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[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:http://hi.baidu.com/cool%5Fmoon/blog/item/89dfc3a25345ffa7caefd040.html    点击数:150    更新时间:2009/11/27    文章录入:admin ]



Energy of anticipation; ET disclosure TV program, background; "V," "2012" and other fear tactics; illness in Ukraine; power of love; god/goddess soul essence; children's bodies 3D to 4D; intuition, thoughts; duality's challenges; soul contract, pre-birth agreement


1. This is Matthew to extend loving greetings from all souls at this station and to share with you our observations. In this moment “anticipatory” may be the best word to describe the collective feelings of enlightened souls—not exclusively pertaining to an announcement of our universal family’s presence, but that is where a great deal of anticipation energy is being directed. Some of you are waiting calmly, yet with excited certainty; others who feel excitement also have a large measure of “get this show on the road” impatience; and in some of you the energy of eagerness is overshadowed by “show me” doubtfulness. Then there are the majority of peoples, those who have no idea whatsoever that official recognition of other civilizations is imminent.

1. 这是由这个站上的所有性灵向你们分享的表达绵延爱意问候的马太福音及我们对你们星球的观察内容。此时,对于许多已被启迪的灵魂心中纠合的情感最好的描述词就是“期待着”,这并不仅仅是因为将要到来的关于我们宇宙大家庭真实存在的宣布,而且也由于大量期待产生的能量被指引导向的地方。你们中一些人会平静的等待,然而却带着兴奋的心情,还有些感到激动的人会急迫地准备大量“在路上公开表演”;而你们中的另一些人热切的能量则暂时掩盖在等待自己的“眼见为实”的半信半疑中,而除此之外的大多数地球人,则对官方即将宣布地外文明存在的消息没有一点了解。

2. Hatonn has agreed to speak about what is happening behind the scenes pertaining to the public announcement, and we turn over this forum to him.

2. Hatonn 同意来谈论一下正在发生的在关于公开宣布ET存在的幕后情,接下来让我们将论坛交给他。

3. HATONN: Thank you, Matthew, my friend. As an intergalactic fleet commander and director of multidimensional communication, I am knowledgeable about preparations for a globally televised program that will present evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

3. Hatonn: 谢谢,Matthew,我的朋友。作为一个银河舰队的指挥官和多维联络指导,我有丰富的知识来为关于地外文明存在的全球性电视直播准备提交的证据。

4. Official recognition can’t be further delayed because much has to be accomplished during this phase of universal activity. It’s essential to repair the severe damage that has been done to Earth so she can regain her health and restore well being to her inhabitants, and there’s no time to waste. We’re here by Earth’s request and God’s authorization because we have the capacity and desire to help you, but your representatives are responsible for making decisions because this is your world.

4. 人类官方的宣布和承认不能进一步延后,因为在这一阶段的宇宙性行动期间许多工作必须完成。这其中必须要修复对地球的一些严重毁坏,以使她可以重获健康并对她的居民恢复完好,这些都没有时间可浪费了。我们应地球的请求及神的授权来到这儿,因为我们有能力和意愿来帮助大家,但是你们的代表,需要做出你们自己的决定并负责,因为终究这是你们的世界。

5. The program announcing our presence is a complex undertaking. The numbers of folks who are expecting us and will greet us wholeheartedly are very few, and the program is being designed for the multitudes. It has to be presented without creating fear or undue backlash. There’s formidable opposition to any recognition of our very existence, and the security of all persons involved in the program is a foremost consideration. When I say “security,” I also mean the emotional security of all witnesses and other participants and their families, not only their physical safety—we have that well in hand.

5. 对我们存在的宣布计划是一个复杂的任务。因为现在地球上期望我们出现的朋友依然是非常的少,而宣布计划的对象则是广泛的人群。因为这就需要一个恰当的呈现,不至于造成恐慌或者反感。对宣布我们存在的抵触力量也存在,从而涉及宣布计划人员的安全问题也是首要考虑的。当我们提及“安全”,这也包括所有目击和其他参与者,他们的家人的情感“安全”,不止是人生安全,这些我们都将会很好的考虑并处理。

6. The program can’t be just film clips of spacecraft sightings. In some areas these are so numerous that it’s ho-hum, they’re back. There has to be solid evidence about our presence and that’s where personal accounts come in. Testifying before a panel that pledges witnesses to secrecy is quite different from letting the world know their identities, and the same goes for the people who have been working with us or at least know why we are here. Some have been blackballed in their professions or declared delusional or crazy. In some cases families have been threatened and individuals killed by factions that don’t want you to know we exist, especially not right here with you. Those in charge of the program want everyone who’s willing to speak about personal experiences to feel emotionally secure doing it.

6. 这些计划也不止是一些关于飞船出现的影像片段。在一些地区,将会出现众多的飞船,以至于人们会打哈欠的说,它们终于来了。已经有了关于我们存在的切实证据,有关个人佐证的可信度与安全考虑,将于向全世界公布有很大不同,这也是我们要考虑的问题之一,包括那些与我们合作过的人类以及知晓我们来此的人类。他们其中的一些被打压和敌视,罢免了教授职位,宣称是妄想或者疯狂的。而另外一些人的家庭受到了威胁,个人也被那些不希望人类得知我们存在的掌权者杀害。因此关于这个地外文明宣布的计划,我们希望能从内心里,让参与人员感受到没有任何威胁的存在。

7. This is an international action and it’s important that there is agreement among the governments involved. Major decisions have been made, but some details are still being discussed. Some of your representatives favor keeping the initial program brief and releasing information in increments so people won’t feel overwhelmed. They propose a brief statement that many spacecraft seen during the past several years are from other civilizations, there’s no reason to think any harm is intended, and more information will follow as it’s compiled. Others want the program to answer all logical questions and some of our representatives tell how they’ve been to helping the planet through what you call the shift or cleansing. Some think it would be frightening to see us as we appear in our native lands—not all of us look like you. Others say it’s necessary to show ourselves as we are to prove that we aren’t from your civilization. Some think including live coverage of a mother ship decloaking is a good idea, others think it could be more threatening than reassuring.

7,这将是是个全球性的行动,而各个政府之间的协同就非常重要。一些大方向的决议已经敲定了,就是细节,还在进一步讨论中。政府的一些代表认为应该将最初的宣布尽量简短,然后信息逐渐增加,从而能让大众有个接受和消化的过程,不至于崩溃了。他们提议说:可以给出一个宣布,“关于在过去的几年中,有许多来自其他文明的飞船的目击事件,并且通过几年的观察,发现这些外星来客没有威胁的恶意存在。” 从而在这个基础上,再逐渐添加更多的信息。而另一些代表则希望,能全盘公布符合逻辑的所有问题,包括ET们长久以来对人类的帮助和协作,以及相应的科技,以及即将到来的“大转变”和“清洗”。而还有些代表觉得如果我们以我们的本貌出现,则会引起恐慌,因为并不是所有的ET都具有人类的外貌。而针对与此的有些代表却认为我们应该以我们的本来面貌出现,从而证实这的确不是人类,而是其他文明的朋友。然后还有代表认为在全球展现载有生命体的母船是个好主意,但也有人认为会带来恐慌。

8. What kinds of information to present on the program and how much can be covered without overload is being debated. Would it be helpful or overkill to explain that Earth is moving out of her regular orbit by intention and needs our help off and on the planet? Would that involve explaining that Earth is a soul? How much can be said about our technologies without alarming folks about how we might use it? Would it be foolish or comforting to say that our presence has prevented other civilizations from trying to invade Earth? To what extent should the cover-up be disclosed? What about admitting that your governments refused our offers of technology in exchange for ending weaponry development and wars that could annihilate you all? How would it affect your population to know that both dark and light beings from other civilizations have been living among you and influencing your way of life? Should the program include personal accounts of both positive and negative abduction experiences? What to say about the “little grays” that have been living for many years in underground cities? What mixture of scientific, political and religious spokespersons should be in the program?

8. 因此,在你们人类的代表中,哪些信息应该在宣布计划中公布,以及多少信息可以被公布而能够尽量减少公众的恐慌和崩溃在一直研讨中。公布下面这些内容,到底会带来帮助还是威胁到人类大众呢,例如,地球现在正在移出她固有的轨道,需要人类的集体意识和ET朋友高纬度的参来帮助和维护地球,那么如果这么说,是否也要提及,地球本身也是一个大的灵魂体呢? 那么再比如,如果给地球大众公布了我们的科技,那么如何能不提及我们是如何使用这些科技呢?(译者注:能量,频率,高纬密度),再比如,认为宣布我们的存在,就会阻止了其他文明对地球入侵的可能,这会是愚蠢还是令人满意的想法呢?再延伸开来,你们政府多年来的秘密项目是否也要揭开呢?那是否也要公布关于我们多次向你们的政府提供我们的新科技,以交换你们的政府销毁那些导致地球和人类毁灭的武器和研究项目的取缔,而被屡次拒绝的事宜呢?那么如果知道了那些来自负面和正面的外星文明体已经生活在你们人类的人群中,并且影响了你们的方方面面,这些公布对大众来说又会带来什么影响呢?公布计划是否也要包括一些个人的正负面的接触经历呢?公布是否也要包括那些“小灰人”,那些生活在地表以下伴随人类很久的负面ET呢?在公布计划中,涉及科技,政治,宗教的发言人和比例,又该如何选择和安排呢?

10. This vital decision-making process that started off slowly a year ago has reached the point that within a couple of months at the outside, this “Earth-awakening” program will be on the air. The movers and shakers with integrity, wisdom and spiritual conviction will not be swayed by threats, bribes, even assassination attempts by the ones who oppose them. You can call them Illuminati or the Elite, the cabal, New World Government or Secret Government, New World Order or the darkness, it’s all the same. It’s the disparate groups that are operating under the heavy influence of the dark forces, that vast force field of negative thought forms. That is too esoteric to give out on the program, but the full truth about this vast populated universe will be revealed as Earth progresses into higher energy planes.

I think that covers everything. Thank you, Matthew.

10. 因此这就是一个严肃的决议,这项公布计划从一年前提上议程,然后缓慢的开展中,在接下来的几个月中,会达到顶点,这个“地球觉醒”计划将会被大众所知晓。那些具有着坚定正直,智慧和灵性的行动者,将不会被威胁,贿赂,甚至反对者的暗杀所动摇。你可以称这些反对者为 illuminati 光明帮 或者 Elite 精英,秘密结社,新世界政附,秘密政附,世界新秩序,或者负面者等等,无论什么,都是一样的。这些异类者在负面能量的强大影响下来操作。而要将所有关于地球的一切真在这次官方宣布中开来将是太深奥,但是这些关于广大宇宙成员的真相将会随着地球与全球意识的提高被逐渐呈现。


[11. MATTHEW: Thank you, Hatonn. This is a good place for timely questions that are combined as, Will proof of extraterrestrial life make it easier for all of humanity to awaken spiritually to the Oneness of All with God? As greatly as we wish this for all Earth’s peoples, we have to say that it is not likely. Proof of intelligent life beyond Earth does not automatically impart spiritual clarity to a third density civilization, and the majority of your world’s population still is at that level. Of the many other long-hidden truths that will be revealed, the most difficult for many to accept is the origin and purpose of religions, and there will be strong resistance to accepting that truth regardless of how solid the evidence is. Without understanding that greedy, power-hungry individuals devised religious dogmas to control and divide the masses, to make God a fearful supreme being whose rules must be obeyed and that those self-serving individuals themselves made those rules, and that much of the information given by God’s true messengers was distorted or omitted in religious books, there can be no spiritual clarity or growth of the soul.


12. Hatonn spoke of the formidable opposition to acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrial life. This includes creating fear about the motives of other civilizations, and the dark ones have been doing that through entertainment venues. While it may appear that the television show “V” was strategically planned after initial discussions a year or so back about officially recognizing other civilizations, producing that kind of viewing is just another means whereby seeds of fear have been planted throughout the ages. The same is true of the movie “2012,” designed to evoke fearful thoughts that the world really may come to the kind of end that some fundamentalist religions are expecting. With “entertainment” catering to that belief and refreshing the fear about aliens, not to mention the many other popular entertainment forms based in violence, you can see why all aspects of the announcement program must be so carefully considered.

12. Hatonn 提及了要承认ET存在所面临的巨大阻碍。这包括了对关于其他文明到来动机的恐惧,而黑暗势力也利用媒体和娱乐界来展开攻势。这其中,在公开宣布ET计划开展一年后的时候,“V星入侵”剧集就如同事先有预谋的安排,以此先入为主的为大众植入恐惧的种子。同样的,电影“2012”的上映也有(双重效果),也会唤起恐惧的思想,认为世界就会按照某些宗教所预言的那样,走向末日。因此,伴随着娱乐界提供的新的关于ET的恐惧元素,包括大量充斥的其他暴力和犯罪情节,你们就会明白,为什么公开宣布ET存在计划必须要谨慎的考虑和操作了。

13. Fear is the dark ones’ most powerful weapon against the light because the energy of fear not only forms a barrier between the consciousness and the soul, it refuels the darkness to keep it thriving. Another means of achieving that two-way objective as well as reducing the world’s population was developing various strains of “flu” viruses. An important part of this diabolical scheme to create plagues, which during your history have caused massive fear and death tolls, was the conditioning of Earth’s peoples to regard death as the ultimate in fear.

13. 恐惧是负面能量最强大的武器了,因为恐惧的能量不仅会在意识和灵魂之间构筑一道高墙,并且也会给负面能量提供养料。而另一个负面密度的目标则是要减少全球人口,比如他们研制的形形色色的“流感”病毒。而这些恶魔的计划之一,就是制造大瘟疫,并且在你们的历史中,造成过巨大的恐慌和人口死亡。并也因此,让人们开始以为,死亡,是充满了无限的恐惧。

14. The mysterious illness striking in the Ukraine and spreading beyond its borders is a continuation of the dark ones’ biowarfare. After failure to produce the intended global fear and death toll with the SARS, avian flu, and swine flu/N1H1 viruses, which were neutralized by our space family’s technology, the darkly-inclined ones developed a combination of strains whose virulence cannot be destroyed with the same high degree of success as with those three lesser toxic laboratory-designed viruses.


15. The intended pandemic and death toll will not happen, but not all who become sick will recover. While some souls are dying in accordance with the longevity part of pre-birth agreements, others are leaving prior to contract fulfillment. In Nirvana those souls will find that completing their chosen third density karmic lessons is easier than in a physical lifetime because all learning—it is not learning new information, it is remembering what you know at soul level—is facilitated by the powerful love energy in Earth’s spirit world. This is true of all souls who left or will leave prior to contract completion or whose petition to amend the original terms was or will be honored.

15. 只是这些预谋的病毒大流行和人口大量死亡将不会发生,但这不包括所有因此而虚弱的人会完全康复。一些灵魂在此刻的病逝是按照生前的协定而发生的,另一些则会在“合约”被完成之前就离开了。在死后的灵性状态,这些灵魂会继续学习和完成他们的第三密度课业,而这要比肉身的物理形态来体验容易一些,因为一切的学习,并不是真的学习新的内容,而是去记起你在灵魂状态的内容,而在地球充满爱的能量中,更会促进这个过程。这就是那些在“合约”被完成前离开的灵魂,或者申请来修正和改进的灵魂,所体验的真实。

16. Another widespread fear is lack of the essentials that sustain life—clean air, food, and water—and the dark ones have been relentless in their efforts to befoul Earth’s natural elements as well as deny billions of her residents even subsistence living conditions. Through long ages of instilling fear through mental conditioning and devising circumstances that engender fright, illness, suffering and death, the darkness has controlled Earth’s peoples.

16.另一个广泛传播的恐惧就是缺乏对基本生存保障的缺乏,例如 洁净的空气,食物和水。而负面能量就一直在无情的“弄脏”所有地球的自然元素,并且否决数以十亿计的地球居民们的基本的生存权。通过长久以来对思维意识中恐惧的灌入,以及精心设计一个充满斗争,疾病,苦难和死亡的环境,负面能量控制着地球上的人类。


20. We understand that when you see your world in turmoil with so many enduring sorrow, hunger, disease and poverty—and those are the focus of news reports—it is difficult to always see the love, beauty and goodness that is even more prevalent in your world. It always is surrounding you in abundance, much of it unseen with your eyes, but so close to you in spirit. When headlines “are too much with you,” visualize the world of peace and love that you know awaits in your timing and already is manifested in universal timing. Allow feelings of joy and love to flow into and from your heart—love is inestimable in its capacity to uplift you and all who are around you, and this energy is so powerful that it radiates into distant lands.

20. 我们明白当你们看到你们的世界如此之混乱,充满了悲伤,饥饿,疾病和贫穷,那些关注新闻报道的事件时,你们普遍的感觉是,要从中看到爱,美丽和美好的事物总是困难的。只是,包围着你的总是充实和富足的,即使大部分都无法用肉眼来看到,但是对你的灵性却是如此的接近。观想一个和平和充满爱的世界,并且知晓这一切已近在到来和发生了。允许喜悦和爱流过你的内心,让这股能量伴你提升以及所有你周围的人,并且传播给全人类。

21. Yet not everyone will choose to embrace this energy because it entails opening minds to many truths, and paramount among them is the Oneness of All, the inseparability of all souls with God and Creator. Please do not be saddened if persons very dear to you cannot “see the light,” and please do not feel it is your responsibility to urge them. Everyone will awaken in his or her own timing—if not in this lifetime, then in another with the same opportunities to grow spiritually. At whatever station you and souls you love may be, eternal love bonds forever unite you—life is eternal, the soul is immortal!

21. 然而并不是所有人都会选择拥抱爱的能量,因为这需要一个开放的心灵来面对许多真相,而这其中首要的便是所有一切的合一性,所有灵魂与原初造物的合一与不可分割。请不要因为你最亲近的人无法感受到“光”而沮丧,并且也不要感觉这是你的责任来驱策他们去感受。每一个灵魂都会按照自己的时钟来开启觉醒之路,即使不是在他们这一生的计划里,那么在其他的轮回中,依然充满着这样机会来灵性成长。所以无论你和你所热爱的灵魂处在哪里,无尽的爱都会是你们相聚在一起,而生命和灵魂,也会永恒下去,生生不息~(这样的话真的不是一般人能够说出来的。。)



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