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[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:http://www.eet-china.com/ART_8800609251_617687_NT_44119a21.HTM    点击数:135    更新时间:2010/6/10    文章录入:admin ]


该“电磁黑洞”可捕获并吸收来自各个方向的辐射电磁波,并将能源转换成热量。东南大学崔铁军和程强主导设计和制作的吸收这个“电磁黑洞”,并称其为“全方位的电磁减震器”(omnidirectional electromagnetic absorber)。


目前“电磁黑洞”试验仅适合于微波频段,研究人员写道,“理论和实验之间的结果一致, 显示了这种材料用于建造人工全方位吸收装置的优秀潜力。” “由于这个衰减核心可以将电磁波能量转化为热能,我们预计种装置将在热发射和电磁波吸收中有重要的应用。”



'Black hole' constructed from metamaterials


by R. Colin Johnson

Metamaterials absorbing incident microwaves, instead of diverting them around objects like an invisibility cloak, prompted Chinese researchers at Southeast University in Nanjing to claim they are created an "electromagnetic black hole."

The concentric circles of metamaterials that act as an almost perfect "black body"—absorbing nearly all incident microwaves and converting it them to heat—hold the promise of enabling novel antennas, electromagnetic-wave harvesters and super-efficient thermal emitters, according to the researchers.

Omnidirectional electromagnetic absorber uses concentric "I-shaped" and "Jerusalem cross shaped" metamaterials (see legends) that act like artificial black hole for microwaves.

Like invisibility cloaks that divert electromagnetic waves around objects, the Chinese omnidirectional absorbing device uses alternating fields of dielectrics and resonators—here I-shaped dielectric structures for its outer shell and Jerusalem-cross-shaped electric-field-coupLED(ELC) resonators for its inner shell, respectively. About 60 concentric layers were constructed on a metamaterial disk measuring about 100 millimeters in diameter. As a result, all nearly all incident microwaves were absorbed and converted into heat.

The layered dielectric cylinders combine a lossy inner core and a lossless outer shell with radially varied permittivity, causing electromagnetic waves hitting the cylinder to bend spirally in the shell region, then get trapped and absorbed by the lossy core, with nearly zero loss from scattering according to the researchers, hence creating the perfect omnidirectional absorber.

Next the researchers plan to demonstrate that their technique can also be used a visible wavelengths by fabricating a nanoscale version of the device.

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