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  杜尔塞基地 比尔汉密尔顿在地下异族基地杜尔塞         
杜尔塞基地 比尔汉密尔顿在地下异族基地杜尔塞
[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/fakesecondcoming/fakesecondcoming05.htm    点击数:548    更新时间:2009/12/16    文章录入:admin ]


The Fake Second Coming

By Christi Verismo.

Part 5 of 16



Bill Hamilton did OT 3 in Scientology about 1970 and he's been expelled. A few years ago Bill Robertson took him the very first Sector 9 issues, so his viewpoint is more from a planetary and intergalactic scenario. Hamilton summarizes everything that he found out as follows: The Dulce New Mexico underground base has UFOs seen in the area every night. Cattle have been mutilated, cut with a laser-knife.

This information comes from people working at the base, who were kidnapped or abducted and taken there and then released. Also people who helped to construct it and people who were working with the intelligence community there. The facility is a bio-genetics lab and is connected to Los Alamos by underground, the first site of the atom bombs experiments. It's always been a high security research area for the US Government.

He says there's an underground connection by subway or tube shuttle to the Los Alamos. OK. The research there is about genetics and research into also other intelligent species and the comparison between human and alien biology. Hamilton says that their research indicates centuries ago, that the aliens that entered into a contract with a secret group called the Illuminati.

The Sector 9 Scientology book names one of the chief implanters: someone that works in secret to control you mentally was Adam Weishaupt - the founder of the Illuminati in Germany.


The United States Government entered into a contract with the aliens in the 40's/50's or earlier, to exchange high technology research with to give animals and humans to the aliens. At the end of the 40's the alien operations shifted from South America, to the United States west, because of this agreement that was made with the US Government. The aliens wanted these underground bases and because of the magnetic and plasma effects of some of the minerals of the rocks in that area were vital for them.

They have to have something that produces a high electromagnetic energy field for their saucers, so they need the raw materials for that to keep things going. Hamilton says these people who worked there said that the aliens themselves regard themselves as an old people who originally came from Earth - they were human/reptilian hybrids. They told the US government this and are representatives of an alien nation and are returning to earth to use it for a staging/operations area but didn't reveal what for exactly. But other aliens do not agree about this.

They built in alien bases in Dulce, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada others in US, others in the rest of the world, maybe in Antarctica, Russia, Pyrenees, upper Norway etc.. There have been some very strange underground projects being done costing billions. In 1947 the residents of Dulce saw many many troops going in and out of the area, many many trucks and construction equipment and that the signs on the trucks were from a non existent lumber company in Colorado.

The bases were constructed by the Rand Corporation with a tunnelboring machine that melts the rock and then makes a smooth wall out of it for high speed shuttles to be put in. Hamilton says that there are over 100 of these secret underground places that have been constructed including one on the back of the Moon, another on Mars.


This is from the people who worked there. A construction man was asked to work at Dulce but needed to agree to chemical erasure of memory first when he finished, so he refused. Hamilton said other construction companies involved were Aerospace Companies and Bagtell Corporation - well connected with the CIA.

They are linked up with the Trilateral Commission, the power behind the government, with Kissinger and the Illuminati and also the Council of Foreign Relation people in Europe, known as the Bilderbergers. They tell elected officials what to do. Dulce has at least 7 different underground levels, and there are about 18,000 aliens down there and probably 10,000 or so humans. Level one has the control room with security and communications. There are over 3000 televisions and spy cameras around this. Then human staff housing.

Executive offices and laboratories for scientists etc.. Level 4 has mind control experiments on humans. Level 5 is the alien housing for the grays etc Level 6 has genetic large scale experiments to change human beings genetically to enable work in dangerous environments such as radioactivity, outer space and maybe even under water and that is also a zoo. They have the experiments, the results of the experiments in cages down there. On level 7 they have cryogenic laboratories - cold storage vats for the failed experiments.


Robertson said everything was apparently as written by L Ron Hubbard and as revealed by their Scientology auditing. An implanter is a person who tries to control you mentally or by inserting things into your body to control you. Genetic manipulations, but all secret. The Trilateral insignia, a black triangle on a red background, is for the Andromedans, because the gray aliens that the nations of the world have made an agreement with, including the USA are from Andromeda, the next galaxy.

The pyramid with the eye in it is the Illuminati symbol and is the Dulce base symbol. Genetic experiments have been perfected to the degree that we already have a disposable slave race of clones. From a small foetus, they make many copies of the same thing and have no parents so the Government owns them. Adult human beings looking exactly alike Maybe 6 or 7 of them all together have been seen all the same.

There are maybe hundreds and they worked in the military only. When starting this the American government asked women to do experiments in genetics, if they were sterile. And then they would remove the fetus after 3 months, take it back to the lab here and grow it up in a controlled environment in the experiment. But what they put into the womb of the woman may have been some cross between an alien and a human or 5 or 6 clones.

They had to develop it for 3 months in a woman so they could then pick it up into their laboratory technology.


The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) set up the mind control experiments to control humans and some of the products of their labs at a distance. Some had transmitters taken out of their heads and photographed them or had them X-rayed still in there. They were experimented on outside the lab to see how they could be controlled in society. In Dulce it is easier to control all of them because it is a very closed area.

There are radio transmitters there right through all the areas. But they used to have to follow people initially with transmitting devices from country to country. It is called RHIC-EDOM, Radio Hypnotic Intercerebral Control - (in the middle of the cerebral areas of the brain. When you radio transmit it you can hear the vibrations or the words or the thoughts coming through) Electronic Dissolution Of Memory is requested when asked to sign the contract for Dulce. Chemical erasure of memory or an electronic one.

In Sweden they put them in people in hospitals, or old people's homes or to criminals. They'd drug the coffee in the jail and put one in to keep track, without permission. Oluf Palme gave permission in, when was it 73/74 to insert brain transmitters into the heads of humans covertly without telling them. This was done in US, Russia and Finland too.


The CIA, FBI, DEA are "The Secret Government" with the CFR and the Trilateral Commission and they are planning to stage an alien contact landing in the near future. Meeting them openly but it's just a show. With genetic research on Level 6, they say it's the most important thing that humanity's been working on for a long time.

Taking a single human embryo, bringing it up in the laboratory to a full formed whatever all the way through. They don't need a woman anymore to do it. The scientists think of all the endless possibilities e.g. "We can create our own race." All the files from the experimental laboratories in Nazi Germany were captured by the Americans and they started on their implant program.

They don't want you to know you have a spirit (or 'thetan' as Scientologists say) so that you can be controlled by genetic and mind control experiments without your spirit stopping it, like a clone. One person that worked at Dulce saw human-alien and human-animal combinations in cages alive. People or humans with wings, many legs, claws for hands or different webbed feet etc. There were crosses between various species of animals in the experimental laboratories and the zoo. Many of them could cry tears and ask for help in Earth language.

The workers were told that these people were insane and genetic freaks and not to talk to them that they were involved in high drug experiments to cure their insanity. The people first believed this. But they were drugged to be quiet. Before they let the man out the top here they have to erase his memory, however it didn't always work and some of them had recall under hypnotism. Level 7 is even worse with thousands of human experiments and embryonic humans and mixtures in cold storage or frozen down here.

They froze them when they died for experiments later on, or to find out what went wrong. Medical laboratory in universities have big jars with embryos and pieces of people sitting there in formaldehyde.


The 18,000 aliens at Dulce had a war with the people who were humans who worked there. Some humans and some aliens were killed - possibly about 30 or 40 aliens and 66 humans. The place was closed down for briefly because the aliens had taken over the place. Then the government negotiated with them again and decided to continue again because they didn't want to lose the high technology.

Some latest inventions and discoveries are not actually invented by earth people, but they say it is. Fiber-optics, what they are changing all your telephone lines to were first found on a captured spaceship in 1958 I believe. 20-30 years later you see it coming as a new invention, by maybe Rand Research Corporation. All the ships had fiber-optics control systems. It was optical, light. Optical switches in computers are coming next. The 66 humans who were killed were mostly from the security forces called the Delta Group.

The security forces wear a symbol seen on some of the saucers and transport craft of the aliens and this is seen on the pockets of the government officials, high government officials of America. The security weapon they use there is called a flash-gun. It may be a high wavelength frequency that blinds you or does something to the body and it's useful against humans and aliens. They use it here in agreement, in case anybody tries to get away. The security system has scales at all doors to weigh you and your ID card is put in a slot.

The elevators and lighting system run electromagnetically, installed in the wall construction.


The area around Dulce has a high number of cattle mutilations and missing people who are captured for these experiments. The aliens also need parts of the cattle for their own experiments and nutrients. They absorb nutrients through their skin because they don't have a functioning digestion system and require large amounts of human blood and humans for their own experiments down there.

From the 50's/80's they increased the amounts of needed captured humans. They had an agreement with the government that all they had to do was give the name and address of the person they took to the government so that they could explain it away. But after a while they were just taking them and soon the government realized they didn't have any defense against these people with their flying saucers and weaponry, so had to give up trying and go along with them. The aliens can die pretty easily, so they make themselves in genetic laboratories.

The spirit/thetan takes a new body, they are like herd animals or people mind controlled. The human race could transform through genetics or a one world Fascist government. However in the US Government one group is having second thoughts and want to confess what's happening, especially those who work there - the army officers and security people with friends in the big government the rest want to keep covering it up as long as they are safe.

They are doing more experiments on how to control humans - investigating aura research, mind and genetic control through injections or food particles or biological, genetic, hypnotic and chemical ways of controlling people to induce full control of humans outside Dulce.

What kinds of humans they can put out there that are already under control. Implanters want to control people through their thoughts, but they still want you to work and consume. It easier to make you think what want they want you to, so you can't know this.

Anyone who has gone up to Excalibur in Scientology knows all about that. They want to get the American public first through commercialization to accept this and from there start to control the whole world according to Robertson.


通过 基督真实主义




比尔汉密尔顿 没有科学逾3大约1970年,他的被驱逐出境。几年前, 比尔罗伯逊 把他的头9部门的问题,所以他的观点是从一个行星和星系际的假想。汉密尔顿总结了一切,他发现如下:杜尔塞新墨西哥州地下基地已在该地区每天晚上见到不明飞行物。牛已被肢解,用激光刀切割。


他说,有一个由地铁或穿梭地下管连接到洛斯阿拉莫斯。行。这项研究有许多关于遗传学和研究还有其他智能物种和人类与外来生物的比较。汉密尔顿说,他们的研究表明,几个世纪以前,这是外星人成一个名为秘密签订了一项合同 在光照

该部门9科学书籍名称的主要implanters之一:有人认为工程秘密控制你精神上的 亚当魏斯豪普特 -在德国的创始人光明。


美国政府签订了一项在40年代/ 50年代或更早,交换给动物和人类的异族高科技研究合同的异族。末40年代从南美转向异族经营,使美国西部,是因为这一点与美国政府达成协议。 外星人希望这些地下军事基地 而且由于磁性和在该领域的一些岩石矿物等离子影响对他们至关重要。

他们必须有所为他们产生碟高电磁能量场,所以他们需要的东西,为了保持持续的原材料。汉密尔顿说,这些人谁在那里工作的异族说,自己看作是谁最初从地球来到老人自己-他们是 人/爬行动物杂种。他们告诉美国政府这一点,是外来民族的代表,并返回地球使用为这出戏/业务领域,但没有透露究竟是什么了。但是,其他异族不同意这一点。


这些基地,构建了 兰德公司 带有 1 tunnelboring机熔化的岩石 然后让出它的高速航天飞机顺利墙进去汉密尔顿说,有超过这些已建成包括对月球,后面一个秘密地下一百元,另一个地方火星上。


这是从谁那里工作的人。一个建筑的人被要求工作杜尔塞但必须同意内存化学擦除结束时,他第一次,因此他拒绝了。 汉密尔顿 说是涉及其他建筑公司 航空航天公司Bagtell公司 -良好的联系与 中央情报局

他们相联 三边委员会,背后的政府,与权力 基辛格 和光明,也 外交关系委员会 在欧洲各地,被称为 在Bilderbergers。他们告诉民选官员做什么。杜尔塞至少有7种不同的地下水平,大约有18,000异族那里,可能万人左右。第一级有安全和通讯控制室。有超过3000个电视和解决这个间谍相机。然后,工作人员住房的人。

行政办公室和实验室的科学家等。等级4的精神控制的人体实验。 5级是为灰色等异族居住水平6具有遗传大规模实验,以改变人类的基因,使放射性等危险的环境中工作,外层空间和水下甚至这也是一个动物园。他们的实验,在笼子那里的实验结果。在他们有7级低温实验室-为失败的实验冷库大桶。


罗伯逊 说这是明显的书面 哈伯德蜇 以及揭示其科学的审计。一个注入一个人谁试图控制你精神上或插入到你的身体的东西来控制你。遗传操作,但所有的秘密。三方徽章,一个红色背景上的黑色三角,是 在Andromedans,因为灰色外星人,世界各国作出了一项协议,包括美国从仙女座星系,星系的未来。





那个 美国国防部高级研究计划局DARPA的)成立了精神控制实验,以控制人类和他们的一些实验室的产品在一定距离。有些人注意到了他们的头发射机和拍照,或有这些X光检查中仍有。他们试验在实验室以外,看看它们如何能在社会控制。在杜尔塞更容易控制所有这些,因为这是一个非常封闭的区域。

有无线电发射器有权利通过的所有领域。但是,他们利用必须遵循国家与传输设备,从全国人民的初期。这就是所谓 RHIC的,益登电台催眠Intercerebral控制 - (在大脑中的脑区。当您收音机递给你能听到的振动或文字或未来的想法通过) 电子解散记忆 当被问及要求签订合同的杜尔塞。化学擦除记忆或电子之一。

在瑞典,他们把在医院的人,或老人之家或罪犯。他们会在监狱毒品的咖啡和投入,跟踪一,未经允许。 奥卢夫帕尔梅 在给予许可时,被它73/74插入人类首脑秘密没有告诉他们大脑的发射机。这样做是美国,俄罗斯和芬兰也。


那个 中央情报局联邦调查局数据包络分析 是“政府的秘密“与 病死率三边委员会 他们正计划阶段,在不久的将来异族接触降落。他们公开会议,但它只是一个节目。 6级与遗传研究,他们说这是最重要的是人类已经工作了很长时间。


他们不想让你知道你有一个 精神 (或'thetan'说的科学论),以便您能控制的基因,没有你们的精神,精神控制实验制止它,就像一个克隆。有一个人,在工作杜尔塞看到人类和人类异族在笼子里的动物组合活着。人们或长着翅膀的人,很多腿,手或不同的脚蹼爪等有交叉,实验实验室和动物园的动物之间的不同品种。他们当中不少人哭的眼泪,并要求在地球语言帮助。

工人们被告知,这些人是疯了,怪胎,而不是与他们交谈,他们在实验中涉及的高药物治愈他们的精神错乱。以人为本,相信这一点。但是他们麻醉平静。之前,他们让出在这里,他们最需要他的记忆中抹去的人,但它并不总是工作,其中一些人在催眠召回。 7级更糟与人类胚胎试验和数千人及混合物冷藏或冷冻到这里。



那个 在异族的18,000杜尔塞 曾与人类的人谁是谁在那里工作的战争。有些人,有些异族被杀害-可能是大约30年或40异族和66人。此地是短暂关闭了,因为异族已经在采取反措施。然后,政府再与他们商量,决定继续了,因为他们不想失去高科技。

一些最新的发明和发现实际上并没有发明的地球人,但他们说,这是。光纤通讯,他们正在改变所有的电话线被首次发现,在1958年就捕获飞船,我相信。 20-30年后,你看到它来作为一个新的发明,也许, 兰德研究公司。所有的舰船光纤通讯控制系统。这是光学,光。光在电脑的开关来下。这66人被打死谁大多来自所谓的安全部队三角洲集团。





从50年代/ 80年代增加了他们所需要的数额被俘人类。他们与政府的协议,所有他们所要做的就是给的姓名和他们的人走上政府,使他们能解释这种现象的地址。但不久之后,他们只是把他们很快意识到他们的政府没有任何针对他们的飞碟和这些人的防卫武器,所以不得不放弃努力,并跟他们一起。死亡的异族可以很容易地,因此他们只能在自己的基因实验室。

那个 精神/ thetan 需要一个新的机构,他们喜欢群居动物或人的精神控制。人类可以通过改变遗传或1 一个世界法西斯政府。然而,在美国政府一组之所以考虑,并希望承认发生的事情,特别是谁在那里工作-军队军官和政府的大朋友们的安全,其余的人想保留它涉及只要是安全的。


种什么样的人,他们可以把那里那些已经受到控制。 Implanters要控制人通过他们的想法,但他们仍然希望您的工作和消费。它容易让你以为他们想要什么想你,你可以不知道这一点。

任何谁上升到 神剑科学 知道所有这一切。他们想通过商业化获得美国首次公开接受这一点,从那里开始控制整个世界的根据罗伯逊。

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