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[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:http://hi.baidu.com/woshixiaohuier/blog/item/9d6cda39987f47f43b87ce22.html    点击数:88    更新时间:2009/12/25    文章录入:admin ]

你们从开始便恒久的被这世界中更高的阶级存在和精英分子统治着,然后又被交互次元的存在体(dimensional existence)为了权利而控制。 其实那些掌控这个世界的'精英分子'就是现在交互次元存在体现状的折射。



现在我们来谈克里昂与磁栅(magnetic gridlines)。我明白这世上知晓克里昂的并不多。克里昂确实是来自一个特定的星球。他为Anunnaki的服务也作出了不少的贡献。 理由是因为克里昂是一个磁性服务团体(magnetic service)。


克里昂负责的能量栅格位置把人类身体锁定在于一个具体的'十字交叉点',而且它遍布整个世界,在人类身体中,诸如此类。 根据你一生的设定和磁栅的布置(gridline placement),就因为你属于整个磁栅结构里,因此你在里面过你的生活。

当你走在被设计好生命的道路,就像'走进'和'融入'已经放在那里的。 这很奇妙。 克里昂就是专门负责这件事的,而且他还管理潜意识和整个


第一,潜意识一共有两层结构。第一层和所谓的'整体意识领域'(entire consciousness unified field) 连接着,这担保你成为一个意识系统。 另一层包括你全部被编程好的命运经历,和潜意识完全无关。所以潜意识和意识的部分是把作为人类的你,锁进整个'

磁栅结构和你命运编程都是通过克里昂之'磁性'的整合。克里昂也同时负责收割,创造,支持,编程,和整合这世界里所有的专属心智意识系统 (Mind consciousness systems)。



当你降生在这世界那一刻,它就在磁栅结构内立即启动换一种说法就是当你潜意识和世界的磁栅结构(Gridline structure) 连接的那一刻,你整个编程的命运都分散到磁栅结构上,然后你就按照你的命运而行走。所以当克里昂通过管道来时,他会检查专属心智意识系统,还有检测世界的磁栅结构,以确保人类运行一切正常。


那种释放一般是通过很大的冲击。这就是克里昂做的,这就是为什么他通灵管道,他编程,而且他大量的运用'爱'这个词。 但关于克里昂和他所谓的'爱',有一份很吸引人的资料。所以克里昂就是检查这些



  In terms of saying that human beings have never been in control of their lives. No. There's never been the power of themselves in this world at all.

     You have been governed by those in 'high states' and 'statue' in this world, the 'elite', and then you were governed by the dimensional existence where and for that power in control. So actually basically those who governed this world which called 'elite' would be the reflection of the current status in the dimension existence.

      So this is Anu's kingdom, this is Anu's creation. This is Anu's Anu. Without it wouldn't be Anu. And that's why if any being fucked with 'his' creation, then they would try and find any form of solutions or way out or realize something to be done, to make a change, or difference in this world. In the life when they die of 'the life that they tried to do something' which would be defined as good, or make a huge mass of change, in their next life they will be placed as either a dog or a fish. Something that which they are not able to make any difference, so being replaced at the bottom of the food chain. And they will continue there, because if they compromises Anu's creation under one time, it's done. You don't get any other choices, to try make a difference. So we're doing this one life, changing the world. *laughs*

      Kryon, and the magnetic gridlines. Now I'm certain there are many beings in this world who aren't aware of Kryon. Now Kryon, yes he did come from a specific planet. Though his services to the Anunnaki was quite exponential(??). The reason for that is because Kryon was of the 'magnetic service'. What do you mean by magnetic service? In other words in terms of the gridline placements, that is what Kryon placed in.

      Kryon is responsible for the gridline placements in human beings of 'locked into specific elevation point in this world at a 'cross point', and is all over the world, within the world, in human beings etc. According to that you walk your life and that gridline placement, because you're in the entire gridline placement, and within the gridline placement you walk your life. Because the gridline placement already holds your preprogrammed, pre-ordained life manifestation that's already here. That integrated and infuse with the world the moment you were born.

      And as you walk your life that's already pre-programmed, you just kind of 'walk into' and 'with in' that was just already placed. It's fascinating. Kryon was just responsible for that placement, and he was responsible for the connection between the unconscious mind and this entire gridline structure.

Why the unconscious mind?

      Firstly, the unconscious mind held mostly two layers within it. The one layer holds connection to what was refer to as a 'entire consciousness unifed field', which allows you into this world, in the becoming of a consciousness system, guaranteed. The other one was in where all your pre-programmed life experiences were placed in and nothing to do with uncosnciousness mind. So that unconsciousness mind part of you and the concious part of you supposed to lock into this entire concious unified field within the world, as all human beings, connects to the gridline structure. And that is through the 'magnetism' of and 'all that is' of Kryon.

      So everything basically that kicked the gridline structure and the information on your pre-programmed life together was the magnetism of Kryon. Kryon was also responsible for the manifestation, the creation, the holding, the programming, putting everything together of the mind consciousness systems of the worlds.

      So you're probably asking how is my pre-programmed life placed into the gridline structures of this world. Well before you were born, your mind consciouseness systems were already infused within your phsycal human body when you were in your mother's womb, so you're birth with it, as it.

      When the moment you're in this world, in the gridline structure, it activates. In other words the moment that connection of your unconscious mind is made with the gridline structure of the world, that moment your entire preprogrammed life is spread out into the gridline structure, and you just walk your life. And that's basically it. So Kryon usually when he comes through channel, he basically checks the mind consciousness systems, and he checks the gridline structure of the world, to make sure and have a look at beings.

      There's usually when of course sometimes beings life experience with clash. That usually happens when car crashes occur, bus accidents, plane accidents, etc. It's basically when too many beings come together at one point, and their life experiences are going friction, and that friction has to be released.

      With that release it's usually through a great impact. So that's what Kryon does, that's why he channels, he programs, of course, though he focuses on the word 'love' extinsively. But there is a very fascinating document in terms of Kryon and the world 'love' and usage. So Kryon just checks up on these mind consciousness creations, the gridlines, making sure that the impact that too many beings come together may be release so it doesn't cause hazard in this world.

So this is Jack.

Thank you very much.    

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