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简介:本帖最后由 火凤凰 于 2014-7-4 06:20 编辑

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译者序-自由能理论初级-《纽曼的能源机》 首先声明:以下观点仅为个人YY观点,不要太信以为真。 译者读过的关于自由能理论的相关书籍: Keshe的三本书:《物质创造的普遍秩序》、《宇宙起源》、《光的结构》《磁流》《纽曼的能源机》《自由能源手册》其中有的只读了部分。 Keshe的书写的很不错,不过基础理论没写。我在《纽曼的能源机》中发现了更基础的理论。《纽曼的能源机》中也有关于光、重力、宇宙的讨论,这部分还没看,不清楚是否比keshe写的好。不过《纽曼的能源机》写于1964年,没有keshe写的好也是应该的。《磁流》出版时间更早,1945年,理论没讲什么。再早就要从《手册》中找了。其实,自由能理论最早应该始于牛顿时代(公元1643~公元1727)。到法拉第时代(公元1791~公元1867)已经得到证明,并由麦克斯韦(公元1831~公元1879)总结出麦克斯韦方程。为什么这么说呢?因为牛顿认为力不是抽象的,是一种机械运动的结果,也就是说力的作用是通过一种更基本的粒子完成的。不过它到死也没搞清楚这种作用的模型。后来的法拉第已经发现电磁场是由更基本的粒子组成,麦克斯韦总结出这种粒子的运动规律。这种粒子以前人们叫作“以太”,不过后来由某些人证明“以太”是不存在的,后来就不了了之了。之后就是尼古拉·特斯拉(1856年-1943年)时代,据说特斯拉完成了统一场论,不过没有发表出来。特斯拉申请了大量自由能相关的专利也是不争的实现。从时间上看,人们对世界的真像,对统一场论人追求从来没有停止过。一部分科学家已经在正确的路上走的很远,虽然大部分人已经误入歧途。下面来说一说理论内容。 同质的思想: 世间万物都是由相同本质的事物组成的,宇宙、银河系、太阳系、地月系、原子系,以及人们现在还观察不到的更微小的系统。它们都是由回旋的小系统组成,大到宇宙小到原子都在按相同的规律运动。如果把一个原子看成一个宇宙,其内也可以这样分下去。最后我们只能抽象一种粒子,一种回旋粒子,最终不可再分的粒子来描述一种理论,一种统一的理论。至于这种回旋的粒子初始的回旋从哪来,那你去问牛顿研究的“上帝之手“吧。至于这种粒子存在不,那是以人类观测能力定的,一个漩涡是由很多小漩涡组成的,小漩涡又是由更小的漩涡组成的…所以说,没有最小只有更小,只不过是结构是同样的。在翻译《纽曼的能源机》时我给翻译成了陀螺子,因为纽曼认为这种粒子和陀螺仪效应一样。一说粒子,不一定是一种刚体小球,可能是能量涡流(就像水的涡流一样),至于这种粒子是什么样,要看你研究什么。 以太(陀螺子)的模型: 场是由以太来组成的,那么以太就可以演化出场的特性。让我们来看看以太的运动方式: 1.     以光速自旋。你可以想一下银河系的图。 2.     以光速在某方向运动。由以上两性质可以神奇的得出E=MC2,因为根据牛顿定律动能为1/2MV2。 排斥和吸引模型: 磁场如何排斥和吸引?你把以太粒子相像成自行车飞轮,自行车飞轮只能向一个方向转,因此只有一种转动,不能有的正转有的逆转。两个旋转的飞轮如何“排斥”和“吸引”?相像两个旋转的飞轮,你一定是想像成两个同时顺时针或逆时针的了,对不对。同向的飞轮是不能咬合在一起的,这就是排斥。那么怎么吸引呢?你把一个飞轮翻个面就行了,不用我多说了吧。 磁场模型: 场是由以太组成的,那么磁场怎么会有两极,怎么排斥和吸引的?同样的陀螺子由磁体的两极发出,由于方向相反,会产生反方向的进动,N极出来的会向S极飞,S极出来的会向N极飞,两者在各方面都可以“咬合”。由于陀螺进动效应,陀螺子是在螺旋轨道上飞,中间是空的,连续的陀螺子组成一个管道,管壁上是密集的陀螺子,这样一个管道就是磁场里的一条磁感线。正反方向的磁感线也可以“咬合”,这就形成一种密集的动态机械区域。 磁场的排斥和吸引: 明白上面的模型这很简单了,你可以自己相像一下,或看书中内容。 关于电能: 我们有一种固有的思想,认为电能是电子的流动。电动机是靠电子流动才转动的吗?显然不是,是靠电磁感应,是靠电场和磁场的感应。电子的运动反而是一种额外的、有害的运动。只要在正确的时间序列里电场和磁场发生对应的变化,能量就是可以传递的。可以参考: “唐•史密斯高功率设备”的设计原理 http://www.energysea.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1004&extra= 关于电场、引力: 显然,前9章里没有。请等待“自由能理论中级”吧。 关于keshe的书:我认为可以作为“自由能理论高级”来读,开始读把我砸的晕乎乎的,做事还要从基础做起。

第1章 历史的回顾

不同点是这样的。 在过去的23年中,我唯一的是靠发明来谋生。 这是一个职业需要针对现实的改进,持续不断的质疑的,问,伴随着深深的,有创造力的思考。
相反,现在的教学系统,从语法的学校到大学只是一个记忆。 一个学生越是具备更多的教育机构的书本知识的记忆能力,越好的分数可以取得。 此外,大学里分配给学习基础的时间也是很短的。 这里几乎没有时间去深深的创造力的思考问题,象“怎样”和“为什么”。这个系统一直持续的决定着科学的进程。
我们人类的进程是一个依赖持续的物理扩展中的创造力经历的进程。所有的面向技术的人有一个敏感的和道义的责任去鼓励有创造力的生在未来对人类的改进中的人。 在很多的情况下,一个科学概念的技术实现都是在理论之前。这些理论是后面的科学团体或别的技术个人所解释的。
下面的对话引用是从一本标题为迈克尔。法拉第的书中摘抄的。 重要的是,迈克尔法拉第理解了力线(就是磁力线)是真正的物理实体。
“我(法拉第)意识到我的力的定义同你的力的定义不同。你描述为”一个实体从一个地方到另外一个地方的趋势或倾向“。而我的意思是 力是源头 所有的可能的微粒或宇宙中材料的行为的源头。。。”
在我最初的伴随我的专利申请时披露文档里,我从力学上解释了所有的上面的细节。 -还包括一些没有解释的一些科学观察的现象。通过一个唯一的陀螺型粒子的的力学解释。这粒子是组成宇宙中所有物质的,产生所有的磁场和电场的基本物质。在这本书的第三章,我将详细的解释这些粒子的力学描述。

第2章 回转仪(陀螺仪)的运动





"The way in which Faraday made use ofhis lines of force in coordinating the phenomena of electric induction showshim to have been a mathematician of high order, and one from whom the mathematiciansof the future may derive valuable and fertile methods." -JamesClerk Maxwell 法拉第用力线表示电感应现象展示了他已经是一个有很高水平的数学家,未来的数学家可能从他的方法中得到宝贵和丰富的方法。 -麦克斯韦 I will begin with thescientific facts concerning my initial reading in March, 1965 on the nature ofMichael Faraday's Generator. 我将从我在1965年3月开始读的迈克尔-法拉第的发电机中的科学事实开始。 Anyone who cannot recognizethe veracity of certain conclusions that I understood when I initially studiedFaraday's facts has been unjustly influenced by the teaching process whichrewards one for memorization and discourages questioning of the subject mattertaught. 所有人都没有认识到某些结论的真像,当我开始学习法拉第的研究时我已经明白了,这些事实被不鼓励质疑鼓励死记硬背的教学过程不公正的影响了。 As you read the followinglist of experimental facts concerning Faraday's generator, you will retrace thesteps of my initial readings during March 1965. With open eyes and an openmind, question for yourself what would happen under the conditions describedbelow.* 当你读下面的关于法拉第的发电机实验事实时,你将追溯我在1965年的步伐。打开双眼打开思想,问你自己在下面描述的情况下会发生什么。 The facts of Faraday’sGenerator:


1.        Push a conductor wire down andthrough a magnetic field at right angles to the lines of force and the electriccurrent will flow to the left as drawn. 注:以垂直力线的方向向下推导线通过磁场区域会产生向左的电流。


2.        Push a conductor up and througha magnetic field at right angles to the lines of force and the electric currentflows to the right as drawn (opposite to Figure 1 above). 注:如图2中运动导线会产生向右的电流。


3.        Flip over the magnet 1800and the direction of the electric current flow will be reversed from that ofFigures 1 and 2 above, although the direction and motion of the conductorremain the same (compare Figure 3 to Figure 1 and observe opposite results). 注:对换磁极,运动方向不变,电流方向变了。


4.        Push the conductor"down" or "up" in a motion parallel to, and through themagnetic lines of force: no electric current will flow despite a vigorous orenergetic pushing effort. 注:在和磁力线平行方向推导线不会产生电流,不管运动的多么快。


5.        However, although the conductorcan be very slowly pushed at right angles to the magnetic lines of force, theresulting electric current will move at the speed of light. 注:然而垂直磁力线方向运动,即使很慢,电流也会以光速产生。


6.        The conductor can bedisconnected from the ammeter, flipped over 180°, reconnected to the ammeter torepeat the same motions of the conductor through, and at right angles to themagnetic lines of force (as in Figures l - 3). Identical results of theelectric current flow will then be observed even though the conductor has beenflipped over 180°. (See Figures 5 and 6: the conductor in Figure 6 has beenflipped over 180° from that of Figure 5, yet the direction of current flow is identical.) 注:把导线和电表断开,翻转1800,接上电表,产生的电流和翻转前一样。说明电流的产生和导线没关系,只和导线的运动有关。

7.        The conventional teachingswould suggest that the above-discussed electric current flow was a result ofelectron flow in the conductor and that nothing came from the magnetic field. Also,conventional teachings states that the magnetic lines of force are imaginary,consisting of Potential Energy and no Kinetic Energy. [This claim was believedto be justified because no current flow was observed when the conductor was motionlessin a magnetic field. There is no merit to this position when one knows that one can vigorously move a conductor parallel to magnetic lines of force and nocurrent flow will occur.] 传统的教学会说上面的讨论的电流是电子在导线中流动的结果,和磁场没多少关系。另外,传统教学规定磁力线是想象出来的,只有势能没有动能。【这种说法被相信是因为导线在磁场中不动时没电流被观察到。这是没有任何价值的,因为当一个人猛烈的平行于磁场线移动一个导线时也没电流产生。】注:有点电流产生和导线运动也没关系的意思。如果电流是动能转化来的,为什么要在磁场中,为什么还要有方向的运动。

8.        As I studied the above facts ofFaraday’s Generator, I concluded that the conventional teachings of No. 7 abovewere totally incorrect and that such a conclusion completely ignores the knownfacts presented by Faraday’s Generator. 当我学习到上述法拉第的电机的事实,我得出了一个结论,以上7种传统学说都是不正确的,这些学说完全忽视了法拉第的电机中出现的现象。

9.        Facts 1-6 above clearly proved tome that a magnetic field consists of: 上面1-6的事实清楚的证明磁场构成如下: A.       particles which have mechanicalcharacteristics. I asked myself, "How else could these particles 'know' whichway to travel and why else would the direction of current flow be so dependentupon the magnetic field and totally independent of the conductor itself?” 有力学运动特性的微粒。我问自己,“这些微粒怎么‘知道’向哪条道运动,为什么电流方向这么依赖于磁场而不是导体本身?” B.       particles moving at the speedof light within the magnetic field. The facts prove to me that one did not impart the velocity of light to electric current flow by moving a conductorslowly through a magnetic field. Rather, the facts demonstrated that the resultingelectric current flow consisted of an entity which already traveled at thespeed of light. The slow movement of conductor at right angles to that entityhad simply mechanically deflected the particle from its normal path. [Suchaction is similar to that of a bullet being deflected by hitting a metal plateor body of water at the proper angle which results in the bullet being deflectedfrom its original path.] 微粒以光速在磁场中运动。这些事实告诉我,不能通过缓慢移动导体通过磁场,来影响电流以光速产生。这些事实证明,作为结果的电流由以光速运动的实体组成。导体相对这种实体在正确角度的运动力学的使微粒偏离了它们原来的方向。【这样的运动和子弹通过在正确的角度撞击金属盘子或水体被偏移一样,结果是子弹从原来的路径偏移】注:意思很明显,电流是被偏移了的一种实体,这种实体本来以光速运动,我们只是改变了它们的方向。 However, I was still puzzled. I asked myself, "Why did the up and down motion of the deflectingconductor produce opposite-direction deflection of this mechanically-naturedparticle which moved at the speed of light? Why did the deflection reverse whenthe magnet was flipped over 180°? And why, when the conductor moved parallel tothese mechanically natured particles (which were moving at the speed of light),was no current flow produced?" This latter question indicated to me that no proper deflection of the particles occurred in the mechanical position offorce of the conductor. 然而,我依然困惑。我问自己,“为什么弯曲的导体上下运动会使这种以光速运动的力学理论的微粒产生相反的偏移方向。为什么当磁场翻转180°偏移方向相反了?为什么当导体平行于磁力线时运动时没有电流产生?”后面的问题指示给我,在导体的力学的力的位置没有真正的微粒偏移发生。 Also, I asked myself,"When the conductor was motionless in the magnetic field (consisting ofparticles with mechanical characteristics and moving at the speed of light),why was no current flow produced?" This observation indicated that therewas no proper deflection of the particles occurring in the mechanical positionof the conductor. 同时,我问自己,“当导体在磁场(由有力学特性的以光速运动的微粒组成)中没有运动时,为什么没有电流产生?”这个观察指明,在导体的力学的位置没有真正的微粒偏移发生。


10.    Summation of my thoughts in the early months of 1965: 10.1965年前几个月的总结: Faraday had invented an important invention - the electric generator - but he had invented an inefficientinvention because one always obtained less energy from a system than the energyput into that system: yet, the facts clearly showed that the system consistedof an orderly flow of Kinetic Energy. This Kinetic Energy consists of amechanically-oriented particle which moves at the speed of light. Therefore I knewthat in order to construct the proper technological mechanism which couldutilize this energy, I must simply understand the essence of the entire system. 法拉第已经发明了一种重要的发明-发电机-但他也发明了一种无效率的发明,因为它总是从系统中得到的能量比输入系统的少:然而,事实清楚的表明系统由有序流动的机械动能结构组成。这种动能由力学的定向运动的以光速运动的微粒组成。因此我知道为了构建适当的能利用这种能量的技术机械,我必须理解整个系统的本质。 In addition to making myliving by other successful inventions, the next three years consisted of thousands of hours of testing, studying, and thinking to search for the truth concerning the nature of this mechanically- oriented particle. During thistime, the same question dominated my thoughts: How did the particles of amagnetic field "know" which way to travel? In retrospect, the answeris extremely simple, but seemed very difficult to me at the time since I had never taken a physics course and had been teaching myself many varied subjects. 除靠另外一个发明谋生外,以后的三年由几千个小时的实验、学习、思考组成,研究关于这种自然的机械化微粒的真像。在这期间,同一个问题困扰着我:磁场粒子如何“知道”走哪个路径?回想起来,答案是如此简单,但似乎对我来说太难了,因为我从没有上过物理课也没有自学那么多科目。 At this time in my life, I beganto work on another invention consisting of a flywheel which acted as a"mechanical storage battery" for a bicycle. This flywheel caused thebicycle to automatically react as a "wheelie.”  Such "stored mechanical energy"within the flywheel suggested to me the stabilizing influence of a gyroscope. I then became fascinated with understanding the essence of the gyroscope andthereafter I learned the answer to the questions dominating my thoughtsconcerning the explicit, mechanical characteristics of the particles comprisinga magnetic field and traveling at the speed of light. 我生命里的这段时间,我开始研究另一个发明,它由一个调速轮组成,就像一个自行车的机械存储电池。调速轮引起自行车如平行特技反应。这些调速轮中的机械能量暗示我陀螺仪的稳定影响。我之后沉迷于对陀螺仪本质的理解,之后这找到了我一直关心的问题的答案,关于以光速运动的组成磁场的粒子的力学特性。注:可以看陀螺仪的一些特性视频,很神奇。 11.    These particles consist of agyroscopic mechanical action which can be operationally (mechanically)understood and predicted! Let the following facts prove or disprove thisTheory: 这些粒子以陀螺仪方式运动,这可以用于真实的理解和预测一些事!这下面的事实证明或推翻这个理论:


Figure 11-A Move a conductordown at a right angle to a magnetic field and the current flow moves left.

图 11-A 在与磁场成直角方向,向下移动一个导体,产生向左的电流。


Figure 11-A1 Apply adownward force to the axis of a spinning gyroscope and it will pivot at a rightangle to the force (in this case pivot left). Now imagine that this gyroscopehas a forward direction at the speed of light.

图 11-A1 给个旋转的陀螺仪的一端一个向下的力,它会相对于力的方向以直角在枢轴方向进动(在这里是向左移动)。现在想象这个陀螺仪以光速向前运动。




Figure 11-B Move theconductor "up" at right angles to the magnetic field and the current flowsright and opposite to Figure 11-A above. 注:力的方向改变了


file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.png Figure 11-Bl Apply an upwardforce to the axis of the spinning gyroscope and it will pivot at right anglesto the force. In this case, the gyroscope pivots right and opposite to Figure11-A1 above. Now imagine that this gyroscope has a forward direction at thespeed of light. 注:力的方向改变了 AGAIN, THE ANALOGY OF THE ABOVE TWO EXAMPLES IS SCIENTIFICALLYEXACT!


file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.png Figure 11-B Flip the magnetsover 180° and repeat the actions of Figure 11-A above. The current flowdirection will be right and opposite to that of Example 11-A even though theforce direction is the same. 图 11-B 对调磁场方向重复图11-A中的动作。电流方向向右,和11-A相反,虽然力的方向一样。


file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image003.png Figure 11-C1 Flip thespinning gyroscope over 180°. Repeating the actions of Figure 11-Al above, thegyroscope will pivot at right angles to the force,  but will now pivot  right and opposite to that of Figure 11 –A1above, even though the force  directionis the same. Now imagine that this gyroscope has a forward direction at thespeed of light. 注:陀螺仪对调方向,进动方向变得相反。其实是旋转方向变了。 AGAIN, THE ANALOGY OF THE ABOVE TWO EXAMPLES IS SCIENTIFICALLYEXACT!


file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image004.png Figure 11-D Repeat theactions of Figure 11-B and the current flow will be left and opposite to Figure11-B even though the force direction is the same. 注:看图


file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image005.png Figure 11-D1 Repeat theactions of Figure 11-Bl: the gyroscope will pivot at right angles to the force,but will now pivot left and opposite to Figure 11-B1 even though the forcedirection is the same. Now imagine that this gyroscope has a forward directionat the speed of light. 注:看图



AGAIN, THE ANALOGY OF THE ABOVE TWO EXAMPLES IS SCIENTIFICALLYEXACT! file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image006.png Figure 11-E Move theconductor vigorously "up" and “down" through the magnetic field,maintaining the conductor force parallel to the magnetic tines of force and nocurrent flow will result. 注:看图


file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image007.png Figure 11-E1 Apply an"up" and "down" force parallel to the axis of the spinninggyroscope. Regardless of how energetically the force is applied, as long as theforce remains parallel, the gyroscope will not pivot even though it has a forwardmotion at the speed of light. 注:看图注:这个图我看了很久,始终不明白,是不是画错了。怎么这种情况是平行的施加在旋转轴的两端呢?前面的力怎么都只是施加在轴的一端呢?如果说上下运动使导线的垂直磁场和运动方向的那个两侧有电势差不就完了吗,怎么是旋转轴两端施加力?


AGAIN, THE ANALOGY OF THE ABOVE TWO EXAMPLES IS SCIENTIFICA LLYEXACT! "Theseparticles consist of a 'gyroscopic mechanical action ' which can beoperationally (mechanically) understood and predicted!” “这些粒子以陀螺仪方式运动,可以解释和预言很多事实!” F.The reason that a stationary conductor in a magnetic field (generated by andconsisting of gyroscopic particles spinning and moving at the speed of light)does not produce current flow is very simple. The fundamental Laws for theMathematics of Probability (Statistics of Large Numbers) states that as many ofthe gyroscopic particles will pivot left as pivot right due to the randommotion of the atoms comprising the conductor. Such action causes a cancellationeffect. The same is true if, from all directions, one randomly applies a forceto the axis of a spinning gyroscope. It simply will not pivot if the randomforces are fast. 在一个磁场(由的陀螺仪式的粒子以光速旋转和运动产生)中一个静止的导体不产生电流的原因很简单。统计学说明大量的陀螺仪式粒子将向左或右进动,归因于导体中原子的无规则运动。这种运动会抵消效果。如果从各方向施加力到旋转陀螺仪的一端也是一样的。如果随机的力很快它将不会进动。 AGAIN,THE ANALOGY OF THE ABOVE TWO EXAMPLES IS SCIENTIFICALLY EXACT! G.When one brings a conductor "down" or "up" at right anglesto a magnetic field, the random motion of the atoms within the conductor doesnot affect the system because there is a general drift direction of the"up” and "down" force applied to the gyroscopic particlescomprising a magnetic field. This effect is similar to an airflow consisting ofgas molecules in random motion within the airflow, but also possessing ageneral drift direction which will apply a force to a windmill, etc. If theairflow ceases, however, the windmill will not turn even though the moleculesof gas - while still moving at high velocities - are nonetheless in a randommotion which cancels the force applied to all sides of the windmill. 当相对于磁场在垂直于磁场方向上下移动导体时,导体内的无规则运动的原子不影响整个系统,因为一个大致的上下方向的力作用于组成磁场的陀螺仪粒子。这种效果和气流相似,气流由无规则运动的气体分子组成,但一个大致的方向可以带动风车等。然而,如果没有气流风车不会转动,即使气体分子依然以很高的速度在运动,但无规则的运动会抵消作用于风车的作用力。 Thesame effect is true if one applies a random force to the axis of a gyroscope.If the random force has a given drift direction of force, the gyroscope willpivot at right angles to that drift directional force. 给陀螺仪的轴一个随机的力,效果是同样正确的。如果随机的力有一个大致的方向,那么陀螺将相对于力的方向成直角的方向进动。 AGAIN,THE ANALOGY OF THE ABOVE TWO EXAMPLES IS SCIENTIFICA LLY EXACT! Atthis point in time, the facts I had assembled had convinced me that my initialthoughts in 1965 were indeed correct. A magnetic field does consist of discreteparticles which move forward at the speed of light and possessmechanically-identifiable characteristics which are identical to thosepossessed by a gyroscope. Such characteristics can be mechanically understoodand predicted. 这时,我收集到的实事使我深信不疑我1965年的想法是正确的。磁场是由不相连的粒子组成,它们以光速运动,有明显的力学特性,和陀螺仪的特性一致。这样的特性可以被力学的理解和预测。 Bythis time, however, I also mechanically explained other questions which I hadconceived regarding the nature of a magnetic field. Questions such as: 这时我同时力学的解释了另一些问题,我设想的关于自然界中的磁场。问题如下: Why,in a mechanical sense, does a magnet attract and repel other magnets? 在力学的意义上,为什么磁体会吸引和排斥别的磁体? Why,in a mechanical sense, do electric charges attract and repel? 在力学的意义上,为什么电荷会吸引和排斥? Whatis the energy in a magnetic field and what is its source? 磁场中的能量是什么,它们的源头是什么? Did the energy used in creating a permanentmagnet have any bearing upon the strength or energy contained within a magneticfield emitted from the permanent magnet once it was made? 制作永磁体的能量和一但永磁体制作完成而发出的磁场中的能量或力量有关? 1.        In the early part of 1965, Ieagerly researched the known facts concerning the creation of a permanentmagnet. Because I instinctively knew that if the strength of a magnetic fieldwas solely relative to the energy input, then I would know I was incorrect. Butif the strength of the magnetic field was independent of the energy input, thenI would be even more assured that I was correct. 在1965年早期,我深入的研究了已知的关于制作永磁体的事实。因为我本能的知道,如果磁场的强度只和输入的能量相关,那么我将是错的。但如果磁场强度和输入能量无关,那么我将更确定的我正确性。 Uponexamining the known facts concerning permanent magnets, I again knew I wascorrect and such facts are listed as follows: 通过上面对关于永磁体已知事实的调查,我又知道我是正确的,这些事实列在下面: A.       For a given energy input intovarying materials of identical volume, the generated strength of the magneticfield varies drastically! 对于给定的输入能量和各种相同质量的材料,产生的磁场强度是变化非常大!


file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image008.png The same electrical energyinput created extremely variable field strengths! I therefore instantly knewthat the strength of the magnetic field had to be a result of the nature of theatoms comprising the material and not a result of the electrical energy input. 同样的电能输入创建了各种各样的场强!因此我马上知道,磁场强度一定是组成材料原子的自然结果,而不是电能输入的结果。 B.       The facts further demonstratedthat the strength of the magnetic field was observed to increase as more atomswithin the material became aligned! 事实证明磁场强度被观察到和材料的原子数量成线性正相关!注:材料加一倍,强度加一倍。


file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image009.png FACT B therefore furthercorroborated FACT 12-A above as being correct. C.       The facts also taught that oncethe maximum atom alignment of a given material was achieved, then no amount ofelectrical input would continue to increase the magnetic field of thatmaterial! (See Figure 12-B2 above.) 事实同样说明,一旦给定材料的原子完全排序完成,输入再多的电能也不会增加材料的磁场强度! It was obvious to me fromthis conclusion that the strength of the magnetic field of a given material wasnot relative to the electrical energy input. Once the maximum atom alignment ofa material was achieved, one could increase the energy input 1000 times and therewould be no increase in the strength of the magnetic field of the permanentmagnet. Therefore, FACT 12-C further corroborated FACT 12-A above. 这个结论明显的告诉我,磁场强度和输入的电能无关。一旦给定材料的原子完全排序完成,输入能量大1000倍永磁体的磁场强度也不增加。因此,上面的事实12-C进一步证实了12-A。 D.      The facts also taught that ifone took a permanent magnet (such as in Figure 12-01 below) which has a strongmagnetic field and heated the magnet to its Curie temperature, the magneticfield would virtually disappear! (See Figure 12-D2 below.) 事实同样说明如果一个人将一块有很强磁场强度永磁铁加热到它的居里温度,磁场将消失于无形!


file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image010.png Again, it was obvious to methat the magnetic field disappeared in Figure 12-D2 because the heat inputcreated a random atomic motion and non-alignment within the material. One canclearly see that in Figure 12-D2 one is transferring energy into the system ofthe magnetic material, i.e., one is not taking energy from the magneticmaterial and yet the magnetic field virtually disappears. 对我来说这是很显而易见的,图12-D2的磁场消失,因为加热使原子无规则运动,材料中没有了排序。可以清楚的看到图12-D2中,传入能量到磁体材料系统中,从中没得到磁体材料上的能量,可以磁场消失于无形。 2.        The conclusions which I drewfrom the above FACTS l- 12D clearly proved to me the following: 从上面FACTS l-12D中得到的结论清楚的证明下面的结论: A.    The energy in a magnetic field is the energy which comprises thecomponent parts of the atoms from which the energy comes! B.    The energy in a magnetic field is therefore literally Einstein’sEquation of E = MC2 ! C.  The energy in a magnetic field must be movingin a direction at the speed of light and must also have a gyroscopic spin atthe speed of light: herein lies the mechanical essence of E = MC2 ! A.磁场能量来自原子中的组成部分! B.磁场中的能量真正的符合爱因斯坦的方程E = MC2 C.磁场中的能量一定在一个方向上以光速运动,一定是以光速陀螺仪式的快速旋转:这是E = MC2力学的本质! The Kinetic Energy of amoving particle is 1/2 MV2. If the particle is moving with speed Vand also rotating about its axis at speed V, then the total Kinetic Energy is 1/2 MV2 (for forward motion)plus  1/2 MV2 (for therotational motion [not  1/2 Iw2])which equals MV2 . If V is equal to C, then the total Kinetic Energyis equal to MC2 (Hypothetically, this particle is mathematically aninfinitely small entity which, in a literal and mechanical sense, moveslaterally and rotationally to generate a gyroscopic [spiral] helix effect.) 运动中的粒子的动能是1/2 MV2。如果粒子以速度V运动并绕轴线以V做圆周运动,总有动能是1/2 MV2(前进运动)加1/2 MV2(圆周运动[不是1/2 Iw2])等于MV2。如果V等于C,总动能是MC2(假想,粒子是算术无穷小的粒子,在字面和力学意义上,横向运动并且象陀螺仪一样螺旋效应的旋转)。 E.       The literal and mechanicalconfiguration of a magnetic field is simply a result of the summation of atom alignmentwithin the material from which the magnetic field is generated. 字面和实际磁场的结合是生成磁场的材料原子排序的总结的简单结果。 F.       At this time, I had alsomechanically explained why electric charges as well as magnets attracted and repelled.(Conventional teachings only state that "like" magnetic poles repeland "unlike" magnetic poles attract. It is also said that"like" electrical charges repel and "unlike" electricalcharges attract. This is a superficial analysis.) The answer to such attraction/repulsionis simple. The gyroscopic spin has a mechanical action which causes theobserved results and can be mechanically understood and predicted. 这时,这已经力学的解释了为什么电荷也和磁体一样会吸引和排斥。(传统教学只说“同”极排斥,“异”极相吸。也说“相同”电荷排斥“相异”电荷吸引。这是肤浅的分析。)吸引/排斥的答案很简单。陀螺仪式旋转会产生一种力学行为,这引起观察到的结果并可力学的理解和预测。 E.    The same conventional and superficial analysis was also appliedto electric charges, i.e., "like" charges repel and"unlike" charges attract. My mechanical explanation concerningelectric charges was developed 3/2 years before I understood the gyroscopiccomposition of magnetic fields. In essence, I mechanically viewed the electriccharges as rotating arrows file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image011.pngsimilar to the mechanics of gearinteraction. This enabled me to easily envision and draw the mechanical effectsof attraction and repulsion. However, I did not call this mechanical effect ofattraction and repulsion a gyroscopic effect since (at that time) I had stillnot studied gyroscopes. Upon understanding gyroscopes, I instantly understoodthat the mechanics I had originally drawn for electric charges was a gyroscopicaction. The fact that the same mechanical explanation for gyroscopic actionexplained both magnetism and electric charges made me even more certain of thecorrectness of the mechanical explanation. [Electric charges consist ofmillions (plus) of gyroscopic particles and such charges will be discussed inmore detail in a later chapter (Sections 29 A-M) discussing gravity.] At thispoint, you should first intellectually master the concept and mechanical natureof magnetism. 同样传统肤浅的分析也用于电荷,“相同”电荷排斥“相异”电荷吸引。我的关于电荷的力学的解释在一年半以前,在我理解磁场陀螺仪式的组成以前。本质上,我力学的把电荷看作旋转的箭头,  和机械中的齿轮运动相似。这可以让我很容易想象的画出吸引和排斥的力学效果。然而,我没有把这种吸引和排斥的力学效果叫做陀螺仪效果,那时我还没学习陀螺仪理论。自从理解了陀螺仪,我马上理解我原来对电荷描绘的力学是陀螺运动。实际上,对陀螺仪的力学解释同样是磁场和电荷的力学解释,使我更加确信这种力学解释的正确性。[电荷由无数陀螺粒子组成,这样的粒子将在后面讨论重力时详细讨论。]这时,你应该第一时间熟知这个观念和磁性的力学原理。 The following two pages ofdrawings describe MAGNETS IN REPULSION and MAGNETS IN ATTRACTION, (as  well  aselectrical  repulsion  and attraction),  visually explaining  the discussion  in  13A-E. These drawings have been unselfishly produced for me by_ Mr. Evan R.Soule', Jr. (talented artist and teacher). See also the following pagespresenting a Technical Description of the drawings. This Technical Descriptionwas also unselfishly written by Mr. Evan R. Soule', Jr. from informationdeveloped by me, with the purpose being that if Mr. Soule' could understandwhat I have taught, then as an experienced teacher he could put forth thisinformation so that you, the reader, would also understand.

下面的两页图描述排斥的磁场和吸引的磁场,(同样适用于电荷的吸引与排斥),解释13 A-E的讨论。这些图是Mr. Evan R. Soule', Jr.(天才的艺术家和老师)无私制作的。下面还有图的技术说明。技术说明同样是Mr. Evan R. Soule', Jr.根据我发布的信息无私的写的,我发布信息带着这样的目的,如果Mr. Soule'能理解我所说的,那么一个经验丰富的教师能传播这些信息,这样你、读者都将可以理解。

第3章 两张图的解释


"...it is Impossible for anyone to begin to learn what he thinks he alreadyknows." -Epictetus 开始学习如何看待已知的知识对任何人都是重要的。 -埃皮克提图

Describedabove are the technical drawings for one aspect of Joseph Newman's theories.The two drawings - MAGNETIC FIELDS IN REPU LSION and MAGNETIC FIELDS IN ATTRACTION -describe three bar magnets in a three-dimensional configurationsurrounded and penetrated by circulating gyroscopic particles, each of whichspins while traveling upon "lines (shells) of force (direction)" thatconsecutively alternate in opposite directions. [The difference between the twodrawings is that the central magnet is reversed.]


Accordingto Mr. Newman, these gyroscopic particles are the smallest particles known andcomprise all atoms within the universe. The technical drawings are qualitativein nature; quantitatively, there are trillions of such gyroscopic particlesflowing in the described paths to generate the magnetic field. Althoughsub-atomic particles will be shielded by lead, the effects of magnetic fieldscan be observed through lead shielding. According to Mr. Newman, this is oneproof that these particles are the most fundamental particles known.


Thesedrawings represent the first time in the history of physics that there ispresented in an explicit pictorial fashion (via the concepts innovated by Mr.Newman) a precise, mechanical explanation of the phenomena of magnetism and theprinciple of "action at a distance."


Inhis researches on magnetism, James Clerk Maxwell (as well as Michael Faraday)explicitly described the lines of force surrounding a magnet as kinetic,mechanical energy. (Maxwell called electromagnetism ''matter in motion. ")This description by Maxwell has been forgotten in the past 100 years. WhileMaxwell could not explain in detail the action of a magnet, he did recognizethat such action is mechanical in nature.


Asone passes a conductor wire in front of and across the end of a bar magnet ,one will observe the current to flow first in one direction , then becomeneutral, then reverse itself and flow in the opposite direction. This occursdue to the nature of the flow of the gyroscopic particles as they flow fromeach end of the bar magnet (see drawings above). On one side of the south (S)end of the bar magnet, for instance, the particles flowing in and out along the"lines of force " spin "up, " while on the other side ofthe same south end, the particles flowing in and out along the "lines offorce" spin "down." A spinning gyroscope will move at rightangles to the force acting upon it; hence, as the gyroscopic particles encounterthe particles composing the conductor wire, they move "up" or"down" the conductor (at right angles to the direction that theyfirst encounter the conductor) .


Mr.Newman indicates that it is principally the spin of the gyroscopic particle(and not the direction of flow for the gyroscopic particles along the"lines of force") that determines magnetic repulsion and attraction.The interaction of the peripheries of the particles actually effects suchrepulsion and attraction (see PROOF A). Although the drawings depict spacebetween the particles flowing in a given "line of force," inactuality the particles are more like individual spirals upon a strand of beadsin the shape of a helix which results in a gyroscopic action -each particle“bumping against the next." [According to Mr. Newman, between eachparticle there is a very small amount of space created by the electromagneticforce surrounding each particle.]

纽曼先生指出,大部分陀螺粒子的旋转(而不是陀螺粒子所沿的“力线”方向)决定了磁的排斥和吸引。边缘的粒子的交互实际影响着排斥和吸引力(看PROOF A)。虽然图中描绘了给定“力线”中流动的粒子之间的空间,实际上粒子更像独立的螺旋上升的一串螺旋结构的小珠子,导致了陀螺仪方式的运动,每个粒子“和下个粒子相碰”。【根据纽曼先生所说,每个粒子之间有一个由粒子周围电磁力创建的很小的空间。】注:图中磁力线上的粒子很稀,其实应该是连着的一串,就是这个意思。

Asthe drawings depict, the actual "lines of force" are really shells offorce which envelop the magnet s as discrete shells of gyroscopic particleswhich lie concentrically within other shells. These "lines of force"(as depicted in one plane on the drawings) or shells of force (in actuality)travel (rotate) in opposite directions relative to one another. The effect ofsuch motion is to place the peripheries of respective gyroscopic particles(from one "line of force" to the next) at opposition (or repulsion)to one another and consequently keep each "line of force" separatedfrom each adjoining (concentric) "line (shell) of force."

如图所绘,真实的“力线”实际上是真的磁力的外壳,同其他由同轴的陀螺粒子的组成的力线 分开的独立的外壳。这些“力线”(如图中在一个平面所描述的)或力的外壳(真实情况)相对于彼此在相反的方向运动(旋转)。这种运动的效果 将独立的陀螺粒子(两条“力线”中的粒子)的边缘和其它粒子相反(或排斥)放置,因而保持每条“力线”与毗连(同轴)的“力线(壳)”分开。注:这块翻译的可能不对,自己细细体验。感觉有2个意思。第一种:因为都是旋转方向都相同,所以每两根力线之间是排斥的关系。所以彼此分开。第二种:力线是两个方向的,彼此反向。可看上面的图。它的力线方向彼此间是反向的。但旋转方向是一致的。难道这里说的是磁单极?一个是N极因子一个是S极因子,彼此都是独立运转?象珊瑚堡修士所说的?后面可能有细节描述磁场到底和电场的区别。届时再修改这里的翻译。

Inaddition, there are as many "lines of force" emanating from each endof the bar magnet as there are atoms aligned magnetically across the width andheight of the N and S ends of the magnet. Because of the large size of ironfilings relative to the sub-atomic size of the gyroscopic particles,  the particles within the "line offorce" congeal l clumps of the filings into (via the naked eye) arelatively few number of such lines. Which more finely-ground iron filings,more "lines of force" would become visible to the human eye.


Eachparticle (M) travels along the "line (shell) of force" at the speedof light (C) and also individually spins at the speed of light (C).Consequently, such motion results in energy (E) since E = MC2 .

每个粒子沿“力线(壳)”以光速运动,并独立以光速做旋转运动。因此,运动的结果是能量E = MC2。

Itshould also be noted that, based on the theories of Mr. Newman, I constructedthree-dimensional models of two bar magnets to study how the gyroscopic particlesinteract. Using simple Styrofoam (for the bar magnet), wire (for the"lines of force"), and wooden beads (for the gyroscopic particles), Iwas able to construct these models as shown in the technical drawings. (This isonly an analogous construction. Mr. Newman does not state there is a solidparticle spinning on its axis as it moves, but probably is a particle moving[in effect, spinning] in a circular [spiraling helix] configuration at thespeed of light and moving forward at the speed of light (within the generalhelix action); such combined motion equals c2.] (See Figure 13-G.)




Aninteresting observation occurred following construction and study of these twomodels: while the N and S pole faces of two magnets (see Figure 13-Hl) attract whenplaced directly end-to-end, if one shifts the same faces to the side of oneanother (keeping them in the same plane), one will notice that the peripheryspin of the gyroscopic particles flowing from N and S will interact to repelone another, even though opposite poles normally attract one another in a headon position. 下面的结构和学习这两个模型时发生了一个有趣的观察:当直接首尾相接放置N和S极面向两个磁体(看图13-Hl)吸引时,如果移动一个的未知(使它们在同一平面),将会注意到从N和S流出的边缘的陀螺粒子相互排斥,即使异极一般情况下在头部会相互吸引。注:xuelang试验了,我也试验了,就是两个磁体异极相对,移到不正对的一定位置时有排斥。


This simple experiment to test the validity of an explanation for apreviously unobserved (or if observed, then unexplained) magnetic phenomenon isa powerful corroboration for the rightness of Mr. Newman’s theories. 这个前面没有发现(如果发现也没有解释)的磁现象的解释经测试是正确的,这有力的进一步证实纽曼先生理论的有效性。 Similarly,with two like poles (see Figure 13-H2) brought together (N to N or S to S)-while they repel each other when placed head on, the models appeared toindicate that the magnets would attract each other when the ends are placedslightly side to side (alongside one another and overlapping in the sameplane.) For this writer, the real test was whether actual magnets behaved inthis manner. In testing such magnets, I found that such side attraction (with Nto N) and side repulsion (with N to S) was observed exactly as the mechanicaldescriptions of Mr. Newman would predict and indicate. This simple experiment totest the validity of an explanation for a previously unobserved (or ifobserved, then unexplained) magnetic phenomena is a powerful corroboration forthe rightness of Mr. Newman’s theories. 相同的,两个同极(看图13-H2)放到一起(N 对 N 或S对 S)-当它们头对在一起时相互排斥,模型指出当边到边轻放时磁体会吸引(一个在一个侧面,重叠在一个平面)。作者用这两种方式实际实验了这两种磁铁行为。在实验时,我发现这样的边吸引(N到N)和边排斥(N到S)可以被精确的观察到,正如纽曼先生力学描述预示和指示的那样。这个前面没有发现(如果发现也没有解释)的磁现象的解释经测试是正确的,这有力的进一步证实纽曼先生理论的有效性。注:我试了试,确实这样。 Technicallyspeaking, like a water wheel harnessing the mechanical action of a river, Mr.Newman has effectively designed a machine capable of harnessing theabove-described magnetic energy and converting it to useful electrical energy.Therefore, the produced electrical energy comes from the gyroscopic particlescomprising the atoms of the magnet. A magnetic field is created (as thedrawings indicate) when the atoms of a given material become aligned. Accordingto Mr. Newman, the motion of the gyroscopic particles about the "lines(shells) of force" surrounding a magnet are a precise reflection of theinterior, structural interaction of these particles within a given atom. Thelarger particles (quark, neutrino, meson, electron, proton, neutron, etc.) arevarious configurations and agglutinations of the gyroscopic particle. As theatoms become aligned within a magnet-to-be, they begin to act upon (andmagnify) one another's individual, atomic, magnetic fields to integrate withone another until such fields completely mesh and expand to become the magneticfield of the complete magnet. 技术上讲,水轮可以利用河流的机械运动,纽曼先生已经有效的设计了一种可以利用上述磁能并转化成有用的电能的机器。因此,产生的电能来自于组成磁体原子的陀螺粒子。当材料的原子变得有序一个磁场就被创建(如图中所示)。根据纽曼先生所说,磁体周围“力线(壳)”中的陀螺粒子的运动是一个原子结构内部这些粒子交互的精确反映。更大的粒子(夸克,中微子,介子,电子,质子,中子等)是陀螺粒子的各种排列组合。正如原子变得有序会产生磁场,它们开始同其他独立的、原子性、磁区域性相互作用整合为一体,直到这样的区域完全匹配并扩展成完整磁体的磁场区域。 Onemay wonder that, if the magnets are depleted of their gyroscopic particlesduring the course of the operation of Mr. Newman's machine, will they noteventually lose their mass completely? The answer is yes, although because Mr.Newman’s energy machine operates at 100% conversion efficiency (there being noradiation, heat, light, etc., as in nuclear fission reactions which operate atless than 1% efficiency), and because there are trillions plus gyroscopicparticles within each atom, Mr. Newman estimates that it would literally bethousands of years before one would detect any significant , measurable amountof mass loss within a magnet. 一个人会惊奇于,如果磁体在驱动纽曼先生的能源机时耗尽它们的陀螺粒子,它们最终不会失去所有质量?答案是确定的,虽然因为纽曼先生的能源机工作在100%的转换效率(不会产生辐射、热、光等,如裂变反应工作在低于1%的效率),因为每个原子中有万亿的陀螺粒子,纽曼先生估计在检测到磁体明显的、可测量的质量损失之前它能工作成千上万年。 Itshould be noted that Mr. Newman has worked on these ideas for 19 years. Mr.Newman submitted his theoretical discussion and proofs to the patent officeseveral years before he constructed the actual working prototype of his energymachine. Mr. Newman was totally convinced of the rightness of his theories anddid not need an operating machine to prove such rightness to himself. From hisperspective, such a machine was needed as proof to everyone else. 应该注意到纽曼先生已经致力于这些工作19年了。纽曼先生在实际制作他的能量机原型几年前就提交它的理论论述和证明到专利局,纽曼先生完全确信他的理论的正确性,不需要一个可操作的机器来使他自己相信。他的观点是,那样的机器让别人来相信是必要的。 Itis Mr. Newman's position that from his various theories (of which thisdiscussion about the [magnetic- field-creating] gyroscopic particles is only asingle aspect of his theories) one should be able to understand that it wouldbe possible to construct an energy machine that was capable of harnessing such(gyroscopic) energy if one could visualize the proper configuration of thematerials necessary to effect such harnessing. Such configuration is thetechnical aspect of the Patent itself - technically independent of, buttheoretically dependent upon, understanding the nature of the gyroscopicparticles and how they interact with one another, especially since all atoms inthe universe are composed of such particles. 站在纽曼的位置,根据他的理论(讨论的[磁场的创建]陀螺粒子是他的理论唯一的方面)一个人应该能理解构建一个能控制这种(陀螺粒子)能量的能源机是可能的,如果一个人能洞悉必要的物质正确的构造。这样的构造是专利自身的技术方面-技术独立的,但依赖于上面的理论,理解陀螺子的原理和它们怎么交互,尤其是所有的宇宙中的原子都是由这样的粒子组成。 Althoughthis would be a separate (but physically - related) theoretical discussion, Mr.Newman has indicated that gravitation is the observed effect of the interactionof unobserved electromagnetic fields (composed of gyroscopic particles)surrounding bodies in space. [Mr. Newman has theoretical concepts appropriateto this subject.] 虽然这将是一个分开的(但物理相关的)理论讨论,纽曼先生已经指出引力是物体周围不可见的电磁区域(由陀螺子组成)交互的可见结果。[纽曼先生的理论概念适用于这个话题。] Asthe drawings also indicate, positive and negative electrical charges aredetermined by the gyroscopic spin of individual particles, and such charges arerepelled or attracted to one another according to periphery attraction (seePROOF A). 同时两张图指出,正和负电荷决定于独立粒子的回旋,这样的电荷相互吸引或排斥是根据外围的相互作用。 Thefundamental, gyroscopic particle is, therefore, the unifying factor for thenuclear, electric, magnetic, and gravitational fields. 因此,基础的陀螺子是核能、电场、磁场、引力场的共同要素。 Evan R. Soule', Jr. New Orleans, Louisiana (1984) NOTE:    To date, over thirty individuals have signedAffidavits attesting to the rightness of Mr. Newman's invention. Theseindividuals include electrical engineers, physicists, inventors, scientists,and explicitly: Mr. Milton Everett (biomass energy specialist with theMississippi Department of Energy), Dr. Roger Hastings (principal physicist forSperry-Univac in St. Paul, Minnesota), and Mr. Eike Mueller (West Germanscientist and European Space Agency mission coordinato1- with the NationalAeronautics and Space Administration).


第4章 一个已实现发明的讲解

"When a mathematician engaged in investigatingphysical actions and results has arrived at his own conclusions, may they notbe expressed in common language as fully, clearly, and definitely as inmathematical formulae? If so, would It not be a great boon to such as well toexpress them so translating them out of their heiroglyphics that we might alsowork upon them by experiment?"
-MichaelFaraday to James Clerk Maxwell, 1857 当一个数学家致力于研究物理运动和结果来得出确定性的结论时,它们也许不能用通俗、明确、肯定的语言如数学公式来表达?如果这样,对于那些可以用实验来解释给人们的人,岂不是一个大恩惠?法拉第致麦克斯韦,1857 注:不大明白说什么,可能是说如果总觉得说明白了不好,还是实验更好。

Iwill now present an explanation for a working invention which utilizes theenergy within magnetic fields and produces more energy than is introduced intothe system from an external energy input. Do not at this point reflect poorlyupon yourself and blindly state "perpetual motion." Simply put, thetechnological process which I will discuss converts mass into energy on a 100%conversion process via E = MC2.

我现在提出一种可以有效工作的发明,它利用磁场中的能量,产生多于系统输入的能量。不要盲目的认为这是“永动机”。我将简单的讨论将物质100%转换为能量的科学过程,遵守E= MC2.

14.    I believe it is imperative toreiterate that the energy in any magnetic field is the energy which composesthe elements of the atom and is literally Einstein 's Equation of E = MC2. Suchenergy in the form of gyroscopic particles is the basic building block of allmatter and provides the basis for the conceptual interface between energy andmatter.

这坚信反复重申磁场中的能量来自于物质中的原子并遵守E = MC2是重要的。这样的陀螺子式的能量是构成物质的基石,提供基础的能量和物质的交互。

Thefollowing facts will clearly demonstrate a fundamental understanding whichprepares the reader for a more thorough comprehension of how one technologicalembodiment of this Pioneering Invention can be built.

下面的事实将清楚的展示一个基础的理解,给读者关于这个能被建造的首创发明的技术实施方案更通透的理解。 A.       The prior teachings indicatethat copper is nonmagnetic and that the resulting magnetic field associatedwith current flow in copper is the result of the current. 原有的教学第一点指出铜是没有磁场的,磁场和电流的关联是电流的结果。 B.       Those teachings are totallywrong. Copper is extremely magnetic! It is so magnetic that it deceives the observer.Example:这些学说是完全错误的。铜是有极强磁性的!它磁性强到误导了观察者。例如:
Turnthe current on as in Figure 14-B1 and a magnetic field will occur very quickly.Then turn the current off as in Figure 14-B2 and the magnetic field veryquickly disappears with no remnant of the magnetic field observed in the coppermaterial. If one then places a magnet close to the copper, it is not observedto be noticeably magnetic. Therefore, one is easily deceived sinceconventional, so-called magnetic materials generate a different result.Example:改变图14-B1中的电流方向,磁场将迅速改变。之后断开电流如图14-B2磁场将迅速消失,在铜材料中没有残余的幸亏被观察到。如果一个人拿一个磁体靠近铜,没有明显的磁现象。因此,人们非常容易的被欺骗了,因为传统的磁体的材料会有一个不同的结果。例如:

Byplacing an iron core within a copper coil (as in Figure 14-B3) and turning thecurrent on, a significantly stronger magnetic field will be generated than inFigure 14-B1 [for the same energy input]. Now, turn off the current as inFigure 14-B4 and there will be a small, remnant magnetic field surrounding theiron core. If a magnet is placed near the iron core, the magnet will be visiblyaffected. However, one is easily deceived by these tests and can be misleadinto believing that copper is non-magnetic. This is exactly what happened toHans Christian Oersted in 1820 when he first discovered that an electriccurrent produced a magnetic field which would cause a magnet to align at rightangles to the conducting wire. Oersted noted that the deflection of the magnetlasted only as long as the current was flowing through the conducting wire andhence, such magnetic action could not be caused by the (copper) wire, but mustbe a result of the current itself. This same incorrect conclusion is stillrigidly taught to this day.


Thefollowing facts will clearly prove that copper is bigbly magnetic relative tothe speed of atom alignment/unalignment as well as the action /reaction effectof the energy release (in the form of the gyroscopic particles previouslydiscussed) from the atoms comprising the copper wire!

"The prior teachings indicate that copper isnon-magnetic and that the resulting magnetic field associated with current flowin copper is the result of the current. Those teachings are totally wrong.Copper is extremely magnetic! It is so magnetic that it deceives theobserver."
A.       What the Prior Art teaches:Hypothetically, if one imposes current into a (copper*) conductor coil of pureinductance, the same current would be returned as that which was initiallyplaced into the (copper*) conducting coil. (See Figures 14-C1 and 14-C2.)现有技术教授:假设,如果强加进入纯自感(铜)导体线圈的电流,和开始输入(铜)导体线圈中的同样的电流将返回。(看图14-C1和14-C2。)
[*This processis in no way limited to copper. Actually, one can utilize any suitablematerials for conducting, e.g., super-conducting materials such as niobium tin,etc.]

Physicallyspeaking, this simply means that the energy contained within the magnetic field- when generated by positive (+) current flow in one direction - is returned bythe collapsing magnetic field as negative ( -) current flow when the currentflow reverses direction.

物理上讲,这简单的意味着由正电流在一定方向流动产生的包含在磁场中的能量- -被由反向的负电流使崩溃磁场时返回。
D.    ThePrior Art also teaches Kirchhoff’s Law which states:  the same amount of current placed into asystem (as a copper conductor) for a given-instant of time has the same amountof current flowing from that system (copper conductor) for the same given-instant of time. (See Figure 14-D.)
The above FACTS of 14C and 14D totallycontradict the prior teaching that the magnetic field generated by the currentflowing in a (copper) conductor is solely a result of the current itself andthat copper is non-magnetic.
Lookat the facts and open your mind!

Thefacts demonstrate the following: 14C above shows that if one inputs a givenamount of current (X) into a copper coil during a given-instant of time then,as described in I4D above, the same amount of current (X) outputs from thecopper coil during the same instant of time. In addition, 14C above also showsthat if the current is then cut off and the coil shorted with meters in theline, then the same amount of current (X) will now come from the copper coil.


Thefacts therefore demonstrate: (X) current in and(X) current out plus (X) currentout again when the (X) current input is stopped. These facts are thereforeequivalent to 1 (X) amount of current into the coil (copper) and 2 (X) amountof current out of the (copper) coil.

这里事实证明:(X)输入电流和(X)输入电流 加上 当(X)输入电流断开时线圈产生的(X)输出电流。这些事实等效于: 1(X)电流输入到(铜)线圈,2(X)电流输出(铜)线圈。注:英文是(X)数量的电流,意思是电流量,也可说是电子流过的数量,这里将数量省略,因为不通顺。QUESTION: From where did the extra (X)amount of current coming from the copper coil emanate?
ANSWER: By analogy, the Prior Teachings indicate that current is equivalent tothe volume of water and that voltage is equivalent to the pressure of water.Therefore, one should understand the essence of this analogy relative to thefacts discussed above. (See Figures 14-E1 and 14-E2.)

Thefacts clearly demonstrate that in Figure 14-E1 , one "gallon" of currentcame from the copper coil Itself and most definitely not from the initial one"gallon" of current put into the copper coil. (This is an analogyonly. The mass or volume of the electric current input or output cannot be seenor weighed because it is composed of gyroscopic particles and is the mechanicalessence of E = MC2.)

图14-E1的事实证明,一“加仑”的电流来自铜线圈自身,非常明确不是来自开始输入铜线圈的一“加仑”电流。(这只是一个类比。输入输出电流的质量和数量是不能看见和称重的,因为它由陀螺子组成,是E = MC2的本质。)F.    ThePrior Teachings distort the above facts and would indicate that the analogy ofone "gallon " of current has no pressure when coming from the coil inFigure 14-E1 , and that one "gallon" of current has a pressure whichis thereby equivalent to one "gallon" of current with the inputpressure. Furthermore, such teachings would indicate that because of theresistance within the coil and other losses, not even the latter pressure willoccur in reality. 

EvenI was mislead by these teachings for many years, and I finally came to therealization that copper was highly magnetic by a completely different meansthan outlined above. These means included: (1) my general comprehension whichoriginated with my recognition that the basic building block of all mattermatter was the gyroscopic particle , and (2) a test I conducted using a singlepiece of copper wire 800 feet long, which was doubled-back 400 feel to the startingpoint and hooked to a meter and dry cell battery. (See Figures 14-Fl and14-F2.)


Thetest shown in Figure 14-F1 has the parallel positions of the wire 10 feetapart, with no "Unobvious Force" between the parallel portions of thewire. The test shown in Figure 14-F2 has the parallel portions of the wireextremely close, with an "Unobvious Force" between the parallel paresof the single wire.


Theresults of these two tests demonstrated the same current input for both tests.Prior to these results I had recognized that the words "Work ,""Force," and "ower " are implicit engineering statementsand do not represent precise, scientific terms based upon observational reality. I conceptually altered such macroscopic, engineering statements to"Obvious work," "Obvious Force," and "Obvious Power.'I would microscopically describe what occurs internally, with in matter as"Unobvious Work," "Unobvious Force," and "UnobviousPower. " (I will explain these concepts later in this Book.) Such semanticclarification enabled me to know - upon completing the above tests in Figures14-Fl and 14-F2 -that copper is extremely magnetic.

G.    Returningto the above test of Figure l 4-E1 and14-E2: by my teaching, the facts clearlyshow that in the above analogy, one gallon of current "matter"(consisting of gyroscopic particles) was released from the atoms of the coppercoil! This extra one gallon of current (gyroscopic particles) comes from thecomponent parts of the atoms comprising the copper coil and simply utilizesEinstein’s Equation of E = MC2.(I must stress that this is ananalogy only. The volume or mass of matter via the gyroscopic particlesrepresents the mechanics of E=MC2 and such particles cannot be seenor weighed by conventional means. Their existence can be inferred, however, basedon their mechanical behavior combined with known, observational faces.)
QUESTION: How can this extra one gallon of current exist? 
回到图14-F1和14-F2的实验:通过我的教学,事实清楚的表明上面的类比,一加仑电流“物质”(由陀螺子组成)从铜线圈的原子中释放!这额外的一加仑电流(陀螺子)来自组成铜线圈的原子的组成部分,简单的利用了E = MC2等式。(我必须强调这只是类比。物质的数量和质量通过陀螺子表现为E=MC2 的构成,这样的微粒不能通过传统的方法看到或称重。然而,它们的存在能基于它们和已知可观察现象关联的力学行为推断出来。)
ANSWER: The current input (gyroscopic particles) simply acts as a catalystrelative to the atoms comprising the copper coil- atoms which align and unalignextremely fast compared to the atoms of conventional, magnetic materials-thereby releasing virtually immeasurable portions of the gyroscopic particlescomprising the atoms of the coil. This release generates the magnetic field.When the input current is turned off, the collapsing (gyroscopic particles ofthe) magnetic field within the coil results in the gyroscopic particlesattempting to return to the atoms from which they initially emanated. Suchmechanical action results in the gyroscopic particles striking other atoms withinthe copper coil at some degree of a right angle and moving at right angles tothat force. This gyroscopic motion explains the source for the additional"one gallon" of current (gyroscopic particles) discussed in the abovewater analogy. Because of the "conversion efficiency" of this processvia E = MC2, there will be no observable change in the mass of thecopper coil even after decades of use.
回答:输入电流(陀螺子)简单表现为组成铜线圈原子的催化剂-铜原子与传统材料原子相比可以极快的重排或失序-由此释放无法计量的组成线圈原子的陀螺子。这种释放产生了磁场。当输入电流断开,线圈中磁场(陀螺子)的崩溃导致陀螺子试图返回最初发出它们的原子。这样的运动导致陀螺子以一定程度成直角撞击到铜线圈中其它原子,并在直角的方向上移动。陀螺运动解释了上面以水类比讨论时多出的“一加仑”电流(陀螺子)的来源。因为这个进程“转换效率”等于E = MC2,铜线圈的物质方面将没有明显的改变,即使用了几十年。
"Suchmechanical action results in the gyroscopic particles striking other atomswithin the copper coil at some degree of a right angle and moving at rightangles to that force."

Ishould add that there is an important conceptual distinction between twomeanings of the word "efficiency." To state that a given invention is8.2 efficient, i.e., it produces over eight times as much energy as itconsumes, is different from stating that the invention is 100 percentefficient, i.e., it completely converts the gyroscopic particles within themagnet from "magnet mass " to electrical energy. The former processinvolves production efficiency and the latter process involves conversionefficiency.


15.  Now to discuss the practical usage for thisnew understanding of the gyroscopic particles which are the mechanical essenceof the equation E = MC2 and comprise the component parts of theatoms within all matter, conductors, and copper. By understanding the teachings(of this Pioneering Invention), one can build a physical embodiment of thisPioneering Invention by using a conducting coil which will produce more energyout of the system than that put into the system from an outside source such asbattery, generator , etc.

现在讨论关于陀螺子新理解的实际应用,陀螺子是E = MC2等式的力学本质,是所有物质、导体和铜的原子的组成部分。通过理解教学(关于这个开创性发明),可以建造一个这个开创性发明的物理实现,通过用一个导体线圈输出多于输入系统的能量,输入能量来自外部电源如电池,发电机等。

Iwish to thank Dr. Roger Hastings, Senior Physicist for Sperry-Univac, forcalculating by conventional mathematics the quantitative measurements for the followingtest which I had proposed. Dr. Hastings is an exceptional scientist who had thecharacter to come forth in my behalf when many others were fearful orclose-minded.

我希望感谢Roger Hastings,。。。

For"mind-opening purposes" (to use the current vernacular) carefullystudy the following two tests:


A.       Take 40-gauge copper wire whichhas a resistance of 1,049 Ohms for 1000 feet with a total weight (of atomscomposed of gyroscopic particles) of a mere .02993 lbs., turning same into acoil with a 10-foot interior diameter and 8.32 feet in height. One wouldtherefore have approximately a mere 31.8 turns of copper wire (copper atoms,i.e., gyroscopic particles). (See Figure 15-A.)


If100 volts is connected to coil 15-A, then a current flow of approximately 95MAwould occur with total power input of 9.5 watts and a resulting weak, magneticfield of .012 Gauss or a mere .0000 14 Joules of energy stored in this weak,magnetic field.

如果100伏特连接到15-A中的线圈,之后产生一个大约95MA(100/1049=0.0953A)的电流,总能量输入是9.5瓦特,导致一个微弱的0.12高斯的磁场或仅仅.0000 14焦耳(1/2*L*I ^2)的能量存储在这个弱磁场中。

Aninsignificant current flow would now occur if the current input was stopped andcoil 15-A was shorted-out to collapse a weak magnetic field and provide aninductance of only .003 Henries.

如果停止输入电流并短路线圈,一个微小的电流将产生,15-A中的线圈被短路来瓦解微弱的磁场并产生一个0.003亨的自感应。注:意思是断开电源并使线圈的两端相连。B.    Now,conduct another test with 5-gauge copper wire which has a resistance of .3133Ohms for 1000 feet. However, to equal the same resistance as in 15-A above, onemust now use 3,348,000 feet of 5-gauge wire with a massive, total weight (ofatoms composed of gyroscopic particles moving and traveling at the speed oflight, i.e., the mechanical essence of Einstein 's Equation E = MC2)of 335,469.6 lbs. or 16.77 tons. Such wire is turned into a coil with a 10-footinterior diameter and 8.32-foot height. This structure would have approximatelya phenomenal 90,000 turns of 5-gauge (copper atoms). If 100 volts were nowconnected to coil 15-B (see drawing below), then a current flow ofapproximately 95MA could occur with a total power input of 9.5 watts and aresulting, phenomenally larger magnetic field of 23.7 Gauss, or 1,905 timeslarger for coil 15-B than for coil 15-A, and 116 Joules of energy stored in themagnetic field of Figure 15-B below. This represents a phenomenal 8 milliontimes more energy than in the 40-gauge coil of 15-A above.
注:美国的线规:5# 对应为外径4.62mm。40#对应外径为0.079mm。直径相比为58.5倍。
现在,实现另一个实验,用1000英尺.3133欧的5-gauge铜线圈。然而,为了与15-A有相同的电阻,现在必须用3,348,000英尺 5-gauge的铜线,(由光速运动的符合E = MC2力学本质的陀螺子组成的原子)总重335,469.6磅或16.77吨。将这样的线圈绕成10英尺内径8.32英尺高。这个结构大约90,000圈5-gauge铜线。如果100伏特连接到15-B的线圈(看下图),之后产生一个大约95MA 的电流,总能量输入是9.5瓦特,导致一个23.7高斯的明显的磁场区域,或比15-A中的线圈大1905倍,116焦耳能量存储在15-B中的磁场中。这显示出比15-A中40-gauge线圈多明显的8百万倍的能量。


Aphenomenally larger current flow would now occur if the current input wasstopped and coil 15-B was shorted-out as a result of the collapsing, muchgreater magnetic field of the 5-gauge wire in coil 15-B. Such shorting wouldgenerate an inductance of 25,700 Henries, which is better than 8 million timesthe inductance of the 40-gauge coil in Figure 15-A above.


Clearly,these facts - combined with the above FACTS 1 through 14 - prove beyond anydoubt that Oersted's conclusion in 1820 (which is still taught to this day):"that the magnetic field came only from the current and not theconductor" to be totally false. [Although his conclusion is incorrect, Iremain grateful to Hans Christian Oersted for being the first to notice andattempt to explain an observed connection between an electric current and amagnetic field.)


Whencoupled with FACTS 1 through 14, tests 15-A and 15-B clearly prove that the phenomenaldifference in strength for the resulting magnetic fields (implying greatdifferences in stored energy) and additional current flow when the inputcurrent was stopped (inductance), had to come from the gyroscopic particlescomprising the component parts of the atoms within the copper coil.


Thecurrent flow input was the same in both tests, but the number of atoms (lbs. ofcopper) varied considerably from test 15-A to test 15-B correlating preciselywith the phenomenal difference in the strength of magnetic fields produced, theextreme difference in the stored energy (gyroscopic particles), and the greatdifference (inductance) in the additional current flow produced when the inputcurrent was stopped in test 15-A and test 15-B. These phenomenal differencesrepresent the mechanical essence of E = MC2: gyroscopic particles.

输入电流两个实验中是一样的,但原子的数量(铜的磅数)从15-A 到15-B的实验变化颇大,和产生的磁场强度、存储能量的(陀螺子)、电流停止输入时产生的额外电流的巨大差异精确的吻合。这些明显的不同表明E = MC2的力学本质:陀螺子。

Allof the above FACTS 1 through 15 scientifically establishes the position thatthe mathematical formulas employed in the calculation of the energy within amagnetic field (intended to represent the potential energy or stored energy ofJoules in a magnetic field) are totally incorrect. The FACTS above clearlyindicate that the magnetic field consists of gyroscopic -type particles whichare the mechanical essence of E = MC2 and represent an orderly flowof kinetic energy.

所有以上1到15的事实科学的说明了用于计算磁场中能量(用于表示潜在能量或磁场中存储的焦耳数)的数学公式是完全错误的。上面的事实清楚的指出磁场由陀螺子组成,陀螺子是E = MC2的力学本质,表现出有序流动的机械动能。

注:哪个公式?估计说的是W=0.5*L*I^2.  后面再翻译可能了解他在说什么。

Iwill go further and stare that "potential" energy, as such, does notexist! All energy is kinetic in nature, since the gyroscopic particlescontinue, under all conditions, to move and spin at the speed of light inaccordance with E = MC2.

更深入的观察这样的“潜在”能是不存在的!所有的能量是自然的机械能,因为陀螺子在所有环境连续以光速运动旋转,符合E = MC2。

Theabove FACTS prove beyond question that the proper mathematical equation(concerning the "kinetic" energy which makes up a magnetic field) musebe relative to E = MC2. A proper mathematical equation wouldrecognize that the "Unobvious Force "produced represents the Joulesof the "Unobvious Power' activated at that instant-in-time and as so usedwould diminish the mass of the source of the magnetic field via a 100% utilization(conversion efficiency) of Einstein’s Equation E = MC2, since the magneticfield consists of kinetic energy having a gyroscopic action which representsthe mechanical essence of E = MC2.

上述事实证明合适的数学公式(关于组成磁场的机械动能的)必须符合E = MC2。一个合适的数学公式将承认“不可见的力”产生“在那个时刻激活的不可见的能量”的焦耳,并且消耗磁场源的物质(符合E = MC2的100%转换效率),因为磁场由有陀螺运动的机械能组成,显示出E = MC2的力学本质。

''... the magnetic field consists of gyroscopic-type particles whichare the mechanical essence of E = MC2 and represent an orderly flow of kineticenergy. "

磁场由陀螺子组成,陀螺子是E = MC2的力学本质,表现为有序流动的机械能。

Ileave the task of determining the nature of such equations to a thinking,questioning mathematical mind, as I do not have the mathematical expertise. Itshould be noted, however, that -the mechanical comprehension of a naturalphenomenon has often historically preceded a mathematical model. James ClerkMaxwell acknowledged the importance of Michael Faraday’s mechanical andexperimental abilities.


Maxwellalso recognized that such mechanical aptitude constituted a major intellectualinput to his later mathematical theories. In his paper 'On Faraday's Lines ofForce,' read before the Cambridge Philosophical Society on December 10, 1855and February 11, 1856, Maxwell explicitly stated his debt to Faraday:


"Themethods are generally those suggested by the processes of reasoning which are foundin the researches of Faraday, and which, though they have been interpretedmathematically by Prof Thomson and others, are very generally supposed to be onan indefinite and unmathematical character, when compared with those employedby the professed mathematicians. By the method which I adopt, I hope to renderit evident that I am not attempting to establish any physical theory of ascience in which I have hardly made a single experiment, and that the limit ofmy design is to shew bow, by a strict application of the ideas and methods ofFaraday, the connexion of the very different orders of phenomena which he hasdiscovered may be clearly placed before the mathematical mind. "*


A.       In 1979, I filed a patent forthis Pioneering Invention of which several embodiments have been taught and disclosedsince that time. The use of a conducting coil is one of those embodiments andthe original parent and continuing patent applications were filed before anyphysical prototypes based on the Theory were built. The physical prototypeswere thereafter built for the benefit of others, not for myself, since I knewsuch prototypes would operate as I had predicted. Scientifically, one shouldfind pertinent the fact chat when these prototypes were constructed, theyperformed exactly as I had conceptually predicted in the patent applicationsfor this Pioneering Invention.


Seebelow picture 15-C1 featuring one of these early prototypes utilizing 5-gauge,insulated copper wire with a total weight of approximately 4,200 lbs. of copperatoms (or over two tons), 300 lbs. of No. 30

看下图15-C1是这些早先用5-gauge铜线原型的样子,绝缘铜导线总重大约4200磅(超过2吨)。 30#的大概300磅。

Gaugecopper wire (atoms) wrapped over the outside of the 5-gauge wire (atoms), and apermanent magnet containing approximately 600 lbs. of atoms (or slightly lesschat 1/3 of a ton). [l am deliberately referring to the wire as"atoms" and describing the magnet as 600 lbs. of "atoms" inorder to accustom the reader to a mechanical perspective concerning the natureof the action of the gyroscopic particles contained within all atoms.]


Themassive, permanent magnet had an approximate 20-inch diameter and was slightlyless than 4 feet long. The large, conducting copper coil had an approximate l.D of 4 feet, was approximately 3 feet in height, and was wrapped upon a largefiberglass tube. The total weight of the system was approximately 5,000 lbs.


Thephotographs shown in 15-C1 simply represent a primitive, handmade prototype made(in the backwoods of Lucedale, Mississippi, by me and my lovely, devotee! wife)to prove to others that the Technical (Theoretical) Process which l originallydeveloped and taught is correct. I consider the Technical Process to be 10,000times more important that the primitive working prototypes.


Withonly 1.5 watts input, the back power (emf) produced would generate a spark atthe commutator of such heat magnitude that the back power would, in 2 shortperiod of time, explode and destroy a ceramic insulator from a 5-watt resistorplaced on the commutator at the point of current reversal. Dr. Roger Hastingsestimated the back emf to be in excess of 80,000 watts.

只有1.5瓦我输入,反向功率(电动势)在换向器产生一个能级很大的火花, 反向功率将在两个瞬间爆炸并摧毁了一个放在换向器切换电流方向的5瓦的陶瓷电阻绝缘器。Dr. Roger Hastings估算反向电动势可达到极高的80000瓦。

Therotating, handmade, 600 lb. (of atoms), 4-foot magnet permitted a slow RPM. At200 RPM it was calculated by others that the centrifugal force would be 10,000lbs. of force attempting to pull the magnet apart.

这个旋转、手工做的、600磅(原子)、4英尺长的磁体有一个缓慢的200 转/分钟的转速,其他人计算拉扯磁体的离心力是10000磅。

Everyonewho initially viewed the massive unit in 15-C1 above was then asked thequestion: "Based on your expertise, how much power would be necessary tosimply operate this device mechanically?” Answer: from 200 to 1000 watts. Otherskilled individuals - upon learning that the unit had only copper in the coil -statedthat in their expert opinion, the unit would be highly inefficient since itcontained no iron core.

最初看到上面15-C1中很重装置的人都会问这样的问题:“基于你的理论,要多少能量才能操作这个力学装置?”回答是200到1000瓦。另外一些有技术的人-看到上面可知装置只有铜线圈- 以他们的观点,因为没有铁芯装置效率很低。

However,the facts pertaining to the unit's operation in 15-C1 do clearly prove that theunit could operate on less than 3/2 watts and that it was phenomenally efficient,i.e., far in excess of I00% production efficiency relative to the power out ofthe system compared to the external power into the system, and exactly 100%conversion efficiency relative to the conversion of the mass (gyroscopic particles)of copper atoms to electrical and rotational energy output.


Imust stress that this process is not "perpetual motion." Anyone whofollows my teachings is simply convening (on a 100% conversion efficiencybasis) mass into energy via a 100% (or more) production efficiency process.Therefore, the energy out of the total system is equivalent to the small amountof electrical energy input (acting as a pure catalyst) plus the extant magneticenergy (in the form of gyroscopic particles) within the system. Due to this lattercombination of energies, it may be said that the external energy output isgreater than the external energy input.


"The energy out of the total system is equivalent to the smallamount of electrical energy input (acting as a pure catalyst) plus the extantmagnetic energy (in the form of gyroscopic particles) within the system."


Iwill again turn to Dr. Roger Hastings (Senior Physicist with Sperry- Univac)who has conducted more tests on different occasions upon my working prototypesthan anyone else. I reemphasize the point that Dr. Hastings is an exceptionalscientist who has courage and the true scientific attitude. As a result, hecame forth in my behalf when many others were frightened or close-minded.

注:夸赞Dr. Roger Hastings

Theverification of the operation of the unit in 15-C1 above, as well as ocherprototypes, and rile qualitative scientific ability and fortitude of Dr. Hastingsare clearly demonstrated via the test described in Chapter Five. Such a healthy,scientific attitude is even more exemplified by the fact that Dr. Hastings wenton record as having once had the attitude that, before he traveled to Lucedaleto meet me, to listen to my concepts, and co conduct tests, he was of the beliefthat he would be confronting a "crack-pot inventor." Fortunately, Dr.Hastings' skepticism was tempered with genuine curiosity. I have discovered thatwithout such curiosity, skepticism will rapidly decay into cynicism.

注:夸赞Dr. Roger Hastings

Dr.Roger Hastings' statements and tests follow.

下面是Dr. Roger Hastings的陈述和实验。注:下一章


                                                                                                                             博士:ROGER HASTINGS
                                                                                                                            主要的科学家 ***  *** ***

     这份文档是在1981年和82年NEWMAN电动机运行的实验结果的分析资料。 实验的结果表明这个电动机运行输出的能量是远远大于输入的能量。这个资料试图去量化电动机,并且组织整理实验结果。希望这个档案可以为解释Newman电动机的数学理论的发展提供帮助。
      A.)测试一个效率为80%的永磁直流电机。                                          日期:2-20-82
      在这个实验里,8个新的1.5V的碱性电池连接到一个效率为80%的直流电动机。电动机转动一个油泵大约1HZ的频率。  电动机运转6分钟后,电池电压降为初始电压的60%。
那么输出功率=0.8* 2A *12V=19w
同样的泵连接到Newman的电动机(有一个90#永磁的电动机),使泵的运转接近1HZ.  所以,这个泵消耗的能量与上面的实验所消耗的能量是一样多的。  8个新的电池连接到Newman的电动机。(构造的结构在专利号为179,474的申请里面有,图六中也有注明,Newman的第3页的三个图里有叙述)。当电池电压降为初始电压60%的时候,时间过去了7个小时。虽然Newman的电动机的输入电流是复杂的波动的,但我们可以从图1中预估出初始的输入电流,从曲线中可以查到是0.2A. 用0.2A 乘以12V,我们得出:
初始输入功率=0.2 A *12 V=2.4 w
效率=19/2.4 *100%=800%
在这点上,我们指出这个Newman的电动机的内在的效率能被大大的增加。  因为现在设计的电动机有很大的漏电流和机械损失,一个有效率的设计Newman的电动机必定可以有3倍以上的效率,也可能10倍。(8000%)。
B.)固定的扭矩测试                                                     日期:2-20-82
   直流电机和Newman的电机依次连接测量,通过一个滑轮和带子。  直流电机最多拉动1.5磅,然而Newman的电机可以拉动13磅。最大的负载上直流电机消耗24W,而Newman的电动机仅仅消耗2.4W.
固定的扭矩比率: Newman的电动机:直流电机  =13:1.5  =8.7
同时输入能量比率:Newman的功率:直流电机的功率 =0.1
如果我们定义一个电动机的性能是输出扭矩同输入能量的比值的话,  Newman的电动机比直流电机  大87倍。

第6章 更小装置的描述


The following is a smallerunit (see photograph 15-C2 below) composed of 30-gauge, insulated, copper wireweighing approximately 145 lbs. (atoms) and having a rotating magnet of 14lbs.(atoms). This portable unit, with very little current input, clearlydemonstrates an energy output which is greater than the external energy input.With 300 volts input of pressure, only 1.5 milliamps of current (volume ofgyroscopic particles) went into the copper coil (of atoms), which is less than 0.5watt input for an energy output in excess of I 0 watts.

Photograph 15-C2:
下面是一个小装置(看图15-C2),由30 gauge的绝缘铜线组成,重大约145磅(原子),有一个14磅(原子)的可转动磁铁。这个便携装置输入很小的电流可以明显的看到输出的能量多于输入。用300伏的输入电压,只有1.5毫安的电流(大量陀螺子)输入到铜线圈(原子),这小于1.5瓦的输入产生多于10瓦的输出。

Seebelow copy of a test conducted by Dr. Roger Hastings utilizing the 15-C2 unit.

看下面Dr. Roger Hastings复制的15-C2装置的测试。

AFFIDAVIT 宣誓书或者公证书 June 17, 1984



OnJune 16 and 17, 1984 I ran a series of tests on Joseph Newman 's 145 lb . motorwith 14 lb . rotary . These tests show that power is generated by the motorwhich greatly exceeds the battery input power . The results are summarizedbriefly below :

1.      Demonstrationof Large Current Spikes Produced by the MotorA . Oscilloscope Readings

Theoscilloscope showed large (1 Amp ) staircase current spikes of significant timeduration , which were initiated when the commutator switched , and flowed bothin the coil and battery portions of the circuit . A picture of this spike takenon the coil side of the commutator is attached . A block diagram of the circuitis shown below .

1.      证明发电机产生了有高峰值的大电流 A.     示波器读数示波器显示了明显的有持续时间的的(大于1安)梯形电流峰,当换向器切换时开始。流向电路中的线圈和电池。一张有尖峰的图,在换向器切换在线圈一侧时拍摄,附在下面。电路的图在下面展示。

B .Circuit Breaker Tests

Anammeter which has a built in circuit breaker was placed in the circuit . Whenthe meter was placed on the 100 ma scale, the breaker opened, both on thebattery and coil side of the commutator .

Thebreaker did not open when the meter was placed on the one amp scale, however,it was verified that a current input of more than 1.5 times the full scaledeflection did not open the breaker.

A.     断路器测试一个有断路开关的电流表加入到电路中。当电流表放到100 毫安的偏移时,开关打开,(换向器和电池侧都打开).
当电流表电流超过1安时档位时断路器没有断开, 然而,证明多于满刻度1.5倍的输入电流没有打开断路开关.

C .Temperature Rise

Afive hundred ohm risistor was placed in series with the battery . The resistorwas water-proofed and placed in a small thermos container with a precisionthermometer. A temperature rise of approximately one degree Centigrade wasobserved in a period of fifteen minutes. To raise the temperature of the 21grams of water by 1 degree in fifteen minutes requires at least an averagepower of:

B.     温度升高一个500欧的电阻与电池串连。电阻是防水的,放到一个有精密温度计的保温容器中。在15分钟内观察到大约升高了1度。在15分钟内升高这21克水1度所需求最少的平均功率为:0.1w

Sincethe power supplied by the current flowing in the resistor is I2R,where I is the average current and R = 500Ω,  it follows that a current of at least 14 maon the average must flow in the circuit . This result was verifiedexperimentally by supplying 14 ma to the 500Ω resistorvia a battery and series resistors .If the current contained in the spikes(attached photo) is averaged over the cycle time, the result is consistent withan average current of 14 ma.

因为能量由电流流过电阻产生,符合I2R,I是平均电流,R = 500Ω,也就是说电路必需流过最少14毫安的电流。这个结果被实验证明,通过一个电池提供14毫安的电流流过500Ω的电阻。如果电流,包含峰值(附图中),是在周期内平均,结果是和14毫安的平均电流等同。
1.      Demonstrationthat Large Current Spikes are not Produced by the Battery.2.证明大电流峰不是由电池产生。
A.    Current Readings

Whena Simpson amp meter is placed in series with the batteries, a d.c . inputcurrent of 1.2 ma is registered. The battery input current is therefore 1.2 ma.

B.    Expected Input Current

Whenthe rotor is stopped, the input current from the batteries is measured to be 6ma (this is in agreement with 304 volts and 50 K/L coil resistance).       The coil inductance , as calculated fromthe number of wire turns and the geometry, is 16,000 Henries. At the operatingspeed of 136 r.p.m., the inductive reactance of the coil is 230 K/L., which ismuch large than the coil resistance . The expected battery input current is 304V/230 K/L= 1.3 ma, in good agreement with the measured input of 1.2 ma.

B. 期望的输入电流
当轮子停止,来自电池的输入电流为6毫安(这符合304伏和50 K/L的线圈电阻)。线圈电感,从线圈圈数和形状计算出来,是16,000 H。在136圈每分钟的速度,线圈的感抗是230 K/L,远远大于线圈电阻。期望的电流输入是304 V/230 K/L= 1.3 ma,非常好的符合测试到的输入1.2毫安。
感抗=2*3.14*136/60*16000=227754欧姆 差不多230k。
C.    Constant Battery Voltage

Duringfour hours of continuous running of the motor, the voltage remained constant at304 volts. If the 15 ma average currentcontained in the spikes came from the batteries, they would drain downsignificantly in the four hour period. By draining14 ma from a fresh 9 volt transistor battery identical to those on the motor itwas found that the 14 ma drain causes the voltage to drop by 2% per hour. Thusif the 14 ma were originating at the battery, the battery voltage would drop by24 volts in four hours . No drop was observed .

在发电机连续运行的四个小时中,电压保持在304 v的恒定水平。如果15毫安的平均电流包含来自电池的峰值,它们将在四小时内耗尽。通过从一个9v的晶体管电池释放14毫安电流,和电动机一致,发现14毫安的消耗会引起电压每小时下降2%。因些如果14毫安完全由电池产生,电池电压将将在四小时内下降24伏。但没有发现电压下降。
D.    Larger Current Spikes on Coil Side

Thecurrent spikes, as recorded on the scope, were larger on the coil side of thecommutator than on the battery side. Thisindicates that the spikes originate at the coil, with some loss occuring at thecommutator .

A.     线圈一侧的大电流峰电流峰,如记录的幅度,换向器线圈一侧大于电池一侧。这指出峰值产生于线圈,在换向器处有一些的损耗。
E.    Negative Current

Asignificant portion of the spike in the battery circuit is negative (opposingthe battery voltage). The battery cannot generate such a negative current.

B.     反向电流在电池电路峰值一个重要的部分是反向电流(和电池电压相反)。电池不能产生这样一个反向电流。
F.    Dependence Upon Rotary Position

Theintensity of the spikes varies greatly with the placement of the rotary.  For example, when the rotor is on the side(outside) of the coil the spikes are large . They virtually disappear when therotary is placed on top of the coil .

2.      Powerand Useful Output3.功率和有用的输出

A .Output verses Input Power

Sincean average of 14 ma flows through the 50 K/L coil, the heat dissipated in thecoil is ten watts . The battery input is 1.2 ma times 304 volts, or 0.36 watts.      The heat generated in the coil is 27 timesthe input power . Note that if the ten watts were delivered by the batteries,they would drain down very quickly. These batteries have been used in frequentdemonstrations for long durations by Mr. Newman over the past several months .As mentioned above , four hours of motor operation during these tests did notmeasureably lower the battery voltage.

A.     输出和输入的功率比对因为一个14毫安的平均电流流过50K/L线圈,在线圈损耗的热量是10瓦。电流输入是1.2毫安乘以304伏,或0.36瓦。线圈产生的热是输入功率的27倍。注意,如果10瓦是由电池提供,它们会很快被耗尽。在很长的时间内纽曼先生已经证明,这些电池已经被用了几个月。如上述所说,发电机运行的4个小中这些测试没有测试到低于电池的电压。
B.    Useful Output

Mr. Newman placed a 75 Watt, eight foot, flourescent tube across the motor coil,and the bulb lit to perhaps 10% of full brightness. Interestingly , when thebulb was inserted, the rotary gained speed, and the motor drew less currentfrom the batteries!       The lit 75 watttube demonstrates useful output of several watts, with a fractional watt inputpower.

B.     有用的输出纽曼先生放了一个75瓦8英尺长的荧光管穿过电机线圈,电灯泡会有亮度的10%。有趣的是,当电灯泡接入,机器会获得速度,发电机会损耗电池更少的电能!点亮75瓦的灯管证明几瓦的有用输出,只用极小瓦的输入。

Iswear the above statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowlegde.



第8章 在理解这种科技系统有用的类比

"A new scientific truth does nottriumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but ratherbecause its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that isfamiliar with it."
- MaxPlanck一个新的科技真理不能通过让对手信服或者使对手看到光明来获胜,只有它的对手全部消失了,新的一代长大才能熟悉它用它。

I will now discussin greater detail "how " and "why" my conduct ing-coil-unitoperates.


16. Let us studyanother analogy (see 16-A and 16-B below):



If 1 amp of currentgoes into Figure 16-A , a noticeably larger magnetic field occurs than inFigure 16-B (for the same current input).


QUESTION:  Why the large difference in the strength of themagnetic field?


ANSWER: Simple. Wehave already demonstrated that the iron becomes magnetic due to atom alignment.Therefore, via the small electrical input acting as a catalyst, we have simplycaused more atoms to align in the larger mass of iron in Figure 16-A above thanin the smaller mass of iron in Figure 16-B.



If 1 amp of currentgoes into Figure 16-C, a noticeably smaller and weaker magnetic field occursthan in Figure 16-D.

如果1安的电流输入图16-C,一个明显的比图16-D更弱小的磁场产生。 QUESTION :  Why the difference? 问题:产生不同的原因?

ANSWER:  Simple . As we have already proven, we havemore copper atoms to align in coil 16-D than in coil 16-C.


E.  All of the facts presented in Sections 1-16clearly prove that the current (consisting of gyroscopic particles in motion) putinto a conductor simply acts as a catalyst in aligning the atoms of theconductor itself. This same catalytic effect is observed if a conductor is wrappedaround iron and the current runs through the conductor. In other words, thecurrent simply acts as a "pure catalyst!" The current input triggersthe atom alignment which resulcs in energy (gyroscopic particles) beingreleased from the atoms aligned. However , the electrical current input doesnot participate in the magnetic field released.





F.    There is another important mechanical effectof the gyroscopic particles comprising a magnetic field, electric field , andall matter, which I refer to as a "Hydraulic Effect." (See Figun:16-F I.)


lf one places apiece of Iron in a magnetic field and the source (magnet) is fixed to a pivot(see Figure 16-F1 above), then, lf the piece of iron is moved, the magnet willalso attempt ro move. It is mechanically obvious that there is a magnetic"coupling effect " generated by flowing "streams or shells"of gyroscopic particles comprising the magnetic field and originating from theatoms of the magnet. I originally asked myself: "How else could there bean action-reaction effect?" Any motion whatsoever on the part of the pieceof iron will cause an attempted motion of the magnet itself. This action is thesame type of effect as found in a hydrnulic system. (Sec Figure 16 f2.)


If the pipe isfilled wih fluid and the piston is moved, then piston 2 will also move. lf thepipe is filled with a gas and piston 1 is moved, then piston 2 will alsoattempt to move. However,enough pressure can be imposed on piston 2, causingthe gas molecules to compress into a smaller area within the pipe. The sameeffect can befound  in magnetics.


F. The same type ofhydraulic effect can be observed in the electric current (gyroscopic particles)coming from a battery or generator and flowing into a conductor to align theatoms within the conductor. The atoms of the conductor are aligned due to thepressure of the voltage from the battery or generator. The current (gyroscopicparticles) that is derived from the atoms of the material within the battery orthe atoms within the conductor and magnet of the generator is the energy whichcomprises the atoms of the material from which the current (gyroscopicparticles) originates. The gyroscopic particles actually create a hydrauliceffect back to the atoms from which the gyroscopic particles come. This actionis mechanically similar to any hydraulic pumping system.

F. 同样的水压效果也可以在电流(陀螺子)中观察到,电流来自电池或发电机,注入一个导体导致导体原子排列。导体的原子重排归因于电池或发电机的电压的压力。源自于电池原料中的原子或发电机的导体和磁铁内的原子的电流(陀螺子)是激发导体内原子的陀螺子的能量。陀螺子实际上创建了一种类似水压效果在原子内的陀螺粒子间。这种行为类似于任何流体输送系统。

"The currentinput triggers the atom alignment which results in energy (gyroscopic particles) released from the atoms aligned. However, the electrical current inputdoes not participate in the magnetic field released."


H.    There is a most important distinction,however, between the power source of conventional hydraulic systems and thatwhich I have discovered and developed. The current (gyroscopic particles) whichcomes from a battery or generator is the energy which comprises the atoms of thematerials from which current (gyroscopic particles) comes. This action isliterally the mechanical essence of Einstein's Equation E = MC2.

H. 然而,在传统的水压系统和我发现的系统之间能量来源有一个最重要的区别。来自电池或发电机的电流(陀螺子)来自组成材料原子的能量。字面上意义是E = MC2等式的力学本质。

Therefore, a batteryconnected to the proper output system will be destroyed in accordance with E =MC2! I am not referring to the present, inefficient chemicalreaction within a battery, since present teachings state that all energy producingdevices (which use current) operate via the current input only. This is nottrue!

因此,连接到合适输出系统的电池将以E = MC2的方式消耗自己的能量!我不是指当前、无效率的电池内的化学反应,当前学说所有的能量产生装置(使用电流)的运转只由输入电流驱动。这是不正确的!

Such presentteachings have resulted in designs for inefficient battery devices which are deliberntelyconstructed to use relatively high current. I teach the opposite. One shouldbuild devices to use as little current as possible and practical in order torestrict that current from completing the circuit and returning to the batteryor generator.

这样的当前学说导致低效率的电池装置设计,故意构建用相对很高的电流方式。我教的正和这相反。我们应该用尽可能小的电流构建设备,并且限制电流完成电路环路或者返回到电池或发电机。注:意思是不让电流完成一个回路,如电子不从电池负极到正极,这样产生的能量是消耗的物质,按E = MC2产生。

EXAMPLE: Let'sexamine a typical battery - an electrochemical cell. These devices operateaccording to Faraday's Laws. Faradav' s First Law states that the quantity ofelectricity that passes through a solution is proportional to the quantity ofsubstance decomposed. You will note that this action is solely dependent uponthe current (gyroscopic particles) completing the circuit. If the current(gyroscopic particles) does not complete the circuit, there will be no quantityof substance decomposed . (See Figures 16-H1 and 16 -H2.)

例如:让我们看一种经典电池-电化电池。这些设备遵守法拉第定律运行。法拉第第一定律: 电解时,在电极上析出或溶解悼的物质的重量,与通过电极的电量成正比。你将注意到这种行为仅仅和完成电路循环的电流(陀螺子)相关。如果电流(陀螺子)不有完成电路循环,将不会有等比的物质析出或溶解。

Re-examine the coilin Figure 15-B and then compare it to that in 16-H1 and 16-H2 above. Envisionthat if coil 16-H2 is composed of 5-gauge copper wire with such a length thatits resistance is 1,000,000 ohms and the battery voltage of 16-H1 is 1000volts, then only 1 milliamp of current could flow through coil 16-H2 andcomplete the circuit to return to battery 16-H1. It is obvious that the energywithin the magnetic field of coil 16-H2 would be tremendous, and, if thedirection of the current was reversed by a commutator (or similar mechanism) atposition (X) above,before the current of 1 M.A. passed through the coil, thenno decomposition of the battery by chemical means would occur. However, thehydraulic effect of the 1000 volts from battery 16-H1 would have alreadyaffected (catalytic effect) and aligned many atoms within coil 16-H2. Suchalignment would generate a tremendous magnetic field (gyroscopic particles).When the current was reversed within coil 16-H2 by the pressure of 1000 voltsfrom battery 16-H1,the induction effect would have far greater power than thatwhich originally came from battery 16-H1 on a chemical basis only. If you, thereader,have now mastered what I have taught, you will quickly recognize thatthe action- reaction effect within coil 16-H2 and the hydraulic effect ofbattery 16-H1 all operate in accordance with E = MC2.

再次检查图15-B里的线圈并和上面16-H1和16-H2里的对比。想像如果16-H2由5-gauge有铜线组成,有1,000,000欧姆的电阻,16-H1电池电压是1000伏,那么只有1毫安的电流能流过线圈16-H2完成电路循环返回到电池16-H1。很明显,线圈16-H2中的磁场能量将是极大的,如果在1毫安电流通过线圈前,电流被换向器(或类似机械装置)在位置(X)反向,那么电池中将没有化学反应发生。然而,16-H1电池1000伏的水压效果已经影响(催化剂效果)并排列了16-H2线圈中的许多原子。这样的排列将产生一个极大的磁场区域(陀螺子)。当电流在16-H2线圈被反向,通过电池16-H1的1000伏电压,自感的效果将产生一个比来自只以化学为基础的电池16-H1更大的能量。如果你,读者,现在已经精通我所教授的,你将可以很快的认识到线圈16-H2和电池16-H1的水压效果的相互作用都遵守E = MC2的方式运行。 "One should build devices to use aslittle current as possible and practical ...'' 应当建构使用尽可能小的电流的设备

In effect , thecurrent (consisting of flowing, gyroscopic particles) coming from the atoms ofcoil 16-H2 and battery 16-H1 are the mechanical essence of E=MC2and, consequently, the mass of the entire system will be reduced via E =MC2 asenergy is removed from the system. However , due to the high conversionefficiency within the process, it would actually require an extremely longperiod of time - measured in years - to significantly deplete the mass of thematerials involved in the system.


It should be obviousto you that the electric current (gyroscopic particles) which emanates from theelements of battery 16-H1 is not depleted in coil 16-H2. If permitted, not onlywould the battery input current align the atoms of coil 16-H2, but once thecurrent returns to the battery, such current would,according to Faraday's FirstLaw, chemically decompose large quantities of matter compared to the minutesize of the current (in the form of gyroscopic particles) which activates theundesirable chemical reaction.


These gyroscopicparticles obey the First Law of Thermodynamics precisely: it appears they cannot be destroyed and it appears they possess amotion of infinite duration.


17. You, the reader,must now obtain the proper perspective within your mind. (See Figures 17-A and17-B.)

17.你,读者,在你的思想中现在必须形成正确的观点。(看图17-A 和17-B.)

What distinction doyou instantly detect between Figures 17-A and 17-B? You should recognize thatone obtains greater energy from 17-B than from 17-A. You should recognize thisfact on a chemical basis. However, you should also see that this distinctionbetween Figures I 7-A and 17-B can also be visualized according to E = MC2 ifproperly understood and utilized .

你马上观察到图17-A 和17-B有什么不同?你应该认识到我们可以从17-B获取比17-A更多的能量。你应该认识到这实际是化学反应基础事实。然而,你同样应该看到图17-A 和17-B的区别,如果正确的理解和应用,也能按照E = MC2构想。

Now examine Figures17-C and 17-D:

现在比较图17-C 和 17-D:


What difference doyou recognize between Figures 17-C and 17-D? You should immediately recognizethat there are 30,000 times more atoms in Figure 17-D than in 17-C. And yousbould also recognize that these atoms are – in effect -extremely smallbatteries (see Figures 17-A and 17-B above), except that there is no chemicalreaction on an electrolytic basis. Rather, what occurs is action according to E= MC2 via the efficient conversion of magnetic mass (gyroscopic particlestraveling throughout the space surrounding aligned atoms - also referred to as"magnetic energy") to electrical energy (gyroscopic parciclestraveling through a conductor)*. If the technical system is properly utilized,one should not be surprised that an energy output can be achieved which is inexcess of the external energy input. Consequently, one should instantly recognizethat one can obtain greater energy from coil 17-D than from coil 17-C. 你认为图17-C 和 17-D有什么不同?你应该马上认识到图17-D相比17-C有着 30000倍的原子。你同样应该认识到这样原子是-实际上-极小的电池(看图17-A 和17-B),除了这里没有电解的化学反应。相反,发生的是遵守E = MC2活动,通过转换磁场物质(穿梭在没有排列的原子周围空间运动的陀螺子-也可以说“磁能量”)为电能(穿过导体的陀螺子)*。如果这种科技系统被恰当的应用,我们将不会再惊叹输出的能量多于输入的能量。因此,我们应该马上认识到线圈17-D比线圈17-C可能获取更多的能量。 *Note: referring toenergy as "electrical" or "magnetic" without understandingthe essential nature of such energy can be conceptually misleading.There existsonly one (mechanical) concept of eneryg :gyroscopic particles in motion. This singleconcept of energy can be observationally manifested in different forms: when travelingthrough a comluctor (metal wire) , the gyroscopic particles are commonly called"electrical" energy. When traveling throughout the space surroundingaligned atoms,the same gyroscopic particles are perceived as"magnetic" eneryg. *注意:关于能量是“电能”或“磁能”,没有对这种能量基础理论的理解会产生概念上的错误。这里只有一个能量的(力学)概念:运动的陀螺子。这个唯一的能量概念能明显的展现为不同的形式:当穿过一个导线(金属线),陀螺子是通常叫的“电”能。当穿过排列原子的周围空间,同样的陀螺子被认为是“磁”能。 If one calculatesthe resistance in Figure 17-D compared to that of Figure 17-C, one finds theresistance of 17-D to be approximately 30,000 times the resistance of 17-C.Note that this fact coincides with my previous statement that the conductingcoil 17-D contains 30,000 times more atoms than conducting coil 17-C. 如果我们计算对比图17-D和17-C的电阻,会发现17-D的电阻大约是17-C的30000倍。注意,这个事实和我陈述一致,线圈17-D比17-C多30000倍原子。 However, to greatlyincrease the desired results, return to tests 15-A and 15-B. You will find inthose tests that the resistance in 15-B is equal to that of 15-A, but withinthe coils of these two tests the number of atoms in each vary greatly . Thisdifference is due to the fact that conducting coil 15-B has a phenomenal110,704,968 times more atoms than conducting coil 15-A. 然而,为了增大预期的结果,回到实验15-A和15-B。你将发现这些实验中15-B中的电阻和15-A相等,但这两个实验的线圈的原子相差很多。这种不同是由于导体线圈15-B比导体线圈15-A多110,704,968倍原子。 "...for a givencurrent input ... the most efficient conducting system design is one in whichthe greatest number of atoms within a coil are aligned by the given current(gyroscopic particle) input." 对于给定的电流输入最有效的传导系统设计是线圈中最多数量的原子被输入电流(陀螺子)激发排列。 18.   At this point , it should be clear that for agiven current input (consisting of gyroscopic particles) from a battery,generator, etc., the most efficient conducting system design is one in whichthe greatest number of atoms within a coil are aligned by the given current(gyroscopic particle) input. 18. 这点上很清楚,对于一个来自电池、发电机等的给定输入电流(由陀螺子组成),最有效的传导系统设计是线圈中最多数量的原子被输入电流(陀螺子)排列。 It is thereforeobvious that a properly designed , super-conducting system would produce evengreater results . As of this writing, work is being performed by otherscientists in an attempt to develop a super-conducting material which canoperate at temperatures higher than those previously developed. 因此,显然一个恰当的设计,超导系统将产生更好的结果。在本书所写的时候,研制可以在比之前开发的超导材料更高温中工作的材料,正在被别的科学家进行中。 A. Let us examinesuper-conducting magnets in view of what I teach . In Figure 18-A, when asmall, fist- sized cylinder of niobium-tin alloy is placed in a flask of liquidhelium having little or no current input, the cylinder becomes a formidablemagnet of 24,000 gauss. Additional materials have been developed that arecapable of producing superior results. A.让我们用我所教的内容观察一下超导磁体。在图18-A,当一个小的,拳头大小的铌-锡合金圆柱放入一个通有少量电流或没电流的液氦瓶中,圆柱体变成有24000高斯的强磁体。而且可以产生更强的效果材料已经被开发出来了。


What is significantin Figure 18-A is the fact that when the small cylinder of niobium -tin alloyis removed from the liquid helium, the alloy instantly loses its formidable,magnetic field .


The reader shouldquickly recognize that in test 18-A, the niobium -tin alloy initially possessedenergy (heat) which was removed from its mass when placed in liquid helium .This heat loss instantly results in a large reduction of the random atom motionwithin the alloy and therefore a high percentage of the alloy's atoms thenalign to release some of their electromagnetic energy (gyroscopic particles)throughout the formidable, magnetic field created .


You can easily seethat this cryogenic process is opposite to the Curie temperature effect of heatinput (energy) into a permanent magnet resulting in atom unalignment , i.e.,increased random atom motion, and virtual disappearance of the magnet 's field.(See Figure 12-D2 on page 9 for comparison .)


If the small,cylindrical, niobium -tin alloy is removed from the liquid helium, then heat(energy) travels into its mass from the environment which results in asignificant increase in the random motion of the atoms within its mass. Thisaction creates the disappearance of the magnet's prior magnetic field since thegyroscopic particles which previously composed the magnetic field have nowreturned into the original atoms from which they came. [These results scientificallymatch those of test 12-D above.]


"... I stressthat it is essential that one design and establish the correct geometricconfiguration."


19. For optimalresults, I stress that it is essential that one design and establish thecorrect geometric configuration!  Withsuch a correct configuration , the atoms of the substances involved willintersect the gyroscopic particles (composing the magnetic field of the system)at the proper angle. In some designs it may be desirable that those atomswithin the system do not (or minimally) intersect the gyroscopic particles,i.e., in such instances, only gyroscopic particles should mechanically interactwith one another.


"One must paystrict attention to the mechanical essence of the gyroscopic action of theseparticles ...''


One must pay strictattention to the mechanical essence of the gyroscopic action of these particlesmoving in a magnetic field and emanating from the atoms of the substancesinvolved in the process. Such gyroscopic particles are the mechanical essenceof the equation E = MC2 . (See Figure 19-A.)

我们必需严格注意这些粒子陀螺运动的本质,它们在磁场中运动,从影响的物质的原子发出。这样的陀螺子是等式E = MC2的力学本质。(看图19-A)

When a conductor isphysically moved down and across a magnetic field as in Figure 19-A , then thecurrent will change direction twice. The same is true if the conductor is movedfrom the South end of a magnet to the North end of the magnet. Reason: thedirection of gyroscopic action is changing throughout the "lines (shells)of force. " However, if a small, multi-looped, 38 -gaugeconducting-coil-wire [approximately 11/32-inch in diameter and 3/4-inch long]is moved across the end of a 6 inch diameter magnet, the current direction willalter four times. (See Figure 19-B.)

当一个导体向下穿过磁场区域如图19-A,电流将改变两次方向。如果导体从磁体南极移动到磁体北极也是一样的。原因:陀螺运动的方向在“力线(壳)”上改变了。然而,如果一个小的,绕了多圈的38 –gauge导体线圈(大约直径11/32英寸,长3/4英寸)穿过6英寸的柱状磁体,电流方向将改变4将。(看图19-B)注:这里其实画的有点费解,导线仿佛是沿着磁力线平面移动。下面的图是线圈就好理解些。


By moving the38-gauge, copper-wire coil across the end of the magnet (as shown in Figure19-B), the current direction will now change four times. [P = positive and N=negative.] It is extremely important to recognize that the "lines (shells)of force" (gyroscopic particles) continuously vary in their exact directionat any given moment. Study Figure 19-B1 above and observe that the angulardirection of the "lines (shells) of force" (gyroscopic particles)vary from the Center of the magnet to the left, in one plane of the magneticfield, and to the right, in the opposite side of that same plane .


Also observe that atthe points marked with a dot(•) in Figure 19-B above, there is no currentproduced even though the moving, small coil is never parallel with the"lines (shells) of force." Reason : This occurs as a result of acancellation effect, i.e., one side of the small coil is located within oneplane of gyroscopic particles possessing a given angular direction, while theopposite side of the small coil will be located in another plane of gyroscopicparticles possessing a different angular direction. The identical effect willbe observed if the small coil is moved from the North to the South end of themagnet .


The reader shouldunderstand that I did not observe the above results by accident. On the contrary,I utilized the small diameter coil because 'expected that it would moreeffectively detect the varying angles of the gyroscopic particles involved. Theresults I obtained totally corroborated my expectations. It should now beobvious to you that relative to a magnetic field , the angular directions ofthe gyroscopic particles are of extreme importance with respect to asubstance's given geometric design.


I would anticipatethat computer technology - which is pictorally capable of depicting themechanical essence of the action/reaction, gyroscopic effect of energies -wouldbe very helpful in predicting more efficient designs and in computing usefulmathematical formulas.


What should not bedone is for one to simply "throw together '' some design concept  and then place it in a magnetic field withoutgiving careful consideration to the mechanical essence of the energy of thatmagnetic field, i.e., the mechanical essence of the energy (in the form ofgyroscopic particles) comprising the atoms of the substance or substances ofthe design . Prior to my work, a lack of mechanical thought has been the norm,and, as the reader is well aware, the progress of science and the human racehas suffered.


I stress to you, thereader, that there are many designs which will effectively release the energyin a magnetic field in accordance with the conversion of the mass from whichthe magnetic field emanates via E = MC2.

强调一下,读者,有许多设计可以有效的释放磁场中的能量,遵循E = MC2将磁场释放的物质转换为能量。注:作者的意思是告诉你原理,你可以有很多种不同的设计,而不是告诉你设计而不告诉你原理,你将无法复制和自己设计。

The electromagneticcomposition of the atoms of materials which initiates an input current flow isconstant, is similar to hydraulic pressure, and appears to move at the speed oflight. In addition, such input current behaves solely as a catalyst ininteracting with the electromagnetic nature of the atoms comprising other materialsand caused such atoms to release a portion of their electromagnetic energy inthe form of a magnetic field composed of gyroscopic particles. Such actionincreases the capacity of the system for performing "Obvious" or"Unobvious" Work, Force, or Power. The system can then react withanother magnetic force or the atoms (gyroscopic particles) of that source tomultiply this electromagnetic effect even further.


Let 's examine thefacts which corroborate the previous statement:

A.  I havealready proven that the greater the number of atoms aligned within a magnet,the greater the release of the magnet's energy (gyroscopic particles) inaccordance with the equation E = MC2 . (See Figures 20-A1, 20-A2, and 20-A3.)

让我们看哪些事实能证实上面的观点: A.     我已经证明磁体中更多数量的原子排列会释放更多的磁能(陀螺子),遵循E = MC2。(看图20-A1, 20-A2, and20-A3)


B. I have alreadyproven that the more atoms aligned within a conductor, the greater will be therelease of the energy contained within that conductor (in the form ofgyroscopic particles) in accordance with the equation E = MC2. (See Figures20-B1, 20-B2, and 20-B3.) B.我已经证明导体中更多的原子排列会释放导体中更多的能量(以陀螺子形式),遵循E = MC2。(遵循20-B1, 20-B2, and20-B3.)


C. I have alreadyproven that one should perceive the individual atoms (of Figures 20-A3 and20-B3) as microscopic batteries with an energy capacity equivalent to E = MC2 .Realizing these facts, one then knows that the greater the number of atoms ofany substance which one activates in accordance with these teach ings, then thegreater the energy release that can be expected. (See Figures 20-A3 and 20-B3.)

C.我已经证明,人们应该意识到单个的原子(图20-A3 和20-B3)是一个小电池,带有能量遵循E = MC2。了解这些事实,之后人们知道更多用这些方法激发的物质原子会释放比预期更多的能量。(看图20-A3 和 20-B3)

Refer back to Figure15-B (on page 19) and imagine that Figure 20-B3 is of similar magnitude. Also,imagine Figure 20-A3 of proportional size and magnitude with Figure 20-B3. Ifthese two systems (20-A3 and 20-B3) then react with one another, you willobtain the following: (See Figures 20-C1 and 20-C2.)

回到图15-B(在19页),想像图20-B3有相同的级数。同样的,想像图20-A3与20-B3有成比例的大小和级数。如果两个系统(20-A3与20-B3)相互作用,你将得到下面结果:(看图20-C1 和 20-C2)


One can easilyenvision a conductor coil 20-C 1 being the size of a domed stadium, and amagnet 20-C2 being larger than a giant redwood tree.

很容易想像一个导体线圈20-C 1变成运动场大小,一个磁体20-C2比巨杉还要大。

In some cases, itmay be desirable to permit the gyroscopic particles emanating from magnet 20-C2to efficiently interact with the gyroscopic particles surrounding theconducting coil 20-C1, but not to interact with the atoms contained within theconducting coil 20-C1 itself. With the proper mechanical configurationutilizing the gyroscopic particles, one would achieve maximum torque withmagnet 20-C2 without creating back - emf or induction into conducting coil 20-C1.


The reader must alsorealize that there is a hydraulic, "magnetic -coupling effect " ofthe gyroscopic particles comprising the magnetic fields -an effect whichextends back to the atoms of the material from which the gyroscopic particlesemanate. As a result, the Archimedian "Laws of Leverage" are enacted!


Knowing these facts,one can easily see that in Figures 20-C1 and 20-C2 there would be a phenomenaltorque produced upon the masses of both 20-Cl and 20-C2. This phenomenal torqueis the result of E = MC2!

知道这些事实,可以清楚的看到图20-C1 和20-C2都会产生将产生扭转力的现象。这个扭转力现象是E = MC2的结果!

D. EXAMINE THESEFACTS: The massive number of atoms within conducting coil 20-C1 produce aphenomenal back-emf (power) which is greater than the external energy input(consisting of a catalytic effect only) or external power input. In addition,the massive number of atoms within magnet 20-C2 release via atom alignment alarge quantity of kinetic energy (in the form of a magnetic field) whichinteracts with another large quantity of kinetic energy (in the form of amagnetic field) within conducting coil 20-C1. Such interactions result in aphenomenal torque effect and either 20-C1 or 20-C2 (or both) could  rotate .

D. 检验这些事实:导体线圈20-C1中大量的原子产生的反向电动势(功率)大于外部输入的能量(只产生催化剂效果)。另外,磁体20-C2里大量的排列原子释放大量的动能(以磁场的形式)与导体线圈20-C1产生的大量动能(以磁场的形式)相互作用。这种交互导致扭转力的产生,20-C1 或20-C2(或两者)能旋转。

"The greaterthe voltage (hydraulic pressure), then the greater the number of atoms of aconductor will be triggered into the desired action. "


Observe that theabove mechanical configuration has multiplied the capacity of the system toperform "Obvious" or "Unobvious " Work, Force, or Powerrelative to the intial power input which acts only as a catalyst.


Now, envisionanother conducting coil of proportional size which acts as a generator and isphysically positioned to efficiently interact mechanically with 20-Cl and20-C2. This configuration will increase the energy output even further.

现在,想像等比例的导体线圈作为发电机,放到与20-C1 和20-C2交互最高效的位置。这种配制将增加更多的能量输出。

Such a configurationis exactly what I created with my primitive , handmade prototype. The prototypewas not built for my benefit, but for the benefit of others who had beenunjustly influenced by a teaching process which rewards memorization. It wasalso built for those who could not or would not recognize the validity of myTheoretical Process. (Again I refer to the discussion in 15-C and Figure 15-Cl.) All of the results described above were observed in the primitive prototype(described in 15-C and 15-Cl) except that the generating coil had only 300 lbs.of atoms. For more impressive results , the prototype should have contained4,200 lbs. of atoms. I specifically limited the coil weight to 300 lbs.,however, because I knew that high voltage would occur and that electrical-resistance-breakdown could also happen if the coil size became too great. These problemsare technical problems which can easily be solved by present technology .

这样的构造恰恰是我创建的原始、粗糙的原型机。原型的建造不是为了我的利益,而是为了被死记硬背的教学方式影响到的人们。同样为不能认识到我的理论正确性的人们。(我指的是15-C和 15-C1中的讨论)以上的讨论结果都是在原始的原型(15-C和 15-C1中的讨论)中可见的,除了只有300磅原子的发电线圈。为了更多深入的结果,原型应该有4200磅原子。然而,我特定限制线圈重量为300磅,因为我知道如果线圈尺寸太大将产生高电压并烧断电路。这些问题只是技术问题,现在的科技可以轻松解决。

The reader shouldclearly understand by now that if the electric current which is initiallyreleased from a battery is not permitted (by a conducting coil) to complete thecircuit within the coil itself , then the total electromagnetic energy(gyroscopic particles) contained within the conducting coll will performexactly as I teach. Ideally, one should construct the energy machine to havevoltage (hydraulic pressure), but the input cur rent should (as much aspractical) be prevented from returning to the battery, generator, etc. Thatcurrent which flows from the conducting coil could indeed return to the batteryand recharge it.


E. One could reducethe length of a conductor and still achieve the desired results by simplyincreasing the speed of the "on" and "off' input current whichbehaves as a pulsating flow. The atoms of the conductor will produce a back-emfflow as a result of the expanding and collapsing magnetic field (composed ofgyroscopic particles). These atoms are "triggered '' into this observable,back -emf flow via the "catalytic" action of the small, initial inputcurrent.


The greater thevoltage (hydraulic pressure), then the greater the number of atoms of aconductor which will be triggered into the desired action.


However, thisstatement should be qualified: the facts indicate that all atoms have a"threshold effect." If the "threshold effect" of the atoms(contained within a given diameter and length of a conductor) are exceeded,then the atoms will emit some of their electromagnetic composition (gyroscopicparticles) in the form of heat with the result that the magnetic field would begreatly reduced. If this occurs, then one should simply increase the diameterof the conductor or increase the speed of the pulsating input current.


Returning ,to theprototype in Figure 15-C1: this massive 5-gauge coil had only eight (8) ohms ofresistance , yet it produced a tremendous back-emf (power) which reducedcurrent-flow-input from the battery pack. When the input power from the batterypack was interrupted , the back -emf then returned more power than the originalpower input from the battery pack.


There are thoseindividuals who will ask the question: "Why can't one simply feed thegenerated, output current back into itself, eliminating the need for an inputbattery? " The answer is simple: The energy involved in this system(consisting of gyroscopic particles) is composed of real, mechanical entitieswhich will work against themselves (as would unaligned gears) just as readilyas they will work together in utilizing or generating power. (See Figure 21-A.)



A.    Envision that the above two magnets inFigure 21-A have a strong, magnetic field that is capable of compressing thespring. One would not expect the spring to then recoil and push the two magnetsapart.

A. 想像以上图21-A两个磁体有很强的磁场区域,能压缩弹簧。没有人会期望弹簧会反推两个磁体分开。

Reason: Thegyroscopic particles emanating from the atoms of the two magnets are themechanical essence of E = MC2 and, consequently, such particles will keep thespring compressed. However, if one has a "triggering mechanism " or acatalytic effect that causes the atoms of one or both of the two magnets toalign and unalign, then the spring would recoil, pushing the two masses apart.When the atoms are aligned, the spring would again be compressed via thegeneration of the magnetic field by the aligned atoms. This process wouldcontinue to repeat itself.

原因:两个磁体中的原子发出的陀螺子力学本质是E = MC2,因此,这样的陀螺子将保持弹簧的压缩。然而,如果一个有“开关设备”或催化效果,能引起两个磁体中的原子排列和失序,那么弹簧将可以弹开并推开两个磁体。当原子排序,通过原子排列磁场区域的产生弹簧将再次压缩。这个过程将重复下去。

B.    A similar effect (created by the gyroscopicparticles via E = MC2) is observed when the current is prohibited fromreturning to a conventional generator. If a mechanical means is constructed to"trap" the electric current and prevent it from completing a circuit,then the gyroscopic particles of the current have a capacity for continuouswork without the necessity to increase the power input from the generatorsystem. However , if the circuit is complete and the electric current movingwithin the System performs no "Obvious" Work, Force, or Power, thenthe gyroscopic particles comprising the current will - upon returning to thegenerator -increase the need for greater power input into the system. Reason:Such action occurs as a result of the very fact that these gyroscopic particlesare literally the "mechanical essence of E = MC2" and it appears theycannot be destroyed. This fact results in these gyroscopic particles having a"cumulative effect." (See Figure 21-B1 and Figure 21-B2.)

B. 一个相似的效果(遵守E = MC2由陀螺子创建)是电流禁止返回传统的发电机。如果创建一种机械构造“困住”电流,阻止它完成电路循环,那么电流的陀螺子有能力继续工作,不需要增加输入发电机的功率。然而,如果电路循环完成,电流的移动在系统中没有产生“可见”的功、力、功率,那么组成电流的陀螺子将-返回,发电机-需要更多功率输入系统。原因:这样的活动的发生是一个事实的结果,陀螺子是真实的“E = MC2的力学本质”一旦产生就不可毁灭。这个事实导致陀螺子有“累积效应”。(看图21-B1 和21-B2)


InFigures 21-B1 and 21-B2, the depicted motor also acts as a generator. In 21-B1,if the leads are shorted out with only  1ohm of resistance in the generator's conductor, there will be a resistive forceequal to the pull -force that one exerts in pulling the pull-cord attached tothe pulley on the motor (generator) shaft. Reason: The conductor cuts themagnetic field of the permanent magnets, thereby releasing gyroscopic particles(current) from the magnetic field. These released, gyroscopic particles whichtravel into the conductor then have their spin at right angles to the balanceof gyroscopic particles (spin) remaining in the magnetic field which in turngenerates an opposing ''Obvious Force. '' These gyroscopic particles continueto move throughout the shorted conductor as the conductor continually movesthrough additional "lines (shells) of force" within the magneticfield which, in turn, results in even more gyroscopic particles (current) beingreleased within the conductor. This successive number of gyroscopic -particle -releases is what creates the ''cumulative effect. ''


"This successive number of gyroscopic- particle-releases iswhat creates the 'cumulative effect. '"

“连续的陀螺子释放创造了‘累积效应’。” 注:这里插一句《磁流》里面的话,如果你给磁一个环路,那么它将永远的运动下去;当时没有细想过这句话,如果用在这里,换成,如果磁在做功将永远存在环路里。就变成了这个累积效应。也或许这种理解不对。 这背后或许还有更多值得思考的地方。

Onecan easily prove this previous statement to be a fact by simply conducting anexperiment. Observe that the harder one pulls on the "pull-cord" (inFigure 21-B1), the more the resistive force will equal your pull. [Frictionalforce is additional.]One can therefore easily observe that one is producing no''Obvious Work, Force, or Power “outside the system.


Observeabove Figure 21-B in which five smaller, permanent -magnet motors have beenplaced in series. When one pulls the pull-cord, one finds that the requiredenergy is significantly less than in Figure 21-B1 and yet all five additionalmotors will now be running. One is now producing '' Obvious Work, Force, andPower" outside of the system and yet one is using significantly less inputpower. Why the difference? Answer: In Figure 21-B1, one is producing highcurrent (volume of gyroscopic particles which acts as a "brake") andvirtually no hydraulic pressure (voltage). However, in Figure 21-B2, one isproducing high hydraulic pressure (voltage) and low current (volume ofgyroscopic particles completing the circuit), therefore, the "brakingeffect" is drastically reduced.


Lenz'sLaw states that "the current induced in a circuit due to a change in themagnetic flux through it or to its motion in a magnetic field is so directed asto oppose the change in flux or to exert a mechanical force opposing themotion.”


Lenz'sLaw is simply an observation of this cumulative effect of the gyroscopic-particle-spin (comprising the current produced) being at right angles to thespin of the gyroscopic particles remaining in the magnetic field.  Prior to my work, the true nature of themagnetic field has never been fully understood.

楞次定律是(组成产生的电流的)陀螺子在直角方向上与在磁场中的旋转陀螺子 回旋 累积效应的简单观察在我的工作之前,磁场本质从来没有被完全的理解。

Returningto the question , "Why can 't one simply feed the generated, outputcurrent back into itself?" l would answer: If one blindly (via mechanicalimplicitness) feeds the current produced from a system back into itself , thena "braking effect" will occur which will negate the desired results.


Itshould be obvious to the reader that the prior teachings have indicated thatall power produced from any type of conducting system was the result of currentflow and was not from the conducting system itself. As a result of this view,all prior systems have been deliberately designed to utilize high current-flowto produce high power.


Ifyou have mastered my teachings up to this point, then you should be principallyinterested in the voltage (hydraulic pressure), since the current (gyroscopicparticles) simply acts as a catalyst for any system into which it flows. As Iindicated above, the gyroscopic particle composition of the current cannot bedepleted as it moves through the system. As a result, the current completes thecircuit to the generator and a "braking-action” occurs to create thecumulative effect. If the current was to complete the circuit and return to thebattery, then such current would, according to Faraday's Law of Electrolysis(which depends upon current flow (gyroscopic particles]), produce an undesiredchemical action and destroy one's ability to utilize the elements of thebattery in accordance with E = MC2 .

如果你已经精通我在这点上的教学,你将主要对电压感兴趣(水压),因为电流(陀螺子)对任何流入的系统只起简单催化剂作用。如我上面指出的,组成电流的陀螺子当穿过系统时不能被耗尽。然而,当电流完成了电路循环返回发电机,将产生“制动效果”创建累积效果。如果电流完成电路循环返回电池,这样的电流将,根据法拉第电解定律(依靠电流流过[陀螺子),产生一个不期望的化学反应并摧毁电池根据E = MC2输出能量的能力。

Thevery electrolytic action described by Faraday's Law is proof that the currentwithin the system has not been depleted. With a correct technical system, suchcurrent could be harnessed for more productive purposes since the gyroscopicparticles (which comprise the current) have an infinite capacity for work.


Viathe proper design, it is obvious that one can feed the energy triggered andreleased from a system into a configuration which then operates itself andproduces additional, excess energy in accordance with E = MC2 by converting themass of the system involved.

通过恰当的设计,很明显,可以通过输入能量来激发释放一个可以自己运行的并产生额外能量(按照E = MC2转换系统中的质量)的设备。

Thisis exactly what I have clearly demonstrated by utilizing the primitive,handmade prototypes already discussed. (See Figures 15-C1 and 15-C2.) There aremany additional, technical designs possible which will be built by following mybasic principles.

这就是我已经清楚的证明的上面已经讨论过的我的最初的、手工的原型机。(看图15-C1 和15-C2)有许多另外的遵循我的基础原则的科学设计能被建造。

22.    I now wish to give you, the reader, a test.Have you understood literally what I have taught you? Or have you simply soughtto memorize what I have written?  I wishto stimulate you to understand the very "essence" of what I teachyou! Only by doing so will you be able to "stand on my shoulders and seefarther than I have.''*


Question:How would you build a more efficient design than the primitive prototypes Ihave already demonstrated? What properties would you seek to perfect in yoursystem?


Youshould understand that if built structurally strong, even the 15-C1 and 15-C2prototypes would produce an impressive power output if the hydraulic pressure(voltage) was increased. For example, in the smaller 15-C2 unit, I utilizedonly 300 volts of pressure due to the fact that as one increases the voltage(hydraulic pressure) then the power produced becomes damaging to the primitivecommutator which I built by hand. Utilizing these 300 volts, I had only 1.6milliamps input and a 14 lb. magnet which rotated at approximately 200 RPM.Now, if you add 100,000 volts (hydraulic pressure) to a system structurallydesigned to withstand the voltage -which is 333 times the original voltage Iutilized to demonstrate my correct principle-then one can expect the poweroutput to be in thousands of watts with an input of only several hundred watts.With such a system, the 14 lb. magnet would rotate at more than 50,000 RPM!

你将明白,如果建造够结实,如果水压(电压)增加甚至15-C1 和15-C2中的原型将产生可观的功率输出。例如,在15-C2的更小的装置中,我用只有300伏的电压导致增加电压(水压)产生的能量(因为这能量已经能毁坏我建造的原始换向器)。用300伏,我只用1.6毫安的输入,14磅的磁体以大约200转每分钟的速度旋转。现在,你加100000伏(水压)到一个被设计可以经受这么高电压的系统-这是333倍于我用于证明我的原则的电压-那么可以期望输出能量达到几千瓦,而只用几百瓦的输入。用这样的系统,14磅的磁体将有大于50000转每分钟的转速。

WhatI continually stress to you, the reader is that the handmade prototypes weresimply built to prove that the Technical Process which I teach is correct. Iconsider the Technical (Theoretical) Process to be 10,000 times more importantthan those primitive prototypes. If you have mastered what I teach, then themagnitude of this "ioneering Invention" should be obvious to you.


第9章 能源机内部运行机制的解释和换向器设计的讨

"If you cannot make something simple,in the end you do not know what you are about."
- Dr. Edwardde Bono“如果你不能使事情变得简单,最后你不知道你做了什么。”
- Dr. Edward de Bono

A.    Question:  Do youunderstand the importance of physically designing a technical configuration whichcauses the current (consisting of gyroscopic particles) to be"trapped" within any system (including a conductor) utilizing thehydraulic pressure (voltage) of the input current and prohibiting such inputcurrent from detrimentally affecting the battery source of the input current?[If permitted (to a detrimental extent) to return to the battery source, suchinput current will operationally invoke Faraday's Law of Electrolysis and preventthe further utilization of the electrical energy (gyroscopic particles) withinthe battery in accordance with Einstein's equation of E = MC2 .]

A.问题:你明白设计一种可以在任何系统(包括一个导体)中“困住”电流(由陀螺子组成)的科技装置的重要性吗?通过利用输入电流的压力(电压)阻止输入电流对电池产生有害影响。[如果允许(到有害的程度)返回电池源,这样的电流会遵循法拉第电解定律,阻止电池遵循E = MC2等式利用电能(陀螺子)的持续性。]

B. QUESTION: Do youunderstand that the gyroscopic particles (current) emanating from the materialsof a battery literally represent the mechanical essence of Einstein’s equationof E = MC2 and constitute the basic entities comprising all component parts(other and larger sub-atomic particles e.g., electron, proton, neutron, meson,neutrino, quark, etc.) within the atoms of the materials used in theconstruction of the battery?

B.问题:你是否明白从电池原料中释放出来的陀螺子(电流)真正代表E =MC2的力学本质,组成最基本的构成所有要素(其它较大次原子级粒子,如,电子,中子,质子,介子,中微子,夸克等,)的实体,这些要素组成电池中材料的原子。

If you do not instantly knowthe answers to questions 22-A and 22-B, then you have not "Mastered"what I have taught, and you must therefore re-read (and Master) the earliersections of this Book before proceeding further.

如果你不能马上知道问题22-A 和22-B的答案,那么你没有“精通”我所教授的,你必须重新读(并精通)这本书先前的部分。

However, if you do know theanswers to questions 22-A and 22-B, then you should immediately understand whyI designed (within the structure of my invention) a segmented commutator andbrush system for the purpose of proving 1) my teachings are correct and 2) howquickly production units for practical use will result when my teachings are"Mastered" and not "Memorized.

然而,如果你真的知道问题22-A 和22-B的答案,那么你应该马上明白我为什么设计(我发明的内部结构中)一个分离的换向器和换向器电刷系统。来证明1)我所教授的正确性和2)当“精通”而不是“记住”我所教授的时,实际构建一个可用装置是多么快。
C. EXAMPLE: (See Figure 22-C1.)
Commutator has 20 Current Input or FiringPositions 5/16" wide,20 Blank Spots 3/16" wide, and 20 Short OutPositions 2/16" wide.
Opposite side of Commutator is connectedwith Firing Wires to the Hub on the opposite side of the 180 ° Break. No ShortOut Wire is needed on the reverse side.

D.    QUESTION: Why does the commutator -at the points where it makescontact with the brushes connected to the copper coil -consist of segments? [Thosehub or brush contacts connected to the battery interface with a continuous rimof copper.]


ANSWER: Simple, if you have"Mastered" my teachings to this point.


The brushes connected to thecopper coil make contact with the FIRING SEGMENT position on the commutator. Atthat precise moment, current (in the form of gyroscopic particles) flows fromthe atoms of the battery's materials into the copper-coil conductor as a resultof the "hydraulic effect" [voltage]. As a "catalyticeffect," such current-flow from the battery causes some of the atoms(within the copper-coil conductor) to align and release a minute portion oftheir electromagnetic configuration (in the form of gyroscopic particles) togenerate an expanding magnetic field. As a result, some of these gyroscopicparticles (within the expanding magnetic field) mechanically collide with aportion of the gyroscopic particles comprising other atoms within thecopper-coil conductor. Some of these gyroscopic particles collide at a rightangle, and those that do subsequently move at a right angle to thatright-angular force. Such right-angular motion results in electrical current(consisting of gyroscopic particles) which moves in a direction opposite to the"catalytic" input current (gyroscopic particles) from the batterysource. The electrical current (gyroscopic particles) generated by theabove-mentioned, right-angular collisions essentially "traps" andprevents the battery current from completing the circuit. [Note: Thisright-angular motion of the gyroscopic particles occurs as an"after-the-fact" reaction, i.e., the right-angular motion occursafter the gyroscopic particles (comprising the expanding, magnetic field)collide with those gyroscopic particles remaining within the atoms of theconductor.]


“The power produced fromthe conducting coil within the system becomes significantly greater than theinitial 'catalytic' power coming from the atoms of the materials comprising theexternal battery.”


At the next instant in therotation of the commutator, the brushes - connected to the copper coil - moveoff the FIRING SEGMENT and pass onto the BLANK SEGMENT (or"dead-spot" position.) This new position breaks the "hydrauliceffect" (input voltage) from the battery and thereby causes the atoms ofthe copper-coil conductor to unalign. Such atomic unalignment results in acollapsing, magnetic field and represents an attempt on the part of thegyroscopic particles (comprising the magnetic field) to return into the atomsfrom which they originally emanated. When this occurs, some of these gyroscopicparticles comprising the collapsing magnetic field then collide at a rightangle with some of the gyroscopic particles remaining within the atoms of theconductor. This right-angular collision occurs in a direction opposite to theright-angular collision which originally occurred when the magnetic field wasexpanding. As a result of the second collision, additional electrical current(in the form of moving gyroscopic particles) is produced in the conductor. Suchcurrent is now moving in the same direction as the original,"catalytic" input current (gyroscopic particles) from the battery.


At the next instant in therotation of the commutator, the brushes that are connected to the copper coilleave the BLANK SEGMENT and enter the SHORTOUT SEGMENT. This SHORTOUT SEGMENTpermits the current (gyroscopic particles) produced by the collapsing magneticfield to complete the copper-coil conductor circuit, but prevents additionalcurrent input from the battery. Such electrical-circuit-completion within thecopper-coil conductor works to maintain the magnetic field of the coil sincethe current (gyroscopic particles) circulation in the copper-coil conductor isin the same direction as the original, "catalytic" input current fromthe battery source. Such "magnetic-field maintenance" results in acontinual force which acts in the proper direction to affect the rotatingmagnet adjacent to the copper-coil conductor, although the magnet and conductorare not limited to this position or configuration. Furthermore, such acontinual force greatly reduces wasted energy (electrical sparking) at eachcurrent break in the commutator!


Following the SHORTOUTSEGMENT position, the brushes connected to the copper coil enter the FIRINGSEGMENT position again, and the entire process is repeated twenty times perrevolution of the rotating magnet since the commutator is attached to the shaftof the rotating magnet.


D. The electrical activityas described in section 22-D appears on an oscilloscope as depicted in thedrawing below. (See Figure 22-E.)

注:插一句,这里他描述的线圈内的被电流激发的磁场与其他线圈中的原子的磁陀螺子碰撞产生了相反的电流。这点其实值得思考。 因为前面也说过,导体静止时,磁场内的陀螺子和导体碰撞是不产生电流的,因为各向抵消了。

The power produced from theconducting coil within the system becomes significantly greater than theinitial "catalytic" power coming from the acorns of the materialscomprising the external battery.


Observe that we have notcreated Power or Energy from nothing. The system I have innovated releasesPower or Energy from the sub-atomic (gyroscopic particle) arrangement of theatoms comprising all materials (coil, battery and magnet) in accordance withEinstein 's equation of E = MC2. This process occurs on a 100%conversion-efficient basis.

看,我们没有从虚无创建功和能量。我发明的系统是从组成所有材料(线圈,电池,磁体)原子的粒子(陀螺子)排列释放功和能量的,遵守E = MC2等式。这个过程转化效率为100%。

D.    One must pay strict attention to the exacting Fact of the mechanicalessence described by the above results. As the commutator revolves, themechanical action which occurs within the atoms of the conductor coil shouldremind one of the timing sequence that occurs during the spark plug firingwithin an automobile engine. Just as the proper timing of such firing with inthe vehicle engine cannot be ignored or taken for granted, neither can thegyroscopic particles (comprising and emanating from the atoms of the system'smaterials) be ignored or taken for granted in terms of their "firing"to generate the production of external energy output. When the sparking inpiston firing is stopped, in the case of an automobile engine, this isanalogous to properly timing the rotating commutator to stop the firing ofProduction as the coil brushes physically enter the BLANK SEGMENT position.


Anyone familiar with theconventional engine within an automobile knows that, if all pistons were‘‘fired” simultaneously and continuously, there would be no rotational motionof the crankshaft. Under such circumstances, one would have only an"Unobvious Work, Force, or Power" produced in such an engine. Thesame effect is true (by what I have presented in the above discussion) when theatoms within the copper-coil conductor remain aligned at all times.


Under such circumstances,there would be no rotational motion on the part of the commutator (via therevolving magnet), nor would additional, external, electrical current(gyroscopic particles) be produced once the magnetic field of the copper-coilconductor ceased to expand and collapse. In essence, there would be only an"Unobvious Work, Force, or Power” produced.


In order to understand what Ihave written and to be able to physically construct those units capable ofachieving what I have achieved, you must "Master" these teachings.The "timing effect" l have described is very critical. This"timing effect" will vary from the configuration of one physicalsystem to another. EXAMPLE: The voltage (hydraulic effect) input, and theintensity of any interacting, additional magnetic field(s) will all be criticalconsiderations to the "timing effect" of any system’s design.


“The ‘timing effect’ I havedescribed is very critical.”


To properly understand what Ihave written, you must "Master” the fact that we are mechanically discussingthe “Mechanical essence” of E = MC2.

为了正确的明白我所写的,你必须“精通”我们已经讨论的E = MC2“力学本质”的事实。

G.    Return to Dr. Hasting's Affidavit of June 17, 1984 and study theoscillograph pictured on page 37. This oscillograph was produced via theutilization of a 14 lb. magnet adjacent to a copper coil (see Figure 22-G1).The current spike in Figure 22-G1 was produced from the copper coil.

回到1984年6月17日Dr. Hasting的宣誓书,学习37页示波形图的照片。这张波形图是利用14磅的磁体接近铜线圈时产生的(看图22-G1)。图22-G1的电流峰是由铜线圈产生的。

However, if the 14 lb.magnet was physically placed above the copper coil (as in Figure 22-G2), thenno current spike (see Figure 22-G2a) was produced from the coil. In the secondposition of the magnet in Figure 22-G2, there was a "cancellationeffect." The copper coil had only a 4-inch interior diameter and thecylindrical 14 lb. magnet had a 4-inch outside diameter. By placing the magnetabove the coil (as in Figure 22-G2), the magnet's magnetic field would sweepacross both sides of the copper coil in the same direction as the magnet itselfrotated. (See Figure 22-G3.)


Consequently, some of thegyroscopic particles comprising the magnetic field of the rotating magnet wouldcollide with some of the gyroscopic particles comprising the atoms of the coilat a right angle and generally cause a "cancellation effect" of therepetitive, mechanical motions of the gyroscopic particles within the magneticfield in conjunction with the gyroscopic particles within the copper coil. This"cancellation effect" would vary with the speed of the rotatingmagnet.

因此,组成旋转磁体磁场区域的陀螺子将与组成线圈原子的陀螺子以直角碰撞,产生 “抵消效应”,这是由磁场区域和铜线圈里的陀螺子重复的力学运动造成的。“抵消效应”将伴随旋转磁铁的速度变化。

H.    To you, the reader, I cannot overemphasize the fact that even theslightest alteration in the configuration of a particular system’s design caneffect a noticeable change in the observed results. You cannot take anythingfor granted!


"... even theslightest alteration in the configuration of a particular system’s design caneffect a noticeable change in the observed results."


I. I will now describe afactual observation which should "open your mind" even further. Iwill refer to the commutator design already discussed and depicted above inFigures 22-C1 and 22-C2.

I.我将描述一个真实的观察,将理深入“解放你的思想”。我将参考图22-C1和 22-C2已经讨论描述的换向器设计。

The above-describedcommutator was affixed to the shaft of a rotating, 100 lb., solid magnet(6-inch diameter and 12-inch length). [The 400 lb. magnet depicted in Figure15-C1 on page 21 was part of my largest prototype.] The 100 lb. magnet wasplaced in the center of a very large coil composed of 4,200 lbs. of copperatoms (5-gauge copper coil). In addition, 300 lbs. of copper atoms (24-gaugecopper coil) was wrapped around the larger, 4,200 lb. copper coil. The purposeof this configuration was to prove that most of the gyroscopic particlescomprising the magnetic field emanating from the aligned atoms of the permanent,100 lb. magnet would avoid collision with the gyroscopic particles comprisingthe atoms within the conducting coils. (See Figure 22-I which is conceptuallyrelated to Figure 22-E above.)

上面讨论的换向器贴在一个100磅可旋转的固体磁体上(6英寸直径,12英寸长)。[21页图15-C1描述的400磅磁体是我的最大原型的一部分]   100磅的磁体被放在一个非常大的由4200磅铜原子组成的线圈(5-gauge线的铜线圈)的中间。另外,300磅铜原子(24-gauge线铜线圈)包裹在4200磅铜线圈外。这个配制的目的是证明100磅永磁体排列原子发出的组成磁场区域的陀螺子大多将避免和组成导体线圈原子的陀螺子碰撞。(看图22-I,在概念上和上面图22-E关联。)

In addition, because of thespatial placement of the coil and magnet, most of the gyroscopic particles comprisingthe magnetic field generated by the conductor coil would also avoid collisionwith the gyroscopic particles remaining within the atoms comprising the 100 lb.magnet. However, the gyroscopic particles comprising the magnetic fields ofboth the 100 lb. rotating magnet and the 4,200 lb. coil would react with oneanother as desired and designed by me.


J. The results of a testutilizing the configuration of Figure 22-I are described as follows:


Two (2) 40-watt fluorescentbulbs were connected in series as a resistance load to 300 lbs. (atoms) of a24-gauge copper coil. A battery voltage (consisting of 66 volts of"hydraulic pressure" equating 31 milliamps or 2.04 watts) was theninput into the motor coil consisting of 4,200 lbs. (atoms) of 5-gauge coppercoil. When the 100 lb. magnet rotated at 48 RPM, the two bulbs were emittinguseful light, but were not continuously lit since they flickered at a rateconsistent with each "break" in the current.


Now to state the shockingfact to those only skilled in the old teachings:


If the resistance load ofthe two (2) 40-watt fluorescent bulbs connected in series was disconnected(open circuit) from the generator coil consisting of 300 lbs. of atoms -andthis was the only deliberate change made -then the 100 lb. rotating magnetwould reduce its rotational rate within two minutes to 36 RPM. At the sametime, average "catalytic" current input from the battery increased to2.57 watts (equivalent to 39 milliamps X 66 volts input into the 4,200 lbs.(atoms) of 5-gauge, motor-coil conductor).

如果两个串连的40瓦的荧光灯管电阻与由300磅原子组成的发电线圈断开连接-这是唯一的人为更改-之后100磅旋转磁体将减速到2分钟36转。同时,电流发出的平均“催化”电流输入增加到2.57瓦(等于39毫安乘66输入到5-gauge 线圈导体的4200磅(原子))。

In essence, you will notethat by reducing the load on the generator coil of 300 lbs. (of copper atoms),then the motor coil of 4,200 lbs. (of copper atoms) drew more power andresulted in the 100 lb. magnet reducing its rotational rate.


In effect, the RPM of therotating magnet decreased by 25% and the power demand increased by 25% when theload was removed from the generator!

QUESTION:   How can this result occur?

ANSWER:  Simple, if you have Mastered my teachings.[It should be noted that I theoretically predicted such results in my originalPatent Application long before I constructed the above-described prototypes.] Istated in my original Patent Application: as they aligned and unaligned, the atoms (within the generator coil ofmy prototype) could indeed have a "beneficial effect" upon the atomsof the motor coil in terms of the desired results. This "beneficialeffect” would occur due to an "action/reaction effect" and viceversa.


Such an"action/reaction effect" is what occurred in the above-described testresults. The proper timing of this "action/reaction effect" isessential to obtain the desired results.


EXPLANATION: When the loadof the two (2) fluorescent light bulbs was connected into the circuit of the300 lbs. (atoms) of the generator coil, then the atoms of the conductor coilwould align and unalign properly. However, when the circuit was broken byremoving the load (light bulbs) and leaving the circuit open, the atoms of theconductor coil could not properly align and unalign.


The proper timing relativeto the segmented commutator (described in Figure 22-C1 and 22-C2) is verycritical. For example: If the segmented commutator was simply flipped over 180°-enabling the coil- connected brushes to first make physical contact with theSHORTOUT SEGMENT, then the BLANK SEGMENT, then the FIRING SEGMENT (see Figure22-J1) -the results would be that the light output of the two (2) fluorescentbulbs would be greatly reduced.

分段换向器(在图22-C1 和 22-C2中描述)的恰当时间是非常严格的。例如:如果分段换向器只是简单的翻转180°-使线圈连接到电刷,第一次连接到SHORTOUT段,之后BLANK段,之后FIRING段(看图22-J1)-结果是两个荧光灯管的的亮度将大幅下降。

Such a reduced light outputshould be clear proof that nothing in this system I have described should betaken for granted! Why the resultant difference in light output? It should beobvious. In Figure 22-J1, the "timing sequence" first SHORTS OUT themotor coil via the SHORTOUT SEGMENT (creating a "current- break effect"), followed by a BLANK SEGMENT (nothing happens), and then the unit"fires" via the FIRING SEGMENT to align the atoms in the motor coil. 这种亮度下降清楚证明在我描述的系统中不要轻易假设任何东西。为什么会有亮度的不同?这是明显的。在图22-J1中,“时间序列”通过SHORTOUT段(创建“电流断开效应”)首先短路电机线圈,随后是BLANK段(什么也没发生),最后通过FIRING段给装置“打火”来排列电机线圈中的原子。

In the earlier testdescribed above (in Section 22-C and pictured again in Figure 22-J2), the atomsof the motor coil are "fired" via the FIRING SEGMENT (releasingenergy), followed by the BLANK SEGMENT (allowing the atoms to unalign [via thecollapsing magnetic field] in the opposite direction to the energy of anexpanding magnetic field), followed by the SHORTOUT SEGMENT (permitting theenergy in the system to attempt to maintain atom alignment until the nextFIRING SEGMENT). This sequence permits the energy of the system to apply asustained force to keep the magnet rotating.


One should clearly see thatthere is an extreme difference in the energy-output-effects generated bydifferent mechanical configuration s. I must again stress the importance of the"timing" factor!


Actually, the reader shouldrecognize that there are many different ways to design a system to replace thecommutator circuitry described above. With additional research, one couldselect magnetic, electronic, or light-sensitive circuitry - to mention only afew.


"One should clearly see that there is an extreme difference tothe energy-output-effects generated by different mechanical configurations.”


K.  Let us now examine the effects of a similarly-designed, segmentedcommutator placed upon the shaft of a 14 lb. magnet adjacent to approximately140 lbs. of 30-gauge (copper) conductor coil. (See Figure 22-K1.) [I muststress that my system is not limited to the use of copper as the conductingmedium! There are other materials which -under certain circumstances -wouldpermit more efficient atom alignment, e.g., super cooled niobium tin. Atomunalignment (as it occurs in copper) will also have to occur within the system.]


In prototype 22-K1 theFIRING SEGMENT on the commutator switch is 3/8" wide, the SHORTOUT SEGMENTis 1/8" wide, and the GAP between the FIRING and SHORTOUT SEGMENTS is 1/16"wide. In the configuration of this commutator, the position of the BLANKSEGMENT is combined with that of the SHORTOUT SEGMENT. This is accomplished bysimply placing Scotch tape over the SHORTOUT SEGMENT. (See Figure 22-K2.) 在22-K1原型中,换向开关的FIRING段为3/8"宽,SHORTOUT段1/8"宽,FIRING段和SHORTOUT段中间的缺口1/16"宽。以这种换向器的配制,BLANK的位置是和SHORTOUT段在一起的。这可以通过简单的将透明胶盖在SHORTOUT段上。

In Figure 22-K2, eachSHORTOUT SEGMENT is covered with a thin layer of regular Scotch"magic" tape. As the commutator revolves, such a tape covering hasthe following effect: first the coil brushes connect with the FIRING SEGMENTand atoms within the motor coil align to produce energy; then the coil brushespass over the SHORTOUT SEGMENT covered with tape which causes the atoms tounalign and produce energy in the same direction (per the discussion in Section22-D).  This energy traveling in the samedirection causes a small spark to flash across the GAP between the FIRJNGSEGMENT and the SHORTOUT SEGMENT. In addition, there is a 76-watt, 8-foot,fluorescent bulb and three (3), 1/4-watt fluorescent bulbs connected in series,but hooked parallel to the motor coil which in turn is connected to therotating commutator. There are a total of twenty-eight (28) sequencesconsisting of FIRING SEGMENT-GAP-SHORTOUT SEGMENT-GAP-FIRING SEGMENT perrotation of the commutator.

在图22-K2中,每个SHORTOUT段被一薄层规则透明胶带覆盖。当换向器旋转时,这种覆盖的胶带的如下影响:首先线圈电刷连接到FIRING段并且电机线圈中的原子排列产生能量;之后线圈电刷到覆盖胶带的SHORTOUT段,引起原子失序产生同向的能量(22-D部分讨论过)。同向运动的能量引起一个小火花掠过FIRING段和SHORTOUT段中间的缺口。另外,串连一个76瓦8英尺的荧光灯管和3个1/4瓦的荧光灯管,但和电机线圈平行依次连接到旋转的换向器。换向器每一圈共有28组FIRING段-缺口- SHORTOUT段-缺口- FIRING段序列组成。

Utilizing 960 volts(hydraulic pressure) input (from transistor batteries) into 140 lbs. (atoms) of30-gauge, copper-coil conductor with 50,000 ohms of resistance, one has only1.6 milliamps or 1.5 watts going into the system. As a result, the 14 lb.,cylindrical magnet mechanically rotates at 105 RPM and all four fluorescentbulbs emit useful light, but not to full brightness due to a steady flickering.[Such lights flicker during each sequence of the revolving commutator. If thecommutator were to turn faster, the flickering would become less and lessnoticeable and the brilliance of the lights would increase. With a sufficientrotational rate on the part of the commutator, the lights would achieve fullbrilliance and would seem to emit light at a steady rate since the flickeringrate would occur faster than the human eye could detect.)


QUESTION:  Can you predict what would occur if the coilin Figure 22-K1 was subjected to a cryogenic temperature?


ANSWER:  The 50,000 ohm resistance in the coil wouldgreatly decrease and the same voltage (hydraulic pressure) employed above wouldcause a greater number of atoms to align in the 30-gauge coil. This wouldresult in an increased energy release (via a magnetic field created bygyroscopic particles). Atom unalignment will have to occur in this system as itdoes in copper at normal room temperature.


K.  The most efficient system design is one in which the smallestamount of external current input will cause the greatest amount of atomalignment and unalignment within the system. [This approach is contrary to andmore efficient (over 100% production efficiency) than all electrical systemsdesigned before this time!] As necessary, one can then have the means tounalign the atoms and also reduce the FIR1NG time.

最有效的系统设计是用最小的外部输入电流引起系统最多的原子排列失序。[这种方法和传统电力系统设计是相反的,而且更有效率()] 有必要,人们可以有办法失序原子或可以减少FIR1NG时间。

"The most efficientsystem design is one in which the smallest amount of external current inputwill cause the greatest amount of atoms alignment and unalignment within thesystem.”


EXAMPLE: Even at roomtemperature, the power output of a 30-gauge motor coil is noticeably greaterthan the external power input from a battery source. On an oscilloscope suchpower appears as described in Figure 22-L1:


Imagine a "friction-free" commutator(designed according to Figure 22-C above) which has a 5-foot diameter with FIRING,GAP, and SHORTOUT SEGMENTS built to the same dimensions as those in Figure 22-M1: 想像一个“无摩擦”换向器(根据上面图22-C设计)有5英尺直径,FIRING、 缺口、SHORTOUT段尺寸按图22-M1建造。

With such a commutatorconfiguration, the FIRING, GAP, SHORTOUT sequence would occur over 360 timesper revolution.  Under such conditions,atom alignment/unalignment of the conductor occurs at a faster and faster rate,thereby producing greater and greater energy for the given “catalytic "energy input from an external source. Combine such action with the lowerresistance within 140 lbs. (atoms) of a 30-gauge coil as discussed in SectionL, and the results should be obvious: the energy output with increase! Asstated earlier, there are many physical variations that become"obvious" once my teachings are Mastered and not Memorized.

用这样的换向器配制,FIRING、 缺口、SHORTOUT序列每转将发生360次。这种环境下,导体原子排序/失序以更快的速率发生,因此给定的“催化”电流输入会产生更多能量。结合这种运动和L部分讨论的低电阻140磅(原子)30-gauge的线圈,结果是明显的:输出的能量增多了!正如更早的声明,一但精通而不是死记我所教授的,有许多物理变化会变得“显而易见”。

EXAMPLE OF ANOTHER DESIGN:  The commutators described above could simplyconsist of a FIRING SEGMENT and a GAP but not a SHORTOUT SEGMENT.


However, such anarrangement will create sparking (wasted energy) if it is not properlydesigned. Such a proper design could consist of a bulb or resistance loadplaced across or parallel to the motor coil (connected to the commutator) thathas a greater resistance than the motor coil itself. This would cause theexternal-power, “catalytic" input voltage (via the hydraulic effect) topush the current into the motor coil, but not push current noticeably throughthe bulb or resistance load. The electromotive force produced by the gyroscopicparticles of the atoms within the conductor coil (as such atoms unalign tocollapse the magnetic field) -which occurs as the coil-connected brush passesover the GAP -would then travel through the bulb or resistance load becausesuch resistance is less than that required to ionize the air at the GAP. [Itshould also be understood that the mechanically-designed commutator can bereplaced by other switch technologies which are more efficient.]


23. I shall now discuss theFIRING or "timing" sequences in conjunction with the battery design,and the results that will be observed from such sequences. [Review Sections16-H1 and 16-H2.]


Since the "action/reactioneffect" described in Section 22-J occurs too quickly, the standard amp andvolt meters will not be able to monitor the results quickly enough for properobservation. Therefore, it is necessary to use an oscilloscope that can becalibrated to an extremely fast "sweep-time" measured in millionthsof a second.


A.  The facts obtained by a thorough study of my energy machine provethat the most efficient battery design is one which functions both as acapacitor as well as a battery.


When current is releasedfrom a conventional capacitor, the voltage (hydraulic pressure) will quickly bereduced. I have already shown that in order to achieve the proper functioningof my energy machine, it is necessary to input a "catalytic" voltage(hydraulic pressure) which can be maintained as high as possible (andpreferably at a constant rate) to achieve maximum atom alignment within theconductor coil.


B.  In my experience, I have observed that thedry cell battery already possesses certain mechanical characteristics which(accidently) demonstrate several of the requirements necessary to have acapacitor as well as a battery. Such characteristics are even noticeable when Iutilized the segmented commutator design (described above) and obtained highspikes of current produced by the atoms within the motor -coil conductor.  Such current traveled in the same directionas the "catalytic" input current from the battery. (See Figure 23-Bas seen on an oscilloscope. This is not drawn to scale.)

In Figure 23-B, the"catalytic" input current from the battery is so low that when set onthe "volts- percent" position, the oscilloscope shows no input currentfrom the battery (). However, the current produced from theconducting coil appears on the oscilloscope as high spikes ( _/\_) of currentwhich travels in the same direction as the small, "catalytic " inputcurrent, then the spikes (_/  \_) willtravel off the screen (if the input current _/ \_is shown). 在图23-B中,来自电池的“催化”输入电流小到当换到“伏特百分档”示波器显示没有电流来自电池()。然而,导体线圈产生的电流在示波器上显示电流高峰( _/\_),运动方向和微小的“催化”输入电流相同,之后峰值(_/  \_)会在超出屏幕外。(如果输入电流_/  \_显示出来)。 C. Without carefulconsideration, you, the reader, could assume that the high spikes of currentfrom the conducting coil would quickly destroy the dry cell battery. The factsthat I have observed in my experiments prove that such is not the case. Thefollowing mechanical examination of a dry cell battery combined with what Iteach will explain why such battery destruction does not occur. 如果不注意,你,读者,将假定来自导体线圈电流高峰将摧毁干电池。事实是我观察到在我的实验里证明这是不会发生的。下面的关于我教授的干电池知识的力学问卷将解释为什么这种电池不会被摧毁。 Examine the followingdrawing of a dry cell battery in Figure 23-C:检查下面图23-C中的干电池单元的:

D.  Study carefully what "mechanically" occurs when thecurrent (gyroscopic particles) initially flows from the zinc (atoms) into theconductor coil and returns to the carbon rod within the battery. It should beobvious that energy has been removed from the zinc and has traveled to thecarbon rod. [This action then invokes Faraday's Law of Electrolysis.] Themetallic zinc delivers zinc ions to the electrolyte; if this process continues,the zinc would deteriorate until the cell would become useless.


E.  However, as the electrical process continues, study what"mechanically" occurs when current (gyroscopic particles) is releasedfrom the atoms of the conducting coil and flows into the carbon rod. One shouldeasily see that there is an extreme ''mechanical '' distinction (from thatwhich occurs via Faraday’s law of Electrolysis), because the zinc releases noenergy and the carbon rod has actually gained energy (gyroscopic particles).


D.  QUESTION: Why the difference in results obtained in Section 23-Dcompared to those of Section 23-E?

D. 问题:为什么23-D部分和23-E部分得到的结果不同?

ANSWER: In Section 23-D,the zinc atoms contained an excess of gyroscopic particles which would readilyflow to the carbon rod. However, in Section 23-E, the "mechanical"conditions have altered and the carbon rod now receives an excess of gyroscopicparticles which mechanically cause the carbon to become more negative than thezinc. As this process occurs, a very sensitively-calibrated oscilloscope willdepict the zinc as "positive" and the carbon rod as "negative."With such polarization, the "mechanical action” (described in Section23-D) will attempt to invoke Faraday's Law of Electrolysis and reverse this newprocess. At this point, the gyroscopic particles will flow from the carbon rod(acting as a capacitor) into the zinc which causes zinc Ions to be removed fromthe electrolyte and return to the zinc itself.


"I have beendiscussing the utilization of the atoms within a battery and the utilization ofthe atoms within a conducting coil on a 100%, conversion-efficient process inaccordance with E = MC2."

“我已经讨论了利用电池内原子和导体内原子遵守E = MC2按100%转换率转换为能量的过程。”

This effect is probablymost efficient when the current continues to reverse back and forth rapidly.


Under such conditions, thezinc Ions (which are initially delivered to the electrolyte) would not have asufficient opportunity to solidly bind themselves with the electrolyte andwould therefore be more easily "torn loose" to return to the zinc.Such action results in the voltage (hydraulic pressure) of the zinc risinghigher than its initial voltage. My prototypes and dry cell batteries havedemonstrated these described results although such results were not obtained atthe highest efficiency of operation. [I encourage the reader to study,"Master," and improve upon my results!]


Actually, too much outputenergy (gyroscopic particles) can destroy the desired results. Consequently,the amount of material (atoms) within the battery is directly proportional tothe quantity of energy it can accommodate. [Other materials can be used forbetter results.]


G.  As depicted on an oscilloscope calibrated in millionths of asecond, the voltage of a battery pack connected in series will show thefollowing:  [Note: A variety of voltagescan be used. In my smallest prototype, I have used between 300 and 950 volts.]



When current (gyroscopic particles)"shoots" from the conducting coil (atoms) into the carbon rod, thebattery voltage will "shoot" sharply negative and then increase to anamount past the normal battery voltage. This indicates a charging effect uponthe zinc within the battery followed by the "action/reaction effect” ofadditional discharges and charging action within the battery pack.


24. In essence, I have been discussing the utilization of the atomswithin a battery and the utilization of the atoms  within a conduction coil on a 100%,conversion- efficient process in accordance with E = MC2. The same is true withthe use of a permanent magnet.

24.本质上,我已经讨论了利用电池内原子和导体内原子 遵守E = MC2按100%转换率转换为能量的过程。在对永磁体的利用里也是同样的。 

QUESTION: Have you"mastered" what I have taught you? [I must continue to ask you thisquestion to ensure that you are simply not "memorizing" or"blindly accepting" what I am presenting in this Book.] What l havediscovered is basically "simple." But remember, it is"simple" after-the-fact of its presentation!


The perfection ofproduction units for my Pioneering Invention must advance at a rapid pace withthe support of every caring scientist, business individual, statesman, andhuman being upon this Earth. This energy machine will have a most beneficialeffect upon all of us. The economic impact of this revolutionary invention uponthe Earth will be discussed in Chapter 23.


第十章 量子力学

"We hope that the present fluctuationsof thinking are only Indication of an upheaval of old beliefs which in the endwill lead to something better than the mess of formulas which today surroundsour subject." -Erwin Schrodinger 注:大意是说希望有新的思想结果现在混乱的公式体系。 25.Up to this point, I have been discussing the mechanical utilization of thebasic building entity of all matter: the "gyroscopic-action-entity.” Iwill now conceptually relate the behavior of this "gyroscopic-action-entity" to QUANTUM MECHANICS. 25.基于这一点,我已经讨论了构成物质的基本单元实体的力学利用:“陀螺仪效应实体”。我现在将在概念上将这种“陀螺仪效应实体”的行为和量子力学联系起来。 [NOTE:I will now be discussing other important concepts concerning the nature of thegyroscopic particle. I must add that there are those who may feel that I shouldhave published these other concepts in a separate book rather than combinetheir exposition with a presentation describing the nature of my energymachine. I disagree with anyone who may feel this way. The universal nature ofthe gyroscopic particles (more generally referred to as"gyroscopic-action- entities") which I have discovered is of fargreater significance than one, simple application of their utilization, i.e.,my energy machine. By combining these two intellectual areas, I wish tostimulate the mind of the reader to think beyond the limitations of thoughtimposed by the study of one technical application. I would prefer that thereader give more careful consideration to understanding a universal principle:the principle inherent in the nature and action of the gyroscopic particle!] [注意:这现在将讨论另外关于陀螺子理论的重要概念。我必须添加这些内容,有些为觉得我应该在不同的书里发布这些概念,而不是和其它讨论能源机的阐述放在一起。这一点都不同意这种观点。已经发现的陀螺子(更多指“陀螺仪效应的实体”)的普遍理论远比一种它的一种应该,即我的能源机,要重要的多。通过结合这两块知识,我希望激发读者思想超越学习技术应用的限制。我更喜欢读者更关注于理解一种普遍的法则:陀螺子固有的理论和行为!] A.    I will quote several passages from awell-written book entitled The Nature of Physics by Peter J. Brancazio ofBrooklyn College, City University of New York [published by MacMillanPublishing Company, Inc., New York, 1975). From page 585: A.我将引用几段文字,来自于…: WAVE-PARTICLEDUALITY 波料二相性 ''Thediscovery that material particles exhibit wave characteristics adds a newdimension to the problem of wave-particle duality. The classical descriptionsof light as a wave and matter as composed of solid particles no longer seemvalid -for both matter and light have been found to display wave and particlecharacteristics. How can we provide a coherent explanation for these extremelypuzzling discoveries? One way to resolve the problem of wave-particle dualityis to assume that one or the other is more fundamental. There are two possiblealternatives: 材料粒子有波特性的发现给波料二相性问题增加了新的维度。经典的光是一种波、物质由实体粒子组成的描述好像不再有效-因为发现物质和光都有波和粒子特性。我们如何给这极让人困惑的发现一个明确的解释?一种解决波料二相性问题的方法是假定波或粒子是更基础的。这有两种可能的选择: "(1)light and matter are ultimately composed of particles. Their wave propertiesderive from the group behavior of a large number of interacting particles.[This approach, it will be recalled, was unsuccessfully adopted by Einstein inan attempt to explain the behavior of light.] (1)光或物质最终是由粒子组成。它们波的特性来自于大量相互作用的粒子的集体行为。[在爱因斯坦尝试解释光的行为时,这种方法没被他认可。] "(2)Light and matter are ultimately composed of waves. The particle properties arethen derivative. One could hypothesize that 'particles' are reallyconcentrations of waves or perhaps stable condensations in an underlying fluidor field. (2)光和物质最终由波组成。粒子特性之后被派生。可以假定“粒子”实际是由波或更基础的稳定液体或区域浓缩而成。 "Unfortunately,neither of these alternative hypotheses has been developed with any greatsuccess. Most modern-day physicists generally believe that neither particlesnor waves are more fundamental, but rather that they are two manifestations ofsome as-yet-unidentified (and possibly unidentifiable) entity. 不幸的是,两种假定都没有取得巨大成功。大多数当代科学家相信粒子或波都不是更基础的,而不是它们由一些未知的(也许无法辩认)实体表示。注:意思是人们没想用一种更基础的粒子表示波料二相性,而是认定其一为另一个的基础。 "Ifthe beginning student has trouble understanding how an entity can possess bothwave and particle attributes at the same time, he or she may be comforted tolearn that most experienced physicists are just as disturbed by this problem.” 如果开始学习的学生在理解一个实体怎么同时有波和粒子特性时,他或她也许安慰你大多有经验的科学家也被这个问题困扰。 Quotingfrom The Nature of Physics, page 604: 引自The Nature of Physics,604页: ''Einsteinfirmly believed that underlying the quantum theory -perhaps on a sub quantumlevel -there had to be fully deterministic laws. In a letter to Max Bornwritten in 1926, Einstein summarized his position: 爱因斯坦坚定的相信在量子力学表面下-也许在一个次量子能级-有一个完全确定性的法则。在1926年给Max Born的信中,爱因斯坦总结到: 'Quantummechanics is very impressive. But an inner voice tells me that it is not thereal thing. The theory has much to offer ... but I am convinced that God doesnot throw dice. ' 量子力学是非常深刻的。但一个内在的声音告诉我它不是真的。这种理论有太多先择,但我相信上帝不会掷色子。 "Atthe present time, nearly fifty years after the birth of quantum mechanics, theargument has not been settled. There is no evidence whatsoever that adeterministic sub quantum level exists. Nor is there any convincing evidence tosupport the orthodox interpretation. For example, no experiments have ever beenperformed on a single atom or electron to test the orthodox contention that thewave function describes the properties of a single particle rather than a groupof particles. Although the orthodox interpretation is generally accepted, thereremain a few who, like Einstein, believe that the mathematical formalism ofquantum mechanics is not the final answer. This attitude has been mosteloquently described by Erwin Schrodinger: 现在,量子力学诞生了大约50年,争论一直没停。没有任何证据说明一具确定性的次量子级存在。也没有任何令人信服的证据支持正统的解释。例如,没实验用一个原子或电子测试波函数描述的一个粒子而不是一群粒子的特性传统论点。虽然传统解释被普遍接受,仍然有少数人,如爱因斯坦,相信量子力学的数学形式体系不是最终答案。这种看法已经被Erwin Schrodinger充分说明: 'Manymaintain that no objective picture of reality is possible. However, theoptimists among us (of whom I consider myself one) look upon this view as aphilosophical extravagance born of despair. We hope that the presentfluctuations of thinking are only indications of an upheaval of old beliefs whichin the end will lead to something better than the mess of formulas which todaysurrounds our subject. '" 许多人依然坚持没有一种真实客观的构想是可能的。然而,我们之中的乐观者(我认为我自己是其中之一)看待这种观点为一种哲学上绝望的放纵。我希望当前思想的动摇只是表明一种旧思想的突变,最后领导我们得到比今天话题中混乱公式更好的结果。 B.  My work pays tribute to those thinkingindividuals such as Einstein, Schrodinger, Faraday, Maxwell, Newton, andothers. The sensitive and inquisitive mind will see that my work moreaccurately brings together the work of these impressive contributors for theadvancement of the human species. The effect of such intellectual"bringing together" is to generate a new "oneness" which ismore impressive and beneficial than the work of any single, great innovatoralone. B.我有工作证明了这些人的想法,如爱因斯坦、薛定谔、法拉第、麦克斯韦、牛顿和其他人。敏感好奇的人将看到我的工作准确的将这些给人类带来进步的伟人的工作结合在一起。这种智慧的“结合”效应会产生一种新的“单一理论”,它比每一个改革者的工作都更深刻有益。 Letme begin by pointing out that the mathematical consequences of the Diracequation stipulates that the energy terms applied to a fourth quantum numberhaving two values, ( + 1/2) and ( - 1/2), are identical to thespin-quantum-number Ms which assigns to the electron an intrinsicspin and states that magnetism is a result of electron spin within thematerial. On the other hand, it has still been taught that a magnetic fieldcontains no kinetic energy -only potential energy -and that the "lines offorce" surrounding a magnet are imaginary. [This erroneous concept hasbeen taught in spite of the brilliant insights of Faraday and Maxwell!] 让我从指出一些事实开始,狄拉克方程数学结果规定能量级施加到第四量子数(?)有两个值,( + 1/2) 和 ( - 1/2),和自旋量子数Ms一致,确定电子内自旋并声明磁性是电子自旋带动内部物质的结果。另一方面,依然被告知磁场不包含机械能-只有潜在能量-并且磁体周围的“力线”是想像的。[这个错误的观念已经被教授,尽管法拉第和麦克斯韦已经洞悉。] 注:1928年英国物理学家狄拉克(Paul Adrien MauriceDirac)提出了一个电子运动的相对论性量子力学方程,即狄拉克方程。利用这个方程研究氢原子能级分布时,考虑有自旋角动量的电子作高速运动时的相对论性效应,给出了氢原子能级的精细结构,与实验符合得很好。从这个方程还可自动导出电子的自旋量子数应为1/2,以及电子自旋磁矩与自旋角动量之比的朗德g因子为轨道角动量情形时朗德g因子的2倍。电子的这些性质都是过去从分析实验结果中总结出来的,并没有理论的来源和解释。狄拉克方程却自动地导出这些重要基本性质,是理论上的重大进展。 Youwill discover in this Book that the essence of Magnetism, Electricity, Gravity,Inertia, Planetary Motion, Thermodynamics, and a New Source of Energy andMatter are all mechanically explained by the nature of a"gyroscopic-action-type-particle." It was long after I had developedmy concepts that I discovered my "mechanical” explanation correlatedprecisely with Dime's concept of mathematical spin. The reader should find iteasy to advance from quantum mechanics to the mechanical essence of all matterconsisting of the gyroscopic-action-entity which I present in this Book. 你将在本书中发现,磁力、电力、重力、惯性、行星运动、热力学、能量和物质的新来源都可以通过‘陀螺仪效应粒子’的理论力学解释。在我发展我的概念很久以后,我发现我的“力学”解释精确的符合Dime的数学旋转的概念。读者应该发现,它比量子力学更容易得到我呈现在本书中由陀螺仪效应实体组成的所有物质的力学本质。 "... the essence of Magnetism, Electricity, Gravity, Inertia,Planetary Motion, Thermodynamics, and a New Source of Energy and Matter are allmechanically explained by the nature of a 'gyroscopic, action-typeparticle.'" “…磁力、电力、重力、惯性、行星运动、热力学、能量和物质的新来源都可以通过’陀螺仪效应粒子’的理论力学解释. Agyroscopic action is the "mechanical” essence of a ''spin. '' I will nowpresent many (seemingly unrelated) scientific facts which I examined years ago forthe purpose of testing the truth of my Hypothesis and ascertaining if myHypothesis could explain other scientific observations for which there was no"mechanical" understanding. 陀螺仪效应是“旋转”的力学本质。我将展示许多(看似无关)的科学事实,这是我多年前为检测我的假说真实性的收集的,确认是否我的假说可以解释其它不能用“力学”理解的科学发现。 D.If we do not have a unified, "mechanical” understanding of the essence ofall matter, then what we physically "see" as an outsider to mattercan be very deceiving. D.如果我们没有一个关于物质本质统一的“力学”理解,那么我们作为一个物质外的旁观者“看”到的是非常有欺骗性的。EXAMPLESee Figure25-D1.) 
Havean uneducated individual view a gyroscope spinning in a clockwise direction asit faces the individual. Have that individual push down on the axis of the gyroscope.Because the individual observes that the gyroscope pivots to the left (withrespect to the individual), the individual may arbitrarily call such pivotalmotion "negative.” 一个无知的人看到一个陀螺仪面向他顺时针旋转。他向下按陀螺仪的一端。因为他看到陀螺仪轴向左运动(相对于他),他也许会武断的称这样的轴向运动为“负极”。
Whilethe same individual closes his eyes, reverse the spin of the gyroscope in sucha way that it now spins (see Figure 25-D2) in a counter -clockwise direction asit faces the same individual. Have the individual open his eyes and push downon the axis of the "same" gyroscope. Because the individual thenobserves that the gyroscope pivots to the right, the individual may arbitrarilycall such pivotal motion "positive.” Such subjective descriptions wouldappear to indicate that there are two different gyroscopes. However, you and Iknow that this is not the case. Actually, what the individual believed to betwo different gyroscopes is, in fact, one and the same: a single gyroscopesimply having its mass spinning in the opposite direction relative to the outsideobserver. 当他闭上眼,使陀螺仪面向他反向旋转(看图25-D2)。当他睁开眼,向下按“同”一个陀螺仪的轴。因为他观察到陀螺仪轴向右运动,他也许会武断的称这样的轴向运动为“正极”。这种主观的描述指示有两个不同的陀螺仪。然而,你和我都知道不是这样的。实际上,之所以相信有两个陀螺仪而不是相同的一个是因为:一个陀螺仪简单的使它的物质相以于观察都在相反的方向旋转。 E.I will now quote to you a statement I made on the occasion of my"humbling" realization of this simple fact described in Section 25-Din conjunction with the basic entity of all matter. I clearly recall theoccasion in 1968 while flying on a commercial airline at 30,000 feet andreturning home from a trip to Washington, D.C. which concerned another patentapplication: E.我将为你引用一段声明,在我非常“羞愧”的发现25-D部分描述的所有物质基本实体交互方式的简单事实之际。我清楚的回忆到1968年,乘坐飞机在3000英尺高空,从为另一个专利去华盛顿的路上加家。 "ISIT IN AWE UPON THE REALIZATION OF THIS INGENIOUS MECHANISM THAT IS SO SIMPLETHAT IT BEFUDDLES THE MIND. MAGNETIC FIELDS AND ELECTRICAL FIELDS ARE INDEED EQUAL.THEY ARE ONE AND THE SAME. " “我久久惊叹于对这种独特的结构的认识,它如此简单以致使人使迷惑不解。磁场区域和电场区域实际是相同的。它们是相同的一个事物。” Extrapolatingupon my "humble" thought, I concluded: consider the possibility thatif you could exert enough force to flip over this basic gyroscopic-action-particleof matter 180 °, then to an outside observer it would appear to be an opposite,electric charge. Since this is true, then the basic mechanism of nature is evenmore ingenious than I suspected because: all matter is composed of one type ofgyroscopic-action-particle. Moreover, by mechanically rotating (in varyingdegree directions) the gyroscopic- action-particles, such particles are capableof exerting a "force influence” upon one another. Such a "forceinfluence" causes the gyroscopic-action -particle to gyrate (relative toone another) and subsequently, such infinitely-possible-degree-gyrationsform infinite types of matter. 基于我“羞愧”想法的推断,我总结到:考虑这种可能性,如果你用足够的力将祖陀螺效应子翻转1800,在外部看它将是相反的,电荷。如果这是真的,那么理论的基础结构将比我想的更精巧,因为:所有的物质由一种陀螺效应子组成。再者,通过机械的旋转(在不同的方向)陀螺效应子,这种粒子能对另一个发挥“力的影响”。这样的“力的影响”引起陀螺效应子随后回旋(相对于其它),这种初始可能角度的回旋来自初始的物质类型''All matter is composed of one type of gyroscopic-action-particle." 所有的物质由一种陀螺效应子组成。 Sucha perspective is consistent with all Matter in the Universe being composed ofthe same entity having an attraction of one towards another. Mathematically,this explains the consistency of the Laws of Magnetism, Electrical Charge, andGravity.这样一种观点基于所有宇宙中的物质由相同相互吸引的实体组成。在数学上,这解释了磁力、电荷、重力的定律。

第11章 光

Chapter   11LIGHT "lanck's discovery of the quantum in1900 drove a crack in the armor that still covers the deep and secretprinciples of existence. In the exploitation of that opening we are at thebeginning, not the end. Someday we'll understand the whole thing as one singlemarvelous vision that will seem so overwhelmingly simple and beautiful that wewill say to each other -Oh, how could we have been so stupid for so long? Howcould it have been otherwise! " - JohnArchibald Wheeler “1900年普朗克的量子发现打破了存在的深奥神秘的法则的外壳。”对它的研究让我们知道我们在一个开始机而不是结束。某一天,我们将明白所有的东西都由一种独一无二的不可思议的东西组成,它仿佛难以至信的简单美好以至于我们奔走相告-噢,我们怎么能愚蠢这么长时间?否则世界将是什么样子!” -约翰·阿奇博尔德·惠勒 F. I will now demonstratethat the "gyroscopic-action-particle" which comprises all matter willmechanically explain other scientific facts which have not been mechanicallyexplained before this time. F.我将证明组成所有物质的“陀螺效应子”将力学的解释在这之前其它不能被力学解释的科学事实。 Consider that the existenceof the "gyroscopic-action-particle " also explains the duality of the wave andparticle theories of light. Light is electromagnetic in nature and consists of"negative” and "positive" (see discussion of"negative" and "positive” in Section 25-D) gyroscopic particlestraveling in the same direction and having opposite spins. When the axis of thegyroscopic particles are affected as they mechanically collide with differentmaterials at varying angles, the gyroscopic particles will therefore behave asparticles or a wave. If one "hits" the axis of a gyroscope "headon," it will not pivot. “陀螺效应子”的存在也解释了光的波粒二相性的理论。光有自然的电磁性,由“负极”和“正极”(看25-D部分关于“负极”和“正极”的讨论)陀螺子在同一方向相反旋转运动组成。当陀螺子的轴和不同材料在不同角度力学碰撞,陀螺子行为将因此像粒子或波。如果“迎头”“撞击”陀螺仪的轴,它将不再进动。 The following informationcorroborates the prior information I have presented in this Book. I urge thereader to Master the Mechanical Essence of this material. The materialdemonstrates that one must pay strict attention to the sub-atomic composition(gyroscopic spin) of all matter which is pertinent to those varying technicaldesigns utilizing Einstein's equation of E=MC2 on a 100%conversion-efficient basis. 下面的信息证实我先前在这本书中展现的信息。我催促读者精通这种材料的力学本质。材料证明必须严格关注所有物质的次原子级结构,对于利用爱因斯坦的E=MC2的100%转化率的科学设计这是相当中肯的。 "Light iselectromagnetic in nature and consists of 'negative' and 'positive' gyroscopicparticles traveling in the same direction and having opposite spins.” “光有自然的电磁性,由“负极”和“正极”陀螺子在同一方向相反旋转运动组成。” G. John Dalton (Englishchemist and physicist, 1766-1844) proved that when various elements wereobserved through a microscope, such elements appeared in different crystallineshapes. Crystals of gold always looked alike, crystals of copper always lookedalike, but crystals of gold and copper never looked like one another. G. John Dalton (英国化学家、物理学家,1766-1844)证明在显微镜下看到的很多元素有不同的晶体结构。黄金的结晶体是相似的,铜的结晶体是相似的,但黄金和铜的晶体从来不一样。 It has also been proven thata sharp "hit” will easily break crystals at certain mathematical pointsand will not easily break the crystals at other points. 同样证明,在一个精确的点猛击很易容打碎晶体,但在其它点不容易。 Considering the twopreceding paragraphs, it is obvious that the energy comprising differentcrystals representing different elements has an attraction force throughout thecrystal. This attraction force is greatest along a particular plane: theGYROSCOPIC PLANE! 考虑前面两段话,很明显,组成不同晶体代表不同元素的能量存在一个贯穿晶体的吸引力。吸引力完全沿着一个特定的而:陀螺仪的平面! H. Observe the effects oflight polarization by certain crystals:H. 观察特定晶体的光偏振效应:
Figure 25-Hl Light istransmitted through crystal slabs having their crystalline axes orientedparallel with respect to one another. 图25-Hl 光穿过晶体轴相互平行的晶体片。 Figure 25-H2 Less light istransmitted when one of the crystal slabs is rotated to a 45°angle with respect to the otherslab. 图25-H2 当晶体片相对另一个旋转45°时少量光可以穿过。 Figure 25-H3 No light istransmitted when one of the crystal slabs is oriented at a 90°angle with respect to the otherslab. 图25-H3 当晶体片相对另一个90°时没有光穿过。 As the angular degree of thecrystal (composed of electromagnetic energy in the form of gyroscopicparticles) varies, the amount of light (electromagnetic energy in the form ofgyroscopic particles) also varies. Such a variation indicates that the crystalis held together with greater electromagnetic force along certain planes: theGYROSCOPIC PLANE! 当晶体(由陀螺子电磁场形式能量组成)角度变化时,光(陀螺子电磁场形式能量)的数量也变化。这样的变化指明,晶体是用沿特定平面的强大电磁力连接在一起的:陀螺仪的平面! Sir David Brewster (Scottishphysicist, 1781-1868) was the first to note that when light is incident at thepolarizing angle, then the reflected and refracted rays are exactly 90°apart. David Brewster先生(苏格兰物理学家,1781-1868)第一个发现当光在偏振角入射,那么反射和折射光将精确的90°分开。 Notice that the 45°and 90°angles are significant in theapplication of force to light (electromagnetic energy). This effect matches the45°angles ofprisms and pyramids as well as the 90°angle important to a conductor system. 注意,45°和 90°角在对光(电磁力)施力时是非常重要的。棱镜和棱锥的45°角与导体系统的90°角同样重要。 J. What does the picturebelow represent?J.下面的图片代表什么?
Does Figure 25-J appearsimilar to the forces generated by an electric or magnetic field? Actually,Figure 25-J represents a picture of a sheet of glass undergoing stress whichcauses the glass to doubly- refract. If there was no physical (mechanical) strain upon theglass plate, the plate would have no effect upon the light passing through it.One may then conclude that when placed under stress, the glass plate releases aglimpse of its "secret" concerning the plane of its electromagneticcomposition. 图25-J和电场或磁场区域产生的力相似吗?实际上图25-J是对一玻璃片施加压力,引起玻璃双倍反射形成的。如果玻璃板没有物理(力学)扭曲,将没有光穿过它的效果。也许有人会总结,当对玻璃板施加压力,玻璃板会显示它电磁结构的“秘密”。 K. Certain materials (liquidmixtures) have the property of rotating the plane of light polarization by anamount directly proportional to the length of the light path in the sample. 通过大量与样本中的光路长度成恰当比例的光路,特定材料(液态混合物)有旋转光偏振平面的特性。 (1)Somematerials cause a rotation that is clockwise when viewed towards the lightsource. (2)Somematerials cause a rotation that is counterclockwise when viewed towards thelight source. (3)Observethat such rotations match my description of "negative" and"positive" charges. These negative and positive charges compose allmatter and represent the same gyroscopic entity seeming to spin in oppositedirections (when viewed from the perspective of an observer). (4)Observethat such rotations indicate that materials are either a little more negativeor positive in charge depending upon their electromagnetic composition. Unlesssuch is the case, why else would differing liquid solutions have reverseeffects upon light (electromagnetic energy)? (1)       当看向光源时,一些材料引起顺时针方向的旋转。(2)       当看向光源时,一些材料引起逆时针方向的旋转。(3)       观察这样的旋转是符合我“负”和“正”电荷的描述的。这些负和正电荷组成所有物质并表现为一些好像在相反方向旋转(当从观察者的视角看)的陀螺效应体。(4)       这样的旋转指明,物质的负极性或正极性决定于它们的电磁结构。如果不是这样,为什么不同的溶液对光(电磁能量)有相反的效果。 L. The first connectionbetween magnetism and optics was discovered by Michael Faraday in 1845. Faradaydiscovered that the plane of light polarization is rotated when polarized lightis allowed to pass through an isotropic medium located within a strong magneticfield if the light travels in a direction parallel to the direction of themagnetic field. This observation demonstrates the effect of gyroscopic spinscomprising light interacting with the gyroscopic-spin-composition of matter andmagnetic energy with respect to the plane of gyroscopic spins of allinteractions. 磁性和光的联系在1845年第一次被法拉第发现。法拉第发现,当偏振光穿过在磁场中的各向同性的介质,光的方向与磁场相同,偏振光的平面会旋转。这个发现证明陀螺自旋效果,包括光与物质的陀螺自旋结构交互和磁能与陀螺自旋平面交互。

M. A related,magneto-optical effect to that of Faraday's was discovered by John Kerr in1875. Kerr found that an isotropic optical medium placed between the plates ofan electrical condenser became doubly refracting when the condenser is charged.This observation again demonstrates the presence of the gyroscopic spin orplane. M. 1875年John Kerr结出了对法拉第发现的磁光效应的描述。Kerr发现各向同性的光学介质放在充电的电容器平板间,折射会倍增。这一观察又一次证明陀螺自旋或平面的存在。
N. An effect similar to thatof John Kerr's was also discovered by A.A. Cotton and H. Mouton in 1907. Theyfound that certain isotropic, optical media become doubly refracting whenplaced in a strong magnetic field. Such an observation again demonstrates thepresence of the gyroscopic spin or plane. N.1907年A.A. Cotton 和 H. Mouton发现和John Kerr'发现相似的效应。他们发现各向同性的光学介质放在一个强磁场中时,折射倍增。这一观察又一次证明陀螺自旋或平面的存在。 
O. All of the aboveprocesses -which involve producing double refraction in a normally isotropicmedium via the application of mechanical deforming forces, magnetic fields, andelectrical fields -have a basic similarity: in each case, physical (mechanical)strains are produced within the medium which accordingly becomes anisotropic. O. 上面所有过程-通过加压变形、磁场、电场,在正常的各向同性介质中产生折射倍增-有一个基本的相似点:在每个案例中,在介质中物理(机械)扭曲都会产生,因此变成各向异性。 Consequently, there is adefinite, scientific pattern which emerges in the above observations: thegyroscopic composition of matter reacts to a proper force. 所以,一个明确、科学的模式在上面的观察中浮现:物质的陀螺结构对恰当的力作出反应。 (1) Observe that in allcases a force is applied which causes the electromagnetic composition of thematerial to react. (2) Observe that in allcases the presence of electromagnetic energy is obvious. (3) Therefore, in all casesthe reactions were due to the material composition (electromagnetic energy)being affected by the mechanical action of such electromagnetic energy(consisting of gyroscopic particles). Such reactions demonstrate the"action/reaction effect" created by the gyroscopic spin or planewhich constitutes the basic mechanical structure of all matter. (1)在所有的案例中施加一个力引起物质电磁组成做出反应。(2)在所有的案例中电磁能量的存在是明显的。(3)因此,在所有的案例中反应归因于物质结构(电磁能量)被这样电磁能(由陀螺子组成)机械作用影响。这样的反应证明“交互效果”由构成所有物质基本力学结构的陀螺自旋或平面创建。 P. Such an"action/reaction effect" is observed in the following example:P.这样一个“交互效果”在下面的例子里可以观察到:
The photograph in Figure25-P depicts the effects of light (electromagnetic energy, i.e., gyroscopicparticles) "colliding" with a material (a razor blade also composedof electromagnetic energy, i.e., gyroscopic particles) at an angle whichgraphically demonstrates the effect of the gyroscopic action and gyroscopicplanes. Observe that the light and dark lines (which surround the outerperiphery of the razor blade) form the conventional patterns of electric ormagnetic "lines of force." 图25-P里的照片描绘了光(电磁能量,也就是,陀螺子)与物质(一个刀片,由电磁能量组成,也就是,陀螺子)在一个角度“碰撞”的效果,生动的证明了陀螺运动和陀螺平面的效应。观察光和黑线(环绕刀片的边缘)形成传统的电或磁“力线”的模式。应该认识到光和黑线由我的“负极”和“正极”电荷描述,代表陀螺效应子的相反自旋。图25-P观察到的模式发生在这样的陀螺子在相同的方向(如光),对它们的轴施加力导致它们在相对于力直角方向运动。(这种解释同时满足光的波动必和粒子性!) As described in ChapterThree, a magnetic field consists of "negative" and "positive" particles -[the samegyroscopic particle is described as being either "negative" or"positive" via the direction of its spin with respect to the frame ofreference of the outside observer] -with opposite spins and traveling inopposite directions like cars on one-way streets. In addition, when a conductorwire is applied (as a mechanical force) at right angles to those"negative" and "positive" particles , both"versions" of the single, gyroscopic particle traveled down theconductor wire in the same direction. 如第三章所描述的,磁场区域由“负”和“正”的粒子组成-[同样的陀螺子被描述为“负”或“正”是由它相对于外面观察者参考系自旋决定的]-相反的自旋并在相反的方向运动,像汽车在一条路上。另外,当导线相对于这些“负”和“正”粒子垂直运动时,两“种”单个的陀螺子在导线上同向运动。注:反向运动是磁场,同向运动是电场。 It should now becomeapparent how light can be produced from an electric current which consists ofgyroscopic particles traveling in the same direction with opposite spins. 由同向运动相反自旋陀螺子组成的电流如何产生光是显而易见的。 When light strikes an object(as the razor blade in Figure 25-P) at the appropriate angle, the gyroscopicparticles (having clockwise and counterclockwise spins comprising the light)travel in opposite directions or have some alteration of their originaldirection. This mechanical action creates the image of an electric or magneticfield via the observed "lines of force." Such action should clearlydemonstrate the gyroscopic effect of matter. 当光在恰当的角度撞到一个物体(如图25-P中的刀片),陀螺子(顺时针和逆时针自旋组成光)在相反方向运动或一些改变它们原始的方向。这种机械运动创建电或磁区域的图像,通过观察“力线”。这种运动应该清楚的证明物质的陀螺效应。 To summarize two importantpoints: 总结两个要点: A magnetic fieldmechanically consists of ''negative' ' and ''positive'' gyroscopic particleshaving opposite spins and simultaneously traveling in opposite directions,e.g., the concentric "shells of force '' surrounding a bar magnet. (Referback to Chapter Three for a detailed analysis of this effect.) 磁场区域由“负”和“正”陀螺子组成,有相反的自旋,同时运动在相反的方向,也就是说,环绕磁条的同轴“力壳”。(查阅第三章这种效应的详细分析) An electric currentmechanically consists of "negative" and ''positive "gyroscopicparticles having opposite spins and traveling in the same direction down aconductor wire -as does light traveling in space through a medium.电流由“负”和“正”陀螺子组成,有相反的自旋,在相同方向沿导线运动-如光在空间穿过介质。
Further evidence of thegyroscopic effect of matter is demonstrated by the following: 进一步物质陀螺效应的证据列在下面: (1) Every chemical elementemits a characteristic spectral line when the atoms of the element are excitedin a flame, furnace, or in an electric discharge. This again demonstrates thevarying electromagnetic composition of different materials. [Since all matteris composed of the same gyroscopic particle, the electromagnetic composition ofmatter varies with the particular angle of incidence (plane of spin) for agiven gyroscopic particle.] These spectral linevariations are similar to the light and dark lines that become visible whenmaterials are placed under physical (mechanical) stress. Both of these effectsare a result of the electromagnetic composition of all matter. (1)每种化学元素发射一种特征光谱线,当元素里的原子在火焰、熔炉或放电环境里激发。这又证明不同的物质由不同的电磁组成。[因为所有的物质由同样的陀螺子组成,物质的电磁组成决定于给定陀螺子的特定入射角(自旋平面)。] 这些光谱线的变化同光和黑线相似,当对物质施加物理(机械)压力时变得可见。这些效应是所有物质电磁组成的结果。 (2) If the materialcomprising a prism is altered, the spectrographic lines will also change intheir distance between one another. This effect corroborates my explanationthat different materials are different electromagnetically, i.e., theirgyroscopic planes vary. Consequently, the degree of deflection of penetrationof different materials by light traveling at a 45°angle will vary continuously as will light deflection. (2)如果组成晶体的物质改变,光谱线之间的距离也将改变。这种应该证明了我的解释,不同物质是不同的电磁场,也就是说,它们陀螺平面的变化。因此,光以45°角穿过物质偏移的角度是连续,如光偏移。 (3) Such action on the partof light is further evidenced by the Zeeman Effect. [Pieter Zeeman had searchedfor another magnetic effect upon light since he knew that Faraday had believedthat another effect should exist.] The Zeeman Effect represents the splittingof spectral lines into components of slightly different frequencies when thelight source is placed in a strong magnetic field. 光的这部分行为被塞曼效应进一步证明。[塞曼已经寻找另一个光的磁效应,因为他知道法拉第相信有另一种效应的存在。] 塞曼效应表现为,将光源放到一个强磁场中时,光谱线分离为几条更细的谱线。 (1)In Sections25-Q (2) and 25-Q (3) above, the described effects upon spectrographic linesare similar. Such lines are a characteristic of each element’s gyroscopic (electromagnetic)composition. In (2) above, the spectrogram's lines vary when traveling throughdifferent materials having different gyroscopic (electromagnetic) composition.In (3) above, the spectrogram's lines vary under the influence of an external,electromagnetic (gyroscopic) field. (5)的上面25-Q (2)和25-Q (3)部分,描述的光谱线的效应是相似的。这样的线是每种元素陀螺(电磁)组成的特征。在上面的(2),当穿过由不能陀螺(电磁)组成的不同物质时光谱线变化。在上面(3),在一个外部电磁(陀螺)区域影响下光谱线变化。 "All of the aboveobservations demonstrate the importance of the gyroscopic-action composition ofall matter and demonstrate that even slight changes (in materials via thegyroscopic angle of Incidence) can produce a noticeable difference in observedresults.” “所有上面的观察证明所有物质陀螺效应的重要性,证明即使轻微的变化(物质中陀螺子入射角)在观察结果中能产生一个明显的不同。” All of the aboveobservations demonstrate the importance of the gyroscopic-action composition ofall matter and demonstrate that even slight changes (in materials via thegyroscopic angle of incidence) can produce a noticeable difference in observedresults. 所有上面的观察证明所有物质陀螺效应的重要性,证明即使轻微的变化(物质中陀螺子入射角)在观察结果中能产生一个明显的不同。 R. The following isadditional evidence concerning the importance of the gyroscopic conception ofmatter: R.下面是额外的证明,关于物质陀螺效应概念的重要性: (1) The observed, spectrum"band" of colors produced when white light is dispersed by a prismactually varies in hue on a continuous basis from the violet to the red end ofthe spectrum. Such a spectrum is not composed of seven distinct "bands.”(1)观察被棱镜分开的白光产生的彩色光谱“带”的颜色变化,连续从蓝紫色到红。这样的光谱不是由7个分开的“带”组成。
(2) If one applies mydescription of "negative " and "positive" particles withopposite spins (gyroscopic action) to Figure 25-R, then the observed spectralresults will be precisely explained: 如果把我描述的有相反自旋(陀螺运动)的“负”和“正”粒子应用到图25-R,观察到的光谱结果可以被精确的解释: REASON: The gyroscopicparticles comprising light have opposite spin directions. These gyroscopicparticles either collide with other gyroscopic particles comprising the atomsof the prism or they have an influence-force placed upon them by the gyroscopicparticles comprising the atoms of the prism. This "collision" or "influence-force"mechanically occurs as a result of a close encounter between the loosely-bound gyroscopic particles withinthe light causing such gyroscopic particles to move at right angles to theforce exerted upon them by the more tightly-bound gyroscopic particles within the prism. However, because oftheir opposite spins, the gyroscopic particles comprising light will move inopposite directions to that force as they encounter the gyroscopic particleswithin the prism, i.e., one gyroscopic particle within the light will move"right " (at some angle between 0°and 90°) and theother gyroscopic particle (having an opposite spin) within light will move"left" (at some angle between 0°and 90°). 原因:组成光的陀螺子有相反的自旋方向。这些陀螺子与组成棱镜原子的陀螺子碰撞,或它们受到一个组成棱镜原子的陀螺子施加的影响力。这种“碰撞”或“影响力”是光内松散边缘的陀螺子紧密交会的结果,引起这些陀螺子相对于棱镜内更紧密边缘陀螺子施加的力垂直方向运动。然而,因为相反的自旋,组成光的陀螺子将相对于力在相反方向运动,也就是说,光内的一种陀螺子将向“右”运动(以0°到 90°之间相同的角度),另一类陀螺子(有相反自旋)将向“左”运动(以0°到 90°之间相同的角度)。 Remember that light consistsof gyroscopic particles moving in the same direction, but with a (possibly)equal number of such particles spinning in one direction and a (possibly) equalnumber of gyroscopic particles spinning in the other direction. All suchgyroscopic particles are interspersed throughout the general flow, direction ofthe light. 记住,光由在相同方向运动的陀螺子组成,但大量的陀螺子在一个方向自旋,等量的陀螺子在另一个方向自旋。所有陀螺子散布在光方向的区域。 In figure 25-R, the spectrallines travel to the left and to the right of the point where light(electromagnetic energy) first physically enters into surface AB at a 45°angle. 在图25-R,光谱线运动到光(电磁能)第一次物理以45°角进入AB面的点的左和右边。 If you imagine numeroussurfaces parallel to surface AB and oriented throughout the prism (which isactually a three-dimensional pyramid), then you will recognize that thegyroscopic particles of light vary continuously in their angular degree ofpenetration (of a 45°angle) as they pass through the material. 如果你想象大量表面平行于AB面并遍布棱镜(实际是一个三维金字塔),你将认识到光的陀螺子在它们穿透角度(45°度)连续变化,如它们穿透物质。 The continuous variation incolor hue is created by the continuous variation of "negative" or"positive" gyroscopic particles that exist in any one plane (surface)within the prism. [The electromagnetic function of the eye with respect to thebrain is appropriate to how or what we visualize.] 色彩的连续变化是棱镜里任何平面(表面)的“负”或“正”陀螺子连接变化导致的。[关于大脑眼的电磁功能在我们如何或什么可见是恰当的。] (3) The fact that infraredand ultraviolet light are located at opposite ends of the spectrumoperationally means that one color "band" has more"negative" charges and the other "band" has more"positive" charges. Consequently, the two color "bands"represent different types of matter! 事实是红外和紫外光位于光谱相反的端,意味着一种色“带”有更“负”的电荷,另一“带”有更“正”电荷。因此,两种色“带”代表不同类型的物质! From the beginning of myresearch, I have endeavored to prove that all matter is composed of a varyingamount of "negative" and "positive" gyroscopic particles.In reality, each gyroscopic particle consists of identicalgyroscopic-action-entitles which demonstrate both "negative " and"positive" characteristics depending upon the gyroscopic orientationof the spin with respect to the outside observer. Moreover, the arrangement ofsuch gyroscopic-action-entities (via slight degree changes in their respectiveaxes of rotation) can be infinite. Such infinity can generate infinite forms ofmatter. 从我研究的开始,已经全力证明了所有的物质是由大量“负”和“正”的陀螺子组成。实际上,每个陀螺子由相同的陀螺效应实体组成,表现为‘负’和‘正’特征是依赖于相对于外在观察者的陀螺自旋取向。同时,这种陀螺效应实体(通过自旋轴轻微角度变化)可以是无穷的。这路无穷可以产生无穷的物质形式。 "In reality, eachgyroscopic particle consists of identical gyroscopic-action entities whichdemonstrate both "negative" and "positive” characteristicsdepending upon the gyroscopic orientation of the spin with respect to theoutside observer.” “实际上,每个陀螺子由相同的陀螺效应实体组成,表现为‘负’和‘正’特征是依赖于相对于外在观察者的陀螺自旋取向。” Gyroscopic action alsoprovides an explanation for the nature of X-rays which originate by separatingelectrical terminals while placed in a partial vacuum. Such a separation causesdifferent amounts of "negative" and "positive" gyroscopicparticles to be released, thereby forming another type of matter.陀螺效应同时提供了对X射线现象的一种解释,X射线产生于部分真空中的分开的电极。这种分离引起不同数量的“负”和“正”陀螺子被释放,因此形成另一种物质形式
You may now be beginning tounderstand how the "spin" orientation of gyroscopic particlesprovides an explanation for all rays emitted by different materials. Suchgyroscopic action ("negative" or "positive") is alsoverified by the fact that as certain rays are emitted from one type ofmaterial, that same material will undergo decay into another form of material.The new material is composed of a different quantity of "negative"and "positive" gyroscopic particles. 你现在也许开始明白陀螺子“自旋”取向如何提供不同物质发出所有光线的一种解释。这种陀螺效应(“负”或“正”)同样被事实证实,事实是特定光由同类型物质发射,同种物质将衰变为另一种物质形式。新物质由不同数量的“负”或“正”陀螺子组成。 The opposite effect is alsotrue: by bombarding uranium atoms with neutrons (which are agglutinations ofgyroscopic particles) the uranium is transformed into the heavier elementtransuranium. 相反的效应也是真的:通过用中子轰击铀原子(由陀螺子凝聚成),铀转化为超铀的重元素。 The differing forms ofmatter which are continuously observed in cyclotrons are forms generated by theinteraction of "negative" and "positive" gyroscopic particles.There are infinite, possible forms that such matter can assume. Such infiniteforms are caused by high-velocity particles reacting with "negative"and "positive" gyroscopic particles comprising (and traveling within)the tremendous electromagnetic fields generated by such units. 在回旋加速器里连续观察到的不同物质形式是由“负”和“正”陀螺子交互产生的。有无穷的可能形式可以呈现。这种无穷形式是由高速粒子与组成装置的极强电磁区域的“负”和“正”陀螺子交互形成的。 Based upon theelectromagnetic field experiments of Michael Faraday, the electromagnetictheory of radiation was proposed by James Clerk Maxwell in 1865 and experimentallycorroborated 20 years later in Germany by Heinrich Hertz. 基于法拉第电磁区域的实验,麦克斯韦在1865年提出了射线的电磁理论,20年后由德国赫兹用实验证明。 It should be obvious fromstudying Figure 25-S that all rays have something in common: such rays are allelectromagnetic energy and they are therefore composed ofgyroscopic-action-entities. 学习图25-S可以明显看到,所有光线有一些共同点:都是电磁能量并且由陀螺效应实体组成。 What causes such rays todiffer? I have endeavored to prove that the wave motion of these rays arecaused by a variation in the number of "negative" or "positive"gyroscopic particles composing a given ray as well as the angular degree bywhich such rays are emitted from their source. 什么导致光线的不同?我已经尽力证明,这些光线的波动是由‘负’和‘正’陀螺子数量的变化引起的,它们组成指定光线和角度,光线来自发射源。 "The wave motionof these rays are caused by a variation in the number of 'negative' or'positive' gyroscopic particles composing a given ray as well as the angulardegree by which such rays are emitted from their source. " “光线的波动是由‘负’和‘正’陀螺子数量的变化引起的,它们组成指定光线和角度,光线来自发射源。” T. QUESTION: Have youMastered what was taught in Section 25 above? If you have, then you must nowrealize the critical importance of understanding the mechanical,gyroscopic-action-entity comprising the atoms of all materials. Many suchmaterials will be used in energy machines designed for 100% (conversion)efficient utilization of Einstein's equation of E = MC2. Such anunderstanding will also permit the creation of new materials with varyingelectromagnetic characteristics. T.问题:你已经精通了25部分教授的知识了吗?如果你说是,那么你必须认识到,理解所有物质原子都是由真实的陀螺效应实体组成的重要性。许多这种物质将用于设计遵守E = MC2等式100%转化率的能源机。这种理解将允许用有变化电磁特性的物质创建能源机。 "The behavior ofthe gyroscopic particle can still be mechanically understood and operationallypredicted in accordance with Newtonian Mechanics.” “陀螺子的行为依然可以用力学理解和用牛顿力学预测。” By studying what I havewritten, you have glimpsed the Mechanical Essence of Quantum Mechanics: theGyroscopic-Action-Particle. This "gyroscopic-action-particle'' is the basic building block of all matter and isthe mechanical essence of E = MC2. The behavior of the gyroscopicparticle can still be mechanically understood and operationally predicted inaccordance with Newtonian Mechanics. 通过学习我所写的,你已经对量子力学有了初步认识:陀螺效应子。这种“陀螺效应子”是构建所有物质的基础砖块,是E = MC2的力学本质。陀螺子的行为依然可以用力学理解和用牛顿力学预测。 If you have Mastered what Ihave earnestly sought to teach you up to this point, then you should have nodifficulty in understanding and Mastering the teachings which will follow.如果你已经精通我急切教授你的这个观点,你对理解下面教授的内容将没有困难。


Chapter 12 USEFUL "WORK, FORCE, ANDPOWER" EQUATIONS A. The mathematicalequations involving "Work, Force, and Power" are engineeringequations which satisfy the past and present-day industries of the world. Theyare not appropriate to future industries. Such equations are not universal,scientific equations and they do not satisfy a rigorous scientific scrutiny.The equations which I will propose below are scientific equations and dosatisfy scientific scrutiny. In addition, these equations will fulfill the futureengineering need of industry and will conceptually mesh with an understandingof the gyroscopic-action-entity which is the basic building block of all matterand represents the mechanical essence of E = MC2 . A. 关于“功、力、功率”的精确数学等式只能满足过去和当前世界工业的工程要求。它们不适用于未来的工业。这种等式不是普遍科学的等式,它们不满足严谨的科学审查。我下面提出的等式是科学的等式,满足科学的严谨性。另外,这些等式可以达到未来工业的工程需要,在概念上与陀螺效应实体的理解匹配,实体是所有物质的基础砖块并是E = MC2的力学本质。 I will now define a"Force" in accordance with Newton's Laws: 我将定义和牛顿力学一致的“力”: "A 'Force' is any action capable of causing a reaction from anentity which is in or may enter the influence of that 'Force'!" “‘力’是可以引起一个进入‘力’影响范围实体反作用的任何运动!” To an observer,"Force" may be perceived as "Obvious" or"Unobvious." I mathematically distinguish between "Obvious"or "Unobvious" Force. One cannot have (Obvious or Unobvious)"Work, Force, or Power" occurring without energy participation andtransference. 对于观察者,“力”也许是“可见”或“不可见”。我区分“可见”或“不可见”力。不能有“功、力或功率”产生而没有能量参与和传输。 The consistent, semanticapplication of the terms Obvious or Unobvious to "Work, Force, orPower" will accurately stimulate the mind of the thinking individual whichwill further the progress of science and the improvement of the Human Race. 对于“功、力或功率”可见或不可见一致的、语义的术语应用将正确的激发个人的思想,将促进科学进程和人类进步。 B. It is the essence of thescientific method that a scientific theory should stand or fall with respect towhether its predictions correspond with the Facts. With this in mind, I willnow apply the conventional mathematical formulas for Work, Power, and Force toa factual observation:B. 科学方法的本质是一个科学理论好坏决定于预测结果是否和事实一致。基于这种思想,我将用传统功、功率和力的的数学等式观察事实。
"A man has a 400-poundmass placed upon his shoulders. The gravitational force pushes down with 400pounds upon the man. The man pushes up with 400 pounds of force on the mass.The man supports the 400 pound mass for 10 minutes and then pivots from underthe mass to permit it to fall. (Had the man continued to support the mass hewould have become fatigued to the point of collapse and physical damage.)" “一个人将400磅重量放到肩膀上。重力向下施加400磅在人身上。人向上施加400磅的力在物体上。人支持400磅10分钟,之后放开物质让它掉下来。(使人持续支持物体他将疲乏到倒下产生物理伤害。)” WORK = FORCE * DISTANCE (byconventional mathematics) 功=力*距离(传统计算) According to this simpleformula, the man in the above example did no work. 根据这个简单的等式,上面的人没有做功。 POWER = WORK/TIME (byconventional mathematics) 功率=功/时间(传统计算) According to this simpleformula, the man in the above example exerted no power. 根据这个简单的等式,上面的人没有对外输出功率。 FORCE = MASS *ACCELERATION(by conventional mathematics) 力=质量*加速度(传统计算) According to this simpleformula, the man in the above example exerted no force. 根据这个简单的等式,上面的人没有对外施加力。 [I should point out thatfrom the perspective of Statics, there is FORCE exerted but there is no POWERor WORK.] [我将指出,从静态观点,有外部力但没有功和功率。] Because the force of the manand the force of gravity upon the mass are equal and opposite, thenconventional mathematics would state that there is a net force of zero. 因为人的力和重力在物体上相等并相反,传统计算将说净力为0. C. I will now examine theinternal actions of the man in Figure 26-B to determine if the predictionsobtained via conventional mathematics correspond with the Facts. C.我现在将调查图26-B中的人内部的运动来决定传统预测与事实是否一致。 The Facts are as followsuring strenuous exercise or stress, the heart may pump eight times as muchblood as in a period of relative relaxation, i.e., as many as 12 gallons aminute. All of the following conditions drastically increased while the manheld the mass: the heartbeat, blood flow, breathing, oxygen flow, theelectromagnetic stimulation of the brain and body cells, and the fermentationprocess to produce energy occurring within the muscle cells. 事实如下:在剧烈运动或加压时,心脏也许可能跳动可能是放松时的8倍,也就是说,一分钟10加仑。下面的情况在人抗住物体时都大大的增加了:心跳、血的流速、呼吸、氧流动、大脑电信号和身体细胞,这复杂的进程在细胞内产生能量。 Internally speaking, the mandid produce Work and Power which resulted in the man producing a Force.Internally speaking, Potential Energy was converted to Kinetic Energy. It isimportant to note that the Potential Energy of the mass being supported by theman was a direct result of the internal, Kinetic Energy within the man. Inessence, the presently -accepted, mathematical equations concerning Work,Power, and Force do not correspond with the facts. 内在讲,人确实产生了功和功率导致人产生了力。内在讲,势能转化为了动能。注意,人支撑物体的势能是人内存动能的相撞结果。本质上,当前可接受的关于功、功率和力的数学等式与事实不一致。 D. To properly view theFacts from a scientific basis, the man in the above experiment did produceUnobvious Work, Unobvious Power, and Unobvious Force. Until he dropped the400-pound mass, both the man and gravity exerted a force. Consequently, the netforce could not be zero -only the net movement was zero. D.从科学角度看这个事实,上面的人产生了不可见功,不可见功率和不可见力。在他抛下400磅物体之前,人和重力都施加一个外力。因此,净力不为0-只是净运动为0。 E. By subjecting them toproper scientific scrutiny, the presently-accepted, mathematical formulasdescribing Work, Power, Force, Potential and Kinetic Energy are notscientifically accurate! I propose that more explicit and scientificmathematical formulas would be as follows:E.通过科学审查,当前可接受的描述功、功率、力、势能、动能的数学公式是不科学不精确的!我提出的更明确和科学的数学公式如下:
可见功=力*距离(Wo=FD)可见功率=可见功/时间(Po=Wu/T)可见力=物质*加速度(Fo=MA) [宏观可见物质*加速度] 不可见功=力*时间(Wu=FT)不可见功率=不可见功/时间(Pu=Wu/T)不可见力=[静态]力(Fu=[S]F) [分子、原子和/或次原子的质量*加速度] 可见动能(OKE)=所有可见能量不可见动能(UKE)+势能(PE)=所有不可见能量
The above mathematicalformulas do correspond with the facts. They satisfy all previous requirementsas well as the example of the man supporting a 400-pound mass. The man didproduce Unobvious Work, Unobvious Power, Unobvious Force, and Unobvious KineticEnergy. He did not produce Obvious Work, Obvious Power, Obvious Force, orObvious Kinetic Energy. 上面的数学公式是和事实一致的。它们满足所有上面人抗400磅物体例子的要求。人产生了不可见功、不可见功率、不可见力和不可见动能。它没有产生可见功、可见功率、可见力功或可见动能。 The L. Pearce Williamsbiography on Michael Faraday states that during the early years of Faraday'sintellectual development, Faraday was very impressed with a book written by Dr.Isaac Watts entitled, The Improvement of the Mind. As a disciple of John Locke,Dr. Watts continually emphasized the importance of the observed fact and thedangers of imprecise language. In his book, The Improvement of the Mind[published in London, 1809], Dr. Watt cautions the student to carefullydistinguish between words and things lest he "feed upon husks instead ofkernels." Dr. Watt's emphasis upon careful observation and preciselydescribed facts equipped Michael Faraday with a seemingly infallible guide,i.e., the essence of the scientific method. I wish to provide you, the reader,with the precise, mathematical equations which I have presented above in orderto permit a better scientific understanding of matter. L. Pearce Williams在法拉第传记中说,在法拉第早年学习中,法拉第对瓦特写的TheImprovement of the Mind一书印象非常深刻。作为约翰·洛克的信徒,瓦特先生连续强调观察到的事实和不精确语言的危险的重要性。在这本眉目里,The Improvement of the Mind[伦敦印刷,1809],瓦特先生劝告学生小心识别单词等,唯恐他“注重外在而不是核心”。瓦特先生强调小心观察和精确描述事实给法拉第一贯正确的指导,也就是,科学方法的本质。我希望提供给你,读者,我上面提出的精确的数学公式,来对物质有更科学的理解。 F. It can now bescientifically observed from the facts that all static forces and all potentialenergies exist as a result of continuing, Unobvious Kinetic Energy . (Verifythis fact by observing the Unobvious Kinetic Energy internally produced withinthe man as long as he supported the 400-pound mass on his shoulders.) F.从事实可以看到,作为连续不可见动能的结果,所有的静态力和势能的存在。(通过观察人支撑400磅物体在肩上时内部产生的不可见运能可以证明。) "It can now bescientifically observed from the facts that all static forces and all potentialenergies exist as a result of continuing, Unobvious Kinetic Energy." “从事实可以看到,作为连续不可见动能的结果,所有的静态力和势能的存在。” There are additionalobservations which verify the existence of Unobvious Kinetic Energy: materialsboth fatigue and break/collapse from supporting a force. Gas molecules"heat up" when compressed by a force. Such observations prove that materialsreact with Internal, Unobvious Kinetic Energy when a static force or PotentialEnergy is exerted against them. 证明不可见动能存在的其它观察:材料支撑力的疲劳和破裂/崩溃。当用力压缩时,气体分子“变热”。这种观察证明当对物质施加静态力或势能时它们与内部不可见动能反应。 G. To improve yourunderstanding of my statements, consider Einstein's equation of E = MC2.The nature of the mass-energy relationship is such that the mass (and weight)changes associated with Potential Energy conversion into Unobvious KineticEnergy (which occurs internally within matter) is immeasurably small. Consideralso that the gyroscopic-action-entity represents the Mechanical Essence ofEinstein's equation of E = MC2 and that the mathematical formulas Ipresent properly account for the existence of the gyroscopic-action-entity. G. 为了让你更理解我的陈述,考虑爱因斯坦的E = MC2方程。质能关系的理论是这样的,质量(和重量)的变化关系到势能转化为不可见动能(发生在物质内部),微小到不可测量。同时考虑到,陀螺效应实体代表爱因斯坦E = MC2方程的力学本质,我提出的数学公式恰当的说明了陀螺效应实体的存在。 EXAMPLE: Newton's Third Law of Motionstates: by the law of Action and Reaction, a Force must be resisted by an Equaland Opposite Force. What does the mathematicalterm "equal" really mean? It means "identical in mathematicalvalue or logical denotation; equivalent.” 例子:牛顿运动第三定律说明:根据作用力和反作用力,力会产生大小相等方向相反的力。数学术语“相等”意味着什么?意味着“数值或逻辑标准一致”。
According to Newton's ThirdLaw: if I hold an iron material at a distance (see Figure 26-G) from a strong,permanent magnet (causing me to resist a constant attraction force of 200 lbs.)-what happens to me? I must use Unobvious, Internal Kinetic Energy tocontinually resist the attraction force of the permanent magnet. According toNewton's Third Law, the magnet must also be utilizing Unobvious, InternalKinetic Energy to produce the constant attraction force, i.e., an "equal”action and reaction! 根据牛顿第三定律:如果我握住一个铁块与一个强永磁铁一段距离(看图26-G)(让我抗拒一具200磅恒定吸引力)-对我来说发生了什么?我必须用不可见的内在动能来持续抗拒永磁铁的吸引力。根据牛顿第三定律,磁铁必须利用不可见内在的动能产生恒定的吸引力,就也是说一个“相等”的作用力和反作用力! If the magnet were not toreact with Unobvious, Internal Kinetic Energy, then Newton's Third Law would bedefied. In resisting a continual, attraction force, I had to expend a constant,Unobvious, Internal Kinetic Energy. If the magnet produced a constantattraction force and did not utilize any Unobvious, Internal Kinetic Energy,then such observed results would be "opposite" and not "equal.” Hence,such a conclusion would be obviously incorrect. 如果磁铁没有与不可见的内在动能交互,将不服从牛顿第三定律。为了抗拒连续的吸引力,我必须使用一个恒定不可内在动能。如果磁铁产生一个恒定吸引力,但没有用任何不可见内在动能,那么这种观察结果将是“相反”并“不等”的。因此,这种结论显然是不正确的。 The Facts clearly show thatthe atoms within myself, the magnet, the iron material, and the wall allproduced "Unobvious Work, Force, and Power.” There was no "ObviousWork, Force, or Power" produced. 事实清楚的说明,自己、磁铁、铁块和墙的原子都产生了“不可见功、力和功率”。没有“可见功、力或功率”产生。 H. I have presented moreprecise mathematical equations which are conducive to an improved scientificcomprehension of Matter in accordance with the Mechanical Essence of Einstein's Equation of E=MC2. Such a mechanical essence is represented by thegyroscopic-action-entity which is the basic building entity of all matter. H.我已经提供了更多精确的数学公式,有助于增进对物质的科学理解,与爱因斯坦E=MC2方程力的本质一致。这种力学本质体现在构成所有物质基础实体的陀螺效应实体。 I. A PIONEERING SOURCE OFENERGY: I.开创性的能量源头: Consider once again theequations Wu = FT,( Pu =Wu/T), and Fu = [S]F. 再考虑公式Wu = FT、( Pu =Wu/T)和 Fu = [S]F。 A permanent magnet "X”that attracts an object "Y" with a constant force of 200 lbs.,twenty-four hours a day for 30 days will have performed the following: 一个永磁铁“X”对一个物体"Y"的恒定吸引力为200磅,连续30天每天24小时将有如下结果: Wu =(200) * (60 sec.) * (60min.) * (24 hrs.) *(30 days) Wu=518,400,000 lbs.-sec. Fu = 200 lbs. constant Pu = 200 lbs. constant The gyroscopic energy in themagnetic field produced Unobvious Work, Unobvious Power, and Unobvious Force.The magnetic field also maintained Potential Energy via the use of UnobviousKinetic Energy to accomplish this task. The mass loss is not easily measurablesince we are describing the effects that generate atomic energy. As you know,we are discussing E = MC2. The existence of the Gyroscopic-Action-Entity exactly fits theFirst Law of Thermodynamics since it appears this Entity cannot be created ordestroyed. 磁场区域陀螺子能量产生不可见功、不可见功率和不可见力。磁场区域同时通过用不可见动能保持势能来完成任务。质量的损失是不容易测量的,因为我们描述的效果产生于次原子级能量。正如你所知,我们讨论E = MC2。陀螺效应实体的存在精确的符合热力学第一定律,因为它出现了不能被创建的毁灭的实体。 The present utilization ofatomic reactors as a source of energy production is extremely inadequate forthe demand. 当前作为能量源的次原子反应器的利用对需求是严重不足的。 The energy machine I haveinnovated has no harmful side effects*, will cost little, and will be small insize compared to a nuclear reactor. All that I have written has been based uponthe concept of the gyroscopic entity on which I started working in 1965. Sincethat time I have sought to prove or disprove this concept. The more I havelearned the more certain I became of its truth. 我创建的能源机没有有害结果、花费少、可以作为小型核反应堆。所有我写的是基于我1965年开始研究的陀螺实体的概念。那时我就想证实这种概念是否正确。我学的越多我越觉得它正确。 If you have Mastered what Iteach, then you must recognize the reality of my Pioneering Invention. However,the access to an unlimited source of energy is not by any means the ultimatediscovery! 如果你已经精通我所教授的,那么你必须认识到我的创新发明白真实性。然而,通向无限能源的大门决不是最终的发现! The energy machine I haveinnovated simply uses Universal Energy (the gyroscopic-action-entity). Suchutilization must occur if man is to end his stupidity, hunger, greed, and wars-and advance to other solar systems! Consider how long it took our Species todiscover how to harness the motion of flowing water via a simple waterwheel. 我发明的能源机是简单的利用了宇宙能源(陀螺效应实体)。这种利用会结束人类的愚蠢、饥饿、贪心和战争-进化到另一个太阳系。想一下我们人类通过简单水轮利用水的运动用了多长时间。 It has been obvious to methat what I have seen so clearly was unimaginable for most people. What I haveseen is, at the very least, equal to the effect of Einstein's equation of E =MC2. It gives me much contentment if you now understand what I havepresented. This is the purpose of my Book. 很明显,我看到的对大多数人来说是不可想象的。我看到的是,最基本的,爱因斯坦E = MC2方程式的效果。如果你已经明白我所说的我将非常满足。这是我这本书的目的所在。 *Note: There are no harmfulside effects because the size of the gyroscopic-action-entity is so small thatit easily passes through the atomic structure of living tissue. In nuclearfission, the sub-atomic particles (representing agglutinations of gyroscopicparticles) are far larger and can do damage to the atomic structure of livingtissue. By analogy, if one threw a dust particle at a large fishnet, theparticle would easily pass through the net. However, if one attempted to pass alarge boulder (composed of millions of dust particles) through the samefishnet, it would cause damage to the net. By another analogy. my energymachine - in its utilization of nuclear energy - differs from conventionalnuclear energy sources in the following manner: I have discovered a previouslyunknown source of "underground, unique running water." I havetherefore devised a "waterwheel" (my energy machine) to tap into thisexisting energy of unique running water (the continual motion of the gyroscopicparticles). The conventional nuclear energy approach would be to secure a cupof normal water and attempt to "smash" the normal water with a hammerto extract the atomic energy from the water. My process is 100%.(conversion)efficient and harmless (due to the minute size of the gyroscopic particles).Conventional nuclear fission is less than 1% efficient and harmful (due to thelarger size of the released particles). *注:完全无害,因为陀螺效应子实体的大小小到它可轻易穿过活组织的次原子结构。在核裂变中,次原子粒子(由陀螺子凝结成)更大,能伤害到活组织的次原子结构。通过分析,抛一个灰尘到一个鱼网,它可以轻易穿过网。然而,如果试图抛一个大石块(由无数灰尘结成)穿过鱼网,它将毁坏鱼网。依此类推,我的能源机-它利用核能-在以下几方面不同于传统的核能:我已经发现一种未知的“地下、唯一的活水”源头。我因此设计一个“水轮机”(我的能源机)利用这唯一活水(连续运动的陀螺子)存在的能量。传统核能是固定一杯水并试图用榔头“打碎”正常的水获取水中的次原子级能量。我的过程是100%(转化)效率并无害(由于陀螺子的尺寸)。传统核能效率小于1%并有害(由于释放粒子尺寸过大)。

第13章 静态实现(能源机)

Chapter 13 THE STATIC EMBODIMENT (ENERGYMACHINE) "New and stirring things are belittledbecause if they are not belittled, the humiliating question arises: Why thenare you not taking part in them?” - H.G.Wells 27.   The reader should now become aware that otherphysical embodiments of my Pioneering Invention can result by securing theproper, atom-oriented, current-carrying materials which have a proper geometricdesign, and are placed within the magnetic field of a permanent magnet. 27.读者现在应该意识到,我的开创必发明的其它物理实现可以通过固定恰当的、原子定向的、导电线形材料,并放一个永磁铁在里面实现。 A.    QUESTION: How does one explain the effect ofLenz's Law which states that "the current induced in a circuit due to achange in the magnetic flux through it or to its motion in a magnetic field isso directed as to oppose the change in flux or to exert a mechanical forceopposing the motion?" A.问题:怎么解释楞次定律,定律说“电路中由磁场运动或磁通量变化引起的电流反抗磁通量变化或产生阻碍运动的力”? ANSWER:Simple. If a proper, atom-oriented material (with the proper atomic [geometric]design) was placed within a magnetic field of gyroscopic-action-particles(which move at C and spin at C) in a configuration which caused current(gyroscopic particles) to flow, then it would be necessary to physically securethe proper, atom-oriented material within the Unobvious Magnetic Force Field.If not secured, then the proper, atom-oriented material would be physicallyrepelled and the energy transfer of gyroscopic particles would cease. 回答:简单讲,如果合适的原子定向的材料(有合适的原子[几何]设计)放在陀螺子(运动速度C自旋速度C)组成的磁场,布置引起电流(陀螺子)运动,那么在不可见磁性力区域内固定这合适的原子定向的材料是必要的。如果不固定,合适的原子定向的材料将被排斥,陀螺子能量传输将停止。 [Earlierin this Book, I have demonstrated that Lenz's Law was only an observtion whichin fact described those gyroscopic particles deflected from a magnetic field.Because such deflection occurs, it can be concluded that the spin of suchgyroscopic particles is at right angles to the spin of the gyroscopic particleswhich remain within and comprise the magnetic field itself.] [这本书前面,我已经证明楞次定律只是一种观察,实际上描述的是陀螺子在磁场中改变方向的现象。因为发生方向的改变,可以总结出陀螺子的自旋垂直于组成磁场的陀螺子的自旋。] Suchphysical repulsion of the proper, atom-oriented material is in accordance withNewton's Law of Action and Reaction! 这样恰当的原子定向材料的排斥是和牛顿作用和反作用定律一致的。 **Note: By the term"proper," I am referring to a mechanical understanding (of both themotion of the gyroscopic particles comprising a given electromagnetic fieldsurrounding a magnet and the motion of the gyroscopic particles within theatoms of the proper material) which permits one to construct an energy machinedesigned for the efficient utilization of the maximum number of gyroscopicparticles existing within all interacting systems, i.e., the stationarymagnet's kinetic magnetic field and the proper material. **注意:通过术语“恰当的”,我指的是一种力学理解(关于组成磁体周围电磁场的陀螺子运动和合适材料原子中陀螺子的运动),这让你可以最大量的使用交互系统中的陀螺子来创建一个能源机,也就是,固定的磁体的运动磁场和合适的材料。 In addition, the specificatomic structure (physical orientation) of the energy machines materials - suchas the proper material - will differ from element to element or compounds interms of how such varying atomic structures (containing billions of gyroscopicparticles) will deflect exterior gyroscopic particles impinging upon thegyroscopic particles contained within such atomic structures. 另外,能源机材料-如合适的材料-特定的原子结构(物理上)不同元素间是不同的,这样变化的原子结构(包含亿计的陀螺子)会改变外部的陀螺子,当外部陀螺子与这种原子结构中的陀螺子碰撞时。 B.    I have not physically constructed the STATICENERGY MACHIN E design just described, but this does not alter the fact thatwhat I teach outlines the means for such construction. SAMPLE DESIGNS: B.我没有完全构建刚才描述的能源机设计,但这没有改变我教授的这种结构的要点。简单的设计: (1)I should recommend utilizing a uniform magnetic field as evidenced by thatgenerated with a strong, horseshoe magnet or other means. (See Figure 27-B.) (1)我建议用一个匀强磁场区域,如强马蹄磁铁产生的磁场或其它方法。(看图27-B)(2) 对线形设计的合适的原子定向的线圈的利用对于系统的成功是关键性的。最好使线圈的一侧在特定磁场区域,避免“抵消效应”。(看图27-B)(可以在线圈周围合适的电流极性处放额外的线圈。)
(3)   With respect to the question of producing theproper, atom-oriented material, it should be noted that when formed byconventional production techniques, i.e., the use of heat, most materialsappear to align their atoms in random directions. (3)谈到合适的原子定向的材料制作的问题,要注意,当用传统工艺成型时,也就是,用加热,大部材料会使它们的原子随机排列。 A.ONE METHOD OF CREATING THE PROPER, ATOM-ORIENTED MATERIAL: A.创建一个合适的原子定向材料的方法。 AsMichael Faraday proved, neutrality to a magnetic field does not exist! Allmaterials are aligned parallel or across lines of Unobvious Force when such materialsare suspended within an extremely powerful magnetic field. If a materialundergoing atomic formation is cooled within this powerful magnetic field, thenthe atoms of the material will assume a particular alignment. The atom-alignment-directionof the material could be changed if the magnetic field was aligned at 90 ° tothe material or at any degree less than 90° to the material. Such induced atom-alignment would result in the atoms (of a given material) containinggyroscopic-action-entities having orientations principally along the same axisand at any desired angle of atom alignment with respect to the propermaterial's length. Thus, such material would possibly become a proper,atom-oriented material. 法拉第证明,中性的磁场区域是不存在的!当材料悬在一个极强的磁场中时,所有的材料被平行排列或穿过不可见的力线。如果材料原子被强磁场变冷,材料原子将呈现特定排列。材料原子排列的方向可以通过改变磁场区域与材料成90 °实现,或相对材料任何小于90°的角。这种感应原子排列将导致原子(给定的材料)中的陀螺效应实体大部分沿一个方向,在合适材料长度产生任何希望的原子角度排列。因此,这种材料将变成合适的原子定向材料。 "Even the slightest degree alteration in atomic-axis-alignmentcan produce a significant change in results obtained." “即使原子轴线排列最小角度的改变,在结果中也可以产生一个重大的改变。” D.I again stress that nothing in the energy system's design can be taken forgranted! Even the slightest degree alteration in atomic-axis-alignment canproduce a significant change in results obtained. Refer to Sections 25-F through26, and you will observe visual facts which confirm the truth of thisstatement. D.我强调,在能源机设计中没有东西可以假定!即使原子轴线排列最小角度的改变,在结果中也可以产生一个重大的改变。在25-F到26部分,你可看到关于这个说法的可见事实。 E.However, merely having atom-alignment is insufficient to produce the desiredresults. The utilized material (with its particular atom-alignment) shouldproduce very little (if any) magnetic field (gyroscopic particles) in thesurrounding area beyond the physical dimensions of the material itself. It isobvious from the facts of science that different materials produce resultswhich vary significantly. (As proof of this, simply look at the wide diversityof conductors, semi-conductors, and non -conductors.) E.然而,仅仅有原子排列还不足以产生希望的结果。利用的材料(有特定原子排列)将在材料外部空间产生一个非常小的磁场区域(陀螺子)。科学事实明显的说明不同的材料产生的结果是非常不同的。(证明这点,可以看广泛的多样的导体、半导体和非导体。) F.It is very likely that the proper, atom-oriented material will have a differentatomic alignment than that of a conventional magnet containing atoms generallyaligned along a certain axis which causes the release of an External MagneticField. In the proper, atom -oriented material, the magnetic energy (resultingfrom such atom orientation [alignment]) will be primarily contained within thephysical boundaries of the material itself. The intent of such a system is to havethe gyroscopic particles of the External Magnetic Field interact with the atomscomprising the proper, atom-oriented material. This will result in the properForce being applied to the axis of those gyroscopic particles being emittedfrom the external, magnetic source. When this occurs, the gyroscopic particles(from the external magnetic source) will move at right angles to that properForce, but all particles will move in the same direction. [It may be desirableto have fine conducting wire impregnated within the proper material.] F.和传统磁体原子没一个轴线排列释放外部磁场非常类似,合适的原子定向材料有不同的原子排列。合适的原子定向材料,磁场能量(原子定向[排列]的结果)将主要包含在材料的物理边界上。这样的系统目的是外部磁场区域的陀螺子与组成合适的原子定向材料原子的陀螺子交互。这将导致恰当的力施加到这些来自外部磁场源的陀螺子的轴。当这发生时,陀螺子(来自外部磁场源)将相对恰当力直角方向运动,但所有的陀螺子将在相同方向运动。[在合适材料里放入细导线将产生希望的效果。] "In the proper, atom-oriented material, the magnetic energy(resulting from such atom orientation [alignment]) will be primarily containedwithin the physical boundaries of the material itself." “合适的原子定向材料,磁场能量(原子定向[排列]的结果)将主要包含在材料的物理边界上。” G.Ordinary materials may be possibly converted into proper, atom-orientedmaterials by subjecting the ordinary material to cryogenic temperatures. Suchtemperatures would reduce the random atomic motion within the material andcause the atoms to move towards a general axial alignment. G.普通的材料通过低温处理可以转换为合适的原子定向材料。这种温度将减少材料中原子的自由运动,引起原子向一个轴向排列。 H.  In addition to other methods, one can employ contained,high pressures (or stresses) to possibly produce atom alignment. The atoms ofall materials will react to a sufficient, external force. H.另外一种方法,你可以通过高压(压力)产生原子排列。所有材料原子将与足够的外部力作用。 I.In effect, it will be essential to develop the correct techniques for theproduction of proper, atom-oriented materials which achieve an atom alignmentpossessing internally-contained force fields which can be coupled with theProper Geometric Design of the system. Such a system will generate thecontrolled release of electrical energy from magnetic fields of Unobvious Forcewhen the proper, atom-oriented material is physically secured within the linesof Unobvious Force comprising the External Magnetic Field. I.实际上,关键是发展正确的科技生产合适原子定向材料,它形成原子排列,有内控力区域,用于结合系统恰当的线形设计。当合适原子定向材料固定在外部磁场区域组成的不可见力线里时,这种系统将产生来处于不可见力磁场区域的可控释放的电能。 Tocreate such a system will require standard testing as demonstrated in the 19thCentury by Thomas Edison's perfection of the design for the light bulb. 为了创建这样的系统需要标准的实验,如19世纪爱迪生设计灯泡那样。 Theatoms of a conductor align at right angles to the input current in a circular configurationwithin the conductor. By the time this Book went to press, Mr. Newman haddeveloped a detailed explanation of this process which will be presented ingreater detail in the Second Edition.在一个导体环路中导体原子相对于输入电流直角排列。到这本书要出版时,纽曼先生已经发展出对于这个过程更详细的解释,这将在下一版里更详细介绍。

第14章 电磁区域里粒子的效果展示

Chapter 14 EFFECTS DEMONSTRATED BYPARTICLES WITHIN ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS 28. I will now discussanother EMBODIMET of my Pioneering Invention. 28. 我将讨论另一个我的开创性发明的实现。 A. The following is aDECLARATION by Dr. Roger Hastings (who deserves the reader’s respect): A.下面是Roger Hastings博士的宣言(值得读者尊重): DECLARATION April29, 1982 Mr. J.W. Newman has shown mea demonstration in which lead powder placed gingerly onto the surface of waterexhibits a most interesting property. Nearly microscopic streamers of leadimmediately flow down into the water from the lead dust on the surface. Viewedunder the microscope, the particles in the streamers appear as brilliant sparksof light. The streamers swirl in a vortex motion. Having believed that lead isinert to water, this demonstration gave me considerable surprise, and markedlyraised my opinion of Mr. Newman as a Scientist. My graduate and postdoctoraltraining was in the field of condensed matter (solids and liquids), and I amquite certain that Mr. Newman’s discovery would generate considerable excitementin this community of scientists. Applications of this discovery are very likelyto be forthcoming. (Mr. Newman has already described an application in hisdeclaration witnessed by his patent attorney, Mc. Pugh, on Aug.1, 1979.)纽曼先生已经让我看了一个示范,将铅粉轻轻放到水表面,展示出许多有趣的性质。铅的微小彩带马上从水面的铅粉流入水中。在显微镜下,彩带中的粒子呈现出明亮的火花。彩带做涡旋运动旋转。已经相信铅是不与水反应的,这个展示让我相当吃惊,让我明显的认识到作为科学家的纽曼。我研究生和博士后研究的是浓缩物质(固体和液体)领域,这非常确信纽曼先生的发现在这个科学团体将相当令人振奋。这项发明的应用似乎马上会来临。(纽曼先生已经在这份声明里描述一个应用,1979年8月1号由他的专利代理人Mc. Pugh见证。)
B. The reader should realizethat chronologically, the technological development of my Pioneering Invention occurredin the following sequence: B. 读者应该认识到我开创性发明技术发展的时间顺序,顺序如下: (1)   The GAS EMBODIMENT (described in Section 28-F) 气体实现 (2) The STATIC-EMBODIMENT (described in Section 27A-I) 静态实现 (3) The CONDUCTING-COILEMBODIMENT (described in Sections 15 -22) 导体线圈实体 The fact that I havedeveloped three different EBODIMENTS of my Pioneering Invention proves that Ihave more clearly understood the "mechanical” essence of the gyroscopic-action-entity(acting in accordance with Einstein's equation of E = MC2), the nature of matter,and the nature of a magnetic field than those who utilize concepts taught bythe Prior Art. Such is true because the facts clearly verify the validity ofthe "Mechanical,” Technical Process which l teach - a process whichadheres to the established Scientific Method. Let the facts verify mypredictions; the result is a "ioneering Invention.” 事实上,我已经演化出三种不同的我的开创性发明实现,证明我已经更清楚理解陀螺效应子的“力”的本质(遵守爱因斯坦E = MC2方程),物质理论,磁场理论。这是如此真实,事实清楚证明我教授的“力学”、科技过程的正确性-遵守已经建立的科学方法的过程。让事实证明我的预测;结果是一个“开创性发明”。 C. I will now insert mytechnical papers referring to the process described by Dr. Roger Hastings inSection 28-A. These papers were witnessed by Mr. Emmett Pugh (my PatentAttorney with a physics background) on August 1, 1979 and were forwarded by Mr.Pugh to the U.S. Patent Office. 我将插入我的关于这个过程的技术论文,Roger Hastings博士在28-A部分有描述。1979年8月1号,这些论文被EmmettPugh先生记录(我的专利代理人,有物理学背景),由Pugh先生转寄给美国专利局。 PROTOTYPE PROOF OF MY PATENT APPLICATIONS PENDING ON AN UNLIMITEDSOURCE OF ENERGY. 原型证明我在申请中的关于无限能源的专利。 Attached with my EnergyPatents Pending, there is a Scientific Document that I have written. Pages 6through 12 of that Document state that gravity is the unobvious effects ofelectromagnetic energy and that matter is held together and attracts and repelsother matter electromagnetically. 附加我的能源专利,有我写的科学文档。第6页到第12页说明重力是电磁能量不可见的效果,物质被电磁结合在一起,电磁产生吸引、排斥和其它现象。 Pages 12 through 21 explainelectric charge, magnetism and electricity and in conjunction with my EnergyPatent Applications explain and disclose how an Unlimited Source of Energy canbe released from electromagnetic fields of force. 第12页到第21页解释电荷、磁性、电力和和能源专利应用的交互,解释揭露从力的电磁区域怎样释放无限的能量。 The Patent Examiners haverecently turned down my Energy Patent Applications on the basis of wanting to seea working model. 专利审查人已经驳回我的能源专利,因为想看到工作模型。 The following disclosuredemonstrates this working model: 下面的公开说明这工作模型: It is presently stated inphysics that it is virtually impossible to see any details of particles in suspensionwithout an electron microscope. 当前物理学声称没有电子显微镜不可能看到悬浮粒子的任何细节。 It is also presently statedthe only movement observable of particles suspended in water is in accordancewith Brownian Movement which uses microscope of 500 to 1,000 times enlargementwith drop of water on a slide, and any-movement observed is so slight, it isdoubted by some observers. 同样声称悬浮在水中的粒子的可见运动符合布朗运动,用500到1000倍的显微镜的玻片上的一滴水,观察到的任何运动是如此微波,被一些观察者怀疑。 As a result of my many yearsof work and in accordance with my Energy Patent Applications Pending, I concludedthe following: 作为许多年的工作结果和我申请中的能源专利一致,我总结如下: I know the only way I waslikely to easily and inexpensively get material movement as a result ofinteraction with the gyroscopic particles moving in electromagnetic fields offorce was to get particles of minute size. Thereby, when the proper materialminute particles were struck by the gyroscopic particles moving in anelectromagnetic field they would have an electric current induced into them;which would create an expanding magnetic field and as a result of thecombination of this effect coupled with the gyroscopic particles of theelectromagnetic field moving at right angles to any resistive force theyencounter the particles should have a pivoting action. 我知道唯一的方法,获取与电磁区域内运动的陀螺子交互的容易得到并廉价的运动材料,是得到极小的粒子。因此,因此,当适合材料极小微粒被电磁区域中运动的陀螺子撞击,它们将有一个感应电流;感应电流将创建一个扩展磁场,作为这种影响和电磁区域内陀螺子结合的结果,陀螺子垂直于任何阻力,它们将产生绕轴旋转的运动。 Accordingly, therefore, Idid the following: 因此,我做如下工作: I took several differentmetal materials and filed off small particles of each metal which I floated onwater in different glass bowls for different metals. 我用不同的金属材料的极小微粒,不同金属微粒漂浮在不同玻璃碗的水上。 I observed that all themetal particles attracted each other and that they resulted in always forming acrystal structure on top of the water. I tried Silver, Gold, Aluminum, Bismuth,Iron, Brass, Copper, Zinc and Lead. 我观察到所有金属粒子相互吸引,在水上它们总是形成一种晶体结构。我试了银、金、铝、铁、黄铜、铜和铅。 I observed there were timeswhen a magnet was rotated above any of the material some of the particles wouldbecome extremely magnetic and just as quickly lose this property. I alsoobserved that when one end of the magnet was stuck in the water close to the metalparticles floating, they would all shoot away from the magnet along the curvedlines of force which was in a straight line from the center of the end ofmagnet and 360 ° around the end of the magnet. I also found this effect couldbe neutralized after 3 or 4 dunking of the magnet. But could be reinacted ifthe magnet was rotated above the particles again. 我观察到,当一个磁体在任何材料微粒上旋转时,一些微粒将有极强磁性并迅速失去这种属性。我同样观察到,当磁体一端放入水中接近漂浮的金属微粒时,它们都沿力的曲线从磁体迅速逃离,力线从磁体尾端直线发出并360 °环绕磁体尾端。我同样发现这种效果在磁体浸入3或4次后会无效。但可以通过磁体在微粒上旋转控制。 These results gave me nodoubt electromagnetic energy was being generated throughout the distilled waterwhich is an extremely poor conducting medium. I, accordingly, took a flashlightwith a magnifying glass for making a concentrated light beam and made the roomdark. I found no obvious results with Gold, Silver, Copper, Zinc, Aluminum,Iron or Bismuth. However, with Brass and Lead I did find the results I hadpredicted in my Energy Patent Applications and Scientific Document! 这样的结果让我深信不疑,作为不导电介质的蒸馏水在产生电磁能量。因此,我用一具带放大镜的手电筒来聚集光束并使屋内变黑。我发现金、银、铜、锌、铝、铁或铋没有显示的效果。然而,黄铜和铅产生了在我能源专利和科学文档中预测的结果。 From the metals of Brass andLead I observed streamers coming from the floating metal particles on top ofthe water. The streamers consisted of a web appearance dotted profusely withtiny metal microscopic particles or groups of atoms which came from the abovefloating metal. 从黄铜和铅金属,我观察到来自水上漂浮金属微粒的彩带。彩带由丰富的星罗棋布的网组成,网用微小的金属粒子或来处漂浮金属的原子团组成。 I concluded that thesegroups of metal atoms were pulled out of the floating larger metal particlesbecause the total electrical attraction of the water molecules were greaterthan the total electrical attraction the metal atoms had for each other in thesmall floating metal particles. I verified this as fact by suspending a largepiece of the metals of Brass and Lead; and this result was not observed, exceptwhen I put rough or sharp edges on the metals. (You will observe this resultfits exactly as I predicted in pages 6 through 12 of the Scientific Documentattached with the Energy Patent Applications). 我总结到,金属原子团是从漂浮大金属微粒吸出来的,因为水分子的总电磁吸引力大于每个漂浮小金属微粒原子的电磁吸引力。通过浸入一大片黄铜和铅的金属,我证明了这个事实;结果没有发生,除非我放入粗糙或有锋利边缘的金属。(你可以观察到这个结果,如我在能源专利附件科学文档第6到12页预测的那样。) Of great scientificimportance and scientific break-through is the observable fact that theseminute metal particles attracted down into the water have an obvious energeticpivoting or flickering motion when observed by a flashlight beam. There arecontinuous convection currents also, but not near so exciting. This is exactlythe results I had anticipated and built the prototype for! This also satisfiedthe exciting results I have predicted in my Energy Patent Application. 观察到的事实是有巨大科学价值和科学突破的,当通过手电筒观察时,这些水中极小金属微粒有明显的旋转或闪烁运动。有连续的电流对流,但没有如此让人兴奋。这和我预期的结果完全一样,并建造了原型机。这同样给我能源专利中预测一个满意的结果。 To be sure this effect wasnot caused by light, photo- electric effect, I set up the prototype in the darkand let sit for one hour and when I turned on the flashlight the particles wereall already pivoting even when light was swung through test. Even when light isnot directly on metal atoms they can be seen pivoting with same enthusiasm. Theopposite was also done, the filings were put under bright light and then placedin water while under light and then put up close to light source and let sitfor one hour under light and results were still the same. 为了确保这不是由光产生的,光电效应,我在黑暗中建立原型,放置一小时,当我打开手电筒时,微粒已经在旋转,即使光突然转向。即使光没有照到金属原子,它们依然剧烈旋转。相反的实验也做了,锉屑放到强光下,之后在光照下放入水中,之后接近光源放置一小时,结果相同。 Also knowing the mass oflight is extremely hard to detect, in past sensitive experiments designed justfor such purpose. And knowing the atoms of the test are extremely heavy (Mass)inertia effect compared to mass and lack of inertia displacement ability oflight (a thin small light piece of tissue paper when suspended by a thread willnot move when a strong light beam is shown on it). However, in extremecontrast, the Earth’s electromagnetic field will quickly align my large 90pound magnet even when suspended by a rope! Also the streamers are affectedwhen a magnet is put up next to the glass bowl containing the test. 另外要知道光的质量是极难探测的,过去有灵敏的实验来做这事。同样要知道,实验中的原子是极重(大块)惯性效果,和缺少惯性的光比较(稀少的光当,用线挂起再用强光照时不会移动)(意思不通)。然而,极端的对比,当用线挂起时,地球的电磁场将迅速的对齐我20磅的大磁体。当一个磁体放到实验中玻璃杯上方,彩带也会受到影响。 To be sure this vigorouspivoting action of the minute metal particles was not a chemical reaction, Itested with litmus paper and, in addition, observed there was no noticeabledifference in the appearance of the metal particles electroplated on the wallof the glass bowl. 为了确保极小金属微粒的这种有力的旋转运动不是化学反应,我用石蕊试纸测试,另外观察到与电镀到玻璃杯上的金属粒子在没有明显的不同。(没明的什么意思) I also was impressed thatwhen copper and zinc filings were put in same bowl, there was an electrolysiseffect and floating particles had thick fungus-looking substance on theunderside. However, absolutely no pivoting action could be seen of theparticles in suspension. 我对铜和锌锉屑放入同样的杯中有深刻的印象,电解效应和漂浮粒子下面浓密的海绵状物质。然而,完全没有旋转运动。 Also lead is noted for itschemical resistance, even against sulfuric acid. 铅是明显不起化学反应的,即使放入到硫酸中。 Also impressive is the factthat when Copper and Zinc are heated to the point of combining their atoms toform Brass, the atoms of Copper and Zinc cannot be distinguished between. Whichproves as I have predicted, atom alignment of a material is relative togyroscopic particles moving in an electromagnetic field reacting with thematerial atoms and producing an electric current! 同样印象深刻的是,当铜和锌加热到融合成黄铜的温度,铜和锌的原子不能被区分开。这证明我的预测,材料的原子排列关系到和材料原子交互并产生电流的电磁区域中运动的陀螺子。注:黄铜是由铜和锌所组成的合金。 Therefore, the results ofthis prototype prove the atoms of the metal suspended in the water are affectedby the gyroscopic particles moving in the Earth’s or any electromagnetic fieldof force as I have continuously predicted they would be in my 120 pageScientific Document and two Patent Applications on Unlimited Source of Energyfrom electromagnetic fields of force! This is also proved by the electricalfield that exists in the water relative to the filings floating on the waterwhich are repelled when a magnet is stuck in the water. These are also theresults I was looking for and predicted before I ran this new scientificbreakthrough prototype and was the exact reason I went to small filings in thatI had hypothesized from my many years of work that I should get particles ofminute size to easily and inexpensively see any obvious results from theeffects of the continuous energy of electromagnetic fields of force. Thisprototype has proven the exact results I explained in my Patent Applications. 因此,原型结果证明漂浮在水中的金属原子被地球的或任何电磁场中运动的陀螺子影响,如我已经连续预测,它们将在我的科学文档和两个来自电磁力的无限能源专利的120页。这被证明,通过存在水中的电场与当磁体浸入水中时漂浮在水中的锉屑被排斥相关。这个结果也是我在进行新科学突破原型之前寻找和预测的,我用小锉屑的准确原因是因为我已经根据我多年工作成果假设我应该极小的微粒来易容廉价看到任何可见来自电磁区域连续能量影响的结果。原型已经证明我在我专利中解释的精确的结果。 The prototype also indicatesthe following basic possibility law: 原型也指出下面基本的可能定律: The maximum kinetic energyof each gyroscopic particle (due to its velocity) that is moving at C in theelectromagnetic fields of force of the Earth or any source is independent ofthe intensity of the electromagnetic field of force. And, therefore, thepivoting action of the metal atoms in the test that are hit by the gyroscopicparticles moving in an electromagnetic field are the result of the laws of agyroscope moving at right angles to the force applied to it and in conjunctionwith the present laws of electromagnetic induction. The metal atoms consist of electromagneticenergy as does the electromagnetic fields of force and they react to oneanother when they collide, resulting in pivoting action of metal atoms in theprototype. The gyroscopic particle moving in the electromagnetic field attemptsto spin the metal atom it strikes, which is resisted, therefore, results in thegyroscopic particle moving at right angles to this resistive force, whichproduces electric current in the metal particle, which also produces anexpanding magnetic field which induces an electric current in neighboring metalparticles and opposing magnetic field which causes pivoting, but when electriccurrent in first metal particle is subsiding, its associated magnetic fieldthen is collapsing and, thereby, induces electric current in opposite directionin neighboring metal particles which attract, thereby, causing pivoting backtoward original position. This effect is taking place throughout the entireprototype and in addition is mirrored back and forth among the entire prototyperesulting in a fantastically energetic pivoting action in all directions of theminute metal particles throughout the prototype. 每个陀螺子的最大动能(由速度决定),以C速度运动在地球或任何源的电磁场区域,是电磁场强度无关的。因此,实验中金属原子的旋转运动,由电磁场中运动的陀螺子撞击产生,是陀螺仪相对于施加力垂直运动规律结合法拉第电磁感应定律的结果。金属原子由电磁能量组成,当电磁区域与另一个碰撞导致原型里金属原子旋转。电磁区域中的陀螺了试图转动金属原子,它的撞击被抗拒,因此,导致陀螺子垂直于阻力运动,这在金属粒子中产生了电流,这也产生一个扩展磁场,磁场引起临近金属粒子产生电流,相反的磁场将引起旋转,但当第一个金属粒子里的电流平息,它相关的磁场将消失,因此,受到吸引的在临近金属粒子感应电流方向相反,因此引起向原来位置反向旋转。这效应发生在原型里整个过程,另外在整个原型里来回运动导致原型里所有极小金属粒子在所有方向有力旋转运动。 Another fact that proveselectricity is being produced is that the entire inner wall of the glass bowleventually becomes lightly and evenly electroplated with metal atoms afterabout 24 hours. (Even when distilled water is used.) Consider now Faraday'sFirst Law of Electrolysis: 另一个事实证明电力被产生,在24小时后整个玻璃杯内壁最终被轻易均匀的用金属原子电镀。(即使用蒸馏水。)考虑法拉第电解定律: The weight of any materialdeposited on the cathode during electrolysis is directly proportional to thequantity of electric charge passing through the circuit. 电解时负极析出的任何物质的重量会有等比例数量的电荷穿过电路。 This law states that theweight of a substance deposited is proportional to the quantity of electricity. 定律说明,析出的重量和电量成比例。 All of the above provesbeyond any doubt I have disclosed a working prototype of my invention explainedin my Energy Patent Applications and a Scientific Breakthrough that has neverbeen disclosed and explained before on this earth. 所有上面事实证明,毋庸置疑,我已经公开了一个我发明的可以工作的原型,在我的专利和科学突破中有介绍,在地球上完全没有被公开过。 I have succeeded indisclosing a new invention which those skilled in the art by taking this, myEnergy Patent Applications and attached Scientific Document will be able tomake many obvious improvements upon. (Such as new type batteries, capacitor,etc., utilizing (Gravity) electrical fields and magnetic fields.) However, I ammost certainly entitled to my first patent Claim and all other claims as I haveshown a completely and totally new invention which will result in being the mostbeneficial invention ever put forth for this Earth before now! I haveaccomplished all of this with virtually no scientific equipment, it is obviouswhat can be now accomplished with proper financing and scientific equipment.我已经成功公开了一个新的发明,可以通过这些来熟悉它,我的能源专利和科学文档附件做了许多明显的改善。(这样新型的电池、电容,等等,利用(重力)电场和磁场。)然而,我非常当然的做出我第一个专利声明,其它我展示的声明,如我已经展示一具完整新发明,将导致更多有益发明被提出!我已经完成所有这些,实际上没用科学设备,这明显可以用融资和科学装备达到。

第15章 气体的实现(能源机)

Chapter 15 THE GAS EMBODIMENT (ENERGYMACHINE) My mechanical understandingof the "gyroscopic-action-entity" composition of all matter combinedwith my natural curiosity regarding the nature of electrical storms, led me tothe development of the GAS EMBODIMENT for my Pioneering Invention. 我对组成所有物质的“陀螺效应实体”的力学理解结合我对电磁风暴自然现象的好奇心,导致了我能源机气体实现的出现。 The following factsconcerning electrical storms stimulated my thoughts: 关于电磁风暴的下列事实刺激了我的思想: (1) Jupiter possesses astrong magnetic field. Powerful, electrical disturbances occur within itsatmosphere and intense bursts of radio waves are emitted from such disturbances. (2) The Earth also possesseselectrical storms, but of less intensity than those on Jupiter. (3) I then asked myself: whythe electrical -intensity difference between the two planets? I also observedthat both the gravitational (Unobvious Effects of Electromagnetic Energyconsisting of gyroscopic particles) and magnetic fields of Jupiter aresubstantially greater than those on Earth. In addition, both the atmosphericcomposition and pressure of the two planets differ. I then concluded that the twoplaners' electrical storms differ in intensity and frequency as a result ofdiffering Magnetic Fields, gases (atmospheres), gas pressures, temperatures(possibly), and rotational speeds. (1)木星产生一个强磁场。强烈的电磁干扰在大气层中发生,每次干扰都发射强烈的无线电波。(2)地球也产生电磁风暴,但强度小于木星。(3)之后我问自己:为什么两上星球电磁强度有差别?我观察到木星重力(由陀螺子组成的电磁能量的不可见效应)和磁场区域都大于地球。另外,两个星球的大气成份和气压也不同。之后,我总结到两个星球的电磁风暴的强度和频率不同是不同磁场、气体(大气)、气压、温度(可能)和旋转速度造成的。 E. I then studied the knownfacts concerning Earth's electrical storms. Those faces which I foundinteresting include the following: E.我之后学习了关于地球电磁风暴的已经事实。这些事实包含以下有趣的东西: (1) Thunderstorms are thelargest and most spectacular atmospheric electrical generators. The mechanismresponsible for such electrical activity is very complicated. (2) The motion of air acrossthe Earth's Magnetic Field produces an Electric Field in the atmosphere(gases). Within the highly conducting regions of the lower ionosphere, thisprocess is called the "dynamo effect" and it is responsible forlarger electrical currents which are studied at the Earth's surface by means ofthe magnetic fields which such electrical currents produce. [However, withinthe lower atmosphere, the fields produced by the dynamo effect are severalorders of magnitude less.] (3) In drier climates, duststorms produce surface electrical fields much greater than the normal field andare characteristically oriented in the opposite direction from the normalfield. (Other examples of this opposite-direction-effect are snowstorms andsmoke/steam blown from locomotives.) (4) All ions participate inrandom molecular motion. When an electric field is created in the atmosphere,the electric field superimposes (upon the random, atmospheric motion) a"drift velocity" in the field's direction when the ion charge is"positive," and opposite to the field's direction when the ioncharges is "negative." The actual conduction currents flowing in themedium depend upon the established Electric Fields. (5) It has been determinedthat updrafts and down drafts (high winds) in clouds and storms consist ofseparate electrical charges! By what I teach, this means that one draftconsists of "negative" charges and the other draft consists of"positive" charges! (1)大雷雨是最大的、惊人的大气发电机。这种电学行为的机制是非常复杂的。(2)气体穿过地球磁场的运动在大气(气体)中产生了一个电场区域。在电离层的低部的高度导电区域,这种过程叫做“发电机效应”,这是大电流产生的原因,在地表人们用磁场产生这种电流。[然而,在大气层低层,发电机效应要小几个数量级。] (3)在干燥的气候,沙尘暴产生地表电场区域远远大于正常区域产生的,典型地与正常区域方向相反。(另一个客中相反方向效应的例子是暴风雪和机车的烟/蒸气吹制。)(4)所有离子做做自由分子运动。当一个电场在大气层中创建,“正”电荷离子会在电场方向产生“漂移速度”,“负”电荷离子方向相反。实际的电流依靠建立的电场在媒介中流动。(5)已经确认,在云层和风暴中上长和下降(急风)由分离的电荷组成!通过我教授的,这意味着一个气流由“负”电荷组成另一个由“正”电荷组成! One can understand why I wasstimulated by Fact 28-E (5), since it coincides precisely with my explanationof the behavior of gyroscopic particles (in a magnetic field) which travel inopposite directions "like cars on one-way streets." Such mechanicalbehavior generates an effect which causes the outside observer to perceive agyroscopic-action-entity as "negative" at one instant and"positive" at another instant in time. 你能明白我为什么被28-E (5)刺激到了,因为它和我解释的陀螺子(在磁场中)运动行为精确一致,陀螺子在相反方向运动“像汽车在单行道上”。这种力学行为产生一种效果,引起外部观察者在某一瞬间发现一个“负”陀螺效应实体,在另一瞬间发现一个“正”实体。 It was obvious to me thatFact 28-E (5) proved that the updrafts and downdrafts actually represented acircular motion. By placing electrically-sensitive instruments in the path ofsuch activity, the circular motion would appear as "negative" or "positive" depending upon the frame of reference of theobserver. 对我来说很显然,28-E (5)事实证明上长和下降实际一个循环运动的表现。通过放一个电表在这种运动的路径,循环运动将依赖于观察者参照系呈现“负”或“正”。 F. Combining the know ledgeI had acquired, I applied for a Patent for the First (GAS) Embodiment of myPioneering Invention in March, 1979. The following are drawings andinstructions from my Patent Application 179-474 for my First Embodiment:F.结合我的知识,在1979年三月,我为第一个我开创发明的(气体)实现申请一个专利。下面是绘图和说明,来自我的专利申请的179-474我第一个实现:
One possible, exemplaryembodiment using the principles of the system of the present invention isschematically shown in the generalized illustration of Figure 28-Fl. 一个用当前发明系统的原则可能的、典型的实现是图28-Fl整体示意展示的。 As illustrated in Figure28-Fl, there is provided an electrical current generator 100 comprising anouter keeper housing 115 and an inner, pressure-containing, closed housing 116supported therein by insulating supports 105. A vacuum exists in the area 106between the two housings 115, 116, which vacuum is regulated and induced bymeans of the vacuum line 104 with its gauge 107 and its control valve 108. Theouter housing 115 acts as a keeper for magnetic fields of force, and can bemade, for example, of soft iron, while the vacuum in area 106 prevents theleakage or discharge of static electrical charges which might build up on theexterior of the inner housing 116. 如图28-Fl展示的,它提供一个发电机100,由外壳115、内部封闭压力室116和绝缘支撑105组成。在115和116室之间是真空区域106,真空通过真空管104和测量仪107、调节阀108调节和产生。外室115作为一个磁场区域的屏蔽器,可以用如软铁制作,真空区域106阻止静态电荷泄漏或放电,可能创建在内室116外部。 A gas or gas-liquid mix cure117 which may also include solid particles such as, for example, lead or brassfilings, is included within the inner housing 116 surrounding a series ofaligned magnets 120 carried by insulating braces or supports 121 and producinga high, combined electromagnetic field. The magnets 120, which can for examplebe cryogenic magnets, have their "north" and "south" polesaligned (as illustrated by the "Ns" and "Ss") so that theirmagnetic fields reinforce one another. 117中气体或气流混合体,也许包括固体微粒如铅或黄铜屑,在内室116中环绕串连的磁体120,磁体由绝缘体121支撑,产生一个强电磁区域。磁体120,磁体120,可以是低温磁体,有它们的“南”和“北”极序列(如展示的"Ns" 和"Ss"),这样它们的磁场区域相互加强。 The level of the gas orgas-liquid mixture 117 in the housing 116 is regulated by means of the line 122with its gauge 123 and control valve 124. Electric current output wires l19 areprovided and extend down to electrically connect with a wire pick-up system 118(shown in close-up in Figure 28-F2), which can be for example in the form ofvery small wires forming a closely-spaced network or mesh or of a porousconducting metal body or sheet, located in and extended throughout the fluid117 in the housing 116. 在116室里的气体或气液混合物117的数量由管122和它的测量仪123、阀门124调节。电流输出导线119连接到一个提取系统118(在图28-F2中特写镜头),例如,可以用细小的金属丝形成一个紧密的网或网状物或多孔的金属体,延伸到室116里的流体117。 It is noted that athimbleful of gas contains a fantastically large number of extremely tinybodies which are in continuous, random motion moving at extremely high speeds.Hence, the fluid 117 continuously applies a force to the gyroscopic panicles(comprising the magnetic field as described in Chapter Three) moving at thespeed of light in the high electromagnetic field (produced by the magnets 120)as they continuously collide with each other, which results in the fluid 117becoming electrically charged. The charged fluid 117 discharges its electricalcharge to the pick-up wire network 118 positioned in the fluid, and theelectric current so produced and generated is taken off for use via theelectrical output wires 119. 注意,极少量的气体有大量的极微小的体积,连续的以极高的速度做自由运动。因此,流体117连续的施加力给强电磁区域(由磁体120产生)中以光速运动的陀螺子(在第三章中组成磁场区域),它们连续相互撞击,导致流体117带电。带电流体117释放电荷到流体中拾取线网118,电流就这样产生了,通过电能输出线119取出。 As an alternative to havinginternally-contained magnets 120, the electromagnetic field needed in the fluid117 could be produced by a source located outside of the confines of the fluid117 as long as a significant field was produced within the fluid 117.作为可选的内部分磁体120,流体117压需要的磁场区域可以通过位于流体外部的源产生,只要液体里产生一个电磁区域就可以。� �raЗ�hf�or the First (GAS) Embodiment of myPioneering Invention in March, 1979. The following are drawings andinstructions from my Patent Application 179-474 for my First Embodiment:
G. The FIRST EMBODIMENT(discussed in Section 28-F) can be developed to produce significant results.The first step would be to construct a design (at least) 8 feet tall and 16feet long which is capable of withstanding "high" and "low"pressures. One should utilize a strong magnetic field(s) and test a variety ofpressures, materials, gases, fluids, etc. A monitoring or viewing area would beimportant to study the internal reactions. The height and length of theEMBODIMENT would permit observable and more distinct circulation of the medium. G.第一个实现(在28-F部分讨论)可以发展产生一个重要的结果。第一步是构建一个设计,(至少)英尺高16英尺长,可以经受“高”和“低”压。应该用一个强磁场区域并测试各种气压、材料、气体、流体等。一个监测或观察区域对学习内部反应是非常重要的。实现的高和长允许观察明显的介质循环。 H. I now refer back to thelead powder demonstration discussed in Sections 28-A and 28-C. A demonstrationconducted as I described will provide the exact results as seen in Figure 28-H.Observe the remarkable resemblance to astronomical photographs which depictthose star systems enveloped within a gas (web appearance) undergoing stellarbirth. H.我现在回到在28-A 和28-C部分展示的铅粉。如我描述的展示将产生如图28-H看到的精确的结果。观察明显的相似天文学照片,描述恒星系统被气体包裹(网状外观)产生行星的图片。 FACT: Figure 28-H is in factan astronomical photograph and yet this picture represents the exact formationand action one will witness when conducting the experiment described inSections 28-A and 28-C! 事实:图28-H实现是天文学照片,这幅图展示精确的结构和运动,当进行28-A 和28-C部分描述实验时可以观察到。 How unique it is that if we"open our minds" we can observe -in miniature on Earth -a processwhich produces a reflection of what possibly occurs on a much grander scale inthe Universe. I find it very difficult to believe that such interesting resultsare "pure coincidence." 如果我们“打开思想”,我们交观察到-在地球的规模-一个过程是可能发生在更宏大规模宇宙的一种反映。我发现它难以置信的“完全一致”。注:就是说地球发生的和宇宙发生的是一致的,都遵守相同的法则。 Actually, those who observethis test become enthralled, since it is like experiencing the feeling oneenjoys upon viewing the sky on a clear night. 实际上,实验的观察都会被迷住,因为它像经历观察晴朗夜空感觉。 If you, the reader, haveMastered what I have taught, then you should be inspired. You should also"peacefully and responsibly" recognize the significance of what youhave Mastered. I would now recommend that you "prepare your mind formore."如果你,读者,已经精通我所教授的,你应该受到了影响。你应该“平静并负责的”认识到我精通知识的重要性。我建议你“应该思考更多”。


http://video.tudou.com/v/XMTc4Nj ... sourceId=0_06_02_99



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