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  SYT45 12K 碳纤维         
SYT45 12K 碳纤维
[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:http://zfsycf.zglcn.net/default.php?mod=article&do=detail&tid=151    点击数:91    更新时间:2013/10/14    文章录入:admin ]



产品概述:Carbon fiber is a new type of high performance fiberreinforced material, it has high strength, high modulus, hightemperature resistance, wear resistance, corrosion resistance,fatigue resistance, creep resistance, conductivity, thermalconductivity and far infrared radiation and so on many excellentproperties. It can be in the form of composite materials to reducestructural weight, so as to improve the technical performance ofcomponents. It has been widely used in aerospace, new textilemachinery, petroleum chemical industry, medical equipment,automobile, machinery manufacturing, construction industry.


型号Model 规格Spec 强度Gpa Strength Gpa 模量Gpa Modulus Gpa 伸长率%Elongation 线密度g/m Linear density 密度g/m3Fineness 单丝直径µm Diameter
SYT45 12K 4.5 240 1.9 0.8 1.78 7

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