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Introduction to the Kite Wind Generator Project


                             Massimo Ippolito
             R&D Director, Sequoia automation - Chieri (TO)




In all of the institutional and government documents, it has been declared that the role that renewable energy sources would be able to occupy, is a percentage that ¡°optimistically could not exceed 12%¡± (according to the projections up to the year 2010.) The percentage changes very little even in 2020 or 2050. The perplexing fact is that by making some simple calculations with the available data, one is struck by the recognition, that already in the immediate future (2015) the percentage divisions between the renewable and the non-renewable sources will have to be inverted, simply to avoid that half of the world¡¯s population dies of hunger. The studies regarding the peaking of the world oil supplies and world uranium supplies has irrefutably confirmed the above stated prediction. This state of affairs is colliding against the inertia of those very institutions faced with the problem.


With the present model for development, the modern world has reached the edge of the cliff for those energy sources that are easy to come by, and if an adequate alternative does not appear in the near future, the earth¡¯s energy supply will be costly, scarce and difficult to achieve.


The project was born from an intuition, a cross fertilization between a captivating extreme sport, Kite Surfing, and the author¡¯s own profession revolving around the design of sensors and numeric control systems for industrial automation. Prior to becoming aware of the possibilities for the idea, the first phases of the work were aimed at satisfying a passion for pure research. Then, as the data obtained pointed to the immense potential of the hypothesis, it furthered the motivation to investigate all aspects of the concept in depth.


The Wind resource for energetic purposes


The power of the sun that illuminates our planet is equal to 10,000 times the raw energy necessary to mankind, the equivalent of 200 million nuclear power plants. (200,000 TW). A good part of this energy is reflected or absorbed by the atmosphere and does not reach the ground: 30% is absorbed on clear days and 90% on overcast days.


The atmosphere transforms part of this energy into mechanical energy, in other words into wind. In this manner the earth¡¯s atmosphere behaves like the largest and most efficient solar collector.

The studies evaluating the wind as a resource have estimated that the atmosphere contains 270 times mankind¡¯s primary energy needs, the equivalent of 7 million nuclear plants.

The atmosphere has also done us the favour of concentrating this energy into a relatively limited space. Two ribbons of wind completely encircle the earth; the one situated in the southern hemisphere is at the latitude of Tierra del Fuego, and the other passes through Europe and the Northern United States.


The altitude of this ribbon goes from 500 to 10,000 metres, and its breath from 4 to 5000 kilometres. The power of this wind section averages 2kW per square metre.

The order of magnitude is easily obtainable as follows:
5.000km x 9,5 km = A (area of the rectangle that constitutes the section,  wind front of the ribbon).
A x 2.000 w/per square metre = 95.000.000 MW

5.000km x 9,5 km = A (×é³É·çóÝÏßÇ°ÃæÇøÓòµÄ¾ØÐÎÃæ»ý).
A x 2.000 w/ƽ·½Ã× = 95.000.000 MW

From this we can deduce that the wind that passes over Europe has the force of 100,000 nuclear plants. This leads us to consider how it is that a series of kites can entrap and exploit this enormous renewable energy source that high altitude winds represent.


The Kite Wind Generator


The KITE WIND GENERATOR project has as its objective to demonstrate the feasibility of controlling the movement of an array of power kites, in order to generate vast quantities of electrical energy from the wind.


These power kites are constructed so as to take off in a light breeze. They are essentially giant airfoils whose individual surfaces are several dozen square metres. They are manoeuvred from the ground via a pair of high resistance lines, that control their direction and their angle with regard to the wind. In the presence of high winds, a single kite is capable of exerting a traction force equivalent to several hundred kiloNewton, travelling at speeds that can exceed 80 metres per second (300km/h.).

The product of the force multiplied by the speed bears witness to the order of magnitude of the potential power generated by the kite.
(The calculations needed to obtain the precise values of the power released by the kite, are actually somewhat more complex, as they employ additional variables.)

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In the troposphere, around 1,000 metres in altitude, the presence of stronger and more constant winds has been attested to, by decades of measurements. In these winds, the force that the kite transmits to the cables, can be channelled to generate electrical energy.

The Project intends to implement an electronic control system that autonomously pilots the kite, so that its flight pattern will maximise the production of energy.
The KITE WIND GENERATOR can be envisioned as a giant merry-go-round, solidly anchored to the
ground. Its nucleus consists of a central structure, tall enough to support the ¡®arms¡¯ by means of a tensostructure.
This ¡®carousel¡¯ is put into motion by the wind itself, that drags the kites out from their funnels within the arms, and into the sky. The rotating central structure contains the automatic winches that release the pairs of cables which guide the kites. (The cables¡¯ length
can exceed a thousand metres).
As the kites circle in the air, the vertical rotating axis of the structure activates large scale alternators, that have been geared down to receive the force exerted on them. At its full capacity the flight of the entire kite array is guided, so as to turn the carousel at the
desired speed.
An aeolic power plant conceived in this fashion is capable of producing the energy equivalent to a nuclear power plant, while exploiting an area of few square kilometres, without occupying exclusively it. (The majority of this area can still be used for agriculture, or navigation in the case of an offshore installation.)

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Scalability of the system

The KITE WIND GENERATOR is an installation that produces energy in proportion to its size. As its
diameter is increased, the amount of energy captured grows exponentially. This amount is further
augmented by the higher altitude of the kites, thus the stronger winds that they are in contact with.
Some examples of these values, can be:

The maximum possible diameter of a KITE WIND GENERATOR is one of the objects of study of this
project, but from the initial evaluations, it appears possible to exceed 5,000MW (5 Gigawatts) without great structural risks, with a diameter of slightly more than 2000 metres.
It is opportune to consider that 5,000 MW is the equivalent of five nuclear plants, whose construction cost is at present 7.5 billion euro. It is possible to demonstrate that a KITE WIND GENERATOR of that size has a construction cost that is a mere fraction of that figure.


The authors of this project are fully aware of the important engineering questions surrounding the proposal. Among these, the main one, whose solution is instrumental to all of the others, is that of the automatic expert control of the direction and speed of the kites flight.

Avionic sensors on board kites and their control techniques have been an object research of Sequoia Automation Srl over the past years. The sensors themselves have been in production for industrial automation for the past five years (see www.sequoiaonline.com). The software for the
control of the kites has been successfully completed in an emulation environment.

The first prototype to be built will serve to verify the work done in a emulation environment, taking into consideration the numerous variables, to successfully control the flight of the kites as if they were gliders without a pilot.

The kite, (unlike a glider) does not have a rigidly guidable structure; the two commands which control it are those of Left/Right, transmitted by varying the tension on one of the two cables. If the pilot installation proves to be a success the KITE WIND GENERATOR will serve as the basis for a revolution in energy production, which will be destined to significantly alter the production quotas in favour of renewable energy sources.
The final objective of the project is the construction of a carousel with a vertical axis, capable of generating 1 GigaWatt, with an investment of 360,000€ ca. This power plant would produce energy at a cost of 1.5 € per MegaWattHour.

At present a megawatt produced with a fossil fuel plant costs 80€: fifty three times that amount. The implications of this possibility are clear, and we believe, quite promising.

Final considerations

Wind is an element of our environment to which mankind has often ascribed (perhaps for psychological and instinctive reasons) the quality of airy lightness, as opposed to that of weight and force.
It is possible that if we were not aided by the recognition that birds fly, the idea of inducing heavy objects to take to the air, would not have found stubborn inventors but only enormous scepticism. It is probably for this reason, and for this form of ¡®instinct¡¯ that the idea of extracting large amounts of energy from the high altitude winds can appear to be a chimera.

It is not to be excluded that it gives rises to scepticism, despite the fact that for millennia the energy produced by the wind has been used for the work of inducing heavy and cumbersome and
otherwise immobile galleons to cross the oceans.

At present winged objects weighing many tons fly across these same oceans buoyed up by aerodynamic forces to which our primordial instincts attribute only minor strength.

With these considerations we hope to avoid the risk that a project with such high potential could be considered ¡®too good to be true¡¯ to receive the attention and financing that it deserves.

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