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  常见的有限元软件FEM SOFTWARES         
[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_53ce2a3b0102x17b.html    点击数:52    更新时间:2021/1/21    文章录入:LA ]


Abaqus: Franco-American software from SIMULIA, owned by Dassault Systemes
Advance Design BIM software for FEM structural analysis, including international design eurocodes, a solution developed by GRAITEC
Advance Design Official Page
Aim finite element modeling,computing,and calculation, CAD, Design software 
ALBERTA An adaptive hierarchical finite element toolbox[1]
ALGOR Incorporated
Altair HyperWorks Altair Engineering’s HyperWorks is a computer-aided engineering (CAE) simulation software platform that allows businesses to create superior, market-leading products efficiently and cost effectively.
ANSA: An advanced CAE pre-processing software for complete model build up.
ANSYS: American software
CalculiX is an Open Source FEA project. The solver uses a partially compatible ABAQUS file format. The pre/post-processor generates input data for many FEA and CFD applications.
Code Aster: French software written in Python and Fortran, GPL license.
COMSOL Multiphysics COMSOL Multiphysics Finite Element Analysis Software formerly Femlab
Creo Elements / Pro Mechanica: A p-version finite element program that is embedded in the MCAD application Creo Elements Pro, from PTC (Parametric Technology Corporation)
deal.II is a finite element differential equation library[2]
Diana (software) a multi-purpose finite element program (three-dimensional and nonlinear) by TNO
Diffpack Software for finite element analysis and partial differential equations
DUNE, Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment GPL Version 2 with Run-Time Exception, written in C
Elmer FEM solver: Open source multiphysical simulation software developed by Finnish Ministry of Education's CSC, written in C, C and Fortran
Falcon2.0 : Lightweight FEM POST Processor and Viewer for 3D UNV and NASTRAN files
FEAPpv a general purpose finite element analysis program [3]
FEBio, Finite Elements for Biomechanics
FEFLOW: simulates groundwater flow, mass transfer and heat transfer in porous media
Femap, Siemens PLM Software: A pre and post processor for Windows
FEM-Design Structural analysis software from StruSoft (Swedish company).
FEMM is a Windows finite element solver for 2D and axisymmetric magnetic, electrostatic, heat flow, and current flow problems[4]
FEMPACK FEMPACK - Finite Element Routines [5]
FEMtools, Dynamic Design Solutions: A toolbox for static and dynamic simulation, verification, validation and updating of finite element models. Includes also modules for structural optimization and for obtaining experimental reference data.
FEniCS Project: a LGPL-licensed software package developed by American and European researchers
FENSAP-ICE (Finite Element Navier–Stokes Package) the fully-integrated 3D in-flight CFD icing simulation system developed by Newmerical Technologies Intl.
FETK is an adaptive finite element method (AFEM) software libraries and tools for solving coupled systems of nonlinear geometric partial differential equations (PDE)[6]
Flux : American electromagnetic and thermal FEA
FRANC2D and FRANC3D: is a two/three dimensional, finite element based program for simulating curvilinear crack propagation in planar (plane stress, plane strain, and axisymmetric) structures developed by Cornell Fracture Group US. software available for Windows and Linux/UNIX[7]
Freefem is an implementation of a language dedicated to the finite element method[8]
Genie: DNV (Det Norske Veritas) Software
GetFEM An open-source finite element library [9]
Hermes Project: Modular C/C library for rapid development of space- and space-time adaptive hp-FEM solvers.
HydroGeoSphere: A 3D control-volume finite element hydrologic model, simulating surface and subsurface water flow and solute and thermal energy transport
HyperSizer: Software for composite material analysis
Impact: Dynamic Finite Element Program Suite, for dynamic events like crashes, written in Java, GNU license
Infolytica MagNet : North American electromagnetic, electric and thermal FEA software
JMAG: Japanese software Actran: Belgian Software (Acoustic)
libMesh a framework for the numerical simulation of partial differential equations[10]
LINKpipe: from LINKftr AS (Norwegian company). Special purpose non linear FE program for pipelines
LS-DYNA, LSTC - Livermore Software Technology Corporation
LUSAS: UK Software
MADYMO: TASS - TNO Automotive Safety Solutions
MSC.Marc: from MSC Software
nastran/EM: Nastran Suit for highly advanced Durability & NVH Analyses of Engines; born from the AK32 Benchmark of Audi, BMW, Daimler, Porsche & VW; Source Code available
Nastran: American software, from MSC Software
Nautics 3D Beam: DNV (Det Norske Veritas) Software
NEi Fusion, NEi Software: 3D CAD modeler Nastran FEA
NEi Nastran, NEi Software: General purpose Finite Element Analysis
NEi Works, NEi Software: Embedded Nastran for SolidWorks users
NISA: Indian software
OFELI : (Object Finite Element LIbrary)a library of finite element C classes for multipurpose development of finite element software [11]
OOF: finite element modeling for material science[12]
OOFEM: Object Oriented Finite EleMent solver, written in C , GPL v2 license
OpenFOAM (Field Operation And Manipulation). Originally for CFD only, but now includes finite element analysis through tetrahedral decomposition of arbitrary grids.
OpenSees is an Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation

PAK: Serbian software for linear and nonlinear structural analysis, heat conduction, fluid mechanics with heat transfer, coupled problems, biomechanics, fracture mechanics and fatigue.
ParaFEM is a freely available, portable library of subroutines for parallel finite element analysis. The subroutines are written in FORTRAN90/95 and use MPI for message passing.[13]
Plaxis: Geotechnical 2D/3D FE suites, with support for stresses, deformations, groundwater flow and dynamics.
Public Domain FE Programs listed by Ian MacPhedran
PZFlex: American software for wave propagation and piezoelectric devices
Quickfield : Physics simulating software
Radioss: A linear and nonlinear solver owned by Altair Engineering
Range Software: Multiphysics simulation software
SAMCEF: CAE package developed by the Belgian company
SAP2000: American software
STRAND7: Developed in Sydney Australia by Strand7 Pty. Ltd. Marketed as Straus7 in Europe.
StressCheck developed by ESRD, Inc (USA) emphasizing solution accuracy by utilizing high order elements
Vector Fields Concerto: UK 2d/3d RF and microwave electromagnetic design software
Vector Fields Opera: UK 2d/3d Electromagnetic and multi-physics finite element design software
Vflo: Physics-based distributed hydrologic modeling software, developed by Vieux & Associates, Inc.
WARP3D Static and Dynamic Nonlinear Analysis of Fracture in Solids [14]
What is the status of open source finite element codes? - a discussion thread at the imechanica.org forums
Z88: FEM-software available for Windows and Linux/UNIX, written in C, GPL license
Zébulon: French software

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