitors access to a sufficiently large customer base. In fact, if a wider market encompassing all turbofan engines was to be considered, Safran's market share was [30-40]% in 2016, expected to remain substantially stable in the next four years (expected share in 2020 estimated at [30-40]%). If the analysis was to be broadened to all types of engines, Safran's share would be even smaller as its share on the other types of engines is even more limited.
尽管其在大型商用飞机(窄体)涡扇发动机下游市场占有很大的市场份额,因此,合并后的实体将无法阻止其上游竞争对手获得足够大的客户群。 事实上,如果考虑一个涵盖所有涡扇发动机的更广阔的市场,赛峰集团 2016 年的市场份额约为 [30-40]%,预计未来四年将基本保持稳定(2020 年的预期份额估计为 [30-40]%)。如果将分析范围扩大到所有类型的发动机,赛峰集团的份额将更小,因为它在其他类型发动机上的份额更加有限。
517.This conclusion is also corroborated by the results of the market investigation. The majority of suppliers of upstream inputs in fact indicated that they do not sell to Safran. Also, the respondents that do supply Safran confirmed that post-Transaction they consider that they will continue to have a sufficient number of customers should Safran stop purchasing from them.
市场调查结果也证实了这一结论 。事实上,大多数上游原料供应商表示,他们不向赛峰集团销售产品。 此外, 向赛峰 集团供货的被投诉 人确认,在交易后,他们认为如果赛峰集团停止向他们供货,他们将继续拥有足够数量的客户。 元
d.Conclusion 结论
518.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the markets for (i) wiring systems, (ii) utility actuators, (iii) air valves, (iv) solenoid valves, (v) servo-valves, (vi) high-temperature/high-pressure ducting assemblies, (vii) flexible metal hoses, (viii) acoustic panels, (ix) scoops for engines, (x) sensors and (xi) small sub-components for nacelles sub-components (upstream) and Safran's activities on the markets market for turbofan engines for large commercial aircraft (narrow body) (downstream).
鉴于上述考虑,委员会认为,该交易并未对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑,因为 Zodiac 在市场上的活动包括 (i) 布线系统,(ii) 实用执行器,(iii) 空气阀,(iv) 电磁阀,(v) 伺服阀,(vi) 高温/高压管道组件, (vii) 柔性金属软管,(viii) 隔音板,(ix) 发动机勺,(x) 传感器和 (习) 短舱子组件(上游)和赛峰集团在大型商用飞机(窄体)(下游)涡轮风扇发动机市场市场的活动。 bearing compartments and markets for small sub-components
前 b耳式隔间和 小型子组件市场
a. 一个。Market structure 市场结构
519.The Transaction generates an affected vertical relationship irrespective of the precise market definition adopted as on the downstream market for bearing compartments, Safran has a [market share of 90-100].
520.[…]. Indeed engine manufacturers most of the time build their front bearing compartments internally, subcontracting parts thereof to subcontractors (manufacturing such parts on a build-to-print basis).
521.On the upstream market for small sub-components, Zodiac's market share is below [0-5]% under any plausible market definition.
在小型子组件的上游市场上,在任何合理的市场定义下,Zodiac 的市场份额都低于 [0-5]%。
b.Assessment 评估
522.The Commission takes the view that, notwithstanding its […] position on the downstream market, the merged entity will not have the ability to foreclose access to customers to its upstream competitors. This is because Safran's supply of front bearing compartments, and therefore its very activity on this market, […]. Also, the Notifying Party confirmed that […].
委员会认为,尽管其 [...]在下游市场的地位,合并后的实体将无法阻止其上游竞争对手的客户访问。这是因为赛峰集团 (Safran) 的前轴承舱供应,以及它在这个市场上的活动,[...]。 此外,通知方确认 [...]。 元
523.In light of the above, the very future existence of the downstream market is doubtful. In any event, the merged entity will not have the ability to foreclose its upstream competitors as (i) […] and, (ii) for the existing contract […] contractual relationships for the supply of inputs are already in place, and therefore any switching is unlikely.
鉴于上述情况,下游市场的未来存在是值得怀疑的。无论如何,合并后的实体将无法取消其上游竞争对手的赎回权,因为 (i) [...] 以及 (ii) 对于现有合同 [...] 供应投入的合同关系已经到位,因此不太可能进行任何转换。
524.Furthermore, the Commission takes the view that the Transaction will not lead to input foreclosure given the limited market share ([0-5]%) of Zodiac on the upstream market for small sub-components. Indeed, the market investigation did not reveal any concerns with regard to input foreclosure.
此外,委员会认为,鉴于 Zodiac 在小型子组件上游市场的市场份额有限 ([0-5]%),该交易不会导致输入止赎。 事实上,市场调查并未发现任何关于投入止赎的担忧。
525.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the markets for small sub-components and Safran's activities in the downstream market for front bearing compartments.
鉴于上述考虑,欧委会认为,就Zodiac在小型子部件市场上的活动与赛峰集团在前轴承室下游市场的活动之间的纵向关系而言,该交易并未对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。 units and small sub-components
润滑装置和 小型子部件
a. 一个。Market structure 市场结构
526.The Transaction would lead to an affected vertical relationship only if the downstream market for lubrication units was to be segmented by type of aircraft: only on the plausible market for lubrication units for large commercial aircraft (narrow body), Safran's share is above [30-40]%, at [70-80]%. On a broader market encompassing lubrication units for all type of aircraft, Safran's 2016 share was [10-20]%.
只有当润滑装置的下游市场按飞机类型进行细分时,该交易才会产生受影响的垂直关系:只有在大型商用飞机(窄体)润滑装置的合理市场上,赛峰集团的份额才高于[30-40]%,为[70-80]%。在涵盖所有类型飞机润滑装置的更广泛市场上,赛峰集团 2016 年的份额为 [10-20]%。
527.Input to this products supplied by Zodiac are small engine sub-components, as well as electrical and mechanical oil debris detectors and collectors. On each of these markets, Zodiac's share is below [0-5]%, irrespective of the exact market segmentation.
Zodiac 提供的该产品的输入是小型 engine sub-c组件,以及电气和机械油碎片探测器和收集器。 在每个 市场上,Zodiac 的份额都低于 [0-5]%,无论确切的市场细分如何。
b.Input foreclosure 输入止赎
528.The Commission takes the view that post-transaction the merged entity will not have the ability to engage in input foreclosure. This is for the following reasons.
529.First, Zodiac's market share on the market for engine sub-components is limited, below [0-5]% under any plausible market definition. Hence, the merged entity will not have a significant degree of market power on the upstream market.
首先,Zodiac 在发动机子部件市场上的市场份额有限,在任何合理的市场定义下都低于 [0-5]%。因此,合并后的实体在上游市场不会有很大程度的市场支配力。
530.Second, on the upstream market the merged entity will face competition from a number of significantly larger competitors most of whom are not vertically integrated. The Commission therefore takes the view that, even if it would stop selling to its downstream competitors, or sell at worse commercial conditions, the merged entity will not be have the ability to negatively affect the overall availability of upstream products.
531.This is consistent with the information obtained from respondents to the market investigation, the vast majority of the respondents to the market investigation indicated that they would have alternative suppliers in the event the merged entity would stop supplying the components in question or supply them under worse commercial conditions.
这与从市场调查受访者那里获得的信息一致 ,绝大多数市场调查的受访者表示,如果合并实体停止供应相关组件或在更差的商业条件下供应这些组件,他们将有其他供应商。 元
532.In light of the above, the Commission concludes that the merged entity will not have the ability to foreclose its downstream competitors' access to inputs.
c.Customer foreclosure 客户止赎
533.The Commission takes the view that the merged entity will not have the ability to foreclose its upstream competitors' access to a sufficient customer base.
534.The Commission understands that all the upstream small engine sub-components supplied by Zodiac are not specific to the specific downstream product (in this case, lubrication units for narrow body commercial engines). Rather most of the small sub-components supplied by Zodiac for the purposes of the vertical relationship under analysis are almost commodity products used as inputs to a variety of other systems and components of an aircraft.
本委员会了解到,Zodiac 提供的所有上游小型发动机子部件并非特定于特定的下游产品(在这种情况下,窄体商用发动机的润滑装置)。相反,Zodiac 为分析中的垂直关系而提供的大多数小子组件几乎是用作飞机各种其他系统和组件输入的商品产品。
535.The customer base targeted by the merged entity's upstream competitors of small sub-components, is therefore significantly wider than the customers present in the downstream market discussed here.
536.Notwithstanding its large market share in the downstream market for lubrication unit for large commercial aircraft (narrow body), therefore, the merged entity will not have the ability to foreclose its upstream customers access to a sufficiently large customer base. In fact, if a wider market encompassing lubrication units for all type of aircrafts was to be considered, Safran's market share was [10-20]% in 2016. Upstream competitors of the merged entity will therefore have sufficient economic alternatives to sell their products.
尽管其在大型商用飞机(窄体)润滑装置的下游市场中占有很大的市场份额,但合并后的实体将无法阻止其上游客户获得足够大的客户群。事实上,如果要考虑一个涵盖所有类型飞机润滑装置的更广阔的市场,赛峰集团在 2016 年的 市场份额为 [10-20]%。因此,合并实体的上游竞争对手将有足够的经济选择来销售他们的产品。
537.This conclusion is also corroborated by the results of the market investigation. The majority of suppliers of upstream inputs in fact indicated that they do not sell to Safran. Also, the majority of respondent confirmed that post-transaction they consider that they will continue to have a sufficient number of customers should Safran stop purchasing from them.
市场调查结果也证实了这一结论。事实上,大多数上游原料供应商表示,他们不向赛峰集团销售产品。 此外,大多数受访者确认,在交易后,他们认为如果赛峰集团停止向他们购买产品,他们将继续拥有足够数量的客户。
d.Conclusion 结论
538.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the markets for small sub-components (upstream) and Safran's activities on the markets market for turbofan engines for lubrication units for large commercial aircraft (narrow body) (downstream).
鉴于上述考虑,欧派委员会认为,就赛峰集团在小型子部件市场(上游)上的活动与赛峰集团在大型商用飞机(窄体)(下游)润滑装置用涡扇发动机市场上的活动之间的纵向关系而言,该交易并未对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。 power transmission systems and, upstream, the markets for small sub-components
a. 一个。Market structure 市场结构
539.The Transaction would lead to an affected vertical relationship only if the downstream market for mechanical power transmission systems were to be segmented by type of aircraft or by type of transmission system and by type of aircraft: (i) on the plausible market for transmission systems for commercial aircraft (wide body) Safran's share is [40-50]%; (ii) on the plausible market for transmission systems for commercial aircraft (narrow body) Safran's share is [70-80]%; and, (iii) on the plausible market for ADTs for commercial aircraft Safran's share is [60-70]%.
只有当按飞机类型或传动系统类型和飞机类型对机械输电系统的下游市场进行细分时,该交易才会产生受影响的纵向关系:(i)在商用飞机(宽体 )输电系统的合理市场中,赛峰集团的份额为 [40-50]%; (ii)在商用飞机(窄体)传动系统的合理市场中,赛峰集团的份额为 [70-80]%; 以及 (iii)在商用飞机 ADT 的合理市场中,赛峰集团的份额为 [60-70]%。
540.On the contrary, if the downstream market were to be considered wider, Safran's 2016 market share would be [20-30]% on a market encompassing ADTs for all type of aircraft or on a market encompassing all mechanical power transmission units.
相反,如果下游市场更广泛,赛峰集团 2016 年的市场份额将为 [20-30]%, 在包含所有类型飞机的 ADT 的市场或包含所有机械动力传输装置的市场 中。
541.Input to this products supplied by Zodiac are small engine sub-components, as well as electrical and mechanical oil debris detectors and collectors. On each of these markets, Zodiac's share is below [0-5]%, irrespective of the exact market segmentation.
Zodiac 提供的该产品的输入是小型发动机子组件,以及电气和机械油碎屑检测器和收集器。 在这些市场中的每一个,Zodiac 的份额都低于 [0-5]%,无论确切的市场细分如何。
b.Input foreclosure 输入止赎
542.The Commission takes the view that post-transaction the merged entity will not have the ability to engage in input foreclosure. This is for the following reasons.
543.First, Zodiac's market share on the market for engine sub-components is limited, below [0-5]% under any plausible market definition. Hence, the merged entity will not have a significant degree of market power on the upstream market.
首先,Zodiac 在发动机子部件市场上的市场份额有限,在任何合理的市场定义下都低于 [0-5]%。因此,合并后的实体在上游市场不会有很大程度的市场支配力。
544.Second, on the upstream market the merged entity will face competition from a number of significantly larger competitors most of whom are not vertically integrated. The Commission therefore takes the view that, even if it would stop selling to its downstream competitors or sell at worse commercial conditions, the merged entity will not be have the ability to negatively affect the overall availability of upstream products.
545.This is consistent with the information obtained from respondents to the market investigation, the vast majority of which indicated that they would have alternative suppliers in the event the merged entity would stop supplying the sub-components in question or supply them at worse commercial conditions.
这与从市场调查受访者那里获得的信息一致,其中 绝大多数 受访者表示,如果合并后的实体停止供应有问题的子组件或以更差的商业条件供应这些子组件,他们将有其他供应商。 元
546.In light of the above, the Commission concludes that the merged entity will not have the ability to foreclose its downstream competitors' access to inputs.
c.Customer foreclosure 客户止赎
547.The Commission takes the view that the merged entity will not have the ability to foreclose its upstream competitors access to a sufficient customer base.
548.As already discussed earlier in this section 7.2.5., the small-sub components sold by Zodiac and input to – inter alia – mechanical power transmission systems are commodity products, inputs to a variety of systems on the aircraft (and the very fact that are inputs to all the downstream products discussed in this section 7.2.5. is evidence of that). The customer base of the merged entity's upstream competitors is therefore broader than the manufacturers of ADTs or mechanical power transmission units more generally. Upstream competitors of the merged entity will therefore have sufficient economic alternatives to sell their products.
正如本节 7.2.5 前面已经讨论过的,Zodiac 销售的小型组件和机械动力传输系统的输入是商品产品,是飞机上各种系统的输入(而作为本节 7.2.5. 讨论的所有下游产品的输入的事实就是证明)。因此,合并实体的上游竞争对手的客户群比更普遍的 ADT 或机械动力传输装置制造商更广泛。因此,合并实体的上游竞争对手将有足够的经济选择来销售他们的产品。
549.As already explained in sections and above, this conclusion is also corroborated by the results of the market investigation as majority of suppliers of upstream inputs in fact indicated that they do not sell to Safran and indicated that they will continue to have a sufficient number of customers should Safran stop purchasing from them.
正如上文第7.2.5.3(c)节和第7.2.5.2(c)节所解释的那样,市场调查结果也证实了这一结论,因为大多数上游原料供应商实际上表示,他们不向赛峰集团销售产品,并表示如果赛峰集团停止向他们采购,他们将继续拥有足够数量的客户。 元
d.Conclusion 结论
550.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between Zodiac's activities on the markets for small sub-components (upstream) and Safran's activities on the markets market for (i) mechanical power transmission units for large commercial aircraft (wide body), (ii) mechanical power transmission units for large commercial aircraft (narrow body) and (iii) ADTS for large commercial aircraft (downstream), under any alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑,欧委会认为,该交易并未对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑,即黄道集团在小型子零部件市场(上游)上的活动与赛峰集团在(i) 大型商用飞机(宽体)的机械动力传输装置,(ii) 大型商用飞机(窄体)的机械动力传输装置,以及 (iii) 大型商用飞机(下游)的 ADTS,根据任何替代产品市场定义。
7.2.7.Environmental control systems and fans for ECS
ECS 的环境控制系统和风扇
551.Zodiac is active on the market for ECS systems for small aircraft, based on vapour cycling (VCS) technology, which is downstream from the market for fans for ECS systems. The Notifying Party submits that in the small aircraft segment fans for ECS systems are typically purchased directly by airframers which manufacture their own ECS system and therefore do not constitute an upstream product market from ECS systems. Nevertheless the Commission notes that manufacturers of fans for ECS for small aircraft, including Safran, provide them also to Tier-1 suppliers of ECS systems for small aircraft. As such, a vertical relationship exists between the market for manufacture and supply of fans for ECS for small aircraft (upstream) on which both Safran and Zodiac are active, and that for the manufacture and supply of ECS for small aircraft (downstream) on which only Zodiac is active.
Zodiac 活跃于基于蒸汽循环 (VCS) 技术的小型飞机 ECS 系统市场,该技术是 ECS 系统风扇市场的下游。通知方提出,在小型飞机领域,用于 ECS 系统的风扇通常由 制造自己的 ECS 系统的飞机制造商直接购买,因此不构成 ECS 系统的上游产品市场。尽管如此,欧盟委员会指出,包括赛峰集团在内的小型飞机 ECS 风扇制造商也向小型飞机 ECS 系统的一级供应商提供这些风扇。 因此,赛峰集团和Zodiac公司都活跃的小型飞机(上游)用ECS风扇的制造和供应市场与只有Zodiac活跃的小型飞机(下游)用ECS 的制造和供应市场之间存在着纵向关系。 元
552.However the Transaction only results in vertically affected markets if the individual systems making up the ECS are considered as distinct relevant markets. The downstream market thus affected is that for vapour cycling-based air conditioning systems for small aircraft, on which Zodiac has a market share of [30-40]%. Its main competitors are Liebherr ([20-30]%) and AirComm ([30-40]%); smaller suppliers also exist.
然而,只有当构成 ECS 的单个系统被视为不同的相关市场时,交易才会产生垂直影响的市场。因此受到影响的下游市场是用于小型飞机的基于蒸汽循环的空调系统,Zodiac 在该市场的市场份额为 [30-40]%。其主要竞争对手是 Liebherr ([20-30]%) 和 AirComm ([30-40]%); 小型ER 供应商也存在。 元
553.On the upstream market for fans for ECS for small aircraft, Safran has a market share of [10-20]% and Zodiac has a market share [10-20]%. Their main competitors are Ametek Rotron (with a market share of [40-50]%) and LMB ([20-30]%). A number of other suppliers, such as Electromech Technologies, Curtiss Wright, Honeywell, are also active on this market. If the market for fans for ECS for small aircraft is further segmented according to end use, the market structure is largely the same on a plausible relevant market for VCS fans for air conditioning.
在小型飞机ECS风扇的上游市场,赛峰集团的市场份额为[10-20]%,Zodiac的市场份额为[10-20]%。他们的主要竞争对手是 Ametek Rotron(市场份额为 [40-50]%)和 LMB([20-30]%)。 许多其他供应商,如 Electromech Technologies、Curtiss Wright、Honeywell,也活跃在这个市场上。 如果根据最终用途进一步细分小型飞机 ECS 风扇市场,那么在空调 VCS 风扇的合理相关市场上,市场结构基本相同。 元
554.The Notifying Party submits that the Transaction will not result in input foreclosure as Safran is a modest player on the upstream market for fans for ECS for small aircraft.
通知方表示,该交易不会导致输入止赎,因为赛峰集团在小型飞机 ECS 风扇的上游市场上是一个适度的参与者。
555.As also described in section 7.1.4 , post-Transaction the merged entity will have a market share of [20-30]% on the market for fans for ECS for small aircraft. Its main competitors will be Ametek Rotron and LMB. As confirmed in the he market investigation, ECS fans for small aircraft are supplied by several other manufacturers, whose products are comparable to those of the Parties, and there are no specific fan types on which the Parties are particularly close competitors. Zodiac's competitors on the downstream market for ECS for small aircraft thus have alternative sources of supply for fans, therefore the Transaction is unlikely to create a risk of input foreclosure.
如第 7.1.4 节所述,交易后,合并后的实体将在 小型飞机 ECS 风扇市场上拥有 [20-30]% 的市场份额。其主要竞争对手将是 Ametek Rotron 和 LMB。正如市场调查所证实的那样,用于小型飞机的 ECS 风扇由其他几家制造商提供,他们的产品与双方的产品相当,并且没有双方是特别接近竞争对手的特定风扇类型。 Zodiac 在小型飞机 ECS 下游市场上的竞争对手为风扇提供了替代供应来源,因此该交易不太可能产生取消投入抵押品赎回权的风险。
556.As regards customer foreclosure, […], therefore the Transaction will not have an impact on competing fan suppliers.
关于客户止赎,[...], 因此,该交易不会对竞争的风扇供应商产生影响。
557.Finally, the market investigation did not reveal any concerns on the part of customers or competitors as a result of the vertical relationship between the Parties in respect of fans for ECS for small aircraft and ECS for small aircraft.
最后,市场调查并未发现客户或竞争对手对双方在小型飞机 ECS 和 ECS 风扇方面的纵向关系有任何担忧 。 元
558.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the upstream market for fans for ECS for small aircraft and the downstream market for VCS-based ECS for small aircraft under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑,委员会认为,该交易在任何替代产品市场定义下,对于小型飞机 ECS 风扇上游市场和基于 VCS 的小型飞机 ECS 下游市场的兼容性,不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。
7.2.8.Wiring systems and components
布线系统和组件 systems and wiring components
a. 一个。Market structure 市场结构
559.Zodiac supplies different wiring systems components, namely backshells and fittings and conduits and sleeves, while Safran and Zodiac are both active in the manufacture and supply of general harnesses (focus of Safran's business) and harsh environment harnesses (focus of Zodiac's business), for various aircraft types and end-applications. The Transaction therefore gives rise to vertical relations between the Parties' activities.
Zodiac 提供不同的布线系统组件,即背板、配件、导管和套管,而 Safran 和 Zodiac 都积极生产和供应通用线束(Saferan 的业务重点)和恶劣环境线束(Zodiac 的业务重点),用于各种飞机类型和终端应用。 因此,该交易在双方的活动之间产生了纵向关系。
560.Specifically, based on the market share estimates submitted by the Notifying Party, the upstream markets for backshells and fittings ([5-10]%) and conduits and sleeves ([10-20]%) are respectively affected in their vertical relation with the downstream markets for wiring systems ([40-50]%), general wiring systems ([40-50]%), and harsh environment wiring systems for commercial and regional aircrafts and for landing gear applications across all aircraft types.
具体而言,根据通知方提交的市场份额估计,尾盖和配件 ([5-10]%) 和导管和套管 ([10-20]%) 的上游市场 与布线系统 ([40-50]%) 下游市场 ([40-50]%) 和通用布线系统 ([40-50]%),以及适用于商用和支线飞机以及所有飞机类型的起落架应用的恶劣环境布线系统。
561.As a result, the Commission investigated possible foreclosure risks arising from the Parties' position on these vertically affected markets.
因此,委员会调查了双方在受垂直影响市场 中的立场可能产生的止赎风险。
b.Input foreclosure 输入止赎
562.The Notifying Party submits that input foreclosure concerns should be dismissed in view of Zodiac's modest market position in the supply of both backshells and fittings ([5-10]%) and conduits and sleeves ([10-20]%), respectively, and the existence of various competitors with similar product portfolios and capabilities, including TE, Glenair, Federal Mogul, Esterline or Amphenol. Any input foreclosure strategy would therefore benefit these competitors and are unlikely to hamper competition in the various markets for wiring systems, notably since wiring system suppliers and aircraft manufacturers often qualify more than one component supplier and airframers engaging in "make" strategies typically source components by means of open and competitive tenders.
通知方认为,鉴于 Zodiac 在尾壳和配件 ([5-10]%) 以及导管和套管 ([10-20]%) 的供应方面分别处于适度的市场地位,并且存在具有相似产品组合和能力的各种竞争对手,包括 TE、Glenair、Federal Mogul、Esterline,因此应消除对输入止赎的担忧或 Amphenol 的 10 个版本。 因此,任何投入止赎策略都将使这些竞争对手受益,并且不太可能阻碍各种布线系统市场的竞争,特别是因为布线系统供应商和飞机制造商通常会对多个零部件供应商进行资格认证,而 从事“制造”策略的飞机制造商通常通过公开和竞争性招标来采购零部件。 元
563.The outcome of the market investigation has confirmed that the merged entity is unlikely to engage in input foreclosure strategies in the future. In fact, no single respondent to the market investigation considered that Safran would have an incentive to cease supplying components or materially change supply conditions as a result of the Transaction. Conversely, respondents pointed to the existence of a sufficiently wide supplier base to counter such strategies. In the Commission's view, the results of the market investigation therefore support the limited ability and incentive of Zodiac to foreclose downstream rivals resulting from its modest upstream market shares.
市场调查的结果证实,合并后的实体 未来不太可能采取投入止赎策略。 事实上,市场调查的被告中没有一个受访者认为赛峰集团会因该交易而有动力停止供应零部件或实质性改变供应条件。 相反,受访者指出存在足够广泛的供应商基础来对抗此类策略。 因此,委员会认为,市场调查的结果支持 Zodiac 因其上游市场份额有限 而无法排除下游竞争对手的能力和动机有限。
c.Customer foreclosure 客户止赎
564.Safran is a significant supplier of wiring systems and general wiring systems, as well as systems embedding harsh environment harnesses, but does not have in-house component manufacturing capabilities. As a result, Safran is an important purchaser of wiring components, including of backshells and fittings and conduits and sleeves of the types currently offered by Zodiac. In fact, Zodiac already supplies Safran with backshells and fittings (for […] of Safran's 2017 purchases) and conduits and sleeves (for […] of Safran's 2017 purchases). In addition, Safran sources from various other suppliers including backshells and fittings from […], and conduits and sleeves from […].
赛峰集团是布线系统和通用布线系统以及嵌入恶劣环境线束的系统的重要供应商,但不具备内部组件制造能力。因此,赛峰集团是布线元件的重要采购商,包括 Zodiac目前提供的尾盖、配件、导管和套管。事实上,Zodiac 已经为 Safran 提供了后壳和配件(用于 [...] 以及导管和袖套(用于 [...] 的 3017 年采购量)。此外,赛峰 集团还从其他各种供应商采购,包括 来自 [...],以及来自 [...] 的导管和袖套 。
565.The Notifying Party denies that it would have the capacity and incentive to engage in customer foreclosure as a result of the Transaction because:
(i) as a supplier of general harnesses to airframers under a "build-to-print" model, Safran does not intervene in the selection of component suppliers; it is the aircraft manufacturer that is in charge of their selection and qualification, […]. In addition, qualifying Zodiac for various platforms on which Safran is active as a wiring system supplier would require at least […];
(i) 作为“按图生产”模式向飞机制造商 提供通用线束的供应商,赛峰集团不干预零部件供应商的选择; 负责他们的选择和资格认证的是飞机制造商,[...]。此外,使 Zodiac 有资格参加赛峰集团作为布线系统供应商活跃的各种平台,至少需要 [...];
(ii) while Zodiac is already a supplier of components to Safran for the in-house manufacturing of harsh harnesses, Safran has established sourcing relationships with other suppliers and expanding Zodiac's qualification for any new component would take […]. Moreover, Safran's competitiveness is dependent on sourcing inputs under competitive terms and this will not change as a result of the Transaction. In practice, it is also doubtful that […]; and
(ii) 虽然 Zodiac 已经是 Safran 内部制造耐磨线束的组件供应商,但 Safran 已经与其他供应商建立了采购关系,扩大 Zodiac 对任何新组件的资格都需要 [...]。此外,赛峰集团的竞争力取决于以有竞争力的条款采购投入品,这一点不会因交易而改变。在实践中,[...] ; 和
(iii) any increased reliance on Zodiac as a component supplier is unlikely to affect competition given the large purchaser base for such components and the fact that many of wiring system suppliers are not vertically integrated into component manufacturing (e.g., Fokker Elmo, Latecoere, GE/Unison, Ducommun).
(iii) 鉴于此类组件的庞大采购基础以及许多布线系统供应商并未垂直整合到组件制造中(例如,Fokker Elmo、Latecoere、GE/Unison、Ducommun),因此对 Zodiac 作为组件供应商的依赖增加不太可能影响竞争。
566.In response to the market investigation, none of Safran's supplier of backshells and fittings raised customer foreclosure concerns. While the pre-selection of component suppliers appears to be less systematic than presented by the Notifying Party and to rather depend on each airframer's procurement practice and on the type of component in question, suppliers do not expect that business opportunities will be affected by the Transaction.
作为对市场调查的回应,赛峰集团的后壳和配件供应商均未提出客户对止赎的担忧。 虽然零部件供应商的预选似乎不如通知方提供的系统性,而是取决于每个飞机制造商的采购实践和所讨论的零部件类型,但供应商预计商业机会不会受到交易的影响。 元
567.For conduits and sleeves, one supplier of Safran raised foreclosure concerns in response to the market investigation. That company considers that Safran will have an economic incentive to internalise (part of) its procurement of conduits and sleeves post-merger, thereby foreclosing (part of) the demand for components with the likely effect of inducing price increases as a result of a reduction of competition. The Commission has investigated this concern and has come to the conclusion that, on balance, this concern is unlikely to give rise to anticompetitive effects, for the following main reasons:
对于导管和套管,赛峰集团 的一家供应商在回应市场调查时提出了止赎问题。 该公司认为,赛峰集团将有经济激励,在 合并后将其导管和套管的采购(部分)内部化,从而取消对零部件的(部分)需求,并可能由于竞争减少而导致价格上涨。 委员会对这一担忧进行了调查,并得出结论,总的来说,该担忧 不太可能引起反竞争效果,主要原因如下:
(i) Zodiac is already the largest supplier of conduits and sleeves to Safran so that only part of Safran's demand internalisation (approx. […]%) could be deemed merger-specific. Moreover, the complaint appears to relate to Safran's demand of components to be integrated in wiring systems designed for one particular aircraft manufacturer, i.e., only part of Safran's requirements beyond Zodiac;
(i) Zodiac 已经是 Safran 最大的导管和套管供应商,因此 Safran 只有部分 需求内部化(大约 [...]%) 可以被视为特定于合并的。 此外,投诉似乎与赛峰集团要求将组件集成到为某一特定飞机制造商设计的布线系统中有关,即,这只是赛峰集团除 Zodiac 之外的部分要求; 元
(ii) the two other main suppliers of conduits and sleeves to Safran have not raised similar concerns in response to the market investigation;
(ii) 赛峰集团的另外两家主要导管和套管供应商在回应市场调查时没有提出类似的担忧; 元
(iii) Zodiac's manufacturing plant for conduits and sleeves […] currently operates at a […]% capacity utilisation rate, which prevents significant increase in production in the short term, e.g., in pursuance of an hypothetical decision by Safran to internalise wiring component procurement. […], which is therefore unconnected with the Transaction. Any decision to switch additional Safran requirements to Zodiac would therefore require a further increase in plant capacity.
(iii) Zodiac 的导管和套管制造厂 [...] 目前在 [...]% 产能利用率,这阻止了短期内产量的显著增加,例如,根据赛峰集团的假设决定,将布线组件采购内部化。 [...],因此与 Transaction 无关。因此,任何将赛峰集团的额外要求转为Zodiac的决定都需要进一步提高工厂的产能。
(iv) the market investigation has confirmed that other prominent wiring system suppliers are not vertically integrated into component manufacturing so that significant demand from non-integrated wiring system suppliers will remain available;
(iv) 市场调查已证实,其他著名的布线系统供应商并未垂直整合到组件制造中,因此非集成布线系统供应商的大量需求将保持可用; 度
(v) the qualification of component suppliers by airframers, combined with security of supply considerations and the fact that at least two suppliers are often qualified for each type of wiring component, as well as the fact that airframers sometimes negotiates prices and volumes directly with the relevant component suppliers, is such as to mitigate risks of anticompetitive foreclosure;
(v) 飞机制造商对零部件供应商的资格认证,结合供应安全的考虑,以及每种类型的布线零部件通常至少有两名供应商符合资格的事实,以及飞机制造商有时直接与相关零部件供应商协商价格和数量的事实,是为了降低反竞争取消抵押品赎回权的风险;
(vi) the complaining supplier is active across a range of industries and is thus engaged in the supply of wiring components beyond the aerospace sector. Even though technical differences exist across industries, the complainant indicated that it is already experiencing convergence between the requirements applicable to wiring systems across industries.
(vi) 投诉供应商活跃于多个行业,因此从事航空航天领域以外的布线元件供应。尽管各行各业存在技术差异,但投诉人表示,它已经经历了适用于各行业布线系统的要求之间的趋同。361
568.As a result, the Commission considers that Safran would have limited ability and incentive to engage in customer foreclosure following the implementation of the Transaction and that any such strategy is unlikely to result in any significant anticompetitive effects.
因此,委员会认为,赛峰集团在交易实施后进行客户止赎的能力和动机有限 ,并且任何此类策略都不太可能导致任何重大的反竞争效果。
d.Conclusion 结论
569.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to vertical effects involving the markets for wiring systems and components under any alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑,竞委会认为,该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑,因为 涉及任何替代产品市场定义下的布线系统和组件市场的垂直效应。 systems and engines, nacelles, landing gears, brakes and missiles
a. 一个。Market structure 市场结构
570.Zodiac is a supplier of harsh environment harnesses designed to equip a number of aircraft systems, including engines, nacelles, landing gears and certain types of brakes, and ammunitions. Safran is not active on the merchant market for harsh environment harnesses but does supply a range of aircraft systems, including engines, nacelles, landing gears, brakes and missiles. The Transaction therefore gives rise to vertical relations between the Parties' activities in wiring systems, on the one hand, and other equipment, on the other hand.
Zodiac 是一家恶劣环境线束供应商,旨在为许多飞机系统配备设备,包括发动机、短舱、起落架和某些类型的制动器以及弹药。 赛峰集团在恶劣环境线束的商业市场上并不活跃,但确实提供一系列飞机系统,包括发动机、短舱、起落架、制动器和导弹。因此,该交易在双方的布线系统与其他设备方面的活动之间产生了垂直关系。
571.Specifically, based on the market share estimates submitted by the Notifying Party, the upstream markets for wiring systems ([40-50]%), harsh environment wiring systems ([10-20]%) and harsh environment wiring systems for landing gears ([90-100]%), possibly segmented per aircraft types, are respectively affected in their vertical relation with the downstream markets for engines ([20-30]%), nacelle thrust reverses ([20-30]%), landing gears ([50-60]%), brakes ([40-50]%) and missiles (n.a.), and related sub-segments.
具体来说,根据通知方提交的市场份额估计,布线系统 ([40-50]%)、恶劣环境布线系统 ([10-20]%) 和起落架恶劣环境布线系统 ([90-100]%) 的上游市场,可能按飞机类型细分, 分别影响了它们与发动机 ([20-30]%)、机舱推力反转 ([20-30]%)、起落架 ([50-60]%)、制动器 ([40-50]%) 和导弹 (n.a.) 下游市场的垂直关系。和相关子区段。
572.As a result, the Commission has investigated possible foreclosure risks arising from the Parties' position on the vertically affected markets.
b.Input foreclosure 输入止赎
Wiring systems and landing gears
573.Zodiac has a very significant market position in the supply of harsh environment harnesses for landing gears, across all aircraft segments. However, the Notifying Party submits that risks of anticompetitive input foreclosure should be dismissed given the large and expanding base of wiring systems suppliers for landing gears, including Ultra Electronics, New Chapel Electronics, Glenair or Latecoere, and the procurement by means of competitive merits-based tender procedures. As a result, Zodiac would have no incentive to refuse supplying wiring systems for landing gears or to bid at less competitive conditions since it would directly benefit competing suppliers.
Zodiac 在所有飞机细分市场的起落架用恶劣环境线束供应方面具有非常重要的市场地位。但是,通知方认为,鉴于起落架布线系统供应商(包括 Ultra Electronics、New Chapel Electronics、Glenair 或 Latecoere)庞大且不断扩大,并且通过基于竞争绩效的招标程序进行采购,应消除反竞争投入止赎的风险。 因此,Zodiac 将没有动力拒绝为起落架提供布线系统或在竞争性较低的条件下投标,因为这将直接使竞争供应商受益。
574.Moreover, wiring systems represent only between [0-10]% and [0-10]% of the costs of production of a landing gear and selected suppliers are continuously challenged over the duration of a program pursuant to "competitiveness clauses" provided for in supply agreements, so that anticompetitive effects on the markets for supply of landing gears are unlikely to arise.
此外,布线系统仅占起落架生产成本的 [0-10]% 到 [0-10]%,并且根据供应协议中规定的“竞争条款”,选定的供应商在计划期间不断受到挑战,363 因此不太可能对起落架供应市场产生反竞争影响。
575.The outcome of the market investigation supports the lack of input foreclosure risks arising from the Transaction in relation to the supply of wiring systems for landing gears. In effect, none of the other landing gear system suppliers who procure harnesses from Zodiac raised concerns to that effect. To the contrary, Liebherr indicated that "there are enough competitors on the market" for wiring systems; UTAS was equally dismissive and Eaton did not highlight any particular issue in that respect.
市场调查的结果支持该交易在起落架布线系统供应方面不存在投入止赎风险。 实际上,从 Zodiac 采购线束的其他起落架系统供应商之一对此表示担忧。 相反,利勃海尔表示,布线系统“市场上有足够的竞争对手”; UTAS 同样不屑一顾,Eaton 没有 强调这方面的任何特定问题。 元
576.This overall lack of concern reflects structural elements in spite of Zodiac's significant market share, notably the fact that Safran only represents […]% of Zodiac sales of wiring systems for landing gears, whereas sales to third party landing gear manufacturers, including UTAS, Liebherr and Eaton, represent almost […]%. Moreover, Zodiac's margins for landing gear harnesses are […], thereby limiting the incentive to forego sales. Furthermore, Safran's total requirements for landing gear wiring systems amount to approx. […]% of Zodiac's total sales so that any foreclosure strategy could not be compensated economically by sales to Safran. This is notably because landing gear system suppliers have confirmed that they could turn to alternative sources of supply for harnesses (from, e.g., Latécoère, Glenair, Ultra Electronics, New Chapel Electronics, or even UTAS), which is consistent with the outcome of the market investigation.
尽管 Zodiac 的 市场份额很大,但这种总体上的缺乏关注反映了结构因素,特别是 Safran 仅代表 [...]占 Zodiac 起落架布线系统销售额的 %,而对第三方起落架制造商(包括 UTAS、利勃海尔和伊顿)的销售额几乎占 [...]%的此外, Zodiac 的起落架线束利润率为 [...],从而限制了放弃销售的动机。 此外, 赛峰集团对起落架布线系统的总需求量约为 [...]% 的 Zodiac 总销售额,因此任何止赎策略都无法通过向 Safran 的销售来经济补偿。 这主要是因为起落架系统供应商已经确认,他们可以转向其他线束供应来源(例如, Latécoère、Glenair、Ultra Electronics、New Chapel Electronics,甚至 UTAS),这与市场调查结果一致。 元
577.Hence, the Commission concludes that Safran would have limited ability and incentive to engage in input foreclosure following the implementation of the Transaction and that any such strategy is unlikely to result in significant anticompetitive effects.
因此,委员会得出结论,赛峰集团在交易实施后进行投入品赎回权取消的能力和激励有限 ,并且任何此类策略都不太可能导致重大的反竞争效果。
Wiring systems and brakes
578.Aircraft brakes remain until today primarily hydraulic. Only two commercial platforms in the world currently use electrical brakes, namely the Bombardier C-series and the Boeing 787. […]. It is therefore unclear whether a separate market can be deemed to exist for brake harnesses at this point, distinct from landing hear harnesses, and the current structure of supply cannot be assumed to reflect future competition.
直到今天,飞机制动器主要是液压的。目前世界上只有两个商业平台使用电动制动器,即庞巴迪 C 系列和波音 787。[...]。 因此,目前尚不清楚是否可以认为制动线束存在一个单独的市场,与着陆式安全带不同,并且不能假设当前的供应结构反映了未来的竞争。 元
579.In the framework of the Commission's market investigation, Liebherr expressed confidence that there were sufficient alternative suppliers of harsh environment harnesses for landing gear systems, independently of the Transaction. […], it is likely that sufficient alternative suppliers of brake harnesses will be available in the future. […] also illustrates that in any event alternative suppliers exist for e-brake harnesses, […] in this particular case, and others such as all landing gear harnesses suppliers. Moreover, […] was entered into as a result of a competitive tender process for the lifetime of the aircraft program and provided for various mechanisms limiting Zodiac's freedom to set prices, thereby limiting its ability to engage in input foreclosure at this point.
在委员会的市场调查框架内,利勃海尔表示相信,除了交易之外,还有足够多的起落架系统恶劣环境线束替代供应商。 [...],未来可能会有充足的制动线束替代供应商。 [...] 还表明,在任何情况下都存在电动制动线束的替代供应商,[...] 在这种特殊情况下,以及其他诸如所有起落架线束供应商。此外,[...] 是飞机计划生命周期内竞争性招标过程的结果,并为限制 Zodiac 设定价格的自由提供了各种机制,从而限制了其在这一点上进行投入品赎回权的能力。
580.In view of the above elements and of the outcome of the market investigation, including as summarised hereinabove in relation to landing gear harnesses, and the lack of concerns expressed either by Liebherr or UTAS, or any other landing gear and/or brake suppliers, the Commission concludes that Safran would have limited ability and incentive to engage in input foreclosure following the implementation of the Transaction and that any such strategy is unlikely to result in significant anticompetitive effects.
鉴于上述要素和市场调查结果,包括上文总结的与起落架线束有关的结果,以及利勃海尔或UTAS或任何其他起落架和/或制动器供应商没有表达担忧,委员会得出结论,赛峰集团在交易实施后进行进项抵押品赎回权的能力和激励有限 并且任何此类策略都不太可能导致重大的反竞争效果。
Wiring systems and engines
581.Zodiac is a minor supplier of harsh environment harnesses for engines, respectively to […]. As a result, the Notifying Party estimates Zodiac's market share for the supply of harsh environment harnesses for engines at [0-5]% overall and only at [0-5]% for business jets and [0-5]% for helicopters. As noted, the Notifying Party also estimates Zodiac's market position at [0-5]% on a general market for wiring systems and [10-20]% on a market for harsh environment wiring system.
Zodiac 是发动机恶劣环境线束的小型供应商,分别是 [...]。 因此,通知方估计 Zodiac 在发动机恶劣环境线束供应方面的市场份额总体为 [0-5]%,公务机仅为 [0-5]%,直升机仅为 [0-5]%。如前所述,通知方还估计 Zodiac 在布线系统一般市场的市场地位为 [0-5]%,在恶劣环境布线系统市场上的市场地位为 [10-20]%。
582.In view of these structural elements, the Commission considers that Zodiac does not have market power in relation to the supply of harsh environment harnesses, in particular for engine applications. Moreover, the market investigation did not reveal material concerns in relation to engine harnesses or harsh environment wiring system in general. As a result, the Commission concludes that Safran would have limited ability and incentive to engage into input foreclosure strategies following the implementation of the Proposed Concentration and that any such strategy is unlikely to result in significant anticompetitive effects.
鉴于这些结构要素,委员会认为 Zodiac 在恶劣环境线束的供应方面不具备市场力量,尤其是用于发动机应用。 此外,市场调查并未发现与发动机线束或一般恶劣环境布线系统相关的重大问题。因此,委员会得出结论,赛峰集团在实施拟议集中后采取投入品止赎策略的能力和动机有限,并且任何此类策略都不太可能产生重大的反竞争效果。
Wiring systems and nacelles
583.Zodiac is also a minor supplier of harsh environment wiring systems for nacelles, including thrust reversers, since it […] supplies […]. As a result, the Notifying Party estimates Zodiac's market share for the supply of harsh environment harnesses for nacelles at [0-5]% overall and at [0-5]% for commercial aircrafts. According to the Notifying Party, Zodiac derives profits from supplying […], whereas […] could readily find an alternative supplier in case Zodiac was to discontinue supplies, in breach of its ongoing contract.
Zodiac 也是短舱恶劣环境布线系统(包括推力反向器)的小型供应商,因为它 [...] 用品 [...]。 因此,通知方估计 Zodiac 在短舱恶劣环境线束供应方面的市场份额总体为 [0-5]%,商用飞机为 [0-5]%。 根据通知方的说法,Zodiac 从供应中获得利润 [...],而 [...]可以很容易地 找到替代供应商,以防 Zodiac 违反其正在进行的合同而停止供应。 元
584.In view of these elements, the Commission considers that Zodiac does not have market power in relation to the supply of harsh environment harnesses, in particular for nacelle applications, or would have incentives to engage in input foreclosure. Moreover, the market investigation did not reveal material concerns in relation to nacelle harnesses or harsh environment wiring system in general. As a result, the Commission concludes that Safran would have limited ability and incentive to engage in input foreclosure following the implementation of the Transaction and that any such strategy is unlikely to result in significant anticompetitive effects.
鉴于这些因素,委员会认为 Zodiac 在恶劣环境线束的供应方面不具备市场力量,特别是用于机舱应用,或者有激励措施进行投入品止赎。此外,市场调查并未发现与机舱线束或一般恶劣环境布线系统相关的重大问题。因此,委员会得出结论,赛峰集团在交易实施后进行投入品赎回权取消的能力和激励有限 ,并且任何此类策略都不太可能导致重大的反竞争效果。
Wiring systems and missiles
585.Zodiac has very limited sales of harnesses for ammunition application amounting to EUR […] in 2016, […]. According to the Notifying Party, Zodiac's share of supply of harsh environment harnesses for ammunitions can therefore be estimated at [0-5]%. As a result, in spite of the specificities of the procurement of military ammunitions, the Commission considers that Zodiac cannot be deemed to have market power in relation to the supply of harsh environment harnesses for such application. Moreover, the market investigation did not reveal material concerns in relation to missile/ammunition harnesses or harsh environment wiring system in general. As a result, the Commission concludes that Safran would have limited ability and incentive to engage into input foreclosure strategies following the implementation of the Proposed Concentration and that any such strategy is unlikely to result in significant anticompetitive effects.
Zodiac 的弹药应用线束销量非常有限,金额为 EUR [...] 2016 年,[...]。根据通知方的说法,因此,Zodiac 在恶劣环境弹药安全带供应中的份额可以 估计为 [0-5]%。 因此,尽管军用弹药采购的特殊性,但委员会认为,在为此类应用提供恶劣环境安全带方面,不能认为 Zodiac 具有市场力量。此外,市场调查并未发现与导弹/弹药线束或一般恶劣环境布线系统相关的重大问题。因此,委员会得出结论,赛峰集团在实施拟议集中后采取投入品止赎策略的能力和动机有限,并且任何此类策略都不太可能产生重大的反竞争效果。
c.Customer foreclosure 客户止赎
Wiring systems and landing gears
586.Safran is a significant supplier of landing gears for various aircraft types, with a market share of [50-60]%. However, the Notifying Party submits that risks of anticompetitive customer foreclosure should be dismissed given that Zodiac is already the most important supplier of landing gear harnesses to Safran, accounting for approx. […]% of Safran's requirements, and that Safran has a strong incentive to continue multi-sourcing wiring systems for security of supply purposes.
赛峰集团是各种飞机类型起落架的重要供应商,市场份额为 [50-60]%。然而,通知方认为,鉴于 Zodiac 已经是赛峰集团最重要的起落架线束供应商,约占 [...]% 的 Safran 需求, 个,并且 Safran 有强烈的动力继续提供多源布线系统,以实现供应安全目的。 元
587.Moreover, the Notifying Party submits that alternative suppliers […] and, to a lesser extent, […], as well as any future suppliers, are unlikely to be harmed by any possible internalisation of Safran's procurement of landing gear harnesses. Firstly, suppliers of wiring systems have a broad range of customers to turn to including alternative landing gear suppliers such as UTAS, Heroux-Devtek, Liebherr or Eleb, suppliers of other aerospace equipment (e.g., engine and nacelle manufacturers) and equipment manufacturers for other industries. Secondly, supply of landing gear wiring system to Safran amounts to an insignificant share of […] aerospace revenues.
此外,通知方提出,替代供应商 [...] 而且,在较小程度上,[...]以及任何未来的供应商都 不太可能因赛峰集团采购起落架线束的任何可能内部化而受到损害。 首先,布线系统供应商有广泛的客户可供选择,包括 UTAS、Heroux-Devtek、Liebherr 或 Eleb 等替代起落架供应商、其他航空航天设备的供应商(例如发动机和机舱制造商)以及其他行业的设备制造商。 其次,向赛峰集团供应起落架布线系统只占 [...] 航空航天收入。
588.The market investigation did not uncover particular concerns in relation to customer foreclosure in the supply of landing gear wiring systems. One alternative supplier pointed to a risk of internalisation but without anticompetitive impact in the form of a likely price increase, whereas others confirmed that they would have access to a sufficiently broad customer base even in the absence of Safran. As a result, the Commission concludes that Safran would have limited ability and incentive to engage in customer foreclosure following the implementation of the Transaction and that any such strategy is unlikely to result in significant anticompetitive effects.
市场调查并未发现与起落架布线系统供应中的客户止赎相关的特别问题。一家替代供应商指出存在内部化风险,但没有可能提高价格的反竞争影响,而其他供应商则确认,即使没有赛峰集团,他们也可以获得足够广泛的客户群。 因此,委员会得出结论,赛峰集团在交易实施后进行客户止赎的能力和动机有限 ,并且任何此类策略都不太可能导致重大的反竞争效果。
Wiring systems and brakes
589.As noted in paragraph 573 above, brakes remain largely hydraulic up until today for only two platforms are currently outfitted with electric brakes supplied by Meggitt with harnesses embedded in the landing gear system supplied by Liebherr for the Bombardier C-series, and Safran and UTAS for the Boeing 787. Safran is therefore one among other suppliers of e-brakes, whereas it remains unclear whether harnesses for e-brakes can be distinguished from harnesses for landing gears at this point.
如上文第 573 段所述,直到今天,制动器在很大程度上仍然是液压的,因为目前只有两个平台配备了美捷特提供的电动制动器,并在利勃海尔为庞巴迪 C 系列 和赛峰和 UTAS 为波音 787 提供的起落架系统中嵌入了线束。 因此,赛峰集团是其他电子制动器供应商之一,但目前尚不清楚电子制动器的线束是否可以与起落架的线束区分开来。
590.In view of these elements and of the outcome of the market investigation, including as summarised hereinabove in relation to landing gear harnesses, and the lack of specific concerns expressed by suppliers of harsh environment harnesses, including Glenair, the Commission concludes that Safran would have limited ability and incentive to engage in customer foreclosure following the implementation of the Transaction and that any such strategy is unlikely to result in significant anticompetitive effects.
鉴于这些因素和市场调查的结果,包括上文对起落架线束的总结,以及包括Glenair在内的恶劣环境线束供应商缺乏表达的具体担忧,委员会得出结论,赛峰集团在交易实施后进行客户止赎的能力和动机有限 并且任何此类策略都不太可能导致重大的反竞争效果。
Wiring systems and engines
591.Safran is an established supplier of aircraft engines, with a market share estimated by the Notifying Party at [5-10]% for turboprop engines, [30-40]% for turbofan engines and [20-30]% for turboshaft engines, with variances across aircraft segments. Nowadays, Safran sources most of its requirements for engine wiring systems […]. Aside from Zodiac, Safran's main third-party supplier is […]. According to the Notifying Party, Safran's choice of supplier is exclusively driven by competitiveness considerations in relation to quality, reliability and price, and Safran will continue souring on pure merit grounds post-merger.
赛峰集团是一家成熟的飞机发动机供应商,通知方估计其涡轮 螺旋桨发动机的市场份额为[5-10]%,涡扇发动机的市场份额为[30-40]%,涡轮轴发动机的市场份额为[20-30]%,飞机细分市场之间存在差异。 如今,赛峰集团的大部分需求都来自发动机布线系统 [...]。 除了 Zodiac,赛峰集团的主要第三方供应商是 [...]。 根据通知方的说法,赛峰集团选择供应商完全是出于与质量、可靠性和价格相关的竞争力考虑,赛峰集团在合并后将继续以纯粹的优点为依据而恶化。 元
592.The market investigation did not uncover specific customer foreclosure concerns in relation to harsh environment wiring systems and for engines in particular. In particular, […], which account for an insignificant share of its overall revenues. Moreover, […] submitted that any foreclosure strategy on Safran's part was unlikely to drive prices upward. As a result, and […], the Commission concludes that Safran would have limited ability and incentive to engage in customer foreclosure following the implementation of the Transaction and that any such strategy is unlikely to result in significant anticompetitive effects.
市场调查并未发现与恶劣环境布线系统,尤其是发动机相关的特定客户止赎问题 。 特别是,[...] , 个, 占其总收入的份额微不足道。 此外,[...]》中指出,赛峰集团的任何止赎策略 都不太可能推高价格。 结果,并且 [...],委员会得出结论,赛峰集团在交易实施后进行客户止赎的能力和动机有限 ,并且任何此类策略都不太可能导致重大的反竞争效果。
Wiring systems and nacelles
593.Safran is an established supplier of nacelles and nacelle thrust reversers, with 2016 market shares estimated by the Notifying Party at respectively [10-20] and [20-30]%. Nowadays, Safran does not source nacelle wiring systems from Zodiac. Instead, it sources harnesses from third-parties as a result of open tender procedures, as well as internally […]. According to the Notifying Party, […], suppliers of harnesses for nacelles would still retain a broad customer basis of nacelle thrust reverser suppliers (such as Spirit, GE and Nordam) and suppliers of other equipment in case Safran was to start sourcing from Zodiac.
赛峰集团是短舱和短舱反推装置的成熟供应商,通知方估计2016年的市场份额分别为[10-20]和 [20-30]%。如今,赛峰集团不再从Zodiac采购机舱布线系统。 相反,由于公开招标程序,它从第三方以及内部 [...]。 根据通知方的说法,[...],如果赛峰集团开始从 Zodiac 采购,短舱线束供应商仍将保留机舱反推装置供应商(如 Spirit、GE 和 Nordam)和其他设备供应商的广泛客户基础。 元
594.In view of these elements, notably Safran's lack of business with Zodiac for nacelles at this point and Safran's long-term relationships with third-party suppliers, combined with the lack of specific concern expressed by suppliers of harsh environment harnesses, the Commission concludes that Safran would have limited ability and incentive to engage in customer foreclosure following the implementation of the Transaction and that any such strategy is unlikely to result in significant anticompetitive effects.
鉴于这些因素,特别是赛峰集团目前缺乏与Zodiac的短舱业务,以及 赛峰集团与第三方供应商的长期关系, 再加上恶劣环境线束供应商缺乏具体关注,委员会得出结论,赛峰集团将 在交易实施后进行客户止赎的能力和激励有限 ,并且任何此类策略都不太可能导致重大的反竞争效果。
Wiring systems and missiles
595.Safran is a supplier of ammunitions, in particular strategic and tactical missiles to the French Ministry of Defence. In France, the sourcing policy of missiles and missile sub-systems and components is a matter of essential security interest. As a result, procurement is dictated by the Direction Générale de l'Armement (DGA) based on a range of considerations, including of a strategic nature.
赛峰集团是法国国防部的弹药供应商,特别是战略和战术导弹。在法国,导弹和导弹子系统和组件的采购政策是一个重要的安全利益问题。 因此,采购由 军械总局 (DGA) 根据一系列考虑因素(包括战略性质)决定。
596.Given the close involvement of the DGA in the selection of sub-system and component suppliers for missiles and the range of interests at stake, the Commission concludes that Safran would have limited ability on its own to distort competition in the procurement of harnesses for ammunition applications and that any foreclosure of demand to that effect is unlikely to be merger-specific.
鉴于 DGA 密切参与导弹子系统和组件供应商的选择以及所涉及的利益范围,委员会得出结论,赛峰集团在采购弹药应用线束方面自身扭曲竞争的能力有限,并且任何与此相关的需求取消都不太可能是针对合并的。
d.Conclusion 结论
597.In view of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to vertical effects involving the markets for wiring systems, on the one hand, and those for engines, nacelles, landing gears, brakes and missiles, on the other hand, under any alternative product market definitions.
7.2.9.Space launchers 太空发射器 equipment (upstream) and prime contracting for ESA space launchers (downstream)
遥测设备(上游)和 ESA 太空发射器(下游)的主承包
598.Zodiac supplies telemetry equipment to ArianeGroup, a joint venture between Safran and Airbus, for integration into space launchers. There is thus a vertical relationship between the upstream market for telemetry equipment for space launchers, on which Zodiac is active, and the potential downstream market for prime contracting for ESA space launchers, on which Safran is active via ArianeGroup.
Zodiac 向赛峰集团和空客的合资企业 ArianeGroup 提供遥测设备,用于集成到太空发射器中。因此,Zodiac 活跃的太空发射器遥测设备上游市场与赛峰集团通过 ArianeGroup 活跃的欧洲航天局太空发射器主承包的潜在下游市场之间存在垂直关系。 元
599.On the upstream market for the supply of telemetry equipment for space launchers, Zodiac is […], […]. Other suppliers exist at worldwide level, including Curtiss Wright, L3 and local players in Korea, India and China.
在太空发射器遥测设备供应的上游市场上,Zodiac 是 [...], [...]。 其他供应商遍布全球,包括 Curtiss Wright、L3 以及韩国、印度和中国的当地参与者。 元
600.Downstream, on the potential market for prime contracting for ESA launchers, ArianeGroup is ESA's sole prime contractor for all Ariane space launcher programmes.
在下游,在欧洲航天局运载火箭主承包的潜在市场上,阿丽亚娜集团是欧洲航天局所有阿丽亚娜太空运载火箭计划的唯一主承包商。 元
601.The Notifying Party submits that the Transaction does not raise competition concerns on the market for telemetry equipment or prime contracting since there will be no open market for telemetry equipment in the foreseeable future. The Notifying Party submits that in any event, for any ESA project and/or program, the prime contractor must follow ESA's best practices for the selection of suppliers, which provide that invitations to tender are managed at ESA level when one of the bidders is directly or indirectly related to the prime contractor.
通知方提出,该交易不会引起遥测设备市场或主承包市场的竞争问题,因为在可预见的未来不会有遥测设备的公开市场。通知方提出,在任何情况下,对于任何 ESA 项目和/或计划,主承包商必须遵循 ESA 的供应商选择最佳实践,这些最佳实践规定,当投标人之一与主承包商直接或间接相关时,招标将在 ESA 级别进行管理。
602.The Commission considers that the Transaction does not give rise to input or customer foreclosure concerns since Zodiac […] and there is no new product in development for which a telemetry equipment supplier needs to be selected in the foreseeable future.
委员会认为,该交易不会引起输入或客户止赎担忧,因为 Zodiac [...]在可预见的未来,没有正在开发的新产品需要为其选择遥测设备供应商。 元
603.Furthermore, as also found by the Commission in case M.7353 – Airbus/Safran/JV, the selection of suppliers for launcher components by prime contractors is made according to ESA's Procurement Rules and ESA's Best Practices which ensure that ESA effectively exercises control of the selection process, validates and approves key elements of the tender documentation, and retains important veto rights with respect to the final selection decision.
此外,正如委员会在 M.7353 – Airbus/Safran/JV 案中所发现的那样,主承包商选择发射器组件的供应商是根据 ESA 的采购规则和 ESA 的最佳实践进行的,这确保了 ESA 有效地控制选择过程,验证和批准招标文件的关键要素,并保留对最终选择决定的重要否决权。 元
604.In particular, ESA's Best Practices provide that a prime contractor must prepare and submit for ESA's approval an industrial procurement plan which indicates, for each component to be procured, the procurement method and if relevant its justification, a list of potential tenderers and the indicative budget. For contracts allocated through open competitive tenders, the selection of contractor is made by an evaluation board, on which ESA is always represented so as to ensure the fairness of the selection process. Moreover, in situations of conflict of interest, notably when the prime contractor (or any of its affiliates) wishes to participate in the bidding for any element for which the prime contractor will carry out the competitive tendering procedure, ESA shall in the interest of impartiality exclude the prime contractor from the evaluation of tenders submitted.
特别是,ESA 的最佳实践规定,主承包商必须准备并提交一份工业采购计划供 ESA 批准,该计划说明要采购的每个组件的采购方法,如果相关,则说明潜在投标人名单和指示性预算。对于通过公开竞争性招标分配的合同,承包商的选择由评估委员会进行,ESA 始终代表该委员会,以确保选择过程的公平性。此外,在利益冲突的情况下,特别是当主承包商(或其任何关联公司)希望参与主承包商将执行竞争性招标程序的任何要素的投标时,ESA 应为公正起见将主承包商排除在对提交的投标书的评估之外。 元
605.Given that Zodiac is […], the competitive assessment remains the same also under an alternative market definition, whereby the individual telemetry transmitters and receivers are considered as constituting distinct relevant product markets.
鉴于 Zodiac 是 [...],在替代市场定义下,竞争性评估也保持不变,其中单个遥测发射器和接收器被视为构成不同的相关产品市场。
606.In light of the above, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market due to the vertical relationship between the Parties as regards the market for telemetry equipment for space launchers and the potential market for prime contracting for space launchers in Europe under any of the alternative product market definitions.
鉴于上述情况,欧盟委员会认为,由于双方在任何 替代产品市场定义下关于太空发射器遥测设备市场和欧洲太空发射器主承包潜在市场的纵向关系,该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。 equipment (upstream) and prime contracting for ESA space launchers (downstream)
阀门设备(上游)和 ESA 太空发射器(下游)的主承包
607. Zodiac supplies non-cryogenic valves to ArianeGroup for integration into space launchers. There is thus a vertical relationship between the upstream market for valves for space launchers and the potential downstream market for prime contracting for ESA space launchers.
Zodiac 向 ArianeGroup 提供非低温阀门,用于集成到太空发射器中。因此,太空发射器阀门的上游市场与欧洲航天局太空发射器主承包的潜在下游市场之间存在垂直关系。
608.As described above, on the potential downstream market for prime contracting for ESA launcher, ArianeGroup is ESA's sole prime contractor for all Ariane space launcher programmes.
609.As regards the upstream market for the supply of valves for space launchers, Zodiac […] supplies non-cryogenic valves to ArianeGroup for Ariane 5 space launchers. […]. On the segment of non-cryogenic valves for Ariane 5 launchers, Zodiac has a market share of [5-10]%. The other main suppliers of non-cryogenic valves for Ariane 5 are […]. Safran also supplies non-cryogenic valves for Ariane 5 launchers, directly via Safran Aero Boosters ([0-5]%) and through ArianeGroup ([5-10]%).
关于太空发射器阀门供应的上游市场,Zodiac [...]为 Ariane Group 提供用于 Ariane 5 太空发射器的非低温阀门。[...]。在阿丽亚娜 5 号发射器的非低温阀领域,Zodiac 的市场份额为 [5-10]%。Ariane 5 非低温阀的其他主要供应商是 [...]。 赛峰集团还直接通过赛峰航空助推器([0-5]%)和阿丽亚娜集团([5-10]%)为阿丽亚娜5号发射器提供非低温阀门。 元
610.The Notifying Party submits that the Transaction does not raise competition concerns on the market for valves equipment or prime contracting since there will be no open market for valves equipment in the foreseeable future. The Notifying Party submits that in any event, for any ESA project and/or program, the prime contractor must follow ESA's best practices for the selection of suppliers, which provide that invitations to tender are managed at ESA level when one of the bidders is directly or indirectly related to the prime contractor.
通知方提出,该交易不会引起阀门设备市场或主承包市场的竞争问题,因为在可预见的未来将没有阀门设备的公开市场。通知方提出,在任何情况下,对于任何 ESA 项目和/或计划,主承包商必须遵循 ESA 的供应商选择最佳实践,这些最佳实践规定,当投标人之一与主承包商直接或间接相关时,招标将在 ESA 级别进行管理。
611.The Commission considers that the Transaction does not give rise to input or customer foreclosure concerns since valves suppliers on the Ariane 5 and Ariane 6 launchers have already been selected and there is no new product in development for which a valves equipment supplier needs to be selected in the foreseeable future.
委员会认为,该交易不会引起输入或客户止赎的担忧,因为已经选择了阿丽亚娜 5 号和阿丽亚娜 6 号发射器的阀门供应商,并且在 可预见的未来没有需要选择阀门设备供应商的正在开发的新产品。 元
612.Indeed, as also found by the Commission in case M.7353 – Airbus/Safran/JV and described in section above, the prime contractor's ability to source components internally is thus limited as the selection of suppliers for launcher components is made according to ESA's Procurement Rules and ESA's Best Practices which ensure that ESA effectively exercises control of the selection process, validates and approves key elements of the tender documentation, and retains important veto rights with respect to the final selection decision.
事实上,正如委员会在案例 M.7353 – Airbus/Safran/JV 中发现的那样,如上所述第 节所述 ,主承包商在内部采购组件的能力因此受到限制,因为发射器组件供应商的选择是根据 ESA 的采购规则和 ESA 的最佳实践进行的,以确保 ESA 有效地控制选择过程, 验证和批准招标文件的关键要素,并保留对最终选择决定的重要否决权。 元
613.In light of the above, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market due to the vertical relationship between the Parties as regards the market for valves equipment for space launchers and the potential market for prime contracting for space launchers in Europe under any of the alternative product market definitions.
7.2.10.Defence systems and equipment
国防系统和设备 equipment for strategic missiles (upstream) and strategic missiles (downstream)
614.Zodiac provides telemetry equipment to ArianeGroup, a joint venture between Safran and Airbus, for its manufacturing of strategic missiles. There is thus a vertical relationship between the Parties as regards the upstream market for telemetry equipment for strategic missiles and the downstream market for the development and manufacturing of strategic missiles.
Zodiac 为赛峰集团和空中客车公司的合资企业 ArianeGroup 提供遥测设备,用于制造战略导弹。因此,双方在战略导弹遥测设备的上游市场和战略导弹开发和制造的下游市场之间存在垂直关系。
615.ArianeGroup is prime contractor for the development and manufacturing of strategic missiles on behalf of the French General Directorate for Armament ("DGA"). ArianeGroup is the only supplier of strategic missiles in France and it is not active in this market outside France.
ArianeGroup 是代表法国军备总局 (“DGA”) 开发和制造战略导弹的主要承包商。 ArianeGroup 是法国唯一的战略导弹供应商,它在法国以外的市场并不活跃。
616.Zodiac is ArianeGroup's […] supplier of telemetry equipment. Apart from ArianeGroup, Zodiac supplies telemetry equipment to the […]. Zodiac is not active in this market outside France.
Zodiac 是 ArianeGroup 的 [...] 遥测设备供应商。除了 ArianeGroup,Zodiac 还向 [...]。Zodiac 在法国以外的这个市场并不活跃。
617.On the downstream market for the development and manufacturing of strategic missiles, ArianeGroup has no competitors in France and is not active in other countries. The Transaction therefore does not therefore give rise to input foreclosure concerns. Neither does the Transaction create competition concerns of customer foreclosure, as ArianeGroup […].
在战略导弹开发和制造的下游市场,ArianeGroup 在法国没有竞争对手,在其他国家也不活跃。因此,该交易不会引起对输入止赎的担忧。该交易也不会造成客户止赎的竞争担忧,因为 ArianeGroup [...]。
618.In light of the above, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market due to the vertical relationship between the Parties as regards the market for telemetry equipment for strategic missiles and the market for strategic missiles under any of the alternative product or geographic market definitions.
鉴于上述情况,委员会认为,由于双方在战略导弹遥测设备市场和任何替代产品或地理市场定义下的战略导弹市场之间存在纵向关系,因此该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。 (upstream) and tactical missile propulsion systems (downstream)
619.Zodiac supplies Safran with servo-valves to be integrated in the engines of tactical missiles. The servo-valves supplied by Zodiac to Safran for integration in tactical missiles are […] (see also section 5.10.5 ).There is thus a vertical relationship between the Parties as regards the upstream market for servo-valves and the downstream market for tactical missile propulsion systems.
Zodiac 为赛峰集团提供用于集成战术导弹发动机的伺服阀。Zodiac 提供给赛峰集团的用于集成战术导弹的伺服阀是 [...] (另请参见 Section 5.10.5 )。因此,双方在伺服阀的上游市场和战术导弹推进系统的下游市场之间存在垂直关系。
620.On the upstream worldwide market for servo-valves, Zodiac has a market share of [0-5]%.
在全球伺服阀上游市场上,Zodiac 的市场份额为 [0-5]%。
621.On the downstream market for the development and manufacturing of tactical missile propulsion systems, Safran is active through Safran Power Units for turbojet missile propulsion systems, and through ArianeGroup (a joint venture between Safran and Airbus) and Roxel (a joint venture between Safran and MBDA) for solid rocket motor missile propulsion systems. […].
在战术导弹推进系统的下游市场,赛峰集团通过赛峰动力装置公司积极生产涡轮喷气导弹推进系统,并通过阿丽亚娜集团公司( 赛峰集团与空中客车公司的合资企业)和Roxel公司(赛峰集团与MBDA的合资企业)积极生产固体火箭发动机导弹推进系统。 [...]。
622.In light of Zodiac's limited market share on the upstream market for servo-valves, the Transaction does not give rise to input foreclosure concerns.
鉴于 Zodiac 在伺服阀上游市场的市场份额有限,该交易不会引起输入止赎的担忧。
623.The Commission takes the view that the Transaction does not create a risk of customer foreclosure either since the servo-valves integrated in the engines of missiles […], and […] numerous alternative customers exist.
委员会认为,该交易也不会造成客户止赎的风险,因为集成在导弹发动机中的伺服阀 [...]和 [...]存在许多替代客户。
624.In light of the above, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market due to the vertical relationship between the Parties as regards the upstream market for servo-valves and the downstream market for tactical missile propulsion systems under any of the alternative product or geographic market definitions.
鉴于上述情况,委员会认为,由于双方在任何替代产品或地理市场定义下的伺服阀上游市场和战术导弹推进系统下游市场之间存在垂直关系,因此该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。 motors and seals (upstream) and sights (downstream)
625.[…]. [...]。
626.On the upstream worldwide market for electrical motors, Zodiac's market share is below [0-5]%. Zodiac's market share remains below [0-5]% even if the narrow sub-segment of the defence industry is considered.
在全球电动机上游市场上,Zodiac 的市场份额低于 [0-5]%。 即使考虑到国防工业的狭窄子细分市场,Zodiac 的市场份额仍然低于 [0-5]%。
627.On the upstream market for seals, Zodiac's market share is below [0-5]%.
在海豹的上游市场,Zodiac 的市场份额低于 [0-5]%。
628.Downstream, on the plausible relevant market for sights, Safran estimates its market share to be [60-70]% in France and lower on a wider geographic market ([30-40]% at European level, and less on a global level).
在下游,在合理的相关看货市场中,赛峰集团估计其在法国的市场份额为[60-70]%,而在更广泛的地理市场上则较低(欧洲层面为[30-40]%,而全球层面的市场份额较低)。 元
629.In light of Zodiac's limited market share on the upstream markets for electrical motors and for seals, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not create a risk of input foreclosure.
鉴于 Zodiac 在电动机和密封件上游市场的市场份额有限,委员会认为该交易不会产生取消输入止赎的风险。
630.The Commission takes the view that the Transaction does not create a risk of customer foreclosure either since electrical motors and seals are used in numerous other applications outside the defence industry (in particular in the aerospace sector but not only).
631.In light of the above, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market due to the vertical relationship between the Parties as regards the upstream markets for electrical motors and seals and the downstream market for optronic sights under any of the alternative product or geographic market definitions.
鉴于上述情况,委员会认为,由于双方在任何替代产品或地理市场定义下的电动机和密封件的上游市场以及光电瞄准器的下游市场之间存在垂直关系,因此该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑 。 (upstream) and drones (downstream)
632.Zodiac supplies Safran with jet seals to be integrated in drones. The jet seals supplied by Zodiac to Safran for integration in drones are the same as those placed in the engines of aircraft (see also section 5.10.3 ). There is thus a vertical relationship between the Parties as regards the upstream markets for seals and the downstream market for drones.
Zodiac 为 Safran 提供用于集成到无人机中的喷气密封件。Zodiac 提供给赛峰集团的用于集成到无人机中的喷气密封件与放置在飞机发动机中的喷气密封件相同(另见第 5.10.3 节)。因此,双方在海豹的上游市场和无人机的下游市场之间存在垂直关系。
633.On the upstream market for seals, Zodiac's market share is below [0-5]%.
在海豹的上游市场,Zodiac 的市场份额低于 [0-5]%。
634.On the downstream market, Safran is active in France, where the other main suppliers of drones are Thales and EADS, and – upon export authorisation by the French government – also in a number of other European countries and Canada, where it competes against Thales, Textron Systems, Elbit Systems, IAI, Leonardo.
635.In light of Zodiac's limited market share on the upstream markets for seals, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not create a risk of input foreclosure.
鉴于 Zodiac 在海豹上游市场的市场份额有限,委员会认为该交易不会产生取消投入抵押品赎回权的风险。
636.The Commission takes the view that the Transaction does not create a risk of customer foreclosure either since jet seals are a commodity product for which many applications exist outside the defence industry (in particular in the aerospace sector but not only).
637.In light of the above, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market due to the vertical relationship between the Parties as regards the upstream markets for seals and the downstream market for drones under any of the alternative product or geographic market definitions.
鉴于上述情况,委员会认为,由于双方在任何替代产品或地理市场定义下对海豹上游市场和无人机下游市场之间存在纵向关系,因此该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑。 for ejection seats (upstream) and ejection seats (downstream)
顶出座 (上游) 和顶出座 (下游) 的组件
638.Safran, through a joint-venture with Martin Baker UK called SMBF, supplies ejection seats for the last generation of French military aircraft Rafale produced by Dassault. Zodiac does not manufacture or supply ejection seats but supplies components for ejection seats to SMBF, for approximately […]% of SMBF's purchases, including parachutes, buckles and textile components such as harnesses, lines, bridles, cushions and packs. As a result, the Transaction gives rise to a vertical relation between the Parties, which is affected given SMBF's [position] on the supply of ejection seats for […].
赛峰集团通过与英国马丁贝克公司成立的一家名为 SMBF 的合资企业,为达索公司生产的最后一代法国军用飞机阵风提供弹射座椅 。 Zodiac 不制造或供应弹射座椅,但向 SMBF 供应弹射座椅组件,大约为 [...]SMBF 购买量的百分比,包括降落伞、带扣和纺织部件,如安全带、绳索、缰绳、靠垫和背包。 因此,该交易在双方之间产生了垂直关系,鉴于 SMBF 对 [...]。
639.SMBF is Zodiac's sole customer for ejection seat components. Hence, the Proposed Concentration cannot give rise to any input foreclosure concerns. SMBF's other main component supplier is Martin Baker, for approximately […]% of SMBF's purchases. Since Martin Baker is the co-owner with Safran of SMBF, customer foreclosure concerns can also be excluded for structural reasons, notably because SMBF's selection of a component supplier requires approval by both parents. The remaining […]% of components supplied to SMBF originate from […] but foreclosure concerns can also be excluded in that case given that Zodiac supplies the vast majority of its ejection seats components under […]. In the Commission's view, that structural element is such as to deprive the merged entity of the ability and incentive to engage in customer foreclosure strategies.
SMBF 是 Zodiac 的弹射座椅组件的唯一客户。 因此,拟议的集中不会引起任何输入止赎的担忧。SMBF 的另一家主要零部件供应商是 Martin Baker,大约为 [...]% 的 SMBF 购买量。 由于 Martin Baker 是 SMBF 与 Safran 的共同所有人,因此出于结构性原因,客户取消抵押品赎回权的担忧也可以被排除在外,特别是因为 SMBF 选择零部件供应商需要得到父母双方的批准。 剩下的 [...]供应给 SMBF 的组件百分比来自 [...]但在这种情况下也可以排除止赎问题,因为 Zodiac 根据 [...]。 委员会认为,该结构性要素是剥夺了合并实体参与客户止赎策略的能力和激励。
640.In view of the above, the Commission concludes that the Proposed Concentration is unlikely to affect market dynamics for the supply of ejection seats and related components and thus does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between the Parties' activities on the markets for ejection seat components (upstream) and their ejection seats (downstream) under any of the alternative product or geographic market definitions.
鉴于上述情况,委员会得出结论,拟议集中不太可能影响弹射座椅和相关部件供应的市场动态,因此,就双方在弹射座椅部件(上游)与其弹射座椅(下游 )市场上的活动之间的垂直关系而言,它不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑根据任何替代产品或地理市场定义。
7.2.11.Supply of spare parts (upstream) and provision of MRO services (downstream)
备件供应(上游)和提供 MRO 服务(下游)
641.Given that spare parts, as well as related documentation (such as the Component Maintenance Manual), IP rights, tooling, testing equipment and maintenance data are necessary in order to provide MRO services, there is a vertical relationship between the upstream market for spare parts and the downstream market for the provision of MRO services. The market investigation confirmed that these inputs are essential for third party MRO service providers. The majority of airlines and airframers respondents indicated that inputs related to the spare parts can be obtained only from the component OEM.
鉴于提供 MRO 服务需要备件以及相关文件(如组件维护手册)、知识产权、工具、测试设备和维护数据 ,因此备件的上游市场和 提供 MRO 服务的下游市场之间存在垂直关系。 市场调查证实,这些投入对于第三方 MRO 服务提供商至关重要。大多数航空公司和飞机制造商的受访者表示,与备件相关的信息只能从零部件 OEM 那里获得。 元
642.Due to a lack of market share data on the narrowest possible product markets and in view of the market investigation, the Commission has taken a cautious approach and analysed the possible effects of the Transaction on the MRO and spare parts markets; even if based on the available market share data submitted by the Notifying Party, the Transaction does not lead to affected markets with regard to this vertical link.
由于缺乏关于最狭窄产品市场的市场份额数据,并且鉴于市场调查,委员会采取了谨慎的态度,并分析了该交易对 MRO 和备件市场可能产生的影响; 即使根据通知方提交的可用市场份额数据,该交易也不会导致与该垂直联系相关的市场受到影响。
643.Given that the Parties service third party components only on an ad hoc basis and the lack of concerns expressed in the market investigation, the Commission considers that it is unlikely that the Transaction would lead to customer foreclosure.
644.However, the market investigation identified some concerns with regard to a possible input foreclosure strategy by the merged entity.
645.Regarding the ability of the merged entity to engage in input foreclosure, the majority of market participants confirmed that component OEMs have a spare parts supply obligation as part of the product support based on the end-customers' delegation letter. Indeed, component OEMs are under contractual obligation vis-à-vis the airframers to provide product support to airlines usually until five aircraft from the platform are still in operation. This obligation includes the supply of spare parts with specific performance obligations but also updating the technical documentation relating to the components procured, obsolescence management and customer support/training. As a result, component OEMs have the obligation to supply spare parts to all MRO service providers chosen by the airline acting based on the delegation letter on its behalf, in accordance with the support obligation provided by the original contract between the component OEM and the airframer.
关于合并实体进行输入止赎的能力,大多数市场参与者确认,根据 最终客户的 授权函,组件 OEM 有备件供应义务,作为产品支持的一部分。 事实上,零部件 OEM 有合同义务与飞机制造商一起向航空公司提供产品支持,通常直到该平台的五架飞机仍在运营。该义务包括提供具有特定性能义务的备件,但也包括更新与采购组件、报废管理和客户支持/培训相关的技术文件。 因此,零部件 OEM 有义务根据零部件 OEM 与飞机制造商之间的原始合同中规定的支持义务,向航空公司根据授权书代表其选择的所有 MRO 服务提供商提供备件。
646.Notwithstanding the above, a number of MRO service providers have pointed out in the market investigation instances where OEMs restricted or frustrated access to spare parts or other necessary input.
尽管如此, 许多 MRO 服务提供商在市场调查实例中指出,OEM 限制或阻碍获得备件或其他必要输入。
647.In any event however, the Commission considers that any potential ability of the merged entity to engage in input foreclosure would not be related to the Transaction but would come from the limited substitutability of original spare parts (see section 7.1.7 ). As such, the current Transaction is unlikely to impact the ability of the Parties to restrict or frustrate access to spare parts or other necessary input. This was also confirmed by the majority of respondents to the market investigation.
然而,无论如何,委员会认为 ,合并实体进行输入止赎的任何潜在能力都与交易无关,而是 来自原始备件的有限可替代性(见第 7.1.7 节)。 因此,当前交易不太可能影响双方限制或阻碍获得备件或其他必要输入的能力。市场调查的大多数受访者也证实了这一点。
648.Some market participants raised concerns with regard to the changed incentive of the merged entity, indicating that it could use its enlarged portfolio as a leverage vis-à-vis the airlines in order to increase its position and market penetration on the MRO market.
一些市场参与者对合并实体的激励措施变化表示担忧, 表示它可以利用其扩大的投资组合作为对航空公司的杠杆,以提高其在 MRO 市场上的地位和市场渗透率。
649.In this regard, the Notifying Party submits that it is reasonable to assume that the addition of Zodiac's share to Safran's existing share of supply of spare parts will not materially alter the competitive dynamics on the aftermarket on any given platform. This view was also stated in the market investigation.
在这方面,通知方提出,可以合理地假设,将 Zodiac 的份额添加到 Safran 现有的备件供应份额中,不会对任何特定平台上售后市场的竞争态势产生重大影响。 市场调查也阐述了这一观点。
650.The Commission first notes that for existing platforms the merged entity would be bound by its existing contractual obligations.
651.Second, the majority of the respondents to the market investigation were of the view that the Transaction will not change the competitive dynamics with regard to spare parts and MRO services. The majority of respondents stated that the merged entity will not have an incentive to restrict the access to spare part or to increase their prices, and that the merged entity is unlikely to engage in such foreclosure behaviour for existing or future platforms.
其次,市场调查的大多数受访者认为,该交易不会改变备件和 MRO 服务方面的竞争态势。大多数受访者表示,合并后的实体不会有动力限制备件的获取或提高其价格,并且合并后的实体不太可能 对现有或未来的平台进行此类止赎行为。
652.As such, even if some incentive to foreclosure were to exist, the Transaction is unlikely to change that incentive, even for future platforms. As an airline explained in the market investigation "Safran and Zodiac provide both components and corresponding spare parts, and therefore, to the extent that any such incentive exists, they theoretically already have the incentive separately to increase the priceor restrict the supply of spare parts, using our reliance on each of them for the component in question as a bargaining chip. The Transaction does not affect or oncrease the theoretical incentive which each of them already has separately."
因此,即使存在一些取消抵押品赎回权的激励措施,该交易也不太可能改变这种激励措施,即使对于未来的平台也是如此。 正如一家航空公司在市场调查中解释的那样,“赛峰集团和黄道航空同时提供零部件和相应的备件,因此,在存在任何此类激励措施的范围内,理论上他们已经有分别提高价格或限制备件供应的激励措施,利用我们对他们各自对相关零部件的依赖作为讨价还价的筹码。该交易不会影响或增加他们各自已经拥有的理论激励。“
653.In light of the above considerations, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market with respect to the vertical relationship between the Parties' activities on the market for spare parts (upstream) and their activities on the market for MRO services (downstream) under any of the alternative product or geographic market definitions.
鉴于上述考虑,委员会认为,该交易不会对其与内部市场的兼容性产生严重怀疑,因为在任何替代产品或地理市场定义下,双方在备件市场(上游)上的活动与其在 MRO 服务市场(下游)上的活动之间存在垂直关系。
7.3.Conglomerate non-coordinated effects
654.Safran and Zodiac each provide a wide range of systems and equipment for different categories of aircraft. The Transaction will create a market player with an even broader portfolio of products than each of the Parties has today. In addition to the systems discussed in the preceding sections of this decision, the merged entity's portfolio will also include seats and other cabin interior solutions (galleys, trolleys, electrical inserts, cargo containers, oxygen systems, waste systems, evacuation slides, life jackets and life vests, etc.), which are currently supplied by Zodiac.
赛峰集团和Zodiac公司都为不同类别的飞机提供广泛的系统和设备。 该交易将创建一个市场参与者 ,双方目前都拥有更广泛的产品组合。 除了本决定前面部分讨论的系统外,合并后实体的产品组合还将包括座椅和其他机舱内部解决方案(厨房、手推车、电气插件、货物集装箱、氧气系统、废物系统、疏散滑梯、救生衣和救生衣等),目前由 Zodiac 提供。
655.In this context, a number of market participants indicated that this may afford the merged entity the ability to bundle its products, with potential negative effects on single-product suppliers and their ability to compete. Concerns have in particular been expressed in relation to electrical systems, as regards the bundling of generation, distribution and/or conversions systems into an integrated electrical system, and the bundling of integrated electrical systems with other aircraft systems, in particular the environmental control system. A number of customers also raised some concerns that the merged entity may leverage its position on MRO parts and services to markets for new equipment.
在此背景下,一些市场参与者表示,这可能使合并后的实体能够 捆绑其产品,从而对单一产品供应商及其竞争能力产生潜在的负面影响。特别是对电气系统表示担忧,涉及将发电、配电和/或转换系统捆绑成一个集成电气系统,以及将集成电气系统 与其他飞机系统(特别是环境控制系统)捆绑在一起。一些客户还提出了一些担忧,即合并后的实体可能会利用其在 MRO 零件和服务方面的地位进入新设备市场。
656.The concerns brought to the Commission's attention are analysed in the sections below. It should be noted that the fact that the merged entity will have a broad portfolio of products does not necessarily, as such, raise competition concerns. In assessing the likelihood of conglomerate effects, the Commission, in principle, examines whether the merged entity would have the ability and incentives to foreclose its rivals, as well as whether a foreclosure strategy would have a significant detrimental effect on competition. In practice, these factors are often examined together as they are closely intertwined. The elements the Commission takes into account in its assessment of conglomerate effects include, but are not limited to, the specific characteristics of the products, the market power of the merged entity, the effectiveness of counter-strategies that rival firms may deploy and countervailing buyer power of customers.
以下各节分析了提请委员会注意的担忧。 应该注意的是,合并后的实体将拥有广泛的产品组合这一事实并不一定会引起竞争问题。 在评估企业集团效应的可能性时,委员会原则上会审查合并后的实体是否有能力和激励措施来取消其竞争对手的抵押品赎回权,以及取消抵押品赎回权策略是否会对竞争产生重大不利影响。 在实践中,这些因素经常被放在一起研究,因为它们紧密交织在一起。 委员会在评估企业集团效应时考虑的因素包括但不限于:产品的具体特征、被合并实体的市场力量、竞争对手公司可能部署的反制策略的有效性以及抵消客户的买方力量。 元
7.3.1.Electrical generation, distribution and conversion systems
657.Several respondents to the market investigation indicated that following the Transaction, the merged entity will be in a position to offer integrated electrical systems, i.e. generation and distribution systems together as a package, potentially also including conversion systems, which may make it difficult to compete for single-system suppliers.
658.In order to be able to foreclose competitors, the new entity must have a significant degree of market power in one of the markets concerned. The effects of bundling or tying can only be expected to be substantial when at least one of the merging parties' products is viewed by many customers as particularly important and there are few relevant alternatives for that product.
为了能够取消竞争对手的赎回权,新实体必须在相关市场之一具有相当大的市场支配力。只有当许多买家认为至少有一个合并方的商品特别重要,并且该商品几乎没有相关替代品时,捆绑销售或搭售的影响才会很大。 元
659.Although Safran and Zodiac are important suppliers of generation and distribution systems, respectively, their ability to foreclose their single-system/component competitors on these markets by bundling or tying their products appears limited. Notably, as described also in sections 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 , their market position in either generation or distribution systems is not such as to make them unavoidable trading partners for any airframer.
尽管赛峰集团和Zodiac公司分别是发电和配电系统的重要供应商,但它们通过捆绑或捆绑其产品来排除这些市场上的单一系统/组件竞争对手的能力 似乎有限。值得注意的是,如 第7.1.1 节和 第7.1.2节所述,它们在发电或配电系统中的市场地位 并不足以使它们成为任何飞机制造商不可避免的贸易伙伴。
660.Furthermore, there are other strong suppliers which can already offer both generation and distribution systems and could therefore compete with the merged entity on any bundled offer. As is apparent from the table below, on all segments of the AC generation market on which it is active, Safran is facing strong competition from UTAS, as well as GE and Honeywell, all of which also have significant market presence in the distribution market (both as regards primary and secondary distribution). These suppliers could therefore compete with any bundles offered by the merged entity.
此外,还有其他强大的供应商已经 可以提供发电和配电系统,因此可以在任何捆绑报价上与合并后的实体竞争。从下表中可以明显看出,在其活跃的交流发电市场 的所有细分市场中,赛峰集团都面临着来自 UTAS 以及 GE 和霍尼韦尔的激烈竞争,所有这些公司都在配电市场(在初级和二级配电方面)也占有重要的市场份额。因此,这些供应商可以与合并实体提供的任何捆绑产品竞争。
Table 15: Market shares of the Parties and their main competitors on AC generation systems, primary and secondary distribution systems
表 15:缔约方及其主要竞争对手在交流发电系统、一次和二次配电系统方面的市场份额
(worldwide, 2016, source: Form CO)
(全球,2016 年,来源:Form CO)
Operator 算子 |
AC main generators - VF 交流主发电机 - VF |
AC APU generators AC APU 发电机 |
Primary distribution 初级分发 |
Secondary distribution 二次分发 |
[10-20]% |
[10-20]% |
[0-5]% |
[0-5]% |
[0-5]% |
[0-5]% |
[40-50]% |
[5-10]% |
[50-60]% |
[30-40]% |
[10-20]% |
[30-40]% |
[5-10]% |
[5-10]% |
[10-20]% |
[20-30]% |
[5-10]% |
[20-30]% |
[10-20]% |
[10-20]% |
661.The market investigation confirmed that similar considerations also apply to the DC low voltage generation segment, on which Safran faces competition from UTAS, Thales, Skurka and Ametek which also supply primary and secondary distribution systems.
市场调查证实,类似的考虑也适用于直流低压发电领域, 峰集团在该领域面临来自 UTAS、泰雷兹、Skurka 和 Ametek 的竞争,这些领域也提供一次和二次配电系统。
662.UTAS, GE, Honeywell, Thales, Skurka and Ametek also supply conversion systems, and could thus provide electrical systems packages that include generation, distribution and conversion. In this context it is recalled that Safran does not manufacture conversion devices, whereas Zodiac is a small player on the conversion systems market and only supplies one type of converter, namely TRUs for the 200 to 300 Amp power output range. Therefore, the same considerations as made above in relation to electrical generation and distribution systems apply also in relation to the inclusion of conversion systems in a potential integrated electrical package.
UTAS、GE、Honeywell、Thales、Skurka 和 Ametek 也提供转换系统,因此可以提供包括发电、配电和转换在内的电气系统包。 在此背景下,回顾一下,赛峰集团不生产转换设备,而 Zodiac 是转换系统市场上的一个小参与者,只提供一种类型的转换器,即 200 至 300 安培功率输出范围的 TRU。 因此,上述关于发电和配电系统的相同考虑也适用于在潜在的集成电气包中包含转换系统。
663.In addition, suppliers which are only active in the supply of either generators, distribution or conversion systems could team up in order to offer integrated solutions in competition with those of the merged entity. Several respondents to the market investigation which are active only in generation or only in distribution confirmed that they would regard such cooperation as a viable option for competing with a hypothetical integrated offering of the merged entity or if so requested by customers.
此外,仅积极供应发电机、配电或转换系统的供应商可以联手提供与合并实体竞争的综合解决方案。市场调查的几位受访者(仅活跃于发电或仅活跃于分销领域)确认,他们将 这种合作视为与合并实体的假设综合产品竞争的可行选择,或者如果客户要求这样做。
664.The market investigation also revealed that despite several suppliers' existing ability to supply generation and distribution systems as a package, such offers have only occurred on an exceptional basis in the past. As a supplier of electrical systems explains, "offering package level discounts are the exception and they are generally ineffective because there are limited cost-based synergies between the various electrical subsystems. There can be technical synergies that make integration of the subsystems less risky if one supplier does multiple subsystems, but the airframe OEMs have generally been unwilling to attribute value to the amount of risk reduction achieved by a single supplier being selected for multiple subsystems. The result is that the airframe OEM selects the subsystem offering that is the best value (of technical and commercial) on its own merit. If a supplier is selected for multiple subsystems it is because the supplier had the best offering for both subsystems and has very little to do with a package offer."
市场调查还显示,尽管有几家供应商有能力将发电和配电系统作为一个整体供应,但这种报价在过去只是在特殊情况下发生。 正如电气系统供应商所解释的那样,“提供套餐级别的折扣是例外,它们通常是无效的,因为各种电气子系统之间基于成本的协同作用有限。如果一个供应商生产多个子系统,则可能存在技术协同效应,从而降低子系统的集成风险,但机身 OEM 通常不愿意为为多个子系统选择单个供应商所实现的风险降低量赋予价值。结果是,机身 OEM 根据自身的优点选择最具价值(技术和商业)的子系统产品。如果为多个子系统选择了供应商,那是因为该供应商为两个子系统提供了最好的报价,并且与打包报价几乎没有关系。“
665.Indeed, the majority of airframers responding to the market investigation indicated that they typically source generation and distribution systems separately and they do not intend to deviate from this practice. An important customer explains that "while the value proposition of a supplier is of course relevant, it is equally important to ensure that there is sufficient competition over time in the procurement process, in particular given the long-term nature of aerospace contracts […] [Our company] usually sends out straightforward Requests for Proposal ("RFP") and typically does not source on the basis of alternate proposals from suppliers, i.e., outside of the framework set forth by its RFP's, in order to keep control over the procurement process."
事实上,大多数回应市场调查的飞机制造商 表示,他们通常单独采购发电和配电系统,他们不打算偏离这种做法。 一位重要客户解释说,”虽然供应商的价值主张当然是相关的,但确保在采购过程中随着时间的推移有足够的竞争同样重要,特别是考虑到航空航天合同 的长期性质 [...] [我们公司] 通常会发出简单的提案请求 (“RFP”),并且通常不会根据供应商的替代提案进行采购,即在其 RFP 设定的框架之外,以保持对采购流程的控制。“
666.Another large customer also confirms that it is "in control of the procurement process by choosing the work packages it tenders and its strategy will remain to send separate RFPs for generation and distribution systems in order to maintain as much competition as possible." The same customer also pointed out that, in its view, "Safran post-transaction would not risk not being awarded with at least part of the electrical systems by trying to bundle." Indeed, it is important to note that the long aircraft lifetime means that winning a tender ensures a long-term revenue stream, and conversely, that losing the tender because of an attempted bundling strategy would come at a high cost, which is likely to limit the merged entity's incentive to engage in such a strategy.
另一家大客户也证实,它“通过选择招标的工作包来控制采购流程,其策略仍将为发电和配电系统发送单独的 RFP,以尽可能多地保持竞争。“ 同一客户还指出,在其看来, ”赛峰集团交易后不会因为试图捆绑销售而冒着无法获得至少部分电气系统的风险。 事实上,重要的是要注意,飞机的长寿命意味着赢得招标可以确保长期的收入流,反之,由于尝试捆绑策略而失去投标将付出高昂的成本,这可能会限制合并实体参与此类策略的动力。
667.For the reasons set out above, the Commission considers that the merged entity would be unlikely to have the ability and incentive to bundle generation, distribution and conversion systems with the effect of foreclosing competitors on these markets and that, therefore, conglomerate non-coordinated effects are unlikely to arise. Accordingly, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market in this respect.
基于上述原因,委员会认为,合并后的实体不太可能有能力 和动机将生产、分销和转换系统与取消这些市场上的竞争对手捆绑在一起,因此,不太可能出现潜在的非协调效应。因此,竞委会认为,该交易在这方面与其内部市场的兼容性并未引起严重怀疑。
7.3.2.Electrical systems and environmental control systems
668. In response to the market investigation, a competitor expressed concerns that the merged entity may in the future be able to leverage its position as a supplier of electrical systems into the potential market for electrical ECS for the next generation aircraft. Specifically, that competitor considers that, following the Transaction, Safran will be able to supply electrical generation, distribution and conversion systems, which may lead airframers to decide to source the whole electrical system from the merged entity as a single package. In such a situation, the competitor contends that the electrical systems supplier "will be driving several key requirements of the ECS, which will therefore negatively influence the ability of the other ECS suppliers to submit an ECS proposal that is competitive". The competitor further clarified that this could occur in particular due to the links between the power conversion system and the ECS: "the ability to optimize the ECS is deeply linked to the knowledge of the details of the architecture of the power conversion. The supplier of the power conversion is therefore in a very good, if not the best, position to propose the most optimized, i.e. the most competitive ECS."
在回应市场调查时,一家竞争对手表示担心,合并后的实体未来可能能够利用其作为电气系统供应商的地位进入 下一代飞机电气 ECS 的潜在市场。 具体而言, 该竞争对手认为,交易完成后,赛峰集团将能够提供发电、配电和转换系统,这可能导致飞机制造商决定从合并后的实体 采购整个电气系统作为单个包。在这种情况下,竞争对手辩称,电气系统供应商“将推动 ECS 的几个关键要求,因此这将对其他 ECS 供应商提交有竞争力的 ECS 提案的能力产生负面影响”。 该参赛者进一步澄清说,这可能是由于电源转换系统和 ECS 之间的联系而发生的:“优化 ECS 的能力与电源转换架构细节的了解密切相关。因此,电力转换供应商 处于非常好的位置,即使不是最好的,也可以提出最优化、即最具竞争力的 ECS。
669.As discussed in section 7.3.1 above, the Commission considers that the merged entity is unlikely to be able to engage in tying or bundling practices that would result in the foreclosure of single-product suppliers of electrical systems. The Commission has however assessed whether the merged entity would have the ability and incentive, through bundling or tying practices, to leverage its position on the potential market for integrated electrical systems or on any of the markets for individual electrical systems in order to foreclose competitors on the electrical ECS market.
如上文第 7.3.1 节所述,委员会认为合并后的实体不太可能从事搭售或捆绑行为,从而导致 电气系统单一产品供应商的赎回权被取消。 然而,委员会已经评估了合并后的实体是否有能力和激励,通过捆绑或搭售做法, 利用其在集成电气系统的潜在市场或任何 单个电气系统市场上的地位,以排除电气 ECS 市场上的竞争对手。
670.As described above, Safran will continue to face a number of strong competitors on each of the electrical generation, distribution and conversion markets, as well as on a potential market for integrated electrical systems. Alternative suppliers of electrical systems for all platform types will thus continue to be available to customers. As a result, the merged entity would be unlikely to have sufficient market power on those markets to be able to foreclose competitors in electrical ECS.
如上所述,赛峰集团将继续在发电、配电和转换市场以及集成电气系统的潜在市场上面临众多强大的竞争对手。 因此,客户将继续 为客户提供适用于所有平台类型的电气系统的原始供应商。 因此,合并后的实体不太可能在这些市场上拥有足够的市场力量,从而能够排除电气 ECS 领域的竞争对手。
671.The merged entity's ability to engage in technical tying is further limited by the fact that airframers typically set out detailed technical specifications of both the electrical systems and the ECS, thus leaving little scope for the provider of electrical systems to influence the design of the ECS. This was confirmed in the market investigation and is also acknowledged by the complaining competitor mentioned in paragraph (668) above, which acknowledges that "this risk may be prevented in case the airframers decide to write very detailed technical specifications for both the power conversion and the ECS. This decision is based on each airframer’s individual situation. We at […] advocate that, given the importance of both systems together when considering the aircraft's total energy efficiency, it is worth for the airframer investing time and money into preparing highly detailed specifications for both systems. But it may also be that, in order to save time, money or engineering effort during the aircraft development phase, an airframer decides to issue a so-called high-level specification that provides no detail at all." An important competing supplier of power conversion systems however indicated that airframers typically define the technical specifications of the systems they source at a level of detail that limits suppliers' ability to influence the design of related equipment.
合并后的实体进行技术搭售的能力进一步受到限制,因为 irframer 通常会列出 电气系统和 ECS 的详细技术规格,因此电气系统提供商几乎没有空间影响 ECS 的设计。这在市场调查 中得到了证实,上文第 (668) 段中提到的投诉竞争对手也承认 了这一点,该段承认“ 如果飞机制造商决定为 Power Conversion 和 ECS 编写非常详细的技术规范。此决定基于每个飞机制造商的个人情况。我们 [...]主张,在考虑飞机的总能源效率时,鉴于两个系统一起重要性,飞机制造商值得投入时间和金钱为这两个系统准备高度详细的规格。但也可能是,为了在飞机开发阶段节省时间、金钱或工程工作,飞机制造商决定发布一个根本没有提供任何细节的所谓高级规范。 然而,一家重要的电源转换系统竞争供应商表示,飞机制造商通常以一定程度的细节来定义他们采购的系统的技术规格,从而限制供应商影响相关设备设计的能力。 元
672.The same supplier of conversion systems also noted that given that the primary technology and components used to manufacture electrical ECS will be different from those used to supply conversion or other electrical systems, the synergies between supplying the electrical ECS and the electrical generation, distribution or conversion systems are limited and relate mainly to system integration.
同一转换系统供应商还指出,鉴于用于制造电气 ECS 的主要技术和组件与用于供应转换或其他电气系统的主要技术和组件不同,因此供应电气 ECS 与发电、配电或转换系统之间的协同作用是有限的,并且主要与系统集成有关。
673.As noted above, Zodiac is a small supplier of conversion systems. Furthermore, Zodiac does not currently supply an electrical ECS and […]. Zodiac submits that […]. Safran is not active at all as a supplier of ECS and […]. However, for there to exist an incentive to engage in a foreclosure strategy towards suppliers of electrical ECS, […].
如上所述,Zodiac 是一家小型转换系统供应商。 此外,Zodiac 目前不提供电动 ECS 和 [...]。 Zodiac 提出 [...]。 赛峰集团作为 ECS 和 [...]。 然而,为了存在对电气 ECS 供应商采取止赎策略的激励 措施,[...]。
674.For the reasons set out above, the Commission considers that the merged entity is unlikely to have the ability and incentive to foreclose suppliers of ECS by bundling or tying electrical systems and ECS and that, therefore, conglomerate non-coordinated effects are unlikely to arise. Accordingly, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market in this respect.
基于上述原因,委员会认为,合并后的实体不太可能有能力和动机通过将电气系统和 ECS 捆绑或捆绑来取消 ECS 供应商的赎回权,因此,不太可能出现企业集团的非协调效应。因此,竞委会认为,该交易在这方面与其内部市场的兼容性并未引起严重怀疑。
7.3.3.MRO services and spare parts and cabin interior equipment
MRO 服务、备件 和 机舱内部设备
675.In response to the market investigation, concerns were expressed by certain customers that the merged entity could take advantage of its position in the aftermarket and link the applicable commercial conditions for spare parts and MRO services to the selection of Zodiac cabin interior equipment.
作为对市场调查的回应,一些客户表示担心合并后的实体可能会利用其在售后市场的地位,并将备件和 MRO 服务的适用商业条件与 Zodiac 机舱内部设备的选择联系起来。
676.The Commission takes note of the statements made by several customers that, when faced with the need to replace components during the lifetime of the aircraft, they consider that they have a limited choice of suppliers of spare parts.
委员会注意到一些客户的陈述,即当需要在飞机的使用寿命内更换部件时,他们认为 他们的备件供应商选择有限。
677.However, first, as discussed also in sections 7.1.6 and 7.1.7 of the present decision, alternative suppliers of both spare parts and MRO services exist. The Parties and, post-Transaction, the merged entity are thus not unavoidable supply sources for any airframer or airline in respect of any component or MRO service.
然而,首先,正如本决定的第 7.1.6 节和 第 7.1.7 节所讨论的那样,备件和 MRO 服务的替代供应商 存在。因此,双方和交易后的合并实体并不是任何飞机制造商或航空公司在任何组件或 MRO 服务方面不可避免的供应来源。
678.Second, both Safran and Zodiac are already active as suppliers of spare parts and MRO services, as well as of BFE equipment selected by airlines. The market investigation however did not reveal any instance whereby a supplier (be it any of the Parties or their competitors) conditioned the provision of spare parts or MRO services on the procurement of any other type of equipment by the customer. In effect, with the exception of one customer which indicated that it was offered better commercial conditions for purchasing two variants of the same cabin interior equipment from the same supplier, and, as noted in section 7.3.1 above, of a customer which indicated an instance of a bundled offer for electrical systems, the market investigation did not reveal any ongoing or past bundling or tying practices in relation to other types of equipment offered by the Parties and their competitors. Moreover, the information available does not point to the existence of any incentive of the Parties to engage in such strategy post-Transaction.
其次,赛峰集团和Zodiac 公司都已经是航空公司选择的备件和MRO服务以及BFE设备的活跃供应商。然而,市场调查并未发现供应商(无论是任何一方或其竞争对手)以客户采购任何其他类型的设备为条件提供备件或 MRO 服务的情况。 实际上,除了一个客户表示,从同一供应商处购买同一 机舱内部设备的两种变体具有更好的商业条件 ,以及如上文第 7.3.1 节所述,一个客户表示存在电气系统的捆绑报价实例, 市场调查未发现任何正在进行的或过去的与双方及其竞争对手提供的其他类型的设备有关的捆绑或搭售行为。 此外,现有信息并未表明双方在交易后存在任何参与此类策略的动机。
679.For the reasons set out above, the Commission considers that the merged entity would be unlikely to have the ability and incentive to foreclose competitors of cabin interior equipment by conditioning the supply of spare parts or MRO services and that, therefore, conglomerate non-coordinated effects are unlikely to arise. Accordingly, the Commission considers that the Transaction does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the internal market in this respect.
基于上述原因,委员会认为,合并后的实体不太可能有能力和动机通过限制备件或 MRO 服务的供应来排除机舱内部设备的竞争对手 ,因此,不太可能出现企业集团的非协调效应。因此,竞委会认为,该交易在这方面与其内部市场的兼容性并未引起严重怀疑。
8.Conclusion 结论
680.For the above reasons, the European Commission has decided not to oppose the notified operation and to declare it compatible with the internal market and with the EEA Agreement. This decision is adopted in application of Article 6(1)(b) of the Merger Regulation and Article 57 of the EEA Agreement.
基于上述原因,欧盟委员会决定不反对通知的操作,并宣布其与内部市场和 EEA 协议兼容。本决定是在适用《合并条例》第 6 条第 (1) 款第 (b) 项和《欧洲经济区协定》第 57 条的情况下通过的。
For the Commission
(Signed) (签名)
Margrethe VESTAGER 玛格丽特·维斯塔格
Member of the Commission 委员会成员
Table of Contents 目录
1.The parties 各方
2.The concentration 浓度
3.EU dimension 欧盟维度
4.Overview of the aircraft manufacturing industry
4.1.Types of aircraft 飞机类型
4.2.Supply chain 供应链
4.3.Procurement process 采购流程
4.3.1.Large commercial aircraft
4.3.2.Regional aircraft/corporate jets
4.3.3.Military aircraft 军用飞机
4.3.4.Helicopters 直升机
5.Product market definition
5.1.Electrical systems 电气系统
5.1.1.Electrical generation systems
5.1.2.Electrical distribution systems and components
5.1.3.Electrical conversion systems
5.1.4.Battery systems 电池系统
5.2.Landing gears 起落架
5.3.Brakes and wheels 制动器和车轮
5.4.Control systems and equipment
5.5.Nacelles 机舱
5.5.1.Introduction 介绍
5.5.2.Nacelles 机舱
5.5.3.Nacelles components – Thrust reversers
机舱组件 – 反推装置
5.5.4.Nacelles sub-components 机舱子组件
5.6.Engines 发动机
5.6.1.Introduction 介绍
5.6.2.Engines 发动机
5.6.3.APUs APU
5.6.4.Front bearing compartments
5.6.5.Lubrication units 润滑装置
5.6.6.Mechanical power transmission systems
5.6.7.Engine sub-components 发动机子组件
5.7.Environmental control systems
5.7.1.Introduction 介绍
5.7.2.Environmental control systems
5.7.3.Fans for ECS ECS 风扇
5.8.Flight controls 飞行控制
5.8.1.Introduction 介绍
5.8.2.Flight control actuation 飞行控制驱动
5.8.3.Pilot controls 先导控制
5.8.4.Cockpit control panels and cockpit components
5.9.Wiring systems and components
5.9.1.Introduction 介绍
5.9.2.Wiring systems 布线系统
5.9.3.Wiring components 布线组件
5.10.Various components 各种组件
5.10.1.Aerospace hose and tube assemblies
5.10.2.Externally located electrical boxes
5.10.3.Small sub-components 小子组件
5.10.4.Solenoid valves (manifold)
5.10.5.Servo-valves (manifold) 伺服阀(歧管)
5.10.6.Utility actuators 实用执行器
5.10.7.Sensors 传感器
5.11.Space launchers 太空发射器
5.11.1.Introduction 介绍
5.11.2.Prime contracting for ESA space launchers
5.11.3.Telemetry equipment for space launchers
5.11.4.Valves equipment for space launchers
5.12.Defence systems and equipment
5.12.1.Introduction 介绍
5.12.2.Strategic missiles 战略导弹
5.12.3.Tactical missiles 战术导弹
5.12.4.Missile propulsion systems
5.12.5.Telemetry equipment for strategic missiles
5.12.6.Optronics 光电
5.12.7.Drones 无人 机
5.12.8.Ejection seats and components
5.13.MRO services and spare parts
MRO 服务和备件
5.13.1.Introduction 介绍
5.13.2.MRO services MRO 服务
5.13.3.Spare parts 备件
6.Geographic market definition
7.Competitive assessment 竞争性评估
7.1.Horizontal non-coordinated effects
7.1.1.Electrical generation systems
7.1.2.Electrical distribution systems and components
7.1.3.Cockpit control panels and cockpit components
7.1.4.Fans for ECS ECS 风扇
7.1.5.Wiring systems and components
7.1.6.MRO services MRO 服务
7.1.7.Spare parts 备件
7.2.Vertical non-coordinated effects
7.2.1.Electrical distribution systems and components
7.2.2.Landing gears and components
7.2.3.Brakes/wheels and components
7.2.4.Control systems and equipment
7.2.5.Nacelles, thrust reversers and nacelles sub-components
7.2.6.Engines, engine components and engine sub-components
7.2.7.Environmental control systems and fans for ECS
ECS 的环境控制系统和风扇
7.2.8.Wiring systems and components
7.2.9.Space launchers 太空发射器
7.2.10.Defence systems and equipment
7.2.11.Supply of spare parts (upstream) and provision of MRO services (downstream)
备件供应(上游)和提供 MRO 服务(下游)
7.3.Conglomerate non-coordinated effects
7.3.1.Electrical generation, distribution and conversion systems
7.3.2.Electrical systems and environmental control systems
7.3.3.MRO services and spare parts and cabin interior equipment
MRO 服务、备件和机舱内部设备
8.Conclusion 结论