

作者:佚名    转贴自:http://www.elecfans.com/article/83/dianlijishu/2010/20101127226903.html    点击数:46



  掌握电力拖动系统中电动机容量选择的工程方法 。

5.1 The choice of Motor

  There are many factors which must be considered when choosing a motor for a particular drive. In the following notes, the main points are highlighted but the final choice is usually a matter for the specialist. Not all the factors can be dealt with here, but the summary notes, together with the relevant sections of the main text, will be sufficient to give a good appreciation of the general problem.

  The solution of this problem is not usually unique and opinions may differ widely in some cases as to he most suitable motor-drive system. However, it may be said in brief that the correct motor is the one which meets the required specification at minimum cost, but this is not a simple matter to estimate. It must include not only the capital cost of the motor-drive system itself but also the running costs. The capital cost includes the provision of any special supplies find control gear to run the motor.

  The running cost includes interest, charges on capital equipment and buildings and charges for the power losses consumed in the machine and control circuits; obviously power factor and efficiency are of significance here. Maintenance is also a regular running cost and would normally be higher with complex control gear and with machines having rubbing contacts at slip rings and commentators. Installation costs too may be decisive; for example, special foundations are required for motor-generator sets but not for static conversion equipment. Such equipment also makes less demands on space and is less noisy than rotating machinery. On the other hand, there is considerable harmonic generation which poses a suppression problem.

  Some motors are excluded from a particular application because the operating environment is hostile in some way, as in conditions of high temperature, high vacuum, high speed or in the presence of corrosive liquids, A brushless type of machine then becomes essential. Induction motors are generally the cheapest type off machine especially if a single, cage rotor is satisfactory. The price increases as more demands are made on the control side and which might necessitate a wound-rotor machine.

  Even then the power factor remains poor unless correction is applied, and the brushless synchronous machine may therefore become competitive. If simple, infinitely-variable speed-control is required, then a.c. or d.c. commutator machines are called for, unless a variable-frequency supply with induction or synchronous motors can be justified. This special supply could be partly offset against the cost of d.c. or variable-voltage a.c. apparatus required for commutator machines

§ 电动机的一般选择




















    当生产机械所需额定转速一定的前提下,一般来讲若还需要传动机构减速,则电动机额定转速越高,传动机构速比越大,机构越复杂,而且传动损耗也越大。通常电动机额定转速不低于 500r/min 。





5.2 电动机的发热与温升





(1) 电动机长期运行,负载不变,总损耗不变;

(2) 电动机本身各部分温度均匀;

(3) 周围环境温度不变。

    热容量越大,热惯性越大,时间常数也越大;散热越快,达到热平衡状态就越快,时间常数 则越小。

    一台负载运行的电动机,在温升稳定之后,如果减少它的负载,那么电机内损耗∑ p 及单位时间发热量 Q 都将随之减少。这样一来,本来的热平衡状态破坏了,变成了发热少于散热,电动机温度就要下降,温升降低。降温的过程中,随着温升减小,单位时间散热量 也减少。当重新 达到即发热等于散热时,电动机不再继续降温,而稳定在这个新的温升上。这个温升下降的过程称为冷却。

5.3 电动机的额定功率




5.4 电动机的额定功率的选择

    “ 大马拉小车 ” :电动机额定功率过大,电动机就经常处于轻载运行,电动机本身的容量得不到充分发挥,同时电动机运行效率低、性能不好,都会增加运行费用。

    “ 小马拉大车 ” :电动机额定功率比生产机械要求的小,电动机电流超过额定电流,电机内损耗加大,效率降低是小事,重要的是影响电机的寿命,即使过载不多,电动机的寿命也会减少较多;过载较多,会破坏电机绝缘材料的绝缘性能甚至烧毁。


    第一步:计算负载功率 P L ;第二步:根据第一步结果,预选电动机额定功率及其他; 第三步:校核预选电动机。一般先校核发热温升,再校核过载能力,必要时校核起动能力。

    校核过载能力是指:异步电动机最大转矩 T m 是否比负载可能出现的最大转矩大,而且需考虑到电网可能出现电压向下波动,按向下被动 10 %计算。直流电动机电枢电流最大允许是否比可能出现的最大负载电流大。

    校核起动能力主要指鼠笼式异步电动机是否能可靠起动。 校核发热经常是最重要的。







    环境稳定为 40 ℃、电动机不调速的前提下,按照工作方式及工作时间选择该类电动机,那么电动机的额定功率应满足



    短时工作方式负载工作时间为 t r ,最接近的标准工作时间 t rb ,预选电动机额定功率应满足


o 过载能力校核


    对直流电动机而言,限制其过载能力的是换向问题,因此它的过载能力就是电枢允许电流的倍数 , 为允许电流,应比可能出现的最大电流大。


o 起动能力校核



o 稳定修正


o 周期性变化负载连续工作方式




    等效转矩法:转速恒定时,电磁转矩 T=T L ;起动与制动过程中,电磁转矩 T=T L +T a , T a 是使电力拖动系统加速的或减速的转矩,即为动转矩。加速时动转矩 T a 为正值,减速时 T a 为负值。这样,一个周期内电动机电磁转矩情况便可确定了。

o 周期断续工作方式

    周期断续工作方式电动机需要每个周期都起动和制动,在工作时间 t r 内一定是变化负载,因此预选电动机额定功率时要按工作时间内平均功率的 1.1 ~ 1.6 倍进行。

    负载持续率 FS% ≥ 70% 时的周期断续工作方式电动机额定功率达到预选及发热校核

    周期断续工作方式,若负载持续率 FS% ≤ 10% ,可按短时工作方式处理,按过载及起动能力选择电动机额定功率。

    若 FS% ≥ 10% ,则按连续工作方式处理。当按连续工作方式处理则选连续工作方式电动机。其负载性质属于一个周期性变化负载,而且每个周期中都有一次起动、制动和停歇。


    等效转矩法使用于磁通恒定条件,但若只有一段时间电动机降低磁通升速时,也相使用等效转矩法,就应该对弱磁通阶段转矩进行修正,即把弱磁这一段的转矩向着额定磁通折算一下,便可认为整个周期时间内均为恒定磁通。弱磁段转矩为 T i ,转速为 n ,折算后转矩为 T i ,转速为额定转速 n N , 它们的关系是

1. provision 预备,准备;预防措施;供给,供给;规定,条款

2. gear 齿轮;传动装置;连接,啮合

3. maintenance 维护,维修,保养

4. buildings 厂房

5. installation cost 安装费用,设备费用

6. rubbing contacts 摩擦触点,滑动触点

7. suppression 抑制

8. hostile 不友善的,恶劣的

9. high vacuum 高真空

   1. It must include not only the capital cost of the motor-drive system itself but also the running costs. The capital cost includes the provision of any special supplies find control gear to run the motor. The running cost includes interest charges on capital equipment and buildings and charges for the power losses consumed in the machine and control circuits; obviously power factor and efficiency are of significance here.

   2. Some motors are excluded from a particular application because the operating environment is hostile in some way, as in conditions of high temperature, high vacuum, high speed or in the presence of corrosive l iquids, A brushless type of machine then becomes essential.

   3. F or low speeds, th e possibility of using a gearbox with a high-speed, and ther e for e a smaller and cheaper motor must be considered agains t t he more expensive, but also more reliable l ow-speed direct drive.

   1 Which factors affect the choice of motor ?

   2 What are the continuous rating, short-time rating and intermittent short-time rating of motor ?

   3 How does temperature rise change when motor is operating ? Explain.

   4 Why is the operating temperature of a machine closely associated with its life expectancy ?

   5 What are the characteristic features of various cooling means for Electric Machines ?